What is Your IQ? Share Your Experience

  • Thread starter yu_wing_sin
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In summary: IQ was probably around 150. My parents were very disappointed when I got a score of 114 on the Stanford Binet IQ test (I think).What is your IQ?I think my IQ is around 15x.
  • #1
What is your IQ?

I ever did some IQ index test, I found my IQ is around 15x. If it is an IQ test without language test, my IQ is as higher as 16x.

What is your IQ? Share your experience with us.

I don't think a high IQ person will have any positive change in life. Although my IQ is high, my marks of study is common. I admit that I think a high IQ person can solve scientific problems fluently.
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  • #2
According to some IQ test online from the High IQ Society I'm 104 -- unworthy of being on this forum.

Otherwise I've never been tested.
  • #3
Acctually having skills to solve IQ tests. Doing IQ test questions, is only "test how many thinking skills you have".
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  • #4
two years ago is was 173 :biggrin: , scored myself almost perfect on da language section.

edit: Okay, one year, 5 months and... six days (give or take)
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  • #5
Let's just say I could make Marilyn Vos Savant blush... Just kidding...I have no idea what my score is.

What I want to know is, how important is this number to you anyways? If it was between the first and second quartile of the distribution, would you give up your dreams and become a garbage man for the rest of your days? If it was really high would you be any different, except perhaps a bit more snobbish?
  • #6
heh, it's just something to brag about really. I've always thought I'm smarter than I really am, and ain't no IQ test going to discourage that, nor should it be blamed.
  • #7
According to some IQ test online from the High IQ Society I'm 104 -- unworthy of being on this forum.

Otherwise I've never been tested.

you're probably the only one telling the truth.

Yu wing, definitions of iq are based on such tests as WAIS, your iq is probably much lower; although you can certainly adhere to your "prefered" definition of iq.

Besides what a great way to make some money, by handing out a high iq score to gullible people and then asking money for the online proof (so I can show it to my friends), as queendom, iqtest.com, and that ridiculous "tickle" test.

If I ever fail in my academic endeavors, I plan on creating a site which offer scientific iq test with a high correlation to weshler devised by a "certified psychologist/psychometrician" (me of course), making hugh bucks by cheating the millions of gullible people out there. Seriously, no psychologist/psychometrician with credible training would spend time making bogus iq tests to fool millions (they would be more sensitive to the definition of iq).
  • #8
I got 2 scores on 2 tests: 129, and 136. average-132.5. let's round that. 133
  • #9
I've had scores range between 98 and 145. Realistically, I'd put my IQ between 125-135.
  • #10
Grr. IQ tests. Grr.

It just gives someone an excuse to say "I'm smarter than you."

I remember having such happen in elementary school, and being denied entry into the "gifted" program based on the elementary school IQ test (which I took during a particularly stressful time in my young life). Grr. Very emotionally damaging to the young mind who wants to learn. Grr.

Initiative is more of a better standard of intelligence, IMO. If someone wants to be smart, they take action and learn.

edit: btw I took one of those online tests a while ago and got a 132. I frankly don't care.
  • #11
High: 155
Low: 127

(I like to think the higher one is correct, but really, who cares what one thinks? Let's see what one does.)

In high school "they" yanked me from class for a special focused test; turns out I'm big on spatial thinking, but I suck at observation; I'm huge when it comes to "flow of ideas" but tiny in the area of foresight; inductive reasoning (generalizing) is great but analytical reasoning (organizing) is barely average.
  • #12

A low IQ is not a good thing to have. But a high IQ is inversely correlated
with success both socially and in the business world.

It's also not the most important factor in hiring someone. I'd rather employ people
with average intelligence but a strong work ethic than the other way around.

And as far as my neighbors go I don't care about their IQ, I care about their values.
  • #13
I had a terrible cold the day we took the IQ test in 7th or 8th grade. My score was low (119). I question the validity of these tests.

When I was in 1st grade, I didn't like school so my parents took me to a psychologist to try and find out why. He spent several weeks testing me and he told my parents I was brilliant, almost a genius. During that time he would watch me do various tasks such as solving puzzles, drawing, build things out of blocks, other problem solving situations, he would question why I did things the way I did, etc. I'll take his word for my IQ.

