What Is the Minimum Magnetic Field to Move a Copper Rod?

In summary, the problem involves a copper rod resting on two horizontal rails, with a current of 50A passing through it. The coefficient of static friction is 0.6. The task is to determine the smallest magnetic field that will cause the rod to slide, and its magnitude and angle relative to the vertical. The solution involves setting the magnetic force equal to the normal force times the coefficient of static friction, and using trigonometric ratios to solve for the angle. However, there may be some discrepancies in the given answers and further clarification is needed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Right, this is from Halliday & Resnick, ch. 28 p45
A 1kg copper rod rests on two horizontal rails 1m apart and carries a current of 50A from one rail to the other. The coefficient of static friction between the rod and rails is 0.6
What are the a) magnitude and b) angle (relative to the vertical) of the smallest magnetic field that puts the rod on the verge of sliding?

Answers being a) B=0.1T and b)31deg

The Attempt at a Solution

The force generated by the magnetic field on the bar has to be equal to the normal force times the coefficient of s. friction. This is:


which can be written as


We can write this as


Clearly, the right hand side is constant, independent of the angle. So, in order for example for the angle to change into something smaller than perpendicular (90), B must go up...

Besides, using the answers from the book I get [tex]F_{B}\approx3N[/tex]
whilst [tex]mg\mu\approx6N[/tex]

Does not make sense.

And to complicate things. There are two degrees of freedom in the vertical plane for the vector to rotate. One of them describes the tilting of the magnetic field toward the wire-crossed bar, this actually changes the magnitude of the force on the wire.
The other angle, which describes the tilting of the magnetic field toward the current carriers, does not change the magnitude of the force, but the projection of it onto, let's say, the x axis.

In any case, B times whatever angle must be a constant, since the force it meets is a constant. I don't see where the 31 degrees comes from.

If I assume sin90 then the field is B=0.12T
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
, which is close to the answer. But this does not take into account the angle of the magnetic field but the angle between the rod and rails.Any help?

FAQ: What Is the Minimum Magnetic Field to Move a Copper Rod?

1. What is a Coper rod and how does it interact with a magnetic field?

A Coper rod is a cylindrical piece of copper that is used to conduct electricity. When a magnetic field is present, the electrons in the copper rod will experience a force and move in a circular motion around the rod, creating an electric current.

2. Can a Coper rod be used to generate electricity with a magnetic field?

Yes, a Coper rod can be used to generate electricity with a magnetic field. When the rod is placed in a changing magnetic field, it will experience a force and the electrons will move, creating an electric current. This is the principle behind generators.

3. How does the strength of the magnetic field affect the movement of electrons in a Coper rod?

The strength of the magnetic field directly affects the force experienced by the electrons in a Coper rod. The stronger the magnetic field, the more force the electrons will experience and the faster they will move, resulting in a larger electric current.

4. What is the difference between a Coper rod and a magnet in terms of their interaction with a magnetic field?

A Coper rod and a magnet both interact with a magnetic field, but in different ways. The Coper rod conducts electricity and experiences a force from the magnetic field, while a magnet has its own magnetic field that can attract or repel other objects with magnetic properties.

5. Can a Coper rod be used to shield against magnetic fields?

Yes, a Coper rod can be used to shield against magnetic fields. When a Coper rod is placed in a strong magnetic field, the electrons in the rod will create an opposing magnetic field, effectively cancelling out the external magnetic field and shielding the area inside the rod from its effects.

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