What is the best place to put your hands on a steering wheel?

In summary, the optimal hand position for steering a car is either 10 and 2 o'clock or 9 and 3 o'clock. This allows for the largest range of motion and constant control. However, for race car situations with high g acceleration in turns, a hand position of 9 and 3 o'clock is more effective due to the ability to apply opposing torques and provide better arm support for precise control. Some driving schools teach the shuffle movement of sliding the steering wheel through one hand at a time for more efficient turning. Ultimately, the optimal hand position may vary depending on the particular car's steering wheel.
  • #1
Does a certain position let you exert more torque on the steering wheel?

I've heard 10 and 2 o'clock. I've also heard 9 and 3 o'clock.

Is it possible to explain with physics why two hands placed right next to each other would not be as effective as two hands spaced further apart? I can't think of a a reason why it would matter.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's biomechanics. If you really want to go into this, you'll need to study the anatomy of upper body muscles and bones, and apply torque mechanics, this will not be an easy model to set up. But basically, everyone has more force pushing down than sideways. It could also depend on how much correction you intend to apply, and there may also be a compromise between speed and finesse.

But in practice, I'm sure the 10-2, and 9-3 figures, are determined by experienced drivers. Just watch how a race driver holds his wheel. There is no doubt that when one makes a living on the edge of losing driving control, he'll tend to naturally find the optimal control position.
  • #3
CarbonWater said:
Does a certain position let you exert more torque on the steering wheel?

I've heard 10 and 2 o'clock. I've also heard 9 and 3 o'clock.

Is it possible to explain with physics why two hands placed right next to each other would not be as effective as two hands spaced further apart? I can't think of a a reason why it would matter.

My daughter took a driving clinic (from BMW Car Club of America, but they let you bring other makes of cars to the teen driving clinics). They explained the 10-2 position is best because it let's you keep both hands on the wheel for the largest range of motion, and keeping both hands on the steering wheel at all times is a goal for best control. You don't need leverage so much as constant control. All cars have power assisted steering these days anyway.

They also adjusted the driver's seat so that the driver's chest is 12-14" away from the steering wheel. The closer the better for control, but you need at least that 12" to avoid extra airbag injuries in a crash.
  • #4
Having the hands apart allows a driver to apply opposing torques on the steering wheel and better arm support for more precise control, especially in a race car situation with high g acceleration in turns. Formula 1 race cars only have 9 and 3 handles instead of a conventional steering wheel for that reason.

For a street car, some schools teach 10 and 2, others 9 and 3, or as close to 9 and 3 as possible depending on the particular car's steering wheel. When turning the wheel a lot, some drivers cross the hands, but most schools now teach drivers to slide the steering wheel through one hand at a time, sort of a shuffle movement.
  • #5
Torgue? Your're dealing with a wheel.
Thus, the most effective torgue is when both hands are on the same spot(overlap), or just next to each other.

FAQ: What is the best place to put your hands on a steering wheel?

What is the best place to put your hands on a steering wheel?

The most commonly recommended position for your hands on a steering wheel is the "9 and 3" placement, where your left hand is at the 9 o'clock position and your right hand is at the 3 o'clock position. This allows for optimal control and maneuverability of the vehicle.

Why is the "10 and 2" hand placement no longer recommended?

The "10 and 2" hand placement used to be the standard recommendation, but it has since been found to be less safe. This position can result in serious wrist injury in the event of an airbag deployment.

Are there any exceptions to the "9 and 3" hand placement?

In some cases, such as driving a large truck or steering wheel-mounted controls, it may be more comfortable to use the "8 and 4" hand placement. However, the "9 and 3" position is still considered the safest and most recommended.

What should I do if my car has a different steering wheel shape?

If your car has a flat-bottomed or D-shaped steering wheel, it is still recommended to place your hands at the "9 and 3" positions. Adjust your grip to fit the shape of the wheel, but avoid placing your hands at the top of the wheel where they can be more vulnerable to injury in the event of an airbag deployment.

Is it okay to drive with one hand on the wheel?

While it may be tempting to drive with one hand, it is not recommended for safety reasons. Keeping both hands on the wheel allows for better control and reaction time in case of unexpected situations on the road. It is best to keep both hands on the wheel at all times while driving.

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