What is Scientific solution for loneliness?

  • Thread starter KiranKai
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In summary, loneliness can have a negative impact on one's mental and physical health, especially for those who are trying to focus on their studies and career goals. It can lead to feelings of depression and hinder one's ability to concentrate. However, it is important to remember that it is possible to have a social life and still dedicate oneself to a career in science. One can meet people through various avenues, such as work or social clubs. It's important to prioritize both personal and professional needs in order to achieve balance and happiness. Loneliness does not have to be a constant state and there are ways to overcome it through reaching out to others and developing friendships.
  • #1
Hi Physics, Math and science people!

What is the scientific reason for feeling lonely?

I want to get rid of loneliness for my health, I have exams to prepare for my life.

I want to dedicate my whole life for research in Physics but I am unable to concentrate because I do not have friends and Never had girl friend also Never had physics or science friends.

My only friends are books but I have to study, My aim is to become theoretical physicist..
My loneliness used to be my friend my solitude too but my loneliness is becoming my enemy.

I must be lonely in order to study Physics or math.

How on Earth Sir.Isaac Newton gone through his huge amount of loneliness!? can anyone tell me how he did ?

Please suggest or advice me so that I can escape from it.

I need scientific solution for this so that I can never experience it again.

People who are lonely in this forum can become my friends (if they wish to,with your degree of freedom).

Rest of my blah blah blah is here if u want to know about me



I know this is forum not meant to discuss people personal problems.

I just want the solution for loneliness (if it is possible without hanging out with people too)
The best scientific solutions in a biology or chemistry if possible.

I am feeling depressed everyday.
I have already tried counselors and psychologist but it's not working. they could not suggest much for me after knowing my story.
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  • #2

You can dedicate your life to physics and still have friends. World leading scientists who work all the hours they can to make significant contributions and perhaps win nobel prizes still have time for friends, spouses, children etcetera. Don't make yourself miserable because of a misunderstanding that to be what you want you have to neglect what you need.

There are people in the world who simply do not need nor desire friends or companionship of any kind. That's fine for them but to me it doesn't seem like you are one of those people and there is nothing wrong with that. Having a social life will not automatically mean your work life suffers. In fact it could improve as being in a happier place can make it easier to get on with everything else.
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  • #3

Ryan_m_b said:
You can dedicate your life to physics and still have friends. World leading scientists who work all the hours they can to make significant contributions and perhaps win nobel prizes still have time for friends, spouses, children etcetera. Don't make yourself miserable because of a misunderstanding that to be what you want you have to neglect what you need.

There are people in the world who simply do not need nor desire friends or companionship of any kind. That's fine for them but to me it doesn't seem like you are one of those people and there is nothing wrong with that. Having a social life will not automatically mean your work life suffers. In fact it could improve as being in a happier place can make it easier to get on with everything else.
What u said is true ! however where to start...? I am suffering from my childhood days and now a days the feelings are becoming depressive state.

Whenever I get a problem I always look for solutions but this loneliness is one big deal to break free from it's a portable prison.

It's with the people, what can I do when all are busy with their lifes ?

I am not sure if online friendship is safe for my life or not.

My time is running out for exams and I am unable to focus. I have some much work to do and so many skills needed to be acquired so much left to learn.
  • #4

One can meet people anywhere: at work, whilst studying, at various social/sports clubs etc. I'm sure there are places in your life where you can engage with people and develop friendships.
  • #5

Ryan_m_b said:
One can meet people anywhere: at work, whilst studying, at various social/sports clubs etc. I'm sure there are places in your life where you can engage with people and develop friendships.
At work - well I am not doing my job yet - I can't for now cos I am studying , I am student.

Whilst studying - I go to my institute which teaches students to prepare for M.Sc phy entrance exams but it's for only 4hours a day only when I get to talk to few but most of other have their own friends.

I have to finish more than 10 books in physics

Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein
• An Introduction to Mechanics by Daniel Kleppner & Robert J. Kolenkow
• Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths
• Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R. Shankar
• Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths
• Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Frederick Reif
• Heat and Thermodynamics by M. W. Zemansky & Richard H. Dittman
• Mathematical Methods for Physicists by George B. Arfken & Hans J. Weber
• Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser

Still I am unable to finish one book at lest. I got stuck in few pages which is easy for me to finish off in my normal state when I do not feel lonely but for now i can't concentrate anymore...
  • #6

On top of which I am dyslexic(tested) even small things would distract me a lot.

