What courses are you taking next semester?

In summary: I might take it next winter though. In summary, the student plans to take:Math 140C - Multivariate Analysis IMath 162B - Differential Geometry IIMath 199 - Independent Study - Intro to Lie AlgebrasMath 121B - Linear Algebra IIMath 141 - Intro to TopologyMath 112C - PDEs II
  • #36
Discrete Math
Advanced Linear Algebra 2
Survey of Undergraduate Math
Work 20 hours/week

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Multivariable Calculus
Electromagnetism & Optics
General Chemistry II
Intro to Computer Programming
Written and Oral Communications for Engineering
  • #38
Analysis of Nanomaterials
Structure and Spectroscopy
Mechanics II
Differential Equations I
Complex Analysis
  • #39
Foundations of Mathematics
Electronics for Science Students
Computational Physics
Modern Physics
Physical Optics
  • #40
Properties of Matter
Advanced Dynamics
Vibrations and Waves
Advanced Applications of Calculus in Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Mathematics II
  • #41
I've got a fairly light spring semester, with only 2 courses (granted, not easy courses...):

Unstructured Mesh Subsonic Computational Fluid Dynamics
Graduate Projects II
  • #42
Electromagnetism II
Differential Geometry
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Grad class in Relativity
Classical Mythology

Probably some independent study in string theory and continuing some research work. I may sacrifice the latter for a grad class in complex analysis, got to see.
  • #43
LBloom said:
Electromagnetism II
Differential Geometry
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Grad class in Relativity
Classical Mythology

Probably some independent study in string theory and continuing some research work. I may sacrifice the latter for a grad class in complex analysis, got to see.

Studying string theory independently, but only now follow a course on both nuclear and particle physics? The course can not go deep in both field in such a limited amount of time?

If you have knowledge of field theory, why bother with the nuclear and particle physics course or if you have no knowledge of field theory how will you be able to study string theory?
  • #44
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
Multivariable Calculus
Political Ideologies
Directed Research
  • #45
Whoops, should be QM and QM lab.
  • #46
Quantum Mechanics II
Solid State Physics
Nonlinear Dynamics (Grad)
Complex Analysis

+ Research project in the grad course

Last semester as an undergrad!
  • #47
cjl said:
I've got a fairly light spring semester, with only 2 courses (granted, not easy courses...):

Unstructured Mesh Subsonic Computational Fluid Dynamics
Graduate Projects II

I should also add - this will be my last semester in school before the completion of my masters.

  • #48
Intro to Probablility and Statistics (first course, nervous)
Diff Eqs and Linear Algebra II (Should be easy)
Italian 2
Possibly an English or art history course.
  • #49
Waves and fields ( will be fun xD)
Physics of the universe
Two mathematics modules : Differential calculus and something which I can't recall.
First year of UG, I suppose this sort of schedule is expected.

Next year will be fun.. QM <3
  • #50
4th year Mathematical Physics

Classical Electrodynamics
Hamiltonian Dynamics
Particle Physics
Nuclear Physics
Modelling and Visualisation in Physics (a computational physics course)

Plus I'll be finishing my group project and presentation in the first half of the semester.
  • #51
3rd year, 2nd semester.

Tensor Field Theory
Calculus of Variations & Hamiltonian Mechanics

Investigations is a project module of some sort. I believe I have to work with a group in this one, so that should be... interesting.

I see lots of people taking more than three classes; that must be a difference between UK and US education.
  • #52
Political Science
Physics I
Calculus III
  • #53
Intro to optics and waves and the lab
Modern physics
And a dance class
  • #54
intro to calculus and analysis I
linear algebra
intro to economics
  • #55
Dynamics (after statics)
Solid Mechanics
Fluid Dynamics
Advanced Thermodynamics
Associated labs
  • #56
E&M Waves, Optics, Special Relativity
E&M Waves, Optics, Special Relativity Lab
Elements of Complex Analysis
Intro to numerical Analysis
Mathematical Programming
  • #57
Drawing I
Precalc II
Intro to Physics
  • #58
Intro to Speech
History of Math
Linear Algebra
Calc III
Intro to Proof

I guess I should add that I'm a second semester freshman
  • #59
Calculus IV
Electromagnetism I (w/ lab)
Linear Algebra II
Differential Equations
Mathematical Logic
  • #60
alissca123 said:
Calculus IV
Electromagnetism I (w/ lab)
Linear Algebra II
Differential Equations
Mathematical Logic

What is calculus IV? I thought it only typically went up to III
  • #61
wisvuze said:
What is calculus IV? I thought it only typically went up to III

Yeah but I don't live in the US.. At my uni the math courses are proof-intensive from the beggining, so the calculus sequence is a bit longer... Calculus IV is just multivariate integral calculus : )
  • #62
1) Heat and Mass Transfer
2) Partial Differential Equations
3) Mechatronics II (I guess it's similar to the term Electromechanics...gears, motors, robotics, etc.)
4) Design Methodology (a precursor to our required Senior Design courses)
5) Manufacturing Laboratory (should have done this earlier, but I couldn't squeeze it in my schedule).

Reading all these other posts kinda makes me jealous; I considered becoming a physics major for a very long time.
  • #63
I'm pretty envious of all the fun/interesting courses quite a few of you folks get to take. Dwarfs my meager upcoming semester courses. (Freshman-2nd semester of Matsci)

Calc II
Phyics I
Chemistry I

15 credits, I work 16 hours a week or I would be taking a larger course load.
  • #64
1. Physics 2
2. Dynamics
3. Thermodynamics
4. Strength of materials

I am pretty excited! My first semester of majority all engineering classes!
  • #65
1. Calc. III
2. ODE's
3. Linear Algebra I
4. Probability and Statistics
5. Electricity and Magnetism
6. Modern Physics

+ either swimming or piano lessons
  • #66
1. Intro to Philosophy
2. Multivariate Calculus
3. Discrete Math
4. Unix Workshop
5. Electricity and Magnetism + Lab
  • #67
Abstract algebra
Combinatorial theory
Lots of research (not in math...)
  • #68
Winter Quarter:
E&M II (Magnetostatics & Electrodynamics)
Abstract Algebra I
Quantum Mechanics I (Graduate)
Intermediate Lab — Photons

Spring (probably):
E&M III (Radiation, Relativity)
Quantum Mechanics II (Grad)
Abstract Algebra II
Intermediate Lab — Nucleons
  • #69
Engineering Computation
Differential Equations (AGAIN.. ugh)
Mechanics of Materials.

Really looking forward to this one. It's my first infamously crazy "engineering semester" where I have to take a bunch of difficult classes. But I'm damn good at physics and I did good in the thermodynamics portions of chem II, so I think I'll rock this semester's socks off.
  • #70
Combustion 1
Robotic Manipulators: Kin, Dyn and Control
Mechanical Engineering 4th Year Project
Cybernetics and Society
Introduction to General Relativity

Graduating semester; determined to cram as much as possible into my brain.

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