What is the direction of acceleration for the block moving on the xy plane?

In summary, the conversation discusses the steps taken to solve a physics problem involving a moving block with a given mass and coordinates. The question asks for the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the block at specific points. The solution involves finding the potential energy function, taking partial derivatives to find the magnitude of the force, and using trigonometric functions to calculate the direction of the acceleration. The final answer is found by adding 180 degrees to the calculated angle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A small block with mass 0.0400 is moving in the xy-plane. The net force on the block is described by the potential- energy function (5.80 )-(3.50 ).

Homework Equations

inverse tangent of Fy/Fx = angle of acceleration

The Attempt at a Solution

The question initially asked for the magnitude of the acceleration when it was at point x=0.25m y=0.63m which I derived from the equation of potential energy then finding the magnitude of the force, and finally dividing by the mass to give me the acceleration of 1.26.92 m/s^2

The final question is asking for the direction of the acceleration of the block when it is at the same points: x=0.25m y=0.63m.

I approached this by plugging in the magnitude of the force in the y direction (-4.167) and the magnitude of the force in the x direction (2.9) into the inverse tangent.
So: θ=inversetangent (-4.1674/2.9) to calculate an angle of -55.167.

It's asking for: What is the direction of the acceleration of the block when it is at the point 0.25 , 0.63 ? in degrees counterclockwise from the positive x axis. Naturally I subtracted the value for θ from 360° to get a value of 304.833°

Unfortunately, the angle is incorrect somehow. Suggestions? Thanks!
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  • #2
How did you do the first part exactly? What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the block when it is at the points?
  • #3
Considering the equation for the potential energy is U(x,y)=(5.8J/m2)x2-(3.50J/m^3)y^3 that makes the derivative of that equation 11.6(x) -10.5y2

Then I plugged in the coordinates the problem provided (x=0.25m, y=0.63m) and calculated Fx=2.9N and Fy=-4.16745N

Then to get the magnitude of the F I used Pythagoras. |F|=√2.92+ -4.167452 which gave me a magnitude of 5.077 N

Because F=ma I divided 5.077N by the mass of 0.0400 kg and got the acceleration of 126.92 which was verified as correct.
  • #4
My equation is U=5.65x^2 - 3.6y^3, mass = .04kg, x = .3m, y = .52m:

i took the partial derivative of U with respect to x and with respect to y.

Fx = -dU/dx = -11.3x
Fy = -dU/dy = -10.8y^2

using the same method that you did F = sqrt(Fx^2 + Fy^2) i got F = 4.474

F=ma so 4.474/.04 == 111.86 m/s^2

for the second part I thought it would be tan^-1(Fy/Fx) === 40.74 degrees

but this did not work.
  • #5
I don't know if it will help you but I found a problem in my physics book that has the equation U(x,y) = 5.8x^2 - 3.6y^3, mass is .04 kg, x = .3m, y = .6m.

Correct Answers:

F = 130 m/s^2

132 degrees counterclockwise from the +x axis
  • #6
I solved the problem I posted and found that if you take 180 - (tan^-1(Fy/Fx)) you will get the correct answer.
  • #7
That answer also worked in mastering physics.
  • #8
when I take inverse tangent of (-4.16745/2.9) (y/x) I get -55.167, since its asking for the angle counterclockwise from the positive x-axis I added 360, which gave me an angle of 304 degrees, masteringphysics says this is incorrect.

I've also tried entering 180-inversetangent(-4.16745/2.9) and get an answer of 235 degrees, which mastering physics also says is wrong.

Just for kicks I've also tried entering the angle of -55 which would be clockwise from the positive x axis, this is also wrong.

I'm at a loss.
  • #9
Update, just for kicks I tried adding 180 to the angle of -55 degrees. I calculated 124.83 (mostly drawing on inspiration from what you said was in your physics book and trying to scale my answer accordingly) and HA! Masteringphysics graded this as correct.

My only problem now is understanding how this makes since.

FAQ: What is the direction of acceleration for the block moving on the xy plane?

What is the direction of acceleration for the block moving on the xy plane?

1. What is acceleration and how does it relate to motion on the xy plane?
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, which is the speed and direction of an object's motion. On the xy plane, acceleration can be in any direction, including up/down, left/right, or a combination of both.

2. Can acceleration be negative on the xy plane?
Yes, acceleration can be negative on the xy plane. This means that the object is slowing down in the given direction.

3. How can we determine the direction of acceleration for an object on the xy plane?
To determine the direction of acceleration, we need to look at the change in velocity over time. If the velocity is increasing, then the acceleration is in the same direction as the velocity. If the velocity is decreasing, then the acceleration is in the opposite direction.

4. Does the direction of acceleration change if the object changes direction on the xy plane?
Yes, the direction of acceleration can change if the object changes direction on the xy plane. This is because the velocity changes and therefore the direction of acceleration changes accordingly.

5. Can there be more than one direction of acceleration for an object on the xy plane?
Yes, an object on the xy plane can have multiple directions of acceleration. For example, if an object is moving in a curved path, it will have both tangential and centripetal acceleration, which are in different directions.
