What type of people choose to be elementary school teachers?

In summary, teaching in an elementary or primary school can be very stressful, especially when dealing with children of varying learning abilities, emotional problems, and disruptive behaviors. While it may not be as stressful as teaching in a high school, it can be more so than teaching in a university. There is also the added responsibility of handling disciplinary issues, which can vary from teacher to teacher. The concept of corporal punishment is debated, with some arguing that it is necessary for discipline, while others believe it is not effective. Despite the stress, there are still individuals who choose to make teaching in an elementary school their career. The qualities and characteristics of these individuals may vary.
  • #1
What's it like teaching in an elementary or primary school? How streesful is it? Probably not as much as teaching in a high school but more so than a University?
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  • #2
Whats with these questions, are you doing a report?

I taught elementary school for 10 years and hit my students all 10 years when they misbehaved.
  • #3
ILEW said:
What's it like teaching in an elementary or primary school? How streesful is it? Probably not as much as teaching in a high school but more so than a University?
My wife is a teaching assistant at a local elementary school. It can be very stressful, especially when there is a mix of children with different learning abilities, or when one or more children act disruptively. Teachers have to deal with children and their emotional problems, which result things like ADD/ADHD, disrupted families (e.g. husband and/or wife act violently to each other or the children), child abuse (i.e. children who are violently or sexually abused by a parent, sibling or other family member), . . . .

Occasionally one encounters a child who lashes out violently against other students or the teacher. The teacher is expected to calmly deal with it.
  • #4
cyrusabdollahi said:
Whats with these questions, are you doing a report?

I taught elementary school for 10 years and hit my students all 10 years when they misbehaved.

Why are you asking? It's just for curioisty sake. You should have been prosecuted long ago for doing that.
  • #5
ILEW said:
You should have been prosecuted long ago for doing that.

If you mean hitting the children, I disagree. Part of teaching in school should be discipline and morals. That will no doubt vary from teacher to teacher, but I think giving a child who shouted out a bad word a small spanking would do him/her some good.
  • #6
ILEW said:
Why are you asking? It's just for curioisty sake. You should have been prosecuted long ago for doing that.

Because those are odd questions to be asking. Why, kids need to be disciplined.
  • #7

And the teacher of the year goes to...(its the maestro from seinfeld!).
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  • #8
My wife made the point that 'hitting' is punishment (usually referred to as corporal punishment), not discipline. In NY, and perhaps the NE US, a teacher would be suspended for striking or hitting a child. A child who acts out will be sent to the principal and the parents will be summoned to the school.
  • #9
Even though it's streeful, some people still do it. I wonder what kind or type of people (as in what type of personal qualities, characteristics etc) choose to teach in elementary school and have it as their career?

Related to What type of people choose to be elementary school teachers?

What qualifications do I need to teach in a primary school?

To teach in a primary school, you typically need a bachelor's degree in education or a related field. Additionally, you may need to obtain a teaching license or certification from your state or country. This may involve completing specific coursework and passing exams to demonstrate your knowledge and skills as a teacher.

What subjects will I be expected to teach in a primary school?

As a primary school teacher, you will likely be expected to teach a range of subjects, including math, science, English/language arts, social studies, and possibly art or music. Depending on the school and grade level, you may also be responsible for teaching physical education or other specialized subjects.

What is the typical class size for a primary school?

The average class size in a primary school can vary depending on the location and school district. In general, class sizes tend to be smaller in primary schools compared to secondary schools. According to the National Education Association, the average class size in primary schools is around 19 students.

What are some common challenges I may face as a primary school teacher?

Some common challenges in teaching in a primary school include managing a diverse classroom of students with varying abilities and backgrounds, keeping students engaged and motivated, and finding ways to effectively communicate with parents and caregivers. Additionally, there may be challenges related to classroom management, lesson planning, and meeting the individual needs of students.

What are some effective teaching strategies for primary school students?

Some effective teaching strategies for primary school students include using hands-on and interactive activities, incorporating technology and visual aids, differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners, and providing a positive and supportive learning environment. It is also important to build strong relationships with students and their families to create a collaborative learning community.

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