What is the BtSM Conference Schedule?

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In summary: Ali Chamseddine is talking about classification of discrete noncommutative geometries and the uniqueness of the standard model. Steven Giddings is talking about probing nonperturbative gravity, looking into black holes and locality. Renate Loll is talking about quantum gravity from causal dynamical triangulations. And Thomas Thiemann is talking about loop quantum gravity.
  • #36
2013 Zakopane School (June 28 - July 7)

This will be a QG+related school. It will take place in the Polish mountain resort (where several LQG schools and workshops have been held in recent years) and it will precede a major triennial conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR-20) which will this time be held in Warsaw.

So the Zakopane school is one way that QG grad students and young researchers can warm up for the GR-20 and the Loops 2013 conferences planned for July.

This time the school has a broader range of topics and is funded by Polish institutions instead of the ESF (the EU science foundation) which sponsored the earlier Zakopane QG schools and workshops. But as you can see there is some overlap:

Jan AMBJORN (NBI Copenhagen) TBA
Abhay ASHTEKAR* (PennState) Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
Eugenio BIANCHI (Perimeter Inst.) TBA
Renate LOLL (Utrecht Univ.) Simplicial Gravity
Ilya MANDEL (Birmingham Univ.) LIGO Experiment
Viatcheslav MUKHANOV (Munchen Univ.) TBA
Hans RINGSTROM (KTH Stockholm) Cauchy Problem in General Relativity
Thomas THIEMANN (FAU Erlangen) TBA
David TONG (Cambridge) AdS/CMT
Robert M. WALD (Chicago Univ.) Thermodynamics and Stability of Black Holes
Toby WISEMAN (Imperial College) Ads/CMT
N.N. (VIRGO) VIRGO Experiment

Here are links for the large triennial conferences taking place later that month.
GR-20 Warsaw (week of 7 July):
Loops 2013 Perimeter Institute (week of 21 July):

Jerzy Lewandowski, the main organizer of the Warsaw GR-20 conference, writes this about the Zako school:
before GR20/Amaldi10 there will be a school
loop quantum gravity, simplicial gravity,
mathematical and numerical gravity,
topics in classical gravity + experiment,
conformal symmetry in condensed matter physics,
conformal fielfd theory and AdS/CFT correspondence.
So we can see that there is a nice range of interrelated topics for which he and others have been getting speakers.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Update of the ILQGS Fall 2012 schedule. The schedule is now complete.

Sept. 4 Holonomy Spin Foam Models: Asymptotic Dynamics Frank Hellmann Albert Einstein Institute
Sept. 18 Flux coherent states Lorenzo Sindoni Albert Einstein Institute
Oct. 2 Lifting General Relativity to Observer Space Derek Wise FAU, Erlangen
Oct. 16 Horizon entropy from loop gravity Eugenio Bianchi Perimeter Institute
Oct. 30 Renormalization of Tensorial Group Field Theories Sylvain Carrozza Albert Einstein Institute
Nov 13 Twistorial structure of loop quantum gravity transition amplitudes Simone Speziale CPT-CNRS, Marseille
Nov. 27 Coarse graining: towards a cylindrically consistent dynamics Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute

http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/ilqgs/ (online audio and slides PDF)

The topic of Dittrich's talk (coarse graining) relates to a paper she co-authored earlier this year:
Holonomy Spin Foam Models: Definition and Coarse Graining
Incidental information: Dittrich is one three Perimeter faculty on the committee organizing next year's Loops conference at PI, and also the senior person in charge of organizing LQG parallel sessions at the GR-20 conference to be held next year in Warsaw.

GR-20 Warsaw (week of 7 July):
Loops 2013 Perimeter Institute (week of 21 July):
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  • #38
Do we need a physics of PASSAGE?
The "block universe" idea (with time as a pseudo-spatial "dimension") is under pressure, and it may (in time :smile:) be modified, reformed, or replaced.
This month there is a conference in Capetown South Africa bringing together Philosophers Physicists Linguistics folks and others to discuss the current state of this challenge to the spacetime block.

The local host George Ellis co-authored "Large Scale Structure of Space-Time" with Stephen Hawking. Ellis now has his own challenge to the conventional block universe. The basic problem is that the conventional block is incompatible with quantum theory.

The physicists are an interesting bunch (note the Causal Sets people):
Carlo Rovelli
George Ellis
Rafael Sorkin
Faye Dowker
Dan Oriti
Edward Anderson

Do We Need a Physics of ‘Passage’?
10 — 14 December, 2012 :: Vineyard Hotel & Spa, Capetown, South Africa
Philosophers: David Albert, Christophe Bouton, David Braddon-Mitchell, Jeremy Butterfield, Christoph Hoerl, *Luciano Floridi, Rick Grush, Nick Huggett, Kristie Miller, Wayne Myrvold, Huw Price, Dean Rickles, Don Ross, Jos Uffink.
Physicists: Edward Anderson, Fay Dowker, Avshalom Elitzur, George Ellis, Daniele Oriti, Carlo Rovelli, Rafael Sorkin.
Psychologists & linguists: Alex Holcombe, Teresa McCormack, Kia Nobre, Chris Sinha.
...Twentieth century physics is often thought to have established that there is no distinction between past, present and future, no flow of time, and no fundamental direction of time. This viewpoint — the Block Universe, as it is sometimes called — is reflected in remarks such as the following:
We physicists know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. (Einstein)

The objective world simply is, it does not happen. Only to the gaze of my consciousness, crawling upward along the world-line of my body, does a section of the world come to life as a fleeting image in space which continuously changes in time. (Weyl)

However, the Block Universe view is under challenge from within physics, from theorists such as George Ellis, Lee Smolin and Chris Fuchs, who believe that in leaving out these elements, physics is missing something essential.

Thus there is a disagreement within physics about the proper aims of physics, in the case of the study of time. We believe that this is a clear case in which in order the resolve the disagreement within physics, we need to step back from physics and consider the question of 'what belongs where' in the study of time from a broader interdisciplinary perspective—informed, among other things, by expertise from the psychology of temporal perception and from the metaphysics of time.
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  • #39
An April 2013 conference presenting analysis of the initial results from the Planck mission of the European Space Agency
(Thanks to Skydive Phil for spotting this)
By mapping the CMB background of ancient light, in higher resolution than was possible with the WMAP mission, Planck may help constrain quantum gravity/cosmology models of the start of expansion--bounce models in particular--and inflation.
  • #40
ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule

DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander  Haverford College
Mar 12	 
Mar 26 [B]Bianchi I LQC[/B]	                    Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 TBA	                            Karim Noui	     Univ Tours
Apr 23	 
May  7
  • #41
Another ILQGS timeslot filled in today.
ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule

DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander  Haverford College
Mar 12	 
Mar 26 [B]Bianchi I LQC[/B]	                    Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 TBA	                            Karim Noui	     Univ Tours
Apr 23 TBA                                  Martin Bojowald  Penn State	 
May  7
  • #42
ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule
DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander  Haverford College
Mar 12 [B]Quantum reduced loop gravity[/B]	    E.Alesci/F.Cianfrani Univ. Erlangen 
Mar 26 [B]Bianchi I LQC[/B]	                    Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 TBA	                            Karim Noui	     Univ Tours
Apr 23 TBA                                  Martin Bojowald  Penn State	
May  7  [COLOR="Red"]unfilled timeslot[/COLOR]
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  • #43
June conference, Classical and Quantum Gravity, in scenic spot on Adriatic coast

Alternative Theories of Gravity
Black Holes and Compact Objects
Gravity and Strings
Quantum Gravity
Experimental Gravity

Speakers include:
L. Amendola (Heidelberg U., Germany)
A. Ashtekar (Penn State U., USA)
R. Brandenberger (Mc Gill U., Canada)
J. De Boer (U. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
P. Dominis-Prester (U. Rijeka, Croatia)
G. Dvali (LMU and MPI Munich & NYU New York)
G. Ellis (Cape Town U., South Africa)
V. Ferrari (U. La Sapienza, Rome, Italy)
D. Grumiller (VUT, Austria)
T. Jacobson (Maryland U., USA)
C. Kiefer (Koln U, Germany)
S. Mathur (Ohio State U., USA)
R. Percacci (Sissa, Italy)
M. Rangamani (Durham U., UK)
M. Sakellariadou (King's College, UK)
B.S. Sathyaprakash (Cardiff U., UK)
W. Song (Harvard U., USA)
H. Štefančić (RBI, Zagreb, Croatia)
J. Zanelli (CECs, Valdivia, Chile)
Quantum Geom. and Matter Workshop at the SISSA, Trieste, in April.