I assume just guessing that I might have asperger's syndrome based on my poor social skills...etc...
  • #7

I am underweight weight 50Kgs height is 174 or 175cm, is it possible that underweight is the cause for my body chemistry to over react on me?

My BMI is 16.5 which is underweight. my age is 23 male.
  • #8

I never had a Physics Friend how to get one? I just really need one or 2 or 3 or 4... etc...
  • #9

“When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you're by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anyone or talk to anybody, you feel like you're really alone.”
― Fiona Apple

Whenever I try to talk with people I face huge disappointments, it feels much worse then being lonely by my self. being with people is so far is nothing but huge sadness and much more lonely than being with my self.

How come most of the lonely scientists lived their life just using science as refuge?

I bet you all every one in this world must be real genius for being not alone not getting disappointed at all by other people.

see you all makes me jealous I honestly feel like I do not belong to this planet feels like I am alien.

I am just looking for my home planet...! my own people...
  • #10

You know what I just want to be like a Machine when it feels nothing.

I just came to this world for a reason, I just want to do my work and pass away from this word (by aging process).

I do not know how to deal with the loneliness, I do not know what is friendship or relationship.. I know nothing ...when you all talk about these topics I am like alien dropped down from UFO like I do not belong or something...

If there exist any scientific solution to get rid of loneliness I will be happy to use it till the end of my life.

I watched discovery and animal planet even animals feel lonely.some really suffer because of lost once. I thought only humans would feel lonely in animals its worse.

I really do not know what is friendship business/girl friend business/ relationship business ? what is the point when I do not feel anything. most of the life I only could experience is nothing but lonely lonely lonely...I have deep understand of loneliness...not what you all feel about.. social stuff..

this loneliness got something to do with friendship/relationship stuff..Naturally, we are social beings also most of the life forms, we are meant to live for one another.. I wish I could have intelligent computer to talk to me,to fool my brain ...or robots from sci-fi... I still live with my imaginary friends in my mind...since my childhood days I have been doing this...

Whenever I end up seeing people having girl friend/ friends/ who r with relatives I feel too lonely at that point also jealous... whenever I will be with people I will be talking to my self ... even in groups ...I always talk to myself. while traveling with others it's like I am traveling alone. I feel like I am from different world or planet...

Sometimes I am even thinking like ... I am living with these human beings ...like out of this world...while with groups I always want to sit in different location(isolated) cos I feel like I do not belong ...

I only have my knowledge and wisdom to spend rest of my life. rest is up to our scientific community how they would consider my work.

for now I just want to study. I do not know what is marriage/love/relations blah balh. only thing I know is just to be nice with people/help people as a human being.

Loneliness is a portable prison for me, no matter wherever I go it's network follows me.. even now I feel like talking to my self in the forum...In this Digital Dimension...

I wish I could be like you all are... the way that you are living must be really beautiful...thats why people say Life is beautiful...

I wish I could tell you my own stories of love, crush, friendships, girl friend and getting cheated by a girl etc someday...when I would really feel all these...when I really understand all these...for now...I have so much to say about loneliness in a whole new level that no one would ever felt like...when no one should never feel it...

I feel like I am a robot trying to learn human feelings..
  • #11

Kiran it sounds like you need to seek professional help. You can definitely make friends (just stick around here and you probably will) but it sounds like you need to talk to someone about your emotional problems and social skills.
  • #12

Ryan_m_b said:
Kiran it sounds like you need to seek professional help. You can definitely make friends (just stick around here and you probably will) but it sounds like you need to talk to someone about your emotional problems and social skills.
Yup already tried, they think I am normal.
I already said, it's just lonliness is making me to say all this..

I am fine, I will be fine when I will be out of loneliness...
  • #13

KiranKai said:
Yup already tried, they think I am normal.
I already said, it's just lonliness is making me to say all this..

I am fine, I will be fine when I will be out of loneliness...

