What if we reimagined education for adults as a self-learning experience?

  • Thread starter coberst
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In summary, the present educational system focuses on training workers and preparing them for employment, but lacks in teaching critical thinking and independent learning skills. By engaging in self-learning, adults can potentially change the direction of society and improve their own knowledge beyond just job training. However, the current system prioritizes practical and marketable skills, leading to a lack of interest in fundamental subjects like science and mathematics.
  • #1
For consideration

What have we all been taught by our present educational system?

Education is for children. Education is boring. There is nothing creative about education. Studying is an activity that young people should do. Education is a teacher working valiantly to persuade a passive young person to listen and pay attention.

Such an educational system does have its important useful function. It is an efficient means to train workers. It quickly teaches its pupils the facts, paradigms and algorithms necessary to get a job and to perform adequately on that job. It does adequately prepare the engineers, accountants, lawyers, nurses, doctors and all those professional people needed by a high tech society.

We are all aware of this system because we are all products of this system. We all consider this system, as we consider most things, as being the work of nature--much like gravity is a force of nature.

As long as we remain aware but not conscious of a reality we are unprepared to move beyond that reality. I am asking you to invest some of your time and energy to step out of the reality you are accustomed to and to gain a position were it is possible to become truly conscious of the present situation. This is something the present educational system has never taught us to do. This is only one of many weaknesses in the system, which we can never truly apprehend until we are willing to invest time and intellectual energy to develop our consciousness of that which we accept as being ‘what comes naturally’.

I am asking you to invest your time and energy in considering a new added mode of education. I am asking you to intellectually make contact with the concept of adults engaged in self-learning during the second half of their life. I am suggesting, for your consideration, the prospect of adults following their own individual curiosity to answer questions that an active critical thinking adult might contemplate.

I am suggesting that if we were to have a significant number of adults engaged in self-learning that we very well might significantly change the direction of our society.

What do you have to lose? You can invest a little time and intellectual energy toward the possibility that there may be some value in such an endeavor. What does it cost you to engage your intellect for a few hours a week for a sufficient number of weeks to seriously examine such an idea? Unfortunately there is no money to be made by this activity and thus there is little self-serving motivation for the investment I seek.

I have been actively engaged in this self-learning experience and I am convinced that it is valuable to the individual and to society in general. I am convinced that if you were to spend some time and intellectual energy in consideration of this matter you would agree that it is worth further study.
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  • #2
Such an educational system does have its important useful function. It is an efficient means to train workers. It quickly teaches its pupils the facts, paradigms and algorithms necessary to get a job and to perform adequately on that job. It does adequately prepare the engineers, accountants, lawyers, nurses, doctors and all those professional people needed by a high tech society.
IMO this is the very description of the problem.
Education's utility value has been reduced to "something you need to do to get a job". And we all know that employment is the ultimate objective, don't we ? Its the ultimate panacea ... the ultimate dream ... employment for all.

Given that objective, our education system is quite perfect.
Why does it matter than it doesn't teach stuff which makes people cultivate independent thinking, critical thinking and analytical skills ?

I am suggesting that if we were to have a significant number of adults engaged in self-learning that we very well might significantly change the direction of our society.
Well, we never do stop learning. For eg. for every new assignment on the job, you have to do some research and learning. Everytime you go on a vacation, you learn about that place. Everytime you watch the news or read the newspaper, you learn something.

But IMO, the fundamentals of knowledge, the pure sciences ... no one really bothers about those things. Thats all "boring" stuff, infra-dig.

So many people are interested in economics, geography, the stock market, politics, litreture etc. But physics, biology, evolutionary psychology, astrophysics, chemistry, maths, memetics etc are the fundamentals behind all these.
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  • #3

Reimagining education for adults as a self-learning experience is a concept that challenges the traditional views of education and learning. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own learning and to actively engage in critical thinking and exploration of their own interests and curiosities. This shift in perspective offers a new way to approach education and can have a significant impact on both individuals and society as a whole.

The current educational system is designed to train individuals for specific jobs and careers, but it often neglects the development of critical thinking skills and the pursuit of personal interests. By reimagining education as a self-learning experience, adults are given the opportunity to continue learning and growing throughout their lives. This not only benefits the individual, but also has the potential to bring new ideas and perspectives into society as a whole.

One of the key benefits of self-learning is that it allows individuals to pursue their own interests and passions, rather than being confined to a predetermined curriculum. This can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of various subjects, as well as the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also encourages individuals to take ownership of their learning and to continuously challenge themselves to grow and learn new things.

Furthermore, self-learning can also break down societal barriers and promote diversity and inclusivity. In a traditional educational setting, individuals are often grouped together based on age or academic level. However, in a self-learning environment, individuals of all ages and backgrounds can come together to learn and share their knowledge and experiences. This can lead to a more well-rounded and diverse learning experience for everyone involved.

Of course, there are challenges that come with reimagining education as a self-learning experience. It requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to take responsibility for one's own learning. It also requires access to resources and support systems for individuals to pursue their interests and passions. However, the potential benefits far outweigh these challenges.

In conclusion, reimagining education for adults as a self-learning experience offers a new and valuable perspective on learning and personal growth. It encourages individuals to take control of their own education and to continuously challenge themselves to learn and grow throughout their lives. Investing in this concept has the potential to not only benefit individuals, but also to bring positive change to society as a whole. So why not take a chance and invest some time and energy to explore this idea further? You may just discover a whole new world of learning and growth waiting for you.

FAQ: What if we reimagined education for adults as a self-learning experience?

1. What exactly is a "self-learning experience" in regards to adult education?

A self-learning experience in adult education refers to a learning process where individuals take responsibility for their own learning and development. It involves actively seeking out information, resources, and experiences to enhance knowledge and skills, rather than relying solely on traditional classroom instruction.

2. How would a self-learning experience differ from traditional adult education methods?

A self-learning experience differs from traditional adult education methods in that it puts the responsibility of learning on the individual rather than a teacher or instructor. It also allows for more flexibility and customization in what and how individuals learn, rather than following a set curriculum or schedule.

3. What are the benefits of reimagining education for adults as a self-learning experience?

Reimagining education for adults as a self-learning experience offers several benefits. It can promote lifelong learning and personal growth, as individuals have more control over their learning journey. It also allows for a more individualized and diverse approach to learning, catering to different learning styles and interests.

4. Are there any potential challenges or drawbacks to implementing a self-learning experience in adult education?

One potential challenge of implementing a self-learning experience in adult education is the lack of structure and guidance. Some individuals may struggle with self-directed learning and may need additional support and resources. It may also require a shift in mindset and traditional education systems, which can be difficult to navigate.

5. How can we ensure that a self-learning experience in adult education is effective and successful?

To ensure the effectiveness and success of a self-learning experience in adult education, it is important to provide support and resources for individuals, such as access to technology, mentorship, and guidance. It is also crucial to regularly assess and evaluate the learning process and make adjustments as needed. Collaboration and community building can also enhance the learning experience and provide a support system for individuals.