Monday thru Friday 8 - 12 April.
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  • #44
ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule
DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander  Haverford College
Mar 12 [B]Quantum reduced loop gravity[/B]	    E.Alesci/F.Cianfrani Univ. Erlangen 
Mar 26 [B]Bianchi I LQC[/B]	                    Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 TBA	                            Karim Noui	     Univ Tours
Apr 23 TBA                                  Martin Bojowald  Penn State	
May  7 [B]Emergence of BF theories and gravi-weak Plebanski models from spinors[/B]
					    Antonino Marciano  Dartmouth College
  • #46
Update of ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule
DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander  Haverford College
Mar 12 [B]Quantum reduced loop gravity[/B]	    E.Alesci/F.Cianfrani Univ. Erlangen 
Mar 26 [B]Bianchi I LQC[/B]	                    Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 [B]Black holes w.complex Barbero-Immirzi parameter[/B] Karim Noui Univ Tours
Apr 23 TBA                                  Martin Bojowald  Penn State	
May  7 [B]Emergence of BF theories and gravi-weak Plebanski models from spinors[/B]
					    Antonino Marciano  Dartmouth College
  • #47
The ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule is now complete.
DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander Dartmouth College
Mar 12 [B]Quantum reduced loop gravity[/B]	    E.Alesci/F.Cianfrani Univ. Erlangen 
Mar 26 [B]BianchiI LQC,Kasner shifts&inflation[/B] Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 [B]Hamiltonian spinfoam gravity[/B]         Wolfgang Wieland CPT Marseille
Apr 23 [B]A Loop quantum multiverse?[/B]           Martin Bojowald  Penn State	
May  7 [B]Emergence of BF theories and gravi-weak Plebanski models from spinors[/B]
					    Antonino Marciano Dartmouth College
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  • #48
The ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule has been revised.
DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	     Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander Dartmouth College
Mar 12 [B]Quantum reduced loop gravity[/B]	    E.Alesci/F.Cianfrani Univ. Erlangen 
Mar 26 [B]BianchiI LQC,Kasner shifts&inflation[/B] Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 [B]Hamiltonian spinfoam gravity[/B]         Wolfgang Wieland CPT Marseille
Apr 23 [B]A Loop quantum multiverse?[/B]           Martin Bojowald  Penn State	
May  7 [B]The imaginary part of the GR action and large-spin 4-simplex amplitude[/B]
                                            Yasha Neiman PennState
  • #49
This alphabetical index of pirsa recordings of the Loops 2013 talks given in parallel session has proven useful and so far is not available at the conference website, so I'll post it here:

