What's the boundary between micro and macro?

In summary: D In summary, thermodynamics deals with macroscopic systems and follows the second law, while statistical mechanics makes sense at a microscopic level. The limit between a physics system being seen from a thermodynamic viewpoint or a kinetic theory viewpoint depends on the number of molecules present and the size of the system. For example, a live cell behaves as a thermodynamic system due to its large size, but when studying smaller structures such as subcellular membranes, a more mesoscopic approach is needed. The boundary between classical mechanics and statistical mechanics is reached when the main free path of the molecules is smaller than the characteristic length of the system. The threshold for this is different for different types of systems, but for an ideal gas, it is when the distance between
  • #1
Thermodynamics treats with macroscopic systems, where statistical mechanics make sense. In these systems there is an arrow of time following the second law. On the contrary, temporal reversibility is generally seen at microscopic level.

What is the limit (magnitude order in number of molecules or other) where a physics system must be seen from a thermodynamic viewpoint?

One isolated live cell would be a thermodynamic system: it ages. That also occurs in subcellular systems as mitochondria. But, what's about a discrete sample of cell macromolecules? Make it sense to talk on thermic differences inside a live cell?

¿When a microscopic system should be named macroscopic and to be object of thermodynamics?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hey, another spanish over here!. :-p The moment in which official language of this forum will be the spanish is nearby...

Your question is very interesting. Thermodynamics employs some results of the kinetic theory. To be honest, I don't know what is the amount of molecules neccesary in the limit between Thermodynamic and Kinetic Theory. But you should know when we employ thermodynamics equations (like first principle), we are assuming the next hypothesis implicitly:

The continuous medium: inside a thermodynamic system there have to be a minimum amount of molecules. How many?. The neccesary such density function (rho(x,y,z,t)) is continuous and derivable in space and time. This critical amount is reached when thermodynamics variables changes smoothly enough to be yielded in thermodynamics differential equations. This threshold is reached when the infinitesimal volume analyzed has a characteristic length larger than the free characteristic running (recorrido libre característico).

When smaller scales are analyzed, thermodynamics equations are not valid at all, in part because their differential operators have no sense.

Are you waiting for a global theory?. Well, sit down and wait, wait long... :zzz:
  • #3
I believe the difference occurs when the wavelength of the object is large enough in the system not to be ignored, each object with mass has a particular wavelength
electrons have wavelengths of the order of the atom hence quantum mechanics , but protons having 1000 x mass , have far smaller wavelengths hence nuclear physics .
The mass of a cell by comparison is huge and it's wavelength extremely small so as a whole it behaves as a macro object.
  • #4
Clausius2 said:
Hey, another spanish over here!. :-p The moment in which official language of this forum will be the spanish is nearby...

This threshold is reached when the infinitesimal volume analyzed has a characteristic length larger than the free characteristic running (recorrido libre característico).


Sí. :smile:
How could we calculate this free characteristic running for objects such as a live cell?
  • #5
ryokan How could we calculate this free characteristic running for objects such as a live cell?[/QUOTE said:
I know very little about biology. I can offer you the definition of the free characteristic running like the length run by a molecule without crashing into another.
  • #6
Clausius2 said:
I know very little about biology. I can offer you the definition of the free characteristic running like the length run by a molecule without crashing into another.

In a simplistic view, a cell is a colloidal solution isolated by a lipidic membrane. Inside the cell there are also membranes isolating subcellular structures:
Please see the figures of http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/BioBookCELL2.html#The%20Cell%20Membrane
Quantitatively, the most abundant intracellular molecule is water.
Membranes are constituted by a fluid phospholipid bilayer where "float" proteins with more or less freedom. In this structure, two types of molecules are important: phospholipids (hydrophobic interaction) and proteins (freedom to move into the bilayer
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  • #7
Of course, a live cell is a very complex system.
I have seen some works (very few) where a mesoscopic approach was used to study lipid bilayers (the basic structure of a biological membrane).
This is an example: http://www.biophysj.org/cgi/reprint/83/6/3357.pdf

In a simple system, such a as a collection of hydrogen molecules, what would be the magnitude order of particle number to pass from a classical mechanics view to a statistical mechanics approach?
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  • #8
I have not any idea about Biology, but I'm going to explain you how is it done with an ideal gas.

Inside an arbitrary volume, there will be certain number of molecules according to the gas density. Then, obtain the average volume filled by only one molecule. The main free path [tex]\lambda[/tex] is the cubic root of this volume.

For [tex]d<<\lambda[/tex] it will be impossible to employ classical thermodynamics due to severe changes in density [tex]\rho[/tex].

Best regards.
  • #9
Ah! and damn USA basketball team! They have kicked us off out of Olimpic Games!

Brrrr... :mad: :mad: :cry:
  • #10
Clausius2 said:
I have not any idea about Biology, but I'm going to explain you how is it done with an ideal gas.

Inside an arbitrary volume, there will be certain number of molecules according to the gas density. Then, obtain the average volume filled by only one molecule. The main free path [tex]\lambda[/tex] is the cubic root of this volume.

For [tex]d<<\lambda[/tex] it will be impossible to employ classical thermodynamics due to severe changes in density [tex]\rho[/tex].

Best regards.
Thank you for your answer Clausius2.
  • #11
Los españoles somos la leche, en cuanto nos vemos por el mundo adelante nos dedicamos a armarla buena jeje ...

Digo yo, si a este mensaje sólo respondemos españoles, para qué hablar en inglés ?

Creo que la termodinámica establece la frontera en donde la cuántica empieza a fastidiar un poco.

  • #12
MiGUi said:
Digo yo, si a este mensaje sólo respondemos españoles, para qué hablar en inglés ?

Creo que la termodinámica establece la frontera en donde la cuántica empieza a fastidiar un poco.


Ya, pero lo lee más gente de la que contesta. :rolleyes:

Of course, there is a boundary between the classical mechanics description and the thermoynamic view. I think that for a simple collection of particles, the answer of Clausius2 is enough clear.

Saludos. Me alegro de que haya presencia española en este foro. :smile:

FAQ: What's the boundary between micro and macro?

1. What is the definition of micro and macro in science?

The terms micro and macro refer to the scale or level of analysis in science. Microscopic refers to the study of small objects or systems at the molecular or cellular level, while macroscopic refers to the study of larger objects or systems at the organism or global level.

2. How do micro and macro levels relate to each other?

The micro and macro levels are interconnected and often influence each other. Microscopic processes can affect macroscopic phenomena, and vice versa. For example, the behavior of individual molecules can impact the overall behavior of a larger system, such as in chemical reactions or biological processes.

3. Is there a specific size or measurement that determines the boundary between micro and macro?

The boundary between micro and macro is not based on a specific size or measurement, but rather on the level of analysis and the complexity of the system being studied. It can vary depending on the field of science and the specific topic being explored.

4. Are there any examples of systems that exist in both the micro and macro levels?

Yes, many systems can exist in both the micro and macro levels. For instance, the human body is made up of microscopic cells, but as a whole, it functions as a macroscopic organism. Additionally, ecosystems involve both microscopic organisms and larger organisms, such as plants and animals, interacting with each other.

5. How do scientists choose whether to focus on the micro or macro level?

The choice to focus on the micro or macro level depends on the research question and the goals of the study. Some questions may require a detailed understanding of the micro level, while others may require a broader view at the macro level. In many cases, a combination of both micro and macro perspectives is necessary to fully understand a phenomenon.
