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Careful said:Hi Vanesch, I do not think so. Gravitation will make matter clump together and lower the entropy of the matter degrees of freedom (unless you start out from a highly idealized stable state already).
? I don't see why this decreases entropy. The volume decreases all right, but the kinetic energy of the particles increases ; assuming there are radiation degrees of freedom (without exactly being Maxwell, because I want to stay Newtonian and leave relativity out for the sake of argument), you get emission of thermal radiation that way, and the "cloud + no radiation" might very well have a much lower entropy than the "lump of clustered matter + radiation".
But I really didn't want to observe this from a "cosmological" POV (although one is ultimately always led there).
The gravitational contraction you are talking about here could be replaced by a balloon, that is stretched by many strings attached to the inside of a hollow metal sphere to be in "under pressure". Do you think that cutting the strings, hence have the gas inside being compressed by the elasticity of the balloon, (exactly as gravity does), LOWERS the entropy of the system ? Wouldn't think so!
What I mean is: where does the second law come from in classical thermodynamics ? It comes from the observation that "heat" goes from "hotter" to "colder" objects and that it is "impossible" (in fact, STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE) to do otherwise without doing the same somewhere else. In a small part of the universe.
The second law (at least, I understand it that way) is not an "absolute" law ; it is almost a "tautology": "only probable things happen". So sometimes it is violated, namely when something improbable happens. The only point is that you will have to WAIT A LONG TIME for something improbable to happen.
So the second law says that MOST OF THE TIME you heat water, it will boil off. REALLY REALLY most of the time. Because it is highly improbable that, for instance, all the molecules nicely vibrate up and down but do not leave the liquid. But this *can* happen, once in a while (a LONG while, say, 10^10000 years or so :-)
Now, the point was made that conservative systems have 1) recurrence times and 2) using canonical transformations, you could make the state "not move" a bit like the Heisenberg view in QM, so the "initial state" is "the state". That's true. Concerning recurrency times, I don't think it has anything to do with the second law, because it only means that ONCE IN A WHILE (a very very very long while) the second law will be violated. But that's exactly what she says :-) The second law has been empirically derived in a small corner of the universe, for small amounts of time, and being "close" to the initial condition (compared to any recurrency time). So it is very unlikely to have observed any violation. And you CAN BET ON IT that you won't see it (probabilistic argument).
But in order to even verify that law, you NEED to be able to *produce* hot and cold objects! So the environment of the lab can already not be in thermal equilibrium, which means it has to be in a "special macroscopic state". These macroscopic states are defined by the properties of low-order correlation functions over the phase space.
What really counts (as I understand it) is not the particularity that a certain detailled microconfiguration is on the phase space track of a specific initial condition. It is that during its evolution, it goes from smaller to larger "macrovolumes" (these macrovolumes being defined by coarse grained correlation functions between 1, 2, 3 and a *few* particles). There's nothing magical about it. It's just that it 'started off' in a small volume because the experimenter put it there (special initial condition). About just ANY evolution would soon put it in a larger volume, simply because the volume is larger. THAT is, to me, what the second law says.
Why are these macrovolumes defined by low-order correlation functions important ? Because they define the macroscopically observable things such as temperature, densities of different sorts, concentrations, reaction rates, ...
And THESE are the quantities where entropy plays a role, and which we test the second law against.
So I really think that, seen that way, the second law holds as well in a strictly Newtonian universe as in anything else as long as we had "special initial conditions" (and, you could add, that special condition occurred in a *recent past* as compared to the recurrency time, but given the VERY LONG recurrency time that doesn't really matter FAPP )
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