Niayesh Afshordi, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070044 (20:00)
Emanuele Alesci , University of Warsaw http://pirsa.org/13070039 (60:00)
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, La Sapienza University of Rome http://pirsa.org/13070077 (57:30)
Mohamed Anber, University of Toronto http://pirsa.org/13070089 (0)
Fabio Anza, Universit di Pisa http://pirsa.org/13070086 (84:00)
Mehdi Assanioussi, University of Warsaw http://pirsa.org/13070053 (60:20)
Valerio Astuti, La Sapienza University of Rome http://pirsa.org/13070090 (44:00)
Angel Ballesteros, Universidad de Burgos http://pirsa.org/13070077 (20:10)
Andrzej Banburski, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070086 (0)
Aristide Baratin, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070086 (22:00)
Julian Barbour, University of Oxford http://pirsa.org/13070040 (0)
Leonardo Barcaroli http://pirsa.org/13070073 (50:00)
Joseph Ben Geloun, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070076 (59:30)
Dario Benedetti http://pirsa.org/13070051 (0)
Paolo Bertozzini, Thammasat University http://pirsa.org/13070088 (46:50)
Stefano Bianco, La Sapienza University of Rome http://pirsa.org/1307077 (41:00)
Norbert Bodendorfer, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13070054 (60:00)
Martin Bojowald, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13070039 (0)
Julien Bolmont, LPNHE & UPMC http://pirsa.org/13070052 (21:00)
Valentin Bonzom, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070072 (0)
Suddhsattwa Brahma, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13070074 (21:10)
Thomas Cailleteau, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13060026 (0)
Miguel Campiglia, Raman Research Institute http://pirsa.org/13070078 (37:30)
Sylvain Carrozza, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/1307055 (35:10)
Atousa Chaharsough Shirazi, Florida Atlantic University http://pirsa.org/13070086 (64:00)
Lin-Qing Chen, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070052 (95:00)
Goffredo Chirco, Aix-Marseille University http://pirsa.org/13070085 (0)
Christopher Coleman-Smith, Duke University http://pirsa.org/13070042 (80:30)
Adriano Contillo, Radboud University Nijmegen http://pirsa.org/13060026 (84:30)
Joshua Cooperman, University of California, Davis http://pirsa.org/13070055 (54:40)
Antonin Coutant, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070042 (42:00)
Andrea Dapor, University of Warsaw http://pirsa.org/13070043 (77:30)
Stephane Dartois, ENS de Lyon http://pirsa.org/13070076 (36:00)
Ghanashyam Date, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences http://pirsa.org/13070079 (57:30)
Jacobo Diaz Polo, Louisiana State University http://pirsa.org/13070090 (20:50)
Bianca Dittrich, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070079 (17:40)
Andreas Doering, University of Oxford http://pirsa.org/13070088 (20:40)
Maite Dupuis, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg http://pirsa.org/13070057 (38:00)
Christopher Duston, Florida State University http://pirsa.org/13070085 (43:20)
Astrid Eichhorn, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070073 (62:00)
Jonathan Engle, Florida Atlantic University http://pirsa.org/13070039 (83:00)
Kevin Falls, University of Sussex http://pirsa.org/13070089 (44:00)
Laurent Freidel, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070042 (0)
Ivette Fuentes, University of Nottingham http://pirsa.org/13070073 (0)
Marc Geiller, Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos http://pirsa.org/13070054 (75:00)
Steffen Gielen, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070039 (39:00)
Lisa Glaser, Niels Bohr Institue http://pirsa.org/13070075 (86:00)
Julien Grain, Institute for Space Astrophysics http://pirsa.org/13070043 (37:30)
Jonathan Granot, Open University of Israel http://pirsa.org/13070052 (0)
Sean Gryb, Radboud University Nijmegen http://pirsa.org/13070044 (0)
Giulia Gubitosi, La Sapienza University of Rome http://pirsa.org/13070052 (49:00)
Hal Haggard, Centre de Physique Theorique http://pirsa.org/13070054 (20:00)
Maximilian Hanusch, University of Paderborn http://pirsa.org/13070078 (21:00)
Bruno Hartmann, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070088 (68:10)
Jeffrey Hazboun, Utah State University http://pirsa.org/13070044 (57:40)
Tobias Henz, University of Heidelberg http://pirsa.org/13070089 (23:00)
Jeff Hnybida, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070045 (20:30)
Philipp Hoehn, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070075 (0)
Matthew Hogan, Florida Atlantic University http://pirsa.org/13070087 (51:00)
Giorgio Immirzi, INFN http://pirsa.org/13070045 (0)
Matt Johnson, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070058 (0)
Mikhail Kagan, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13070053 (43:30)
Wojciech Kaminski, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070041 (97:00)
Marcin Kisielowski, University of Warsaw http://pirsa.org/13060026 (63:40)
Tim Koslowski, University of New Brunswick http://pirsa.org/13070040 (31:00)
Thomas Krajewski, Centre de Physique Theorique http://pirsa.org/13070072 (81:40)
Manuel Kramer, University of Cologne http://pirsa.org/13070058 (22:20)
Eugene Kur, University of California, Berkeley http://pirsa.org/13070085 (24:00)
Suzanne Lannery, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg http://pirsa.org/13070078 (0)
Antony Lee, University of Nottingham http://pirsa.org/13070042 (62:50)
Jerzy Lewandowski, University of Warsaw http://pirsa.org/13070053 (0)
Linda Linsefors, LPSC-Grenoble/CNRS http://pirsa.org/13070043 (56:30)
Kinjalk Lochan, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research http://pirsa.org/13070046 (61:30)
Niccol Loret, La Sapienza University of Rome http://pirsa.org/13070056 (33:20)
Matteo Giuseppe Lostaglio, Imperial College London http://pirsa.org/13070040 (84:00)
Yongge Ma, Beijing Normal University http://pirsa.org/13070078 (57:00)
Seth Major, Hamilton College http://pirsa.org/13070090 (62:50)
Antonino Marciano, Fudan University & INFN http://pirsa.org/13070073 (27:30)
Mercedes Martin Benito, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070055 (0)
Eduardo Martin-Martinez, Perimeter Institute & Institute for Quantum Computing http://pirsa.org/13060026 (41:20)
Daniel Martin de Blas, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia http://pirsa.org/13060026 (20:00)
Guillermo Antonio Mena Marugan, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia http://pirsa.org/13070058 (60:30)
Flavio Mercati, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070040 (62:00)
Aleksandar Mikovic, Lusofona University http://pirsa.org/13070045 (62:00)
Jonah Miller, University of Colorado http://pirsa.org/13070075 (42:10)
Djordje Minic, Virginia Tech http://pirsa.org/13070073 (84:00)
Edison Montoya, Instituto de Fisica y Matematicas http://pirsa.org/13070087 (26:00)
Tim Morris, University of Southampton http://pirsa.org/13070051 (40:50)
Markus Mueller, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070084 (20:40)
Yasha Neiman, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13070054 (41:20)
Robert Oeckl, Centro de Ciencias Matematicas http://pirsa.org/13070084 (0)
Javier Olmedo, Universidad de la Repblica de Uruguay http://pirsa.org/13070074 (63:00)
Jonathan Oppenheim, University College London http://pirsa.org/13070084 (70:00)
Daniele Oriti, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070072 (21:30)
Prince Osei http://pirsa.org/13070056 (72:30)
Dine Ousmane Samary, International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications http://pirsa.org/13070076 (0)
Giovanni Palmisano, La Sapienza University of Rome http://pirsa.org/13070052 (75:00)
Daniele Pranzetti, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070054 (0)
Jacek Puchta http://pirsa.org/13070079 (0)
Jorge Pullin, Louisiana State University http://pirsa.org/13070046 (0)
Matti Raasakka, University Paris-Nord XIII http://pirsa.org/13070072 (61:50)
Saeed Rastgoo http://pirsa.org/13070074 (82:10)
Michael Reisenberger, Instituto de Física Facultad de Ciencias http://pirsa.org/13070090 (0)
Trevor Rempel, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070056 (17:00)
Aldo Riello, Aix-Marseille University http://pirsa.org/13070041 (38:00)
Andreas Rodigast, Heidelberg University http://pirsa.org/13070051 (79:50)
James Ryan, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070072 (42:40)
David Schroeren, Balliol College http://pirsa.org/13070088 (0)
Bernd Schroers, Heriot-Watt University http://pirsa.org/13070056 (48:20)
Sanjeev Seahra, University of New Brunswick http://pirsa.org/13070058 (40:00)
Giuseppe Sellaroli, University of Waterloo http://pirsa.org/13070057 (58:30)
Vasudev Shyam, The Center For Fundamental Research and Creative Education http://pirsa.org/13070044 (37:00)
Lorenzo Sindoni, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070076 (16:00)
Matteo Smerlak, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070046 (16:50)
Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070084 (95:00)
Robert Spekkens Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070084 (42:30)
Simone Speziale, Centre de Physique Theorique http://pirsa.org/13070041 (0)
Sebastian Steinhaus, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070041 (72:00)
Alexander Stottmeister, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg http://pirsa.org/13070074 (40:10)
Sumati Surya, Raman Research Institute http://pirsa.org/13070079 (37:00)
Jedrzej Swiezewski, University of Warsaw http://pirsa.org/13070053 (82:00)
Karim Thebault, LMU Munich http://pirsa.org/13070040 (62:00)
Johannes Thurigen, Albert Einstein Institute http://pirsa.org/13070085 (69:50)
Casey Tomlin, Pennsylvania State University http://pirsa.org/13070074 (0)
Aaron Trout, Chatham University http://pirsa.org/13070075 (61:10)
Madhavan Venkatesh, Centre for Fundamental Research and Creative Education http://pirsa.org/13070057 (22:00)
Francesca Vidotto, Radboud University Nijmegen http://pirsa.org/13070087 (0)
Hans Westman, Instituto de Fisica Fundamental http://pirsa.org/13070077 (0)
Wolfgang Martin Wieland, Aix-Marseille University http://pirsa.org/13070045 (39:00)
Edward Wilson-Ewing, Louisiana State University http://pirsa.org/13070043 (0)
Yuki Yokokura, Kyoto University http://pirsa.org/13070046 (42:00)
Mingyi Zhang, Centre de Physique Theorique http://pirsa.org/13070086 (40:00)
Antonia Zipfel, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg http://pirsa.org/13070086 (0)
Jonathan Ziprick, Perimeter Institute http://pirsa.org/13070057 (0)

For the most part these are 20 minute talks, in sets of 4 or 5 on one recording. The numbers in parentheses give the approximate minute on the recording when the talk starts.
When you go to the pirsa recording, if the talk you want is not the first one of the set, you may need to allow time for BUFFERING: start the play, mute the sound, and do something else for a few minutes. Buffering time is roughly 10X faster than real time.
The abstracts for the Loops 2013 parallel sessions are listed alphabetically by speaker:
For a roughly chronological list of of pirsa recordings of Loops 2013 talks go here:
of click on "videos" at the main Loops 2013 website:
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  • #50
A preliminary version of the ILQGS Fall 2013 Schedule has been posted.
For continuity here is the Spring 2013 schedule.

DATE	Seminar Title	                    Speaker 	      Institution
Jan 29 [B]Entanglement in loop quantum gravity[/B] Eugenio Bianchi  Perimeter Institute
Feb 12 [B]Dynamical chaos and the volume gap [/B]  Hal Haggard	     CPT Marseille
Feb 26 [B]Gravity electroweak unification[/B]	    Stephon Alexander Dartmouth College
Mar 12 [B]Quantum reduced loop gravity[/B]	    E.Alesci/F.Cianfrani Univ. Erlangen 
Mar 26 [B]BianchiI LQC,Kasner shifts&inflation[/B] Brajesh Gupt     LSU
Apr  9 [B]Hamiltonian spinfoam gravity[/B]         Wolfgang Wieland CPT Marseille
Apr 23 [B]A Loop quantum multiverse?[/B]           Martin Bojowald  Penn State	
May  7 [B]The imaginary part of the GR action and large-spin 4-simplex amplitude[/B]
                                            Yasha Neiman PennState

Here's the Fall schedule as it stands so far.

