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[Moderator's note: thread spun off from previous thread due to topic/level change.]
This [Ed.: the claim that photons have a "path"] is a misconception of quantum theory already for massive particles. It's even more severely misleading for massless quanta of spin ##\geq 1##, which do not even allow the definition of a position observable itself. Particularly in the here discussed specifically quantum properties of entanglement any reference to paths must lead to confusion, particularly for the delayed-choice quantum erasure experiment discussed right now.
This [Ed.: the claim that photons have a "path"] is a misconception of quantum theory already for massive particles. It's even more severely misleading for massless quanta of spin ##\geq 1##, which do not even allow the definition of a position observable itself. Particularly in the here discussed specifically quantum properties of entanglement any reference to paths must lead to confusion, particularly for the delayed-choice quantum erasure experiment discussed right now.