What is the force exerted by a ramp on a mass?

In summary: Keep up the good work!In summary, the conversation discussed the force exerted by a ramp on a mass at a 30° angle to the horizontal and how to resolve it into vertical and horizontal components. It was determined that the force exerted by the ramp is equivalent to the resultant force of the frictional and normal forces, resulting in a magnitude of mg and an angle of 0 degrees with respect to the vertical.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a ramp at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with a mass m sitting on it without sliding:

What is the force exerted by the ramp on the mass? Then resolve this force into vertical and horizontal components.

Homework Equations

Net forces equating to zero.

The Attempt at a Solution

The normal force is the force exerted by the ramp on the mass sitting on the ramp.
i.e. F = mg*cos(30) = mg*sqrt(3)/2

Then resolving this force into horizontal and vertical components:

F(vert) = (mg*sqrt(3)/2)*sqrt(3)/2 = (3mg)/4
F(hor) = (mg*sqrt(3)/2)*sin(30) = mg*sqrt(3)/4

I believe this to be correct, however the answer given, states that the force exerted by the ramp in mg, and thus the vertical component of this force is mg and horizontal component of this force is 0.

But which is correct?
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  • #2
Alex_Neof said:

Homework Statement

Consider a ramp at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with a mass m sitting on it without sliding:

What is the force exerted by the ramp on the mass? Then resolve this force into vertical and horizontal components.

Homework Equations

Net forces equating to zero.

The Attempt at a Solution

The normal force is the force exerted by the ramp on the mass sitting on the ramp.
i.e. F = mg*cos(30) = mg*sqrt(3)/2

Then resolving this force into horizontal and vertical components:

F(vert) = (mg*sqrt(3)/2)*sqrt(3)/2 = (3mg)/4
F(hor) = (mg*sqrt(3)/2)*sin(30) = mg*sqrt(3)/4

I believe this to be correct, however the answer given, states that the force exerted by the ramp in mg, and thus the vertical component of this force is mg and horizontal component of this force is 0.

But which is correct?
You did not consider all forces exerted by the ramp on the mass. The normal force is one of these forces, are there others?
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Likes Alex_Neof
  • #3
oh right, so is the force exerted by the ramp on the mass the magnitude of the result force of both the frictional force = mg*sin(30) and the normal force = mg*cos(30)?

So resultant Force = Sqrt[(mg*sin(30))^2 + (mg*cos(30))^2] = Sqrt[(mg)^2 (sin^2(30) + cos^2(30))] = Sqrt[(mg)^2] = mg.
  • #4
Alex_Neof said:
oh right, so is the force exerted by the ramp on the mass the magnitude of the result force of both the frictional force = mg*sin(30) and the normal force = mg*cos(30)?

So resultant Force = Sqrt[(mg*sin(30))^2 + (mg*cos(30))^2] = Sqrt[(mg)^2 (sin^2(30) + cos^2(30))] = Sqrt[(mg)^2] = mg.
Yes, and the angle of that resultant force of the ramp on the mass with respect to the vertical is__??
  • #5
0 degrees with respect to the vertical, since the resultant force is mg, which is exactly opposite the object's weight = mg. ∑F(vert) = 0.
  • #6
Thank you PhanthomJay. Kind Regards!
  • #7
Alex_Neof said:
Thank you PhanthomJay. Kind Regards!
You are welcome. This is good work and sound reasoning on your part.

FAQ: What is the force exerted by a ramp on a mass?

1. What is the force exerted by a ramp on a mass?

The force exerted by a ramp on a mass is also known as the "normal force" and is equal to the weight of the object multiplied by the sine of the angle of the ramp.

2. How does the angle of the ramp affect the force exerted?

The force exerted by a ramp on a mass increases as the angle of the ramp increases. This is because the steeper the angle, the more the weight of the object is directed perpendicular to the ramp surface, resulting in a larger normal force.

3. Does the mass of the object affect the force exerted by the ramp?

Yes, the mass of the object does affect the force exerted by the ramp. The force exerted is directly proportional to the mass of the object. This means that as the mass increases, so does the force exerted.

4. Is the force exerted by a ramp on a mass a constant value?

No, the force exerted by a ramp on a mass is not a constant value. It varies depending on the angle of the ramp and the mass of the object. The force exerted can also change if there is friction present on the ramp.

5. Can the force exerted by a ramp on a mass be greater than the weight of the object?

Yes, the force exerted by a ramp on a mass can be greater than the weight of the object. This is possible when the angle of the ramp is very steep, resulting in a larger normal force. However, the weight of the object will always be equal to the force exerted when the ramp is at a 90 degree angle (vertical).
