What's the inside scoop on the upcoming Physics Forums movie?

In summary, Jodie Foster is playing Ivan Seeking, Math Is Hard look-a-like Rene Zellweger is playing Math Is Hard, Wilford Brimley is playing Integral, Greg Kinnear is pushing his agent to get an audition for the role of Danger, Mike Meyers loved the script but he can't seem to understand Einstein isn't actually one of the characters in the screenplay and keeps working on an "Old Dr. Smart" impersonation, Robin Williams wants tribdog, of course, but he's too old, so that's still up for grabs. Gale17 will be played by Juliette Lewis, and Salma Hyak has gone on record saying she'll sell her
  • #36
klusener said:
I love it, search "posts by klusener", 500 posts..."hmmmm" :biggrin:

It does say it all. :-p
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
when is this fine motion picture going to be released in theaters? I asume that the PF members get to see it early with special arrgangements
  • #38
1 said:
you can be played by an orca. but you die because the smilies eat all of the seals.

I'd have to find other food then and eat the smilies. I'll stay away from that rofl one though. He's a bit scary and I think he may be poisonous.

Evo said:
I love it, search "posts by klusener", 500 posts..."hmmmm"

It does say it all.
I think klusener is a space alien intercepting the internet satellite signals. Originally the purpose was to get free television stations, but he decided to make contact after discovering PF. He has started with a simple statement so that we may recognize his presence. Hmmm...
  • #39
yomamma said:
I asume that the PF members get to see it early with special arrgangements
Not you. It's bound to be 'R' rated at the least.
  • #40
I've seen more R rated movies then all the others put together so I really don't care
  • #41
yomamma said:
I've seen more R rated movies then all the others put together so I really don't care
That rating is for your own good, you know.
  • #42
yomamma said:
I've seen more R rated movies then all the others put together so I really don't care
I'm telling!
  • #43
I don't really care. I'm mature :rolleyes:
  • #44
Evo said:
I'm telling!
I've seen most of them with my parents right there next to me. on the other ones, my parents knew about it. jeez you people are stupid
  • #45
yomamma said:
I've seen more R rated movies then all the others put together so I really don't care

But what you don't realize that the really good stuff has a special rating known only to adults. I think that anyone over 18 would agree [15 if from Arkansas]. "R" is just a fake thing made up to make kids think they are seeing something special. And you fell for it! :smile:
  • #46
no I didn't. read through the preveous posts and I never said there was anything special about "r"rated movies
  • #47
yomamma said:
no I didn't. read through the preveous posts and I never said there was anything special about "r"rated movies

I'm just kidding. :biggrin:
  • #48
I know... :biggrin:
  • #49
yomamma said:
I know... :biggrin:


Well then I'm not kidding!
  • #50
Hey, you left me out! Just give me a walk on part, I don't mind. I just want to get to meet Robert Altman, and go to the premiere. :biggrin:
  • #51
And here's today's update on the behind the scenes backroom wheeling and dealing on Robert Altman's recently announced project Physics Forums:

"Well, if you've seen my films, you know I am attracted to situations involving many, many characters," explained Altman in a recent interview. "As far as I know, no one has taken advantage of the online forum as the basis of a film. It's going to be a huge challenge to translate a story like this to the screen, since none of the characters ever actually interacts in person. I like to get big names to people a film full of small roles. Physics Forums is developing into something that I can take 5 or 10 steps further. I may have 5 or 10 people play the same character, as imagined from other character's perspectives. Imagine a post by, let's call him Physics Guy X, comes up on the monitor. We pan back from the monitor to reveal Galeel White reading the post, imagining the voice of Robert DeNiro. But when we cut to Juliette Lewis, she hears the same post being read by, say, Jim Carrey. Then we cut to white bearded Wilford Brimley, peering intently at the same post, pausing to take a quick angry suck off a joint, while a bit of ash falls on his tie dyed T-Shirt, hearing the same post read by Rick Moranis. It will be something like Rashamon in a cyber-setting."

Casting Director, Sylvia Weinstein declined to be interviewed except to say it was still only about 5% cast at this point and she was too busy with the project to stop and answer quetions. "Gosford Park was a picnic, compared to this," we heard her mutter, "I'm tearing my hair out. Wayne Gacy as Zoobyshoe? We'd sign him in a second if he weren't dead. Those clown shoes are already the right size."
  • #52
From the Movie Financial Daily:

The immediate concern for investors: A movie made up of nothing but text may not hold the attention of slow readers. And how do you make a text action scene, or a text sex scene? And that's what has the public waiting with bated breath: Who will have sex with whom? And how?
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  • #53
no, it is not text...I will complain to the producers. it has to look really cool
  • #54
Ivan Seeking said:
From the Movie Financial Daily:

The immediate concern for investors: A movie made up of nothing but text may not hold the attention of slow readers. And how do you make a text action scene, or a text sex scene? And that's what has the public waiting with bated breath: Who will have sex with whom? And how?

