What Are Your 2015 Summer Internship Plans?

In summary, many students have applied to various summer internships, including REUs at universities and national labs, as well as other programs related to semiconductor and laser physics. Some students have also mentioned back-up plans and their interest in thin films science and materials technology. It is possible for international students and freshmen from community colleges to apply for internships, although it may be more difficult to get accepted. Having coding experience can be beneficial for some internships. Some students have received acceptances from programs such as CERN, Harvard, and the Department of Energy CCI program at Fermilab. Others are still waiting to hear back from their applications.
  • #1
I posted one of these threads for the 2014 summer internships. Please post what you apply for and don't forget to update it when you've heard back!

  • REU at CERN (I figure my chances of getting in are even lower if I don't apply!)
  • University of Michigan REU
  • University of Colorado - Boulder REU
  • Purdue University REU
  • SULI at Pacific Northwest and Lawrence Berkeley
  • Argonne Nat'l Lab
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  • #2
Does anyone know any summer programs related semiconductor or laser physics? Preferably in European Union or Russia
  • #3
I will be applying for the REU at Texas A&M and the University of Texas at Tyler.

Hopefully I won't have to go because my own University will have one but they haven't announced anything yet.
  • #4
I applied for the Department of Energy CCI (Community College Internship) program. My first and second choice labs were Fermilab and SLAC. I'm hoping I get selected.
  • #5
I've applied to REUs at:
University of Nebraska
University of Alabama
Georgetown University
Brigham Young University

And it may be possible that my own institution announces programs.

I have possible internships at/have applied for:
Cast Products (in IL)
FLEx Lighting (in Chicago, IL)

And I have a back-up plan that's almost guaranteed employment for 4 weeks in the summer. I'm mainly interested in thin films science/materials/technology. ^_^
  • #6
I am international student, and a freshman in a two years community college. Can I apply for an internship too?
  • #7
noman.rasheed said:
I am international student, and a freshman in a two years community college. Can I apply for an internship too?

Of course! Getting in as a freshman would be difficult but you never know unless you try. I think a lot of REUs allow for funding for permanent residents, and there is a program at most national labs called CCI which is for community college students.
  • #8
Are there opportunities accessible to a first year physics student? I have elementary coding experience, if that makes a difference (mostly Python)
  • #9
It really all depends. Most of the internships that I've seen require applicants to have taken x number of credit hours of college level science and math courses. Freshman often don't meet that requirement because a lot of the freshman year classes are GenEd type classes. Even when they do meet the requirement, the positions are often given to the sophomores, juniors, and seniors that have more experience. Having some coding experience is definitely a plus.
  • #10
Just checked my application status...the CCI application closes in 6 minutes! I think the SULI program application closes at the same time.
  • #11
It's harder to get an REU as a rising sophomore or junior but it's definitely possible. In my first REU we had one or two rising sophomores, and a few rising juniors. In my second (actually in of the ones mentioned here) pretty much all of us except one or two were rising seniors.

I know for a fact that CERN has accepted people who were rising juniors in the past. I actually know a few people who did that REU.
  • #12
That makes me feel better, I've never actually met someone who got accepted to the CERN REU (at least the summer one), so I figured my chances are pretty much slim to none. I mean, they still are, but at least it doesn't seem like it now.
  • #13
I think because it's so competitive, having the REU on your CV looks great for grad school apps. The several people I know who did this REU are now grad students at Harvard or MIT. Even if you don't get the REU doesn't mean you won't get into top schools, but I think it really helps, especially if you obtain a great letter of recommendation from it.
  • #14
Having internships and research experience is one of the most important factors in grad school admissions. They want to see that you've been able to take the knowledge from your courses and actually apply it.
  • #15
Quick question, on the CERN application, it said to submit letters of recommendation by January 7th, but that applications would begin to be considered on December 20th. I submitted my application on the 19th but my second letter of recommendation wasn't submitted until Jan. 5th; is this an issue? Just wondering if this might have hurt me. Also, does anyone know when CERN sends out acceptances/rejections?
  • #16
Would taking a programming course next semester help my application? I'm deciding whether to take intro to programming in python or chemistry... or take a really heavy workload and take both... or just take astronomy since I'm applying for astrophysics REUs
  • #17
Anyone else applying to JPL?
  • #18
I'm not sure how to edit my original post, but rejections for CERN went out today.
  • #19
Anyone heard from anywhere yet?
  • #20
I was accepted into the Department of Energy CCI program at Fermilab. I'm really excited about it.
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  • #21
I was accepted to the Harvard SAO REU and the University of Madison-Wisconsin REU for astrophysics. The first wave of acceptance has gone out.
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  • #22
Oh, I had an interview for the UMich REU and I was also accepted into the U of Colorado - Boulder's REU.
  • #23
Has anyone heard from AMNH, UChicago, or Columbia NEVIS?
  • #24
I haven't heard back from any sites yet. Which I guess is good that I haven't been rejected yet. As a sophomore, I didn't expect to get in during the first round of acceptances. I'm super impatient, and I just want to hear back! Has anyone received any news lately?
  • #25
QuantumCurt said:
I was accepted into the Department of Energy CCI program at Fermilab. I'm really excited about it.

Congrats! It must be exciting to spend your summer at a national lab.

Has anyone heard back for REU's? No news for me so far. I applied to three very competitive programs as a rising sophomore, and honestly don't think have a chance this year. Good luck to the rest!
  • #26
I just heard back from Vanderbilt, and I got in! I'm pretty shocked that I got in, as a sophomore from a no-name university. I haven't heard at all from any other programs, but Vanderbilt was my top choice, and I just accepted.
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  • #27
Congrats on your acceptance!
  • #28
Should I be concerned that I haven't heard anything back from the REU that I accepted? I responded to the "respond to accept" e-mail and also e-mailed the professor I will be working with. The professor responded but whoever organized the REU has not. And this was about a month ago...
  • #29
It's probably nothing to be worried about. I still haven't gotten any of the details for my internship. There's still a good amount of time before they begin.
  • #30
Has anyone heard anything more? I still haven't heard back from UCLA, MSU, and Minnesota. Should I contact/call these places to inquire?
  • #31
has anyone heard back from SULI at los alamos? or nc state, uc merced, or uw bothell?
  • #32
I have been rejected from Northwestern's MSRC REU. Has anyone heard back from Harvard's SEAS REU?
  • #33
I've been put as a reserve candidate for CERN, which I'm guessing means rejected for all intents and purposes. Still haven't heard from Helmholtz though, hoping for the best.
  • #34
I applied to MSU but haven't heard back. Got rejected from UC Davis and UC Merced.
Accepted to UNC's MIRT REU for a project about nanoscale optics. Taking it.

I didn't apply to very many since I was working on transfer applications all semester. I somehow missed a lot of deadlines. Was also going to apply to Vanderbilt, Howard, Lehigh, but never managed to complete the apps... (Got accepted into Vanderbilt for transfer, though.)

I also missed all the REU deadlines that were due before March. Oops. I think I'm very lucky that I got one!

Rising junior, by the way.
  • #35
Got accepted to University of Nebraska Lincoln on April 1st, got rejected from University of Alabama, Georgetown University, and Brigham Young University.

Rising sophomore O.O Very surprised I got accepted to UNL! They have a huge program.

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