What Drives the Stylistic Differences in Swedish vs. US Armed Forces Ads?

  • Thread starter EL
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In summary, armed forces ads in Sweden and the US differ in their approach and messaging. While Swedish ads focus on the values of equality, diversity, and peacekeeping, American ads tend to highlight strength, patriotism, and heroism. The Swedish ads also tend to be more gender-inclusive and emphasize the role of women in the military, while American ads often portray men as the primary figures. Additionally, Swedish ads are more subtle and less aggressive compared to the more action-packed and intense American ads. Overall, the differences in armed forces ads reflect the varying cultural values and priorities of each country.
  • #36
Gokul43201 said:
I found the last line (about getting out of the kitchen) extremely sexist.

...line? There was text?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Yes there was. Did you watch the last video EL linked to?
  • #38
I'll make it easy for you: I was staring at the girls.
  • #39
Gokul43201 said:
I found the last line (about getting out of the kitchen) extremely sexist.

What is not sexistic in this movie?

Just to make sure everone understands it, the recent movie I posted...
EL said:
The Swedish army has now started a campain in order to recruit more women. Quite a remarkable ad I would say:

...is of course a joke. I hope no one seriously believed it was for real.

Cyrus said:
I meant I love you for posting this. It's an expression.
Great. I love you too. Maybe we should join the army?
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  • #40
quadraphonics said:
More than that; it is "illegal" NOT to dismiss them. I put illegal in quotes because nobody is realistically going to be punished for not dismissing a gay soldier, and many officers are supportive of openly-gay service people. But, legally speaking, gay people aren't allowed to be in the armed forces, so any soldier found to be gay are, technically, supposed to be kicked out right away.

I'm quite stunned after hearing that.
What would be the reasons for not allowing gay people?
If it's some fear of "too much sex" or so, how come both males and females are allowed to join the army?
Again, if this is true, it's an extremely sick policy.
  • #41
EL said:
I'm quite stunned after hearing that.
What would be the reasons for not allowing gay people?
If it's some fear of "too much sex" or so, how come both males and females are allowed to join the army?
Again, if this is true, it's an extremely sick policy.

Its the Army, that's just the way it is.
  • #42
EL said:
Is there actually a "legal" way to dismiss homosexuals from the US military if they "out" themselves?

It's mandatory. Homosexual behavior is a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and to change that would require an act of Congress.
  • #43
Cyrus said:
Its the Army, that's just the way it is.
I'm not sure if I should interpret that as an attempt to defend the law, or just as a dejected statement?
If the first is true, I don't see your point.
If the second is true, it is sad you feel things cannot be changed.
  • #44
Vanadium 50 said:
It's mandatory. Homosexual behavior is a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and to change that would require an act of Congress.
So why doesn't Congress "act"?
  • #45
EL said:
I'm not sure if I should interpret that as an attempt to defend the law, or just as a dejected statement?
If the first is true, I don't see your point.
If the second is true, it is sad you feel things cannot be changed.

You're reading more into what I am saying. I am simply saying, 'thats the way it is in the army'. I really don't care one way or another about the issue. I am not trying to change things to allow gay people into the army. If the want to change things then more power to them, but I personally don't care.
  • #46
Cyrus said:
I really don't care one way or another about the issue. I am not trying to change things to allow gay people into the army.

Although one is not actually doing anything actively to change things, it of course doesn't stop one from having an opinion about wheter it's right or wrong.
Do you think it's right or wrong?
Hypothetically, if you were given the chance to change this law, would you do it or not?
  • #47
Aside from the 'illegality' of homosexuality under military law, one of the reasons that I've seen put forward most often is that a lot of guys would be uncomfortable sharing showers and sleeping quarters with someone that they perceive as a threat to their way of life. Resentment might build up about that. There has to be a serious 'team spirit' involved in activities when your lives depend upon each other, and such friction has been deemed to interfere with that.
  • #48
EL said:
Although one is not actually doing anything actively to change things, it of course doesn't stop one from having an opinion about wheter it's right or wrong.
Do you think it's right or wrong?
Hypothetically, if you were given the chance to change this law, would you do it or not?

Sure, if the gay community came to me (Senator. Cyrus), and said we want to fight in the army. Id say sure, lobby me a bunch of money and let's change that law. I don't see what ones sexuality has to do with fighting.

You have to understand this about the US military, its *very* old school and set in its ways, full of 'tradition' etc.
  • #49
Danger said:
Aside from the 'illegality' of homosexuality under military law

Why is illegality in quotes? It's illegal - the UCMJ makes it so.

(Strictly speaking, homosexual behavior is illegal. Homosexual tendencies or preferences are not. This is consistent with other laws: I can want to rob a bank as much as I want, but I haven't broken any laws unless I act on it)
  • #50
EL said:
What would be the reasons for not allowing gay people?

The argument is something about morale, with straight soldiers not feeling comfortable in close quarters with gay soldiers. A pretty pathetic basis for policy, obviously.

EL said:
If it's some fear of "too much sex" or so, how come both males and females are allowed to join the army?

Nah, they're not worried about sex as much as whether straight (male) soldiers will get along with gay soldiers. Again, this rule goes unenforced in many parts of the military, as many officers see it as bull****.

EL said:
Again, if this is true, it's an extremely sick policy.

Well, the previous policy (which existed until the mid-1990's) was even worse. It used to be that they actively sought out gay soldiers and expelled them. Now, they don't ask, and as long as nobody tells them, the gay soldiers are allowed to stay. Basically, they're okay with it as long as the gay soldiers are in the closet.

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