What ya' think of Lady Gaga in meat?

  • Thread starter jackmell
  • Start date
In summary, Lady Gaga's performance on Vogue this week was not well-received by many of her fans. She was criticized for her lack of talent and for her outdated and tacky fashion choices. Some fans did find her sexy, however, and others thought she just looked old and tired.
  • #36
She's musically talented. She should stick that and the presentation in the video Greg posted.

She doesn't need to be tacky or scantily clad unless she wants to appeal to people who go for scantily clad or tacky, which appears to be the case.

I mean bacon to me would come across as cheap meat but Ms. Gaga is probably wearing thinly-sliced filet Mignon. She's a classy chick with quality meat.
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  • #37
I don't follow pop culture, in fact I only recently learned of this artist, but I think she's aiming to be the next Madonna. I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. Lots of people leave behind the things they really love to follow the money - usually we call these people "lawyers" or "CEOs".
  • #38
turbo-1 said:
I don't think of her at all. IMO, she is vacuous and untalented, and tries to make an entire career out of oddness. It was OK when Elton John dressed outrageously, wore goofy glasses and hats, etc, because he really had the chops (piano and vocals) to back it up. She doesn't.

Lady gaga is very talented. She can play piano and sing very well... I have no clue what you're going on about.

She does stuff to be provocative and grab attention, she just likes being weird and strives on being unique, so what? I don't find her particularly attractive but that's just me.

As well most of the clothing she wears is particularly to promote specific fashion artists, it's not like she designs her own damn clothes, get real.
  • #39
zomgwtf said:
Lady gaga is very talented. She can play piano and sing very well... I have no clue what you're going on about.

She does stuff to be provocative and grab attention, she just likes being weird and strives on being unique, so what? I don't find her particularly attractive but that's just me.

As well most of the clothing she wears is particularly to promote specific fashion artists, it's not like she designs her own damn clothes, get real.


  • #40
Proton Soup said:
i grok spoiled meat. Jem has more talent and isn't skanky.

I guess I must agree somewhat since I have 1 Lady Gaga song on my iPod, but 8 by Jem. Although I do have a Gaga ring tone so that might even the score a little. :)
  • #41
She is insane! Bodysurfing on her fans? Seems to me she's lucky she didn't get torn limb from boob and sold by the part on ebay.
  • #42
DaveC426913 said:
She is insane! Bodysurfing on her fans? Seems to me she's lucky she didn't get torn limb from boob and sold by the part on ebay.


You sir, are insane in the membrane
  • #43
Well what da' ya' expect the women in here to say? They're jealous of her. That's how women are. I mean if Ms. Evo post a nice picture of her daughter, they're all full of praise, pretty this and pretty that, but they're jealous of her too, just won't say anything cus' she's the queen bee in here, and they all what, her sister bees I guess, and that lil' Ms. NuclearGir is just like them from what I read.

But the guys in here, well I'm disappointed in them. Personally I think most of the guys in here think that's a hot picture but they just wanna' take the high-road and not fess up their true feelings. Private though, I think a good percentage of men would eat her meat raw right off her body. Might be Kobe beef sides since it's a Japan issue of the mag.
  • #44
  • #45
jackmell said:
Well what da' ya' expect the women in here to say? They're jealous of her. That's how women are. I mean if Ms. Evo post a nice picture of her daughter, they're all full of praise, pretty this and pretty that, but they're jealous of her too, just won't say anything cus' she's the queen bee in here, and they all what, her sister bees I guess, and that lil' Ms. NuclearGir is just like them from what I read.

But the guys in here, well I'm disappointed in them. Personally I think most of the guys in here think that's a hot picture but they just wanna' take the high-road and not fess up their true feelings. Private though, I think a good percentage of men would eat her meat raw right off her body. Might be Kobe beef sides since it's a Japan issue of the mag.

:rolleyes: :smile:

Personally, I find this the best picture ever! Lady Gaga is not as appealing.
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  • #46
turbo-1 said:
IMO, she is vacuous...

