What are the equations of motion for a rotating disc on a fixed axis?

In summary, the conversation discussed a diagram of a uniform disc hanging from its edge and rotating in a vertical plane. There were questions about the direction of the angle and the angular acceleration, as well as the addition of a direction for the angular velocity in the diagram. The conversation also mentioned deriving equations of motion and finding the force perpendicular to the disc when it is at a certain angle. The main point of confusion was the choice of angle and direction in the diagram, but it was clarified that it is conventional to choose the zero angle when the disc is hanging motionless and that acceleration can be negative in the opposite direction of motion. Overall, the conversation focused on understanding the physics behind the diagram and its implications for the motion of the disc.
  • #1
-See attached diagram
- A uniform disc of mass m and radius a is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a fixed smooth horizontal axis, the axis passes through the mp A of the radius of the disc.
- It then asks you to dervie equations of motion for when AO makes an angle pheta with the downward vertical ( and to find the force perpendicular to AO when AO is in this position)

To get the correct solution, the diagram needs to be correct - if I'm correct, as this determines whether the mass is speeding up or down, as if the angle was on the opposite side, the mass would INSTEAD be speeding up - which changes everything.

I have a few questions in how exactly the question specifies some details of the diagram

1) The angle with the downward vertical, why is it not the other side - is this convention, as in when they specify pheta with the downward vertical it is the counter clockwise direction.
2) Why is the angular acceleration not negative - as the body slows down as it goes upward.(Actually, I assume this is relative to the equation itself, as if you did this, you would get the same for Y , taking mg as negative)
3) To the diagram I have added a direction for the angular velocity - is this correct? Also if you choose to do this, shouldn't the angular acceleration be drawn in the opposite direction?


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  • #2
binbagsss said:
-See attached diagram
- A uniform disc of mass m and radius a is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a fixed smooth horizontal axis, the axis passes through the mp A of the radius of the disc.
I don't understand the bit in bold.
- It then asks you to dervie equations of motion for when AO makes an angle pheta
with the downward vertical ( and to find the force perpendicular to AO when AO is in this position)
If I have this right - the disk is hanging from a point on it's edge so it can swing like a pendulum.
1) The angle with the downward vertical, why is it not the other side - is this convention, as in when they specify pheta with the downward vertical it is the counter clockwise direction.
The disk will normally hang motionless if AO is vertical - so this is a natural choice for the zero angle. You can pick anything you like but it makes the math easier if you let the physics suggest the choice.
2) Why is the angular acceleration not negative - as the body slows down as it goes upward.(Actually, I assume this is relative to the equation itself, as if you did this, you would get the same for Y , taking mg as negative)
Acceleration is a vector. Acceleration can be negative when an object slows down, or if it speeds up in the negative direction.
3) To the diagram I have added a direction for the angular velocity - is this correct? Also if you choose to do this, shouldn't the angular acceleration be drawn in the opposite direction?
Before I can comment properly I need to be sure I have understood what the diagram represents.

If you displace a pendulum anticlockwise by some angle θ, and let go, it's initial angular velocity will be zero and it's acceleration will be a maximum pointing clockwise. Does that help? From what I understand about this description your disc will behave like a pendulum.

FAQ: What are the equations of motion for a rotating disc on a fixed axis?

1. What is a rotating rigid body?

A rotating rigid body is an object that maintains its shape and size while undergoing rotational motion. This means that all points on the object move in circular paths around a central axis, and the distance between any two points on the object remains constant.

2. How is the rotation of a rigid body described?

The rotation of a rigid body is described using two main concepts: angular displacement and angular velocity. Angular displacement measures the change in angular position of the object, while angular velocity measures how fast the object is rotating.

3. What factors affect the rotation of a rigid body?

The rotation of a rigid body is affected by several factors, including the mass and shape of the object, the force or torque applied to it, and the distribution of mass within the object. The rotational inertia, which is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion, also plays a significant role in determining the rotation of a rigid body.

4. How is the motion of a rotating rigid body related to its center of mass?

The center of mass of a rotating rigid body is the point where all of its mass can be considered to be concentrated. The motion of a rotating rigid body is related to its center of mass because the center of mass moves in a straight line at a constant speed, while the rest of the object rotates around it.

5. What are some real-world examples of rotating rigid bodies?

Rotating rigid bodies can be found in many everyday objects and systems, such as spinning tops, wheels on a car, and the Earth rotating on its axis. Other examples include rotating turbines in power plants, rotating blades in a blender, and spinning gyros used in navigation systems.