DATE	Seminar Title	                                 Speaker      Institution
Sep 03 [B]Multiymplectic effective General Boundary Field Theory[/B] J.Zapata   Morelia
Sep 17 [B]Thermality of spherical causal domains–entanglement spectrum[/B] H.Haggard Marseille
Oct 01 [B]BH entropy from LQG: higher dim. and gen. theories[/B] N.Bodendorfer PennState
Oct 15 TBA	                                     Derek Wise	        Erlangen 
Oct 29 TBA	                                     Asieh Karami	 Morelia
Nov 12 [B]What can we learn from shape dynamics?[/B]        Tim Koslowski  NewBrunswick
Nov 26 TBA	                                     Johannes Thürigen PotsdamAEI	
Dec 10 TBA	                                     Saeed Rastgoo	 Morelia

I notice 3 talks from the Morelia campus of UNAM, which is where Robert Oeckl is based (General Boundary Formulation of QFT). The 3 September talk is about GBF, it might be useful to review Oeckl's talk about GBF that is linked in the preceding post #49. The General Boundary formalism seems to be the natural way to do both transition amplitudes and statistical mechanics in a general covariant way. That is, with the focus being on processes, with no preferred time, rather than on a system's state at some designated time.

In connection with the list of parallel session talks in post #49, I note that ATOUSA SHIRAZI who gave a very interesting talk on her work at Florida Atlantic with Jon Engle was mistakenly alphabetized in the C bunch rather than the S bunch.
Atousa Chaharsough Shirazi, Florida Atlantic University http://pirsa.org/13070086 (64:00)
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  • #51
The title of the talk Derek Wise is scheduled to give on Tuesday (in 5 days from now) has been posted. Here's the current ILQGS schedule as it stands so far.

DATE	Seminar Title	                                 Speaker      Institution
Sep 03 [B]Multiymplectic effective General Boundary Field Theory[/B] J.Zapata   Morelia
Sep 17 [B]Thermality of spherical causal domains–entanglement spectrum[/B] H.Haggard Marseille
Oct 01 [B]BH entropy from LQG: higher dim. and gen. theories[/B] N.Bodendorfer  PennState
Oct 15 [B]Holographic SR: observer space from conformal geometry[/B] Derek Wise Erlangen 
Oct 29 TBA	                                     Asieh Karami	 Morelia
Nov 12 [B]What can we learn from shape dynamics?[/B]        Tim Koslowski     NewBrunswick
Nov 26 TBA	                                     Johannes Thürigen PotsdamAEI	
Dec 10 TBA	                                     Saeed Rastgoo	 Morelia


Holographic Special Relativity
Derek K. Wise
(Submitted on 14 May 2013)
We reinterpret special relativity, or more precisely its de Sitter deformation, in terms of 3d conformal geometry, as opposed to (3+1)d spacetime geometry. ...
... We conjecture a relationship between this kind of "holographic relativity" and the "shape dynamics" proposal of Barbour and collaborators, in which conformal space takes the place of spacetime in general relativity. We also briefly survey related pictures of observer space, including the AdS analog and a representation related to twistor theory.
17 pages, 5 illustrations
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  • #52
I found this:

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  • #53
MTd2 said:
I found this:


Interesting find! Here is the poster, with an elaborate drawing by Penrose illustrating his CCC idea:
You can click on it to enlarge it, making it more legible.

I see that among those on the discussion panel and/or giving talks were Kris Meissner (Warsaw), George Ellis (Capetown), Ted Newman (Pittsburg). Meissner posted a paper in July presenting new statistical evidence of circular ripples in the CMB that might have emanated from events in prior aeon, thus supporting the CCC conjecture. The site has abstracts for some of the talks. Here is a partial list of titles:

9:00 Roger Penrose On CCC's motivations, equations, observational implications, and future research
10:00 Vahe Gurzadyan Positive lambda, the 2nd law and observations
11:30 Krzysztof Meissner
2:00 Paul Tod The equations of CCC
3:00 Michael Eastwood Twistors, tractors, and conformally invariant operators
4:30 Rod Gover Klein, Poincaré, and geometry at infinity

9:00 Gabriele Veneziano A bouncing cosmology from string theory's new symmetries?
10:00 Kostas Skenderis Holography and the very early universe
11:30 Tsou Sheung Tsun A theory of Fermion masses and mixing
2:00 Helmut Friedrich Existence and asymptotic behaviour of space-time with positive lambda
3:00 Lars Andersson
4:30 Tim Adamo Gravity in twistor space

9:00 Claude LeBrun
10:00 Jörg Frauendiener
11:30 Laszlo Szabados On the total mass of closed universes with positive cosmological constant
2:00 Neil Turok
3:00 George Ellis Indications that gravity is essentially a conformal theory
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  • #54
This semester's schedule for the International LQG Seminar was posted today.
To follow the ILQGS series, go here:
Links to audio and to slides PDF usually appear there around the time that the online seminar is scheduled to be given. Get the slides on a separate window before you start the audio, so you will be able to scroll through the slides along with the speaker.
1/21  [B]Matter matters in asymptotically safe quantum gravity[/B]  P. Dona (Sissa)
2/4   TBA	 	 	 	 	 B. Dittrich (Perimeter)
2/18  TBA	 	 	 	 	 S. Steinhaus (Perimeter)
3/4  [B]Simplicity constraints in spin foam models[/B]  M. Geiller, S. Speziale (PSU,Marseille)
3/18 [B]S-matrices for General Boundary QFT on Anti de Sitter spacetime[/B]  M. Dohse (Morelia)
4/1  [B]Continuum limit and renormalization[/B]  	 L. Freidel (Perimeter)
4/15 [B] Linking canonical and covariant LQG[/B]  	 A. Zipfel (Erlangen)
4/29  [B]LQC and the very early universe[/B] I.Agullo, A.Barrau, G.Mena (LSU, Grenoble, Madrid)
5/13  [B]Hawking radiation in LQG[/B]	 	 	 J. Pullin (LSU)
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  • #55
1/21  [B]Matter matters in asymptotically safe quantum gravity[/B]  P. Dona (Sissa)
2/4   [B]A new vacuum for loop quantum gravity[/B]      B. Dittrich (Perimeter)
2/18 [B]Quantum group spin nets:refinement & relation to spin foam[/B] S. Steinhaus (Perimeter)
3/4  [B]Simplicity constraints in spin foam models[/B]  M. Geiller, S. Speziale (PSU,Marseille)
3/18 [B]S-matrices for General Boundary QFT on Anti de Sitter spacetime[/B]  M. Dohse (Morelia)
4/1  [B]Continuum limit and renormalization[/B]  	 L. Freidel (Perimeter)
4/15 [B] Linking canonical and covariant LQG[/B]  	 A. Zipfel (Erlangen)
4/29  [B]LQC and the very early universe[/B] I.Agullo, A.Barrau, G.Mena (LSU, Grenoble, Madrid)
5/13  [B]Hawking radiation in LQG[/B]	 	 	 J. Pullin (LSU)
Links to audio and slides PDF posted here:
E.g. for the 21 Jan talk by Pietro Donà

Hopefully the slides PDF for the 4 Feb talk by Bianca Dittrich will be posted well in advance of the talk so one can get an idea of the topic A new vacuum for loop quantum gravity ahead of time. If and when that happens, the link might be:
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  • #56
Re the previous post, both slides and audio are online for all three of the ILQGS talks that have been given so far this semester. The link that works for me, for the audio of Steinhaus' talk is:
although it currently does not appear in the main menu at http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/ilqgs/

Here are some QG and QG-related workshops, schools, or conferences scheduled for this year:

June http://www.centrovolta.it/sigrav2014/
Gravity and the Quantum

July http://ift.uni.wroc.pl/~mborn33/
Noncommutative geometry, quantum symmetries and quantum gravity