Possibly. Possibly not. I've never had the opportunity to get to know her, so I can't say one way or the other. Do you know her personally? If not, how could you make such a judgement call from a distance, from seeing an interview or two?

...and untalented...

Hardly. One does not rise to the top of the charts and make millions of dollars by being "untalented."

So, +2, zomgwtf.
  • #47
jackmell said:
Well what da' ya' expect the women in here to say? They're jealous of her.

not jealous :) though I wish I had her ability to pull herself out of a bad situation and her determination! She works hard and she can really sing so she deserves to be so successful. I guess she just enjoys wearing meat...
  • #48
nucleargirl said:
she can really sing

Gee, is that another way of sayin', "I really like her music and love dancing to it but I don't wanna' agree with Jack about nothin' cus' that won't get me no points with ma' sister bees?"
  • #49
My understanding of her is that she views herself as a performance artist and that everything she does in public she considers part of her art (music, acting, costuming, clothing design, etc). I dislike her music in general (not a fan of pop music in general), but I envy the way she takes her art to the extreme. I know it is not new, but to go all out and commit in that way is quite brave in my opinion.

Concerning this photo - I think the obvious interpretation is that posing, scantily clad, on the front of a magazine is presenting oneself as "meat," and then draping herself in meat is an acknowledgment and statement about being viewed only as meat. Just the obvious guess.
  • #50
jackmell said:
Gee, is that another way of sayin', "I really like her music and love dancing to it but I don't wanna' agree with Jack about nothin' cus' that won't get me no points with ma' sister bees?"

This bee analogy doesn't really work in this context I don't think!
  • #51
She's said she'd rather be famous than anything else; that fame gives her a reason to live. Whatever the message, it's clear that she's someone who wants fame more than pretty much anything, including money, although that's coming with fame. The rest, including the symbolism of any given outfit or statement is therefore meaningless except as a means to advance her essential goal.

Personally, as long as her songs are catchy, I'm happy; when they stop being fun, I'll forget her. Really, no one without a financial stake in her career should feel personally invested in anything she does, and that goes for any celebrity. She wore meat... she got press... victory... it's that simple.
  • #52
Has anybody here watched the video that Greg linked? I was unable to watch all the way through - it was that bad. She is a lounge act, and not a very good one, at that. Her success arises from her flamboyance and marketing, not from her musical artistry. Liberace was flamboyant, but he was a monster on piano. My father was a homophobic mill-worker when Liberace was hot, and he'd always shush us kids during Liberace's Ed Sullivan appearances. Elton John was/is flamboyant, but he is a consummate song-writer (both as lyricist and composer) and performer. Lots of his hits are still getting regular air-play decades after charting. 5 years from now, people will say "Lady Who?" and will be hard pressed to recall any of her lyrics. Novelty acts soon disappear in the absence of real talent.
  • #53
turbo-1 said:
Has anybody here watched the video that Greg linked? I was unable to watch all the way through - it was that bad. She is a lounge act, and not a very good one, at that. Her success arises from her flamboyance and marketing, not from her musical artistry. Liberace was flamboyant, but he was a monster on piano. My father was a homophobic mill-worker when Liberace was hot, and he'd always shush us kids during Liberace's Ed Sullivan appearances. Elton John was/is flamboyant, but he is a consummate song-writer (both as lyricist and composer) and performer. Lots of his hits are still getting regular air-play decades after charting. 5 years from now, people will say "Lady Who?" and will be hard pressed to recall any of her lyrics. Novelty acts soon disappear in the absence of real talent.

