What's New in the PF Username Game Part III?

In summary: MIH9. strange lover loses all resistance...and inductance = rewebster [resistance -> lost -> inductance] - solved by Evo10. She's him? But that's completely backwards! = wolram [hers -> him -> but -> completely backwards] - solved by MIHIn summary, the new members are being introduced to earlier rounds of the game. The first few clues are not too difficult, but the later ones get more difficult.
  • #106
Loads of brownies for you Gokul in the morning, you deserve 'em :biggrin:
Can't wait for part IV, or are there more to come tomorrow?

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  • #107
The rest of 21: Does it have anything to do with Richard Selzer's book, "Whither thou goest?" which is about a heart transplant? If it is, that's damn arcane!
  • #108
Even more arcane, is the reference to "heart" pertinent to where Shylock will demand that his pound of flesh come from?
  • #109
Gokul43201 said:
No, it isn't. But I've got to know why you said that!

EDIT: After reading the edit - you're really close, and your answer is probably as good as mine, but I don't know what G01 actually means!

Hehehe! It actually doesn't really have much meaning behind it. It's just the name that I use on forums and such. The G comes from my first name, George, and the 01, well, I guess I just like the way it looks.

I guess my user name is just bad for this type of game!:smile:

siddharth said:
I thought ji -> G and the Fourier transform of the delta function (about the origin) is one -> 01

This is pretty cool Sid. Maybe I should say this is where my name comes from.:biggrin:
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  • #110
A tailor following a burglar's technique.
  • #111
Gokul43201 said:
If anyone else wants to make clues, feel free.

here's one:

Advance and separate, descending without May from a Mexican holiday and slightly disturbed


I don't know if anyone saw this, but here's a clue:

Don't stop the Whip
  • #112
jimmysnyder said:
A tailor following a burglar's technique.

Very Godelesque. :biggrin:
  • #113
George Jones said:
Very Godelesque. :biggrin:
Just in my mind you seem noble yet don't even realize. Guess everyone owns regal gifts except jewels one never ever sees.
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  • #114
jimmysnyder said:
A tailor following a burglar's technique.


jimmysnyder said:
Just in my mind you seem noble yet don't even realize. Guess everyone owns regal gifts except jewels one never ever sees.

HEY--start at the beginning of each word


Here's one more clue on mine if you hadn't gotten yet:

Leave, but don't be hot headed------98756
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  • #115
rewebster said:
Leave, but don't be hot headed------98756
Gokul+descending numbers
  • #116
turbo-1 said:
Gokul+descending numbers

Yep--you got it, turbo---you win a free trip to Bangor someplace else of your choosing

did you get the following clue? :

descending without May from a Mexican holiday and slightly disturbed
  • #117
Well. I came in a little late for this, but the thread was sure fun to read! Nice job Gokul.
  • #118
rewebster said:
Yep--you got it, turbo---you win a free trip to Bangor someplace else of your choosing

did you get the following clue? :

descending without May from a Mexican holiday and slightly disturbed
Yes, and I should have spelled it out - if you start at the cinquo de Mayo (5th of May)and run to zero (slightly disturbed) you get the numerical sequence in his user name.
  • #119
Hmmm...went to bed at 7am this morning, and was at work all day and night yesterday! Some Christmas this!

arunbg said:
Loads of brownies for you Gokul in the morning, you deserve 'em :biggrin:
Can't wait for part IV, or are there more to come tomorrow?
Thanks arun! No more from me, if I hope to get any work done. It's not that it takes much time to make the clues, but then, you need to (or want to, at least) stick around and watch, when people are taking cracks at em.

Chi Meson said:
The rest of 21: Does it have anything to do with Richard Selzer's book, "Whither thou goest?" which is about a heart transplant? If it is, that's damn arcane!
I thought I explained this in the final update, but perhaps it wasn't clear. Let me try again:

The Q is from "quo vadis?" which is most commonly translated as "whither goest thou?" This form of the translation gained popularity in Elizabethan English (see for instance: Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act II, Scene IV or the KJV, John 13:36) and has since stuck. The middle word (i.e., heart) of the translation is "goest". The connection to Antonio's heart in The Merchant...(thanks turbo; I wasn't even thinking about that) is just a happy coincidence.
jimmysnyder said:
A tailor following a burglar's technique.
Since no one's actually said it, let me take a shot at it: sewer+re+bt->rewebster?
George Jones said:
Very Godelesque. :biggrin:
I'm not seeing the Godel connection, so am guessing my attempt was probably flawed...or at least incomplete!

rewebster said:
here's one:

Advance and separate, descending without May from a Mexican holiday and slightly disturbed
Haven't the foggiest. Does this somehow involve [Cinco de Mayo - May -> cincodeo ... 5 deo, V deo (video), 5 gods, fifth god...]?

I don't know if anyone saw this, but here's a clue:

Don't stop the Whip
Who me? :biggrin:

Math Jeans said:
Well. I came in a little late for this, but the thread was sure fun to read! Nice job Gokul.
Thanks MJ!
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  • #120
Gokul43201 said:
Not bad, but not what I had in mind either. Describe Godel's approach.
  • #121
jimmysnyder said:
Not bad, but not what I had in mind either. Describe Godel's approach.

I was thinking, since I was the 'first' after Gokul's----webster 'def.'=tailor, and Gokul in a burg in India, but Gokul's answer is an amazing one.

Gokul43201 said:
Who me? :biggrin:

YES!---Actually all three were as a tribute/homage to your hard work! (the whip=cool whip!-esp here at the holiday season)--I almost put 'Don't stop the pi whipping'

Here's another one to solve (easy, I think):

woh, wehn, wehre, ...
  • #122
jimmysnyder said:
Describe Godel's approach.
Approach for what? Proving the incompleteness theorems? I've thought this out and tried it on myself at various levels of detail, to no avail. :(

The best I could do was think that mapping logical elements onto numbers was sort of the same process as mapping meanings onto words, which is what a dictionary (even say, Webster's dictionary) does.

rewebster said:
woh, wehn, wehre, ...
Hmmmm...that's a toughie, so I'll make some blind guesses: Is it wihch or wyh? :wink:
  • #123
Gokul43201 said:
I'm not seeing the Godel connection ...

Jimmy used self-reference.

Amazing thread!

Thanks, Gokul.
  • #124
George Jones said:
Jimmy used self-reference.
Ahhh, Herr Schneider! Ich bin dumm!

Amazing thread!

Thanks, Gokul.
You're most welcome! Glad y'all had fun too - I didn't want to be the only one in the party!

Rewebster: Thanks for the tri-bute!
  • #125
Gokul43201 said:
Ahhh, Herr Schneider! Ich bin dumm!

sq rt -1, sq rt 4!

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