September http://www.sissa.it/app/esqg2014/
Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity

The June 1-6 SIGRAV school, "Gravity and the Quantum", at a villa on the Lago di Como in Northern Italy sounds nice. Here are the introductory/survey courses being offered

BLACK HOLES Eugenio Bianchi
QUANTUM SPACE Laurent Freidel

Here are some photos of the Villa del Grumello where it is being held and the Lake Como surroundings:
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  • #57
Princeton IAS will hold a one-week school focused on String Theory the week of June 16-20. This is part of the PiTP (Prospects in Theoretical Physics) annual series, aimed primarily at advanced graduate students and postdocs.
Here is the PiTP 2014 home page:

A partial list of topics to be covered:
"Application of AdS/CFT" (Steven Gubser, Princeton University)
"Introduction to Higher Spins" (Simone Giombi, Princeton University)
"Introduction to Topological String Theory" (Hirosi Ooguri, California Institute of Technology)
"String Compactification" (To Be Announced)
"Super-Symmetric Quantum Field Theories" (Nathan Seiberg, Institute for Advanced Study)

Other lecturers will be: Nima Arkani-Hamed (Institute for Advanced Study), Igor Klebanov (Princeton University), Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study), Alexander Polyakov (Princeton University), Herman Verlinde (Princeton University), and Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study).

The annual Strings conference will be held the following week June 23-27

Strings 2015 will be held in Bangalore, India.
  • #58
Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity workshop

1-5 September SISSA/ISA Italy


Maurizio Gasperini (University of Bari)
Sabine Hossenfelder (NORDITA, Stockholm)
Stefano Liberati (SISSA)
Roberto Percacci (SISSA)
Lee Smolin (PI, Waterloo)
Stefano Liberati (SISSA)
Roberto Percacci (SISSA)
Alessio Belenchia (SISSA)
Dionigi Benincasa (SISSA)
Arif Mohd (SISSA)
Alejandro Castedo (SISSA)
David Marzocca (SISSA)
Bethan Cropp (SISSA)
  • #59
What I see at the ESQG workshop website is a list of confirmed speakers different from what just MTd2 posted:

Confirmed speakers

Name--------- Institution
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia Sapienza, Rome
Massimo Cerdonio INFN, Padua
John Donoghue University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Astrid Eichhorn Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Jonathan Granot Open University of Israel
John Kelley IMAPP, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Jerzy Kowalski-Glickman University of Wroclaw
Joao Magueijo Imperial College, London
David Mattingly University of New Hampshire
Jakub Mielczarek Jagiellonian University, Crakow
Igor Pikovski Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
Floyd Stecker NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center

MTd2 said:
Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity workshop

1-5 September SISSA/ISA Italy


Maurizio Gasperini (University of Bari)
Sabine Hossenfelder (NORDITA, Stockholm)
Stefano Liberati (SISSA)
Roberto Percacci (SISSA)
Lee Smolin (PI, Waterloo)
Stefano Liberati (SISSA)
Roberto Percacci (SISSA)
Alessio Belenchia (SISSA)
Dionigi Benincasa (SISSA)
Arif Mohd (SISSA)
Alejandro Castedo (SISSA)
David Marzocca (SISSA)
Bethan Cropp (SISSA)
  • #60
Great talks on YouTube from 10-12 June 2013 conference at Oxford
on Cosmology and Quantum Foundations
for example:


when these come up there will be also a menu of other talks at the same conference.

Thanks to Fuzzyfelt for putting me onto these links!
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  • #61
The fourth workshop on the Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity (ESQG) will be held in Trieste on 1-5 September
Since it's still 3 months off, titles of talks have not yet been announced. Here's the list of invited speakers:
Stephon Alexander	Dartmouth
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia    Sapienza, Rome
Massimo Cerdonio	INFN - Padua
Astrid Eichhorn	        Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Agnes Ferte        	Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Julien Grain        	Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Jonathan Granot         Open University of Israel
Giulia Gubitosi	        Sapienza, University of Rome
Brian Keating	        University of California, San Diego
John Kelley	        IMAPP, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman	University of Wroclaw
Joao Magueijo	        Imperial College, London
David Mattingly	        University of New Hampshire
Jakub Mielczarek	Jagiellonian University, Crakow
Jonathan Miller	        Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
Daniele Oriti	        Albert Einstein Institute
Igor Pikovski	        Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
Carlo Rovelli	        Aix-Marseille University
Floyd Stecker	        NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experimentalists, theoreticians, and phenomenologists interested in possible tests probing the quantum/discrete structure of spacetime. There will be a number of rather focussed talks discussing possible phenomenological tests of quantum gravity and proposing some new ideas in this direction.
Strings 2014 is scheduled for 23-27 June at Princeton
The list of invited speakers has 74 names.
The titles of the talks have not been posted as yet.

The 2014 SIGRAV school "Gravity and the Quantum" was just held 1-6 June at Villa Grumello on Lake Como in Italy.
Here's a list of the six courses given at the school:

BLACK HOLES Eugenio Bianchi
QUANTUM SPACE Laurent Freidel

I understand each course consisted of a series of lectures given on different days. Ashtekar's was a series of five. Links to slides for some of the talks have been posted.
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  • #62
Talk titles for the Strings 2014 conference speaker list were posted today, about 9 days in advance of the conference. Here's the link:
Name Title
Anderson	Hidden geometry in heterotic string and F-theory compactifications
Basso		Scattering amplitudes at strong coupling beyond the area paradigm
Baumann		B-modes and the Nature of Inflation	
Bizon		Gravitational turbulent instability of AdS5	
de Boer		The entropy of a hole in space-time	
Bousso		A Proof of the Covariant Bound
Cachazo		Scattering Equations	
Casini		Entropy and Energy on null surfaces
Cheng		Umbral Moonshine and String Theory
Chesler		A holographic perspective on the Kibble-Zurek mechanism
Conlon	Moduli, 0.1-1 keV Cosmic Axion Background and the Galaxy Cluster Soft Excess	
Cordova		Toda CFT from Six Dimensions
Cremonini	Probing the structure of quantum phases of matter with holography
Dabholkar	Quantum Black Holes and Quantum Holography	
Dolan		Amplitudes and the Scattering Equations, Proofs and Polynomials	
Erdmenger	Applications of AdS/CFT to high energy and condensed matter physics*
Esole		Singularities and Gauge Theory Phases
Freedman	Precision Tests of the AdS/CFT Correspondence	
Gaiotto		Topological order in N=1 Super Yang Mills theory
Gauntlett	Holographic Lattices, Metals and Insulators
Gomis	Sphere Partition Functions, the Zamolodchikov Metric and Surface Operators	
Gopakumar	From Higher Spins to Strings	
Graham		New methods for discovering light fields
Green		Visionary
Gromov		Quantum spectral curve and AdS/CFT spectral problem
Gross		Visionary
Guica		A toy model for the Kerr/CFT correspondence
Hanada		Monte Carlo approach to string/M-theory
Hellerman	String Theory of the Regge Intercept
Hubeny		Holographic Entanglement
Kachru		Mock Modular Moonshine for M22 and M23
Klevers		Recent Progress on the Abelian Sector of F-theory
Komargodski	A Cardy-like formula in four dimensions	
Kovac		Detection of B-mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales with BICEP2
Kutasov 	ADE N=1 SUSY Dynamics
Lee,Sungjay	New Exact Results on D-branes and Orientifolds in Calabi Yau Spaces
Lee,Sangmin	Scattering amplitudes in three dimensions
Leigh		The Exact are normalization Group and Higher Spin Holography	
Liu		Entanglement Tsunami
Mafra		The closed-string 3-loop amplitude	
Maldacena	Visionary	
Marchesano	F-term axion monodromy inflation
Marino		Non-perturbative effects in M-theory	
Minahan		Three-point correlators from string theory amplitudes
Moore 		Visionary	
Murugan 	Meromorphic functions and the topology of giants	
Neitzke		A smooth R3 index for N=2 theories in four dimensions
Nekrasov Nonperturbative Dyson-Schwinger identities in gauge theories and sigma models
Papadodimas	The black hole interior in AdS/CFT	
Polchinski	Black Hole Information: Spacetime versus Quantum Mechanics*
van Raamsdonk	Gravitation from Entanglement
Raju		State dependent operators and the information paradox
Rastelli	The Superconformal Bootstrap
Sen 		Mass renormalization and vacuum shift in string theory
Silverstein	The powers of monodromy
Simmons-Duffin	Bootstrapping the 3d Ising Model
Staudacher	N=4 Scattering Amplitudes and the Regularized Graßmannian
Steinhardt	TBA	
Stieberger	Unity of tree–level superstring amplitudes
Strominger	Visionary
Sundrum		BTZ/CFT
Tachikawa	Recent advances in SUSY*
Takayanagi 	Quantum Entanglement and Local Operators
Tomasiello	New gravity duals for higher-dimensional superconformal theories
Tonni		Entanglement negativity in conformal field theory	
Trnka		Four-point scattering from Amplituhedron	
Tseytlin	Strings in AdS and their deformations 
Vafa		On 6d SCFT's
Vasiliev	Higher-rank fields and currents	
Warner		Resolving Black Holes via Microstate Geometries
Witten		Opening Remarks	
Weigand		Mordell-Weil torsion and matter spectra in F-theory	
Zaldarriaga	The dawn of B-mode cosmology