True... she's enjoyable (for me) in a short interval, and for a handful of songs. Her act is not a factor, nor is her image. As you say, she'll be gone eventually and with minimal impact. It's not reason to dislike her now, but it's also no reason to consider why she wears mirrors, or meat.
  • #54
turbo-1 said:
Has anybody here watched the video that Greg linked? I was unable to watch all the way through - it was that bad. She is a lounge act, and not a very good one, at that. Her success arises from her flamboyance and marketing, not from her musical artistry. Liberace was flamboyant, but he was a monster on piano. My father was a homophobic mill-worker when Liberace was hot, and he'd always shush us kids during Liberace's Ed Sullivan appearances. Elton John was/is flamboyant, but he is a consummate song-writer (both as lyricist and composer) and performer. Lots of his hits are still getting regular air-play decades after charting. 5 years from now, people will say "Lady Who?" and will be hard pressed to recall any of her lyrics. Novelty acts soon disappear in the absence of real talent.

Turbo, I'm just going to have to say this: You're full of ****.

This seems more of an attempt at apologetics at your first post.

First, it's a lot harder to make it big in the modern music industry. There are so many people using so many different avenues. I am hard pressed to think that if Elton John was playing in a pub now days he'd be noticed at all and be able to rise to fame receiving all his recognition.

Next up you're acting as though 'if you like Elton John songs YOU CAN'T LIKE LADY GAGA LAWLL' this is just stupid. Like really? Who the **** cares how popular Elton John is and how much airtime he gets on the radio. He's been around longer than lady gaga has been alive. She debuted in 2008 and is one of the most influential and powerful celebrities alive. That's after 2 years.

If she disappears in 5 years it's going to be because she chose to, not because her popularity slid.
  • #55
Im going to have to agree she did rather great in that video Greg posted, and is like to come up with some great material in the future. I just can't stand her music videos
  • #56
I haven't bothered to look her up. I've only just recently even heard of her existence, and the few T.V. programs I watch don't cover pop culture.

When I saw the clip of her crowd-surfing, I felt embarrassed for her. I agree with Norman; wearing the meat is symbolic, but I don't think that was in question. She's chosen to express herself loudly. To each his/her own.
  • #57
zomgwtf said:
Turbo, I'm just going to have to say this: You're full of ****.
I have devoted large portions of the last ~45 years of my life studying, learning, and performing music (professionally, though generally as a side-line). In fact, I spent several years hosting open-mic jams at taverns every weekend, and drew lots of talent from the music school at the U of M Augusta. Lots of those students were scary-good! I think I'm a pretty good judge of musical talent, as opposed to marketing glitz. I'm glad that you are impressed by her and can enjoy her performances - but we have very different standards, apparently.
  • #58
zomgwtf said:
Turbo, I'm just going to have to say this: You're full of ****.

This seems more of an attempt at apologetics at your first post.

First, it's a lot harder to make it big in the modern music industry. There are so many people using so many different avenues. I am hard pressed to think that if Elton John was playing in a pub now days he'd be noticed at all and be able to rise to fame receiving all his recognition.

Next up you're acting as though 'if you like Elton John songs YOU CAN'T LIKE LADY GAGA LAWLL' this is just stupid. Like really? Who the **** cares how popular Elton John is and how much airtime he gets on the radio. He's been around longer than lady gaga has been alive. She debuted in 2008 and is one of the most influential and powerful celebrities alive. That's after 2 years.

If she disappears in 5 years it's going to be because she chose to, not because her popularity slid.

OK, now let's be clear, I've already stated that I like a handful of her songs (better than most artists these days). I agree that the music industry is brutal, but I don't see how she can keep herself "new" and shocking for 5 more years man. Maybe she can, but like Madonna it would be the exception, not the rule. As hard as it is to break into the business, it's harder to stay relevant. If she's gone in 5 years, it'll be because that's how the music industry works: eat, chew, spit... not because she chooses to. She's made quite a few statements about rather being dead than be anything short of famous. Maybe it's part of her persona, but I really get the sense that what you see is a lot of what you get; she's really into her idea of fashion, and loves the spotlight. People like that tend to burn-out.