On an added note, there are also concerns about how the film would do in foreign markets, where the movie would need to have subtitles.
  • #55
Janus said:
On an added note, there are also concerns about how the film would do in foreign markets, where the movie would need to have subtitles.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #56
From Variety

"I was very, very exited when Bob pitched the idea to me" said screenwiter/actor Buck Henry, "I jumped at the chance to be involved in The Player years ago, and I jumped at this. Mike Tolkin and I spent weeks reading through PF threads for ideas. We passed ourselves off as spiders."

We asked actor David Duchovney for his reaction to being snubbed for the role of Ivan Seeking. "I didn't want the part," he assured us, "I spent ten years playing "Ivan Seeking" on TV. However, I want to believe they at least considered me. I want to believe I could have done the part justice. I want to believe."

From Hollywood Inside Scoop:

Well folks it looks like Galeel White may be out, out, out of a job. The casting folks gave him every opportunity but in the end it was agreed that his attempts at yomamma were just not annoying enough. He may, however, be offered the part of pengwino.

A secretary at Weinstein Casting, Inc. tells us feelers have been put out to Ray Liota and Mel Gibson for the role of El Hombre Invisible. "Sylvia says they both do paranoid real good." the office girl explained.

Our sharp eyed reporter cornered one of the producers and asked about financing. "What investors?" asked co-producer Sidney Pollack, "Bob and I are pooling a million or so for the film stock from our pocket change. We make a call, Bruce Willis comes in for half an hour and reads a voice over for points. Robin still blames himself for Popeye so he'll bark like a seal if Bob asks for free. Sets? Half the people at PF are begging us to come shoot in their home offices. Costumes? Hahaha. This is going to be the cheapest film to shoot since ET."

"Bob doesn't make explosion movies" said screenwriter Mike Tolkin, "and there'll be plenty of fantasized sex scenes - after all, you've got 20+ nerds on a forum with Miss Evo as the nurturing/seductive moderator." All this in response to our pit bull reporter's inquiries as to how they planned to prevent the film from just being boooooorrrrrriiiing! "I suppose the notion of a film centered around the internet would put some people off, but Bob is very creative with just this sort of problem. That's why he envisions it as his biggest cast ever: no one in the audience has to read one post - everything will be read in voice-overs by big names.

A source close to Altman leaked this juicy info: there was an hour long heated argument about whether it would be possible to take a crew into maximun security to film Charles Manson singing Artman's Rhinoceros songs.
  • #57
wow this is exciting! i must admit, I'm especially interested in the sex scenes as well. i also reserve the right to test out any of the male actors that my character might be having any relations with. Jaleel is a serious hottie without his glasses on.

when's this movie scheduled to be filmed? any notion of a release date? hmm... if all us pfers get to go to the premier, it looks like we'll be meeting eh? perhaps that'd lead to a made for tv movie eh? or even a series! some pfers meet at the premier of a movie about their forum, then decide to movie in with each other, then kooky misadventures insue...
  • #58
Hi Gale! :biggrin: :smile:

Glad to see you. We can't have a PF movie without Pillow Head.
  • #59
zoobyshoe said:
A secretary at Weinstein Casting, Inc. tells us feelers have been put out to Ray Liota and Mel Gibson for the role of El Hombre Invisible. "Sylvia says they both do paranoid real good." the office girl explained.
Wow! I hope Liotta gets it. Gibson can't be in a film without hating the english, so him playing an englishman would bring an element of self-loathing inconsistent with my inflated ego. Plus, I ALWAYS finish my Heineken...
  • #60
If they want to have someone play my part, perhaps it will be Jimmy Snyder. He played a male stripper in Terminator 3. It would be a good choice. He didn't actually strip in the film, and I never actually stripped in this forum. If he refuses, perhaps they could get me to play him playing me.
  • #61
Ic, you're to be played by English rock chick Fearne Cotton, from CBBC. :smile:
  • #62
brewnog said:
Ic, you're to be played by English rock chick Fearne Cotton, from CBBC. :smile:
Nah, Tony Curtis has already been cast. He's got the same birthday as me and he looks good in a dress. :biggrin:
  • #63
i think this is a great initiative to create a PF-movie...

this gives me the opportunity to prove you all that my Hollywood dreams are not just some phase that eventually will pass by

  • #64
yomamma said:
so that makes you...35 feet tall?

(I'm 5'7")
Danger's confused. He was thinking of the actor that would have to play me on my online time. Hmmm.. who do we know that's 2 inches tall with blue skin and a big white hat? Wait, you're not going to do all my parts with little clay men are you?
  • #65
Cant really imagine anyone playing cronxeh except maybe John Belushi

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  • #66
I still don't know what's the movie about and we need an eyecatching title for it.
  • #67
It's an Altman film, so a story isn't really required (have you seen The Company?). How about for a title: "Certainly Unprincipled"?
  • #68
Yeah,I think it's a good title.
  • #69
HUMBUG! I think your all nuts.
  • #70
Andy said:
HUMBUG! I think your all nuts.

The part of Andy will be played by Martha Steward.