The five "vision/outlook" talks come at the end. Green Gross Maldacena Moore Strominger. Here's the entire schedule if anyone is interested:
All the talks have 30 minute slots, except that the opening remarks get 15 minutes and three review talks get an hour each (Polchinski, Erdenmenger, Tachikawa on BH info, nonstring AdS/CFT apps, Susy status)
Plenary talks will be broadcast at http://www.princeton.edu/WebMedia/

Note: to distinguish between the two speakers named Lee, here is Sungjay Lee's profile:
and for Sangmin Lee:
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  • #63
In case anyone is interested, the slides and videos of the Strings 2014 talks are being posted here:

So far no videos (it is just the second day of the conference), but slides for several of the talks are now up. Here's a sample:

Polchinski: "Black Hole Information: Spacetime versus Quantum Mechanics"
http://physics.princeton.edu/strings2014/slides/Polchinski.pdf (this works)

Steinhardt: "What has been learned from BICEP2?"
apparently download from menu http://physics.princeton.edu/strings2014/Talk_titles.shtml
My computer cannot open the file which is labeled "Steinhardt.pptx" and has size 28 MB.
It seems to be asking for "Office" or "OpenOffice". You may be better prepared than I, to view the slides.
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  • #64
Andy Strominger gave one of the 4 "vision" talks at the end of Strings 2014. His slides are online:
He lists here 74 research questions (some with hints) that he collected from colleagues who proposed them as ones which might be answered in the next 5-10 years. Plus he put in his own favorite such question: explain why S = A/(4[STRIKE]h[/STRIKE]G)
So a list of 75 including some inspiring/challenging ones. Not all are specific to Superstring/M theory and so some could be of general interest. E.g. see question #30 from Nathan Seiberg, or for that matter Strominger's own "question zero".
Peter Woit reports planned locations of future conferences: Strings 2015 will be in Bangalore, Strings 2016 in Tsinghua, Strings 2017 in Israel, Strings 2018 in Japan and Strings 2019 in Belgium.
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  • #65
Videos for some talks are now online.
Here's link to an excellent talk by Paul Steinhardt:
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  • #66
I want to report this:

Sapienza University of Rome 8 -12 september 2014
Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity 2014

This conference will provide an opportunity for an encounter between different approaches and different perspectives on the quantum-gravity problem. Its main goal is to contribute to a higher level of shared knowledge among the quantum-gravity communities pursuing each specific research program.
We plan to have plenary talks on many different approaches, including in particular string theory, loop quantum gravity, spacetime noncommutativity, causal dynamical triangulations, asymptotic safety and causal sets. We shall also welcome contributions from the perspective of philosophy of science.

  • #67
Rexcirus said:
Sapienza University of Rome 8 -12 september 2014
Conceptual and Technical Challenges for Quantum Gravity 2014
We plan to have plenary talks on many different approaches, including in particular string theory, loop quantum gravity, spacetime noncommutativity, causal dynamical triangulations, asymptotic safety and causal sets. We shall also welcome contributions from the perspective of philosophy of science...
Thanks! I saw this earlier but neglected to post it. It comes right on the heels of the Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity conference at ISAS Trieste. Here is the list of plenary speakers so far.
Eric A. Bergshoeff, University of Groningen (NL)
Massimo Bianchi, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” (IT)
Jeremy Butterfield, Trinity College, University of Cambridge (UK)
Fay Dowker, Imperial College (London, UK)
Laurent Freidel, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, CA)
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman, University of Wrocław (PL)
Helge Kragh, Aarhus University (DK)
Stefano Liberati, SISSA (Trieste, IT)
Daniel Litim, University of Sussex (Brighton, UK)
Renate Loll, Radboud University (Nijmegen, NL)
João Magueijo, Imperial College (London, UK)
Shahn Majid, Queen Mary, University of London (UK)
Daniele Oriti, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Postdam-Golm, DE)
Carlo Rovelli, Centre de Physique Théorique de Luminy (Marseille, FR)

It's an interesting lineup: speakers from lines of research like AsymSafeQG, CDT, NCG, Group Field Theory, QG Phenomenology, Causal Sets, Covariant LQG,...
  • #68
The ILQGS Fall schedule is posted!
Sep 2	 [B]Casimir effect on a quantum geometry[/B]	 Javier Olmedo	 LSU
Sep 16   [B]Cov LQG: classical action, phase space & gauge symmetries[/B]  Wolfgang Wieland PSU
Sep 30	 TBA	 Brajesh Gupt	 PSU
Oct 14	 [B]White holes[/B]	 Carlo Rovelli	 CNRS Marseille
Oct 28	 [B]New applications for LQG[/B]	 Jerzy Lewandowski	 University of Warszaw
Nov 11	 [B]Lorentz transformations from abstract quantum theory[/B]	 Philip Hoehn  PI
Nov 25	 TBA	 Derek Wise	 FAU Erlangen
Dec 9	 [B]Invariance of Connections and Measures in LQC[/B]  Maximilian Hanusch Uni Paderborn
  • #69
marcus said:
The fourth workshop on the Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity (ESQG) will be held in Trieste on 1-5 September
... Here's the list of invited speakers:
Stephon Alexander	Dartmouth
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia    Sapienza, Rome
Massimo Cerdonio	INFN - Padua
Astrid Eichhorn	        Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Agnes Ferte        	Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Julien Grain        	Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Jonathan Granot         Open University of Israel
Giulia Gubitosi	        Sapienza, University of Rome
Brian Keating	        University of California, San Diego
John Kelley	        IMAPP, Radboud University, Nijmegen
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman	University of Wroclaw
Joao Magueijo	        Imperial College, London
David Mattingly	        University of New Hampshire
Jakub Mielczarek	Jagiellonian University, Crakow
Jonathan Miller	        Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
Daniele Oriti	        Albert Einstein Institute
Igor Pikovski	        Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
Carlo Rovelli	        Aix-Marseille University
Floyd Stecker	        NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experimentalists, theoreticians, and phenomenologists interested in possible tests probing the quantum/discrete structure of spacetime. There will be a number of rather focussed talks discussing possible phenomenological tests of quantum gravity and proposing some new ideas in this direction.
The schedule of ESQG talks has been posted.
Some titles and abstracts are still TBA, here are those that have been posted so far:
Astrid Eichhorn (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo)
Testing asymptotically safe quantum gravity through coupling to dynamical matter
I will discuss the main idea of asymptotically safe quantum gravity. I will then focus on the effect of dynamical matter degrees of freedom, and discuss the evidence for the consistency of the asymptotic safety scenario for gravity with the Standard Model. Further, I will explain why only some models of "New Physics" seem to be compatible with asymptotic safety, thus providing a possibility to experimentally rule out asymptotic safety at the LHC or future colliders.