I've also heard her concerts, and without studio work her voice is pretty rough... she's not going to be marketing her immense talent for singing unaided once the glamor is gone. We'll see, but I think saying turbo-1 is full of **** is a bit much given what he's said.
  • #59
turbo-1 said:
I have devoted large portions of the last ~45 years of my life studying, learning, and performing music (professionally, though generally as a side-line). In fact, I spent several years hosting open-mic jams at taverns every weekend, and drew lots of talent from the music school at the U of M Augusta. Lots of those students were scary-good! I think I'm a pretty good judge of musical talent, as opposed to marketing glitz. I'm glad that you are impressed by her and can enjoy her performances - but we have very different standards, apparently.

Your musical arrogance is astounding.

oP8SrlbpJ5A&feature=related[/youtube] You're clearly not a good judge of musical talent.
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  • #60
I saw her in concert a few weeks ago. She did put on a great stage show, and I did enjoy some of her music. I can't say I'm a fan of most of her music and I can say the same thing about 80% of the performers I have seen in the past decade.
  • #61
I like those 2 live videos! its catchy, its happy, its new. what's with the musical snobbery? She can sing! a lot better than other pop acts anyway. clearly she's divisive, that's a good thing! its what makes art interesting.
  • #62
nucleargirl said:
I like those 2 live videos! its catchy, its happy, its new. what's with the musical snobbery? She can sing! a lot better than other pop acts anyway. clearly she's divisive, that's a good thing! its what makes art interesting.

This is what I don't understand... I like some of her songs, and I enjoyed the Poker Face video (good dancing to the beat). I get that she's "out there" when it comes to fashion, but how is she divisive? She's no more strange or glam or divisive than David Bowie, and less than Madonna (whom I'm no fan of musically) back in the 80's. I ask this sincerely, what am I missing?
  • #63
My favorite song of hers is "Love Game". Great beat to dance to. Surely you guys would agree with that. Some other things with it though but that's another thread.

  • #64
nismaratwork said:
This is what I don't understand... I like some of her songs, and I enjoyed the Poker Face video (good dancing to the beat). I get that she's "out there" when it comes to fashion, but how is she divisive? She's no more strange or glam or divisive than David Bowie, and less than Madonna (whom I'm no fan of musically) back in the 80's. I ask this sincerely, what am I missing?

yeah I read that she's trying to be the female Prince? maybe. anyway, I think some people are just snobs who think her music is not of great enough quality (too pop/catchy maybe) to be considered good, and therefore look down on others who like her music and treat them as having bad taste.
  • #65
nucleargirl said:
I think some people are just snobs who think her music is not of great enough quality (too pop/catchy maybe) to be considered good, and therefore look down on others who like her music and treat them as having bad taste.

The music is what it is. It's meant for clubs, cars and cleaning the house. For those purposes I must admit Lady GaGa is quite good.
  • #66
jackmell said:
My favorite song of hers is "Love Game". Great beat to dance to. Surely you guys would agree with that. Some other things with it though but that's another thread.

haha think you like the video! I like poker face and just dance - more catchy!
  • #67
Gaga claims that she doesn't lip-synch and never will. Please watch this clip of her performance on Oprah. Around 4:05, she slams her mic down on the piano and her mouth isn't even moving as she "sings" the chorus. Just another fraud. When Milli Vanilli did this, people were outraged over the fake-out. After Madonna and Brittney were caught doing the same thing, it seems old hat.

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  • #68
turbo-1 said:
Gaga claims that she doesn't lip-synch and never will.

Now you're just trying to go after her. Nearly every pop singer will have an accompanying back track to help fill the sound. It's all about the performance. Take her for what she is. She's no Whitney or Mariah, but she has some talent.
  • #69
Greg Bernhardt said:
The music is what it is. It's meant for clubs, cars and cleaning the house. For those purposes I must admit Lady GaGa is quite good.

Most of my cleaning is done to music :approve: (not GaGa though).
  • #70
lisab said:
Most of my cleaning is done to music :approve: (not GaGa though).

The fame monster makes great gym music(!)

As an aside, am I the only person to find some her lyrics a bit eye brow raising (eg. 'I'll get him hard show him what I got' or 'I want to take a ride on your disco stick').

I get her message that people should be proud to be different but it just seems to me a lot of what she does/says degrades women (the image in the OP being a case in point).