What's your area and level of expertise?

  • Thread starter Moonbear
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In summary, this conversation is discussing the different areas of expertise and interests of biologists on the forum. There is a strong emphasis on neuroscience and medical-related research, but there are also experts in reproductive physiology, microbiology, genetics, and other fields. The conversation also touches on the importance of precision in communication and the diversity of opinions and feedback on the internet. The conversation includes a variety of individuals, from high school students interested in pursuing a career in biology to experienced professionals with advanced degrees and years of experience.
  • #141
B.Sc. in physics, then went to med school for 2 semesters. Didn't enjoy it for various reasons. Went back for M.Sc. and Ph. D. in physics.

Still interested medicine, but mostly to understand my own health, and of people around me.

When I was 8 years old, I wanted to study the African wildlife.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #142
I'm working towards a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, very interested in plant biology/pathology (although physical chemistry is my favorite course now!), and am very invested in my undergraduate research. I find working in the lab such a positive experience and consider myself exceptionally lucky to have a job that fascinates and challenges every day.
I'm hoping to be fortunate enough to move on to a phD in either biochemistry or straight biology after I graduate spring 2012. If not, I will most likely stay on with my current research group and work fulltime. I've been lurking on the biology section of PF for far too long and finally decided to register!
  • #143
In my last year of High School but I'm studying to become a Veterinary Technician.
  • #144
Double degree in Science/Science majoring in zoology, medicinal chemistry and mathematics (honours in mathematics)

Research Interests:

Zoology/Human Physiology - Herpetological endocrinology.
Medicinal Chemistry - Diabetes (new drug design)
Mathematics - Tensor calculus, analysis, quantum mechanics and dynamics.

I've left it very basic i know, if anyone is interested in knowing specific details just send me a post.
  • #145
I'm currently in a Honors Biology class in high school as a freshman. Biology has been an interest of mine for several years now along with physics. I hope to be a physician, however I'm not sure as to what I'll specialize in. I know I don't want to go anywhere near pediatrics or oncology. I just came to this website tonight from a search for books on astrophysics, at one in the morning. I'm glad I did though as this sight appears to have information on every topic I could possibly develop a curiosity in.
  • #146
I am a first year undergraduate working towards a BSc in biology (ecology).
My interest in ecology is primarily on the community->global scales and around the intersection with Earth systems.
My big conundrum at the moment is figuring out how and whether to equip myself for theoretical ecology, which seems quite interesting. If anyone has thoughts or advice I have a thread in "Academic Guidance" and would appreciate the input!

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  • #147
I'm currently a senior at Georgetown University (Bio major, Comp Sci minor) and will be a first year PhD student (Biology) at Georgetown this fall.
  • #148
I am doing New Apis like VX-950 ,ABT-263 and other large numerator product,most like custom synthesize
  • #149
Just found and immediately joined this forum. I am a veterinarian (Univ. of MO, 2009) who decided to go on and pursue Radiation Oncology, while getting a MS in Radiochemistry/Nuclear Chemistry, back at Mizzou (Univ of MO)
  • #150
enkiddu said:
Just found and immediately joined this forum. I am a veterinarian (Univ. of MO, 2009) who decided to go on and pursue Radiation Oncology, while getting a MS in Radiochemistry/Nuclear Chemistry, back at Mizzou (Univ of MO)

Welcome enkiddu! Very nice skill set!
  • #151
Worked in biochemistry, particular interest enzymology.
Reckon my strongest suit here would be enzyme kinetics and related.
The most related thing that comes up frequently here are questions on pH, buffers etc. Always more or less the same very few questions which I have sometimes answered - but Borek is usually quicker and has more patience than I.*
I did however a considerable time ago lose interest a lot in general biochemistry.
Work involved me in needing to follow various microbial genetics and molecular biology earlier on, and later an acquaintance with human medical and population genetics. I would not call myself a geneticist but questions I have seen here and some answered have nearly all been elementary.
There is a dabbling connection from my interests to chemical mechanism and kinetics, and to linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations where I sometimes field questions, as well various other fairly elementary math, physics, and chemistry - anything I find interesting enough. Well I wouldn't feel good if I came here for the games and didn't try to pull my weight a bit. :biggrin:

* Borek has a manual on it. I have written a few general posts, now I find this https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=2029975&postcount=2 . Trouble is I ask e.g. 'OK, what is the electroneutrality equation for this situation?' and no answer comes, something that often happens on other themes and I am finding the amount of this not coming back rather unsatisfactory, must raise this question again.
  • #152
I gained my BSc in Biology and over the years of that course specialised towards biochemistry of cell-cell interactions. Currently studying Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine, working on a project to enhance wound healing in the elderly and infirm.