Igor Pikovski (Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology)
Exploring gravitational phenomena in low-energy quantum theory
We discuss how the ability to manipulate and to control quantum systems to very high precision opens the route for new experiments on the interplay between quantum theory and general relativity. It is shown how quantum optical systems can be used for testing low energy quantum mechanics on a fixed background space-time and quantum gravity phenomenology. We consider gravitational time dilation in low-energy quantum theory and derive the resulting decoherence of composite quantum systems [1]. We also show how pulsed opto-mechanical systems can provide a means to probe possible quantum gravitational modifications of the center-of-mass canonical commutator [2]. The results demonstrate that the interplay between quantum theory and general relativity can affect even low-energy quantum systems and that it offers novel phenomena which can be probed in experiments. [1] I. Pikovski, M. Zych, F. Costa, and C. Brukner, Universal decoherence due to gravitational time dilation, arXiv:1311.1095 (2013). [2] I. Pikovski, M. R. Vanner, M. Aspelmeyer, M. Kim, and C. Brukner, Probing Planck-scale physics with quantum optics, Nature Physics 8, 393 (2012).

Jose Manuel Carmona (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Thresholds in the presence of Lorentz violating kinematics including modified conservation laws
We discuss the leading Lorentz violations in the kinematics of particle processes with modified dispersion relations and modified composition law of momenta and some phenomenological implications on thresholds in different reactions.

Giampiero Esposito (INFN, Sezione di Napoli)
Three-body problem in effective field theories of gravity
The quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential obtained in effective field theories of gravity are shown to produce tiny but nonnegligible effects. For example, in the restricted problem of 3 bodies, the coordinates of Lagrangian points are slightly modified, and the planetoid is no longer at equal distance from the two bodies of large mass in the configuration of stable equilibrium. The equations of the full 3-body problem are also under investigation in the presence of quantum corrections.

Brian Keating (University of California, San Diego )
The Discovery of B-mode Polarization by the BICEP2 Experiment
BICEP2 is a Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarimeter designed to search for the signal of gravitational waves from inflation in B-mode polarization at large angular scales. BICEP2 observed from the South Pole for three seasons from 2010-2012 and recently published results showing an excess of B-modes in the range 30 < ell < 150 with >5 sigma significance. We find that this excess can not be explained by instrumental systematics or foreground models; it is confirmed in cross-correlation with BICEP1 (at 100 and 150 GHz) and preliminary data from the Keck Array. The observed B-mode power spectrum is well fit by a lensed-LCDM cosmological model with the addition of primordial tensor fluctuations with tensor-to-scalar ratio r=0.20^{+0.07}_{-0.05}. I will discuss the BICEP2 experiment, observations, and data analysis, as well as current and planned efforts to follow up this detection

Giulio Fabbian (SISSA)
POLARBEAR experiment: results from the first observational campaign and the prospects
I will present the POLARBEAR experiment, an ongoing ground-based CMB polarization experiment located in northern Chile. I will review its latest results obtained from the analysis of the data collected during the first observational campaign and discuss their implication for cosmology and fundamental physics.

Stephon Alexander (Dartmouth)
Parity Violating Gravitational Waves and the Standard Model
I show how parity violating gravitational waves can simultaneously generate the observed baryon asymmetry and provide a natural period of parametric resonance of preheating at the end of inflation . I discuss how this signal of parity violation may also be observable in other sectors in theories beyond the standard model.

Julien Grain (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale)
A brief overview of loop quantum cosmology and its potential observational signatures
Loop quantum cosmology (a symmetry-reduced quantum model of the Universe inspired by loop quantum gravity) extends the inflationary paradigm to the Planck era: the big bang singularity is replaced by a quantum bounce naturally followed by inflation. Testing for these models requires to compute the amount of cosmological perturbations produced in this quantum background and subsequently derives their footprints on the cosmic microwave background. I propose to review two theoretical approaches treating for cosmological perturbations in a quantum background (see Barrau et al. 2014 and Agullo et al. 2013), making their respective assumptions and methodology as explicit as possible. I will then show the observational consequences of those treatments focusing on the specific case of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies as a probe of the primordial Universe.

Agnes Ferte (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale)
Constraints on chiral gravity through the CMB polarization
If parity invariance is broken in the primordial universe, the cosmic microwave background TB and EB cross-correlations, usually vanishing, become non zero. Their detection would then constrain the level of parity violation. I propose to present forecasts on the detection of this parameter by realistically estimating the uncertainties on the TB and EB spectra via the pure pseudo spectrum method, which efficiency has been shown. I will present the results of this forecast in the case of two typical experimental setups: a small-scale experiment and a large scale survey. Our results show that no constraints can be put on the level of parity violation in the former case. However a range of model would be accessible with a future CMB satellite-like mission: for instance, a parity violation of at least 50% with r = 0.2 could be detected.

Mercedes Martin-Benito (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Echoes of the early Universe
By applying quantum informational and optical tools to quantum gravity theories in the very early universe, we show that the fluctuations of quantum fields as seen by late comoving observers are significantly influenced by the history of the early universe, transmitting information about the nature of the universe in timescales when quantum gravitational effects where non-negligible. This might be observable even nowadays thus used to build falsifiability tests of quantum gravity theories.

Jonathan Granot (Open University of Israel)
Experimental Bounds on Quantum Gravity from Fermi Observations of GRBs
I will discuss recent searches for quantum gravity signatures using high-energy photons from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), focusing on the search for Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) in the form of a dependence of the photon propagation speed on its energy. Fermi gamma-ray space telescope observations of ~8 keV to ~30 GeV photons from the short (< 1 s) GRB 090510 at a cosmological distance (z = 0.903), enabled for the first time to put a direct time of flight limit on a possible linear variation of the speed of light with photon energy that is beyond the Planck scale. Parameterizing |v/c-1| = E/E_{QG}, for deterministic LIV our most conservative limits are E_{QG}/E_{Planck} > 1.2, while less conservative limits are up to 1-2 orders of magnitude stricter. Using the same data, we have now also set Planck-scale limits on stochastic (or fuzzy) LIV - the first of this kind. I will finish by briefly outlining the prospects for future GRB observations by the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) - the next generation ground based very high energy (from ~20-30 GeV to ~300 TeV) observatory.

Carlo Rovelli (Aix-Marseille University)
Planck Stars
I describe a new suggestion for measurable quantum gravity effects: the bounce of a primordial Planck star.

Anupam Mazumdar (Lancaster University)
Resolution of Cosmological and Blackhole Singularities
I will discuss how non-local action of higher derivative extension of Einstein's gravity could yield ghost free and devoid of any space or time like singularities.

Francesco Cianfrani (University of Wroclaw)
Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity: status and perspectives.
I will present the status and the perspectives of Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity. Instead of discussing in details all the technical issues, I will focus on the relevance of this approach for grounding Loop Quantum Cosmology and for inferring a proper phenomenology for the early Universe.

