- #71
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CheckMate said:I can understand the path to a PhD. You need proof of an academic education before entering graduate school.
I was referring to getting an undergraduate degree just to get "knowledge" without a PhD as a goal.
Trust me, there is way too many people that get an undergraduate degree and end up flippin burgers because they were lied to by universities that their degree would guarantee them a good salary. As a matter of fact, in these hard economic times, 40k is not enough when you have to pay insurance and loans.
You could easily be making 40k$ without a degree.
I see your point. I was referring to going to college for the love of knowledge, not for the (sometimes) misled "knowledge" in getting a job.
I disagree that 40k isn't enough, if you know how to budget yourself it isn't so bad at all. You have approximately $3333/month. The numbers seem to add up to a comfortable yet modest living. I don't see what is so terrible about that. Physicists don't come out with much loans at all. If you are a med major on the other hand then paying off loans are a major factor.