What is the Lorentz transformation

In summary, a Lorentz transformation is a relation between the coordinates of two observers, while a Lorentz boost is a transformation with no rotation. Two boosts in the same direction can be combined using a formula to create a third boost, while two boosts in different directions result in a combination of a boost and a spatial rotation. The Lorentz transformation equation for a boost with velocity v in the x direction can be simplified using rapidity. Additionally, it is impossible for an object to reach the speed of light due to the way speeds are added in the Lorentz transformation equation. Poincare transformations are a more general form of Lorentz transformations, and the Lorentz group is a subgroup of the Poincare group.
  • #1

A Lorentz transformation is the relation between the coordinates of two inertial observers who use the same event as their origin of coordinates.

A Lorentz boost is a Lorentz transformation with no rotation (so that both observers use the same coordinate-name for the direction of their relative velocity).

A combination of two Lorentz boosts of speeds u and v in the same direction is a third Lorentz boost in the same direction, of speed (u + v)/(1 + uv/c²).

A combination of two Lorentz boosts in different directions is not a Lorentz boost, but is a combination of a Lorentz boost and a spatial rotation (a rotation known as "Thomas precession") in the plane of those directions.


The standard Lorentz Transformation for a boost with velocity v in the x direction from coordinates [itex]t,x,y,z[/itex] to coordinates [itex]t^{\prime},x^{\prime},y^{\prime},z^{\prime}[/itex]:

[tex]t^{\prime} = \gamma \left( t - \frac{vx}{c^2} \right)[/tex]

[tex]x^{\prime} = \gamma (x - vt)[/tex]

[tex]y^{\prime} = y\ \ \ \ z^{\prime} = z\ \ \ \ \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}[/tex]

Redshift: [tex]c\,t^{\prime}\ +\ x^{\prime}\ =\ \sqrt{\frac{1\ -\ v/c}{1\ +\ v/c}}(c\,t^{\prime}\ +\ x^{\prime})[/tex]

Velocity addition (one-dimensional): [tex]v\ =\ \frac{v_1 + v_2}{1\ +\ v_1v_2/c^2}[/tex]

Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction factor: [tex]\frac{1}{\gamma}[/tex]

Time dilation factor: [tex]\frac{1}{\gamma}[/tex]

Rapidity: [tex]\alpha\ \ \text{where}\ \ v/c\ =\ \tanh\alpha\ \ \text{and so}\ \ \gamma\ =\ \cosh\alpha[/tex]

If the units of time and distance are adjusted so that c = 1, this standard Lorentz Transformation has the more symmetric form:

[tex]t^{\prime} = \gamma (t - vx)[/tex]

[tex]x^{\prime} = \gamma (x - vt)[/tex]

[tex]y^{\prime} = y\ \ \ \ z^{\prime} = z\ \ \ \ \gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2}}[/tex]

Using rapidity:

[tex]t^{\prime} = \cosh\alpha\,t - \sinh\alpha\,x[/tex]

[tex]x^{\prime} = \cosh\alpha\,x - \sinh\alpha\,t[/tex]

[tex]t^{\prime}\ \pm\ x^{\prime}\ =\ e^{\mp \alpha}(t^{\prime}\ \pm\ x^{\prime})[/tex]

[tex]\alpha\ =\ \alpha_1\ +\ \alpha_2[/tex]

Extended explanation

Addition of speeds in the same direction:

If there are three observers, moving in the same direction, and calling it the same direction, then their relative speeds may be combined according to the formula v = (v1 + v2)/(1 + v1v1/c²).

This easier to understand if rapidities are used, with v/c = [itex]\tanh\alpha[/itex], v1/c = [itex]\tanh\alpha_1[/itex], v2/c = [itex]\tanh\alpha_2[/itex]: then it simply says [itex]\alpha\ =\ \alpha_1\ +\ \alpha_2[/itex].

In other words: rapidities (in one dimension) add like ordinary numbers.

By combining speeds, we add the rapidities, and so we can make the combined rapidity as large as we like. However, rapidity is a tanh, and tanh is always less than 1 (because [itex]\tanh\alpha\ =\ (1\,-\,e^{-2\alpha})/(1\,+\,e^{-2\alpha})[/itex]), and so the speed can never quite reach c.

Impossibility of exceeding c:

It is often said that nothing can be accelerated to the speed of light because its mass increases as it gets faster.

However, the fundamental reason is simply that "adding" speeds only adds tanh-1(speed/c), and so no amount of adding can make (speed/c) equal to (or greater than) 1.

Poincare transformations:

A Poincare transformation is the relation between the coordinates of any two inertial observers.

Lorentz transformations are Poincare transformations in which the origin (0,0,0,0) goes to itself.


The Lorentz group is the group of Lorentz transformations, and is a subgroup of the Poincare group (of Poincare transformations).

The Lorentz boosts in one dimension are a group, which is a subgroup of the Lorentz group..

The Lorentz boosts in more than one dimension are not a group.

Every Lorentz transformation is a combination of a Lorentz boost and a spatial rotation. Every Poincare transformation is combination of a Lorentz boost a spatial rotation and a change of origin.

In other words: the Lorentz group is generated by Lorentz boosts and spatial rotations. The Poincare group is generated by Lorentz transformations and space-time translations.

* This entry is from our old Library feature. If you know who wrote it, please let us know so we can attribute a writer. Thanks!
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks for providing this information! This is a great resource for understanding Lorentz transformations and the various equations associated with them.

Related to What is the Lorentz transformation

1. What is the Lorentz transformation?

The Lorentz transformation is a mathematical equation that describes how the measurements of space and time change between two observers in different frames of reference. It is a fundamental concept in Einstein's theory of special relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space and time.

2. Who developed the Lorentz transformation?

The Lorentz transformation was developed by Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz in the late 19th and early 20th century. It was later incorporated into Einstein's theory of special relativity, which is now a cornerstone of modern physics.

3. Why is the Lorentz transformation important?

The Lorentz transformation is important because it explains how the laws of physics remain the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This concept is crucial for understanding the nature of space and time, and has led to many groundbreaking discoveries in physics.

4. How is the Lorentz transformation used in everyday life?

While the principles of the Lorentz transformation may seem abstract, they have practical applications in many areas of everyday life. For example, GPS systems, which rely on precise measurements of time and space, must take into account the effects of special relativity in order to function accurately.

5. Are there any limitations to the Lorentz transformation?

Like all scientific theories, the Lorentz transformation has its limitations. It is only applicable to objects moving at constant velocities in a straight line, and does not take into account the effects of gravity. It also breaks down at extremely high velocities, approaching the speed of light, where more complex equations are needed.

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