Then try another psychiatrist/psychologist. You obviously feel sad and depressed, so you certainly deserve professional help. I would certainly give it another shot.
  • #14

Yup already tried, they think I am normal.
I already said, it's just lonliness is making me to say all this..

I am fine, I will be fine when I will be out of loneliness...

Reading your posts I see you had a lot of rough problems in your past, which are probably manifestating in yourself now... A good psychologist would really help you.
  • #15

micromass said:
Then try another psychiatrist/psychologist. You obviously feel sad and depressed, so you certainly deserve professional help. I would certainly give it another shot.

Ok ok I will try thanks micromass (the sub atomic particle)
  • #16

Tosh5457 said:
Reading your posts I see you had a lot of rough problems in your past, which are probably manifestating in yourself now... A good psychologist would really help you.
psychologist, they are just meant to listen to my stories that's all they do not do anything just listening ...

even they are confused about giving advice to me LOL...
  • #17

KiranKai said:
psychologist, they are just meant to listen to my stories that's all they do not do anything just listening ...

even they are confused about giving advice to me LOL...

Then you obviously went to the wrong psychologist. It may take a while for you to meet the right person who can help you. But keep trying!
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  • #18

KiranKai said:
psychologist, they are just meant to listen to my stories that's all they do not do anything just listening ...

even they are confused about giving advice to me LOL...
Definitely keep trying to find a better one! Whether they be psychiatrist or counsellor.
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  • #19

micromass said:
Then you obviously went to the wrong psychologist. It may take a while for you to meet the right person who can help you. But keep trying!
you know what? I have to tell my whole BLAH BLAH BLAH again!
how boring that would be? it takes whole time lot of time, I really got bored off everytime every sessions that I have to tell them since my birth times...
  • #20

KiranKai said:
you know what? I have to tell my whole BLAH BLAH BLAH again!
how boring that would be? it takes whole time lot of time, I really got bored off everytime every sessions that I have to tell them since my birth times...

It seems to me that you're just making up excuses for not wanting help. Nothing wrong with that. But you'll probably stay depressed that way.
  • #21

What would qualify as a "scientific" solution to loneliness, rather than just a solution to loneliness?
  • #22

KiranKai said:
you know what? I have to tell my whole BLAH BLAH BLAH again!
how boring that would be? it takes whole time lot of time, I really got bored off everytime every sessions that I have to tell them since my birth times...
If that's what it takes though to help with your problems isn't it worth it though?
  • #23

it's fine do not worry about me, If I can get friends here I will be fine. Life can change things can change ...

through all my sessions they have only suggested me to get friends and get my social skills developed.

I might sound crazy for normal person...i mean my story...
  • #24

KiranKai is a sockpuppet of a banned crackpot, he's not a real person. He's just yanking everyone's chain.

FAQ: What is Scientific solution for loneliness?

1. What is the definition of loneliness from a scientific perspective?

Loneliness is a subjective feeling of social isolation or emotional emptiness, often accompanied by a lack of meaningful social connections and a sense of disconnectedness from others. It is considered a universal human emotion that can be experienced by people of all ages and backgrounds.

2. How does loneliness affect our physical and mental health?

Studies have shown that chronic loneliness can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health. It has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system, and cognitive decline. Loneliness can also lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.

3. Can loneliness be considered a public health issue?

Yes, loneliness is now being recognized as a public health issue due to its widespread prevalence and its negative impact on individuals and communities. It has been linked to a variety of health issues and can also contribute to social problems such as crime and violence.

4. What are some strategies or interventions that can be used to combat loneliness?

There are various strategies and interventions that have been shown to be effective in reducing loneliness. These include building strong social support networks, engaging in meaningful social activities, practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, and seeking professional help if needed. Additionally, addressing underlying issues such as social anxiety and self-esteem can also be helpful.

5. Is there any scientific evidence to support the use of technology as a solution for loneliness?

While technology can provide opportunities for social connection and reduce feelings of loneliness, it is not a complete solution. Some studies have shown that excessive use of technology and social media can actually increase feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Therefore, it is important to use technology in moderation and also prioritize face-to-face interactions and relationships.
