What is the Relative Concentration of Helium at 3 Minutes After the Big Bang?

In summary, the relative concentration of helium at 3 minutes after the big bang was 2-5 parts per 100,000. This means that if you had 1 kilogram of normal matter from the universe at that time, 250 grams of it would be normal helium nuclei. This calculation is based on the given information that 2-5 parts per 100,000 of apples are bad and 25% of the universe's matter is helium-4. There is also a negligible contribution from helium-3. The amount of lithium nuclei in a 1 kg handful of matter from the universe at 3 minutes after the big bang would be approximately 0.2 to 0.5 µg.
  • #1

Homework Statement

the relative concentration by mass of helium at 3 minutes after the big bang is 2-5 parts per 100,000. If you had 1 kilogram of the normal matter from the universe at a time 3 minutes after the big bang, how much of it would be normal helium nuclei?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have no idea.can someone help?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If 2% of all apples are bad, and you have 10000 apples, how many apples are bad? The problem is as easy as this.
  • #3
your mean is 1kg x 2x10^-5?but the answer is 250g. I only have the answer. I don't know how to get it
  • #4
250 g sounds reasonable in terms of cosmology (the actual mass fraction was ~25%), but that doesn't fit to the given "2-5 parts per 100,000". Could that number refer to something else (like helium-3 or deuterium)?
  • #5

I have table show that
  • #6
That's what I expected. 25% 4He, so 250 g in 1 kg. The 3He contribution is negligible.
  • #7
how about in 7Li. there isn't have%
  • #8
What is unclear about "n parts in x"?
  • #9
2-5 parts in 10 billion
  • #11
So It is 1kg x 2 parts in 10 billion?
  • #13
I have tried it before. 1kgx4x10^(-10)=4x10^(-10)kg. However the answer is 0.4mg=4x10^(-7)kg how to get it?
  • #14
there is the Q:If you could take a 1 kg handful of the matter in the universe 3 minutes after the big bang, approximately how much would be lithium nuclei?
  • #15
Should be 0.2 to 0.5 µg, not mg.
  • #16
my calculation is correct?
  • #18

FAQ: What is the Relative Concentration of Helium at 3 Minutes After the Big Bang?

1. What is the significance of helium nuclei in the Big Bang theory?

Helium nuclei play a crucial role in the Big Bang theory as they are one of the first elements to form after the initial explosion. This process, known as nucleosynthesis, is responsible for the creation of all elements in the universe.

2. How were helium nuclei formed during the Big Bang?

During the first few minutes of the Big Bang, the extreme temperatures and pressures allowed for protons and neutrons to combine and form helium nuclei through a process called fusion. This process continued as the universe expanded and cooled, eventually leading to the formation of larger elements.

3. How much helium was created during the Big Bang?

It is estimated that around 25% of the mass of the universe is made up of helium, with most of it being created during the first few minutes of the Big Bang. This is a significant amount considering that only a small fraction of the universe is made up of elements other than hydrogen and helium.

4. What is the role of helium nuclei in the expansion of the universe?

The presence of helium nuclei in the early universe helped to slow down the expansion of the universe. This is due to the fact that helium is more massive than hydrogen, causing it to have a stronger gravitational pull and therefore slowing the expansion.

5. Can we observe the remnants of helium nuclei from the Big Bang?

While we cannot directly observe the helium nuclei created during the Big Bang, we can study the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is leftover radiation from the initial explosion. This radiation contains small variations in temperature that can tell us about the composition of the early universe, including the presence of helium nuclei.