Have always had a passion for physics but don't have any qualifications in it beyond school (which are worth jack ****, i learned more from wikipedia).
  • #153
I am in my second year as a Biochemistry undergrad. The goal is a PhD in BioChemistry or Molecular Biology. I am really interested in the Cytochrome p450 family, particularly how they relate to symbiotic bacteria and their beneficial metabolites, as well as pathogens and their toxic metabolites. I am also interested in cell signaling, apoptosis, and how environmental factors affect both (especially in relation to commensal flora colonization). Of course this could evolve as I advance in my studies. I am also interested in the neuro-immune connection. I am interested to learn more here and as I navigate my coursework. Any feedback much appreciated!
  • #154
I'm a physicist with a specialism in thin film optics and thin film processes. I have a keen amateur interest in biology and evolution, especially optics in biology!
I only have a BA(Hons) in physics, but a lot of experience of cross-disciplinary science.
  • #155
I'm just going into high school, but know a lot about physics, astronomy, and botany!
(I am planning to get a PhD in physics)
  • #156
I'm pretty much a complete noob when it comes to actual nitty-gritty science but I plan to change that in college. :) my interest lies in anything having to do with transhumanism. I find cryonics, along with suspended animation to be incredibly intriguing. I'm also interested in studies about intelligence and communication.
  • #157
I am currently in High School, but I would like to venture into Physics, Math and Biochemistry (Possibly Neuroscience) in College, Lot of interests, but since they all are closely related It should be like learning one subject.
  • #158
Marine Biology degree, i´ve been worked on phylogenetics and evolutionary genetics, molecular biology, ecology of marine mammals, turtles and rodents (desert mice and squirrels) also making fossil replicas for a museum and for this days i get into biophotonics on optical tweezers and microfluidics devices
  • #159
I'm a veterinary technician. I made this choice because I had a passion for helping animals. At the beginning working with animals was just a fun, but later I realize that the tasks of a veterinary technician demands skillful training and dedication in addition to the love for animals. The tasks of a veterinary technician varies based on their training and expertise as discussed in the article http://onlineveterinarytechnicianschools.com/veterinary-technician-careers-and-jobs/" . However mostly all veterinary technicians perform all kinds of work within the veterinarian’s office or in the laboratory, under the supervision of a veterinarian. Because I'm an expert in this field, I'm also assigned with the work of communicating with the pet owners and suggesting them with healthy pet care habits.
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  • #160
Am I going crazy, or did this used to be a sticky? Sorry exam block, its like living in the matrix :P
  • #161
bobze said:
Am I going crazy, or did this used to be a sticky? Sorry exam block, its like living in the matrix :P

Yes it was sticky up until recently.
  • #162
Someone was messing with the thread, but they fixed it. :smile:
  • #163
PhD Microbiology/Mycology. Applied and environmental microbiology and science policy.
  • #164
Double degree in Science/Science (Zoology, Chem and Maths) PhD in Zoology - Research on seasonal hormone changes in Elapidae. Areas of speciality include herpetology and arachnology. Also interested in medicinal chemistry and mechanics/dynamics
  • #165
I did a BS in biochem, PhD in microbiology with coursework in public health. I'd say that the area I know best is molecular biology, the area I enjoy most is biostats/epidemiology.
  • #166
BSc in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. Currently working as an engineer while doing parttime law school (LLB) /communications major.

Experience with biomedical imaging and co-author of a journal article in Canadian Journal of Cardiology.

And created multiple free grade 12 biology iphone apps. Just search the appstore and the apps usually would come up on the first page.

I also have tutored high school biology before.
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  • #167
I have a PhD in physics. My thesis was on lasers and solid state physics. I took
organic chemistry as