Tomasz Trzesniewski (University of Wroclaw)
Dimensional Flow in kappa-Minkowski Spacetime
Running of the spacetime dimension in small scales is predicted by many different approaches to Quantum Gravity, usually using a notion of the spectral dimension. This is also the case for the kappa-Minkowski spacetime, which appears in the Deformed Special Relativity and Relative Locality. The spectral dimension can easily be calculated in the (Euclidean) momentum space representation. Meanwhile, kappa-Minkowski momenta belong to the group AN(n), which can be represented as half of the de Sitter space. A novel prescription shows it can also be mapped to (half of) the Euclidean anti-de Sitter space, which gives the Euclidean version of momentum space. This allows us to calculate the kappa-Minkowski spectral dimension for different possible Laplacians, extending the known results and providing us with a possible hint for the choice of a physical Laplacian.

Goffredo Chirco (CPT, Universite' Aix-Marseille)
Thermally correlated states of Loop Quantum Gravity
We define a class of states of LQG characterized by thermal correlations at the ultralocal level, which may reproduce the structure of correlations known for the perturbative quantum gravity states, in the appropriate limit. We show that these states have a consistent semiclassical interpretation, being peacked on classical values of the intrinsic geometry; and we study how these correlations propagate non-locally on the spin network. We propose these states as the fundamental quantum bricks defining the architecture of spacetime at the non perturbative level and we elaborate on the possible relevance of this proposal in the definition of a continuum limit for LQG.

Jonathan Miller (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)
The effect of Quantum Gravity on astrophysical neutrino flavor observables.
At the quantum level, an interaction of a neutrino with a graviton may trigger the collapse of the neutrino flavor eigenstate to a neutrino mass eigenstate. I will present that such an essentially quantum gravity effect may have strong consequences for neutrino oscillation phenomena in astrophysics due to the relatively large scattering cross section of relativistic neutrinos off massive sources of gravitational fields (the case of gravitational Bethe-Heitler scattering). This results in a new technique for the indirect detection of gravitons by measuring the flavor composition of astrophysical neutrinos.

Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman (University of Wroclaw)
Relative locality in 2+1 dimensions
The relative locality framework is based on two general premises: nontrivial geometry of momentum space and deformed momentum conservation rule. In my talk I will show how these premises take a concrete shape in the case of particles coupled to 2+1 gravity. Then I will briefly discuss the relevance of this construction to the case of physical 3+1 dimensions.

Giulia Gubitosi (Sapienza, University of Rome)
Dimensional Reduction in the Early Universe

Giacomo Rosati (ITP, University of Wroclaw)
Deformed Lorentz Symmetry and relative locality in FRW spacetime
An opportunity to test Planck-scale modifications of Lorentz symmetry is represented by propagation of particles from cosmological distances (as from GRBs). DSR has been investigated so far only for flat (Minkowskian) spacetimes, providing no room for interplay with cosmological redshift. Only recently a generalization to deSitter spacetime has been proposed (Phys.Rev.D86(2012)124035), relying on the recent understanding of relativity of locality in DSR. I here propose a formulation of DSR in FRW spacetimes, discussing some of the differences with the most studied scenario for broken Lorentz symmetries.

Niccolo' Loret (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo)
Finsler geometry and deSitter momentum space
Finsler geometry provides a well studied generalization of Riemannian geometry which allows to account for possibly non-trivial structure of the space of con?gurations of a massive relativistic particle. Another recently developed framework for the description of modi?ed relativistic particle kinematics relies on the description of the particle momentum-space as a curved (pseudo-Riemannian) manifold. We will show that in some cases these two frameworks give equivalent descriptions of the physical properties of a relativistic particle, when its momentum-space is characterized by a deSitter metric and the spacetime is ?at. The generalization of this result could provide a useful mathematical tool to formalize Deformed Special Relativity phenomenology to curved spacetimes.

Gianluca Castignani (SISSA)
Gamma-ray bursts as laboratories for quantum effects of gravity
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. Most GRBs detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope exhibit a possible delay of up to about 10 seconds between the trigger time of the hard X-ray signal as measured by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) and the onset of the MeV-GeV counterpart detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). This delay may hint at important physics, whether it is due to the intrinsic variability of the inner engine or related to quantum dispersion effects (e.g. modified dispersion relations) in the velocity of light propagation from the sources to the observer. We searched for the presence of time lags between the LAT and GBM light curves for the five brightest GRBs of the 1st Fermi-LAT Catalog by means of cross correlation analysis. Time lags that are significantly different from zero and consistent with those reported in the literature are found for all the GRBs in our sample by mean of cross correlation analysis. Our analysis reveals the complexity of the time behavior of the GBM and LAT light curves and suggests that the delays should be ascribed to intrinsic physical mechanisms. Better sensitivity and a larger sample might put constraints on a possible origin of the delays in the context of modified dispersion relations and will allow to assess whether time lags are universally present in the early GRB emission.

John Kelley (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
Observation of High-energy Astrophysical Neutrinos with the IceCube Detector
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic-kilometer-scale neutrino detector built into the ice sheet at the geographic South Pole. IceCube has recently observed a diffuse flux of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos with deposited energies up to 2 PeV. The detection of neutrinos at such energies, as well as features of their energy spectrum and flavor ratios, can be used to constrain potential phenomenological effects of quantum gravity. I will discuss the latest measurements from IceCube of these high-energy neutrinos and the implications for such constraints.

David Mattingly (University of New Hampshire)
Lorentz violating effective field theories

Sabine Hossenfelder (Nordita)
Space-time Defects
One of the most important questions in quantum gravity is whether or not space-time is fundamentally discrete or continuous. However, directly finding evidence for space-time discreteness has turned out to be difficult if not impossible. In my talk I will discuss the possibility to look for defects in the discrete structure rather than the discrete structure itself. Interestingly, these space-time defects can be modeled without violating Lorentz-invariance, and they can become observable by affecting the propagation of particles.

Daniele Oriti (Albert Einstein Institute)
The universe as a quantum gravity condensate
We discuss the geometrogenesis scenario in quantum gravity and the role it may play in the context of loop quantum gravity and group field theory. We also emphasise the connection with other ideas of emergent space-time and with analogue gravity models. We report on recent results, in the group field theory formalism, aiming at realising this scenario and in particular at the derivation of effective cosmological dynamics from group field theory condensates. In light of these results, we suggest several directions to explore to extract testable consequences of this picture of the early universe.
  • #70
Slides for some of the ESQG talks have been put online
Here is the speaker list with asterisks marking those who have already given their talks and whose slides have already been posted:
Stephon Alexander	Dartmouth
Dionigi Benincasa	SISSA
Pawel Bielewicz	        SISSA
Jose Manuel Carmona*	Universidad de Zaragoza
Gianluca Castignani	SISSA
Goffredo Chirco	        CPT, Universite' Aix-Marseille
Francesco Cianfrani	University of Wroclaw
Paolo Creminelli*	ICTP, Trieste
Astrid Eichhorn*	Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Giampiero Esposito*	INFN, Sezione di Napoli
Giulio Fabbian	        SISSA
Agnes Ferte*	        Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Julien Grain*	        Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Jonathan Granot	        Open University of Israel
Giulia Gubitosi	        Sapienza, University of Rome
Sabine Hossenfelder	Nordita
Brian Keating*	        University of California, San Diego
John Kelley	        Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman	University of Wroclaw
Niccolo' Loret	        Perimeter Institute, Waterloo
Joao Magueijo	        Imperial College, London
Francesco Marin*	Universita' di Firenze and INFN
Mercedes Martin-Benito*	Radboud University Nijmegen
David Mattingly	        University of New Hampshire
Anupam Mazumdar	        Lancaster University
Jakub Mielczarek	Jagiellonian University, Crakow
Jonathan Miller	        Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
Daniele Oriti	        Albert Einstein Institute
Igor Pikovski	        Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
Giacomo Rosati	        ITP, University of Wroclaw
Carlo Rovelli	        Aix-Marseille University
Floyd Stecker	        NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center
Tomasz Trzesniewski	University of Wroclaw
Francesca Vidotto	Radboud University Nijmegen
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