Now, if your done with your trash can, I'll take it and dump it. :biggrin:
  • #14
mine is 42:biggrin:
  • #15
yourdadonapogostick said:
mine is 42:biggrin:
In that case, I'll push the cart and you gather the baskets and dump the contents. :biggrin:

(I get to push the cart because mine's bigger than yours... :rolleyes: Yeah. :biggrin: )
  • #16
yourdadonapogostick said:
mine is 42:biggrin:
:rolleyes: you're supposed to be a vegetable... if not dead.
  • #17
im 11 and my iq from the test was 115 from the high iq society but i know I am a little smarter.
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  • #18
Townsend said:
Let's just say I could make Marilyn Vos Savant blush... Just kidding...I have no idea what my score is.

What I want to know is, how important is this number to you anyways? If it was between the first and second quartile of the distribution, would you give up your dreams and become a garbage man for the rest of your days? If it was really high would you be any different, except perhaps a bit more snobbish?
i agree don't let a test dicide your fate
  • #19
acording to the iq test I am smart for a kid
  • #20
Smurf said:
:rolleyes: you're supposed to be a vegetable... if not dead.
who said I'm not?
  • #21

:smile: that's funny
  • #22
In the supervised UK Mensa tests (Cattell 'B' and standard Culture Free Test if I remember correctly) I came out at 164. That was a long time ago, I've certainly lost brain cells since then.
  • #23
P.S. The number means bugger all, other than I got some pseudo 'able child' support at school which came in the form of some rubbish weekend schools. What does matter is being able to integrate into whatever society one chooses, be it academic, business, agriculture, whatever.
  • #24
although, according to the US military, i am some sort of a supergenius.
  • #25
I never really took a formal paper IQ test.
However, I scored a 142 on www.tickle.com 's internet IQ test.:smile:
  • #26
I think it was higher before I started drinking.

But they don't revoke PhD's :biggrin:
  • #27
James Jackson said:
In the supervised UK Mensa tests (Cattell 'B' and standard Culture Free Test if I remember correctly) I came out at 164.
The Cattell has a standard deviation of 24. Your SD15 (Wechsler) IQ would be 140.
  • #28
pattylou said:
I think it was higher before I started drinking.

But they don't revoke PhD's :biggrin:
I understand that drinking is supposed to adversely effect brain function in the long term. Not that I really care. Funny enough though, if you learn something while intoxicated you are likely to preform better at what you learned if you are in an intoxicated state. A friend of mine told me after he read the study he expirimented with it by drinking while studying and then making himself a martini before he went in for his exam.
  • #29
The thing about taking a test while intoxicated I think is that you kind of lose some of your important perceptions e.g. you may think that you're actually performing incredibly fast and have plenty of time left, when actually the test is almost over, this may well apply to your perception of how well you're doing also. If you want to get a 100 on a test, don't drink before
  • #30
Drinking is like natural selection for brain cells. If a herd of antelope is chased by a predator, the slower weaker ones fall behind and get eaten, thus the herd is stronger. So by getting drunk you are killing off the weak brain cells and making yourself smarter :smile: :smile:

At least that's my excuse :biggrin:
  • #31
Kazza_765 said:
Drinking is like natural selection for brain cells. If a herd of antelope is chased by a predator, the slower weaker ones fall behind and get eaten, thus the herd is stronger. So by getting drunk you are killing off the weak brain cells and making yourself smarter :smile: :smile:

At least that's my excuse :biggrin:
Sounds good to me! :biggrin:
  • #32
hmmm, i am smarter when i drink! :biggrin:
  • #33
as my first post, i am honered to say that i agree, yo'all are awesome
  • #34
GCT said:
The thing about taking a test while intoxicated I think is that you kind of lose some of your important perceptions e.g. you may think that you're actually performing incredibly fast and have plenty of time left, when actually the test is almost over, this may well apply to your perception of how well you're doing also. If you want to get a 100 on a test, don't drink before
It's probably the best idea not to yes but my friend is a bit odd and is majoring in Cognitive Science, so it seemed only natural to him to test out the theory. We both enjoy getting intoxicated and seeing how well we can get our brains to preform. It's like people who buy/build high performance vehicles and then drive them in the mud, but we do it with our brains instead. :biggrin:
  • #35
TheStatutoryApe said:
It's probably the best idea not to yes but my friend is a bit odd and is majoring in Cognitive Science, so it seemed only natural to him to test out the theory. We both enjoy getting intoxicated and seeing how well we can get our brains to preform. It's like people who buy/build high performance vehicles and then drive them in the mud, but we do it with our brains instead. :biggrin:
there's just no clever response to this, if you don't already get the irony I can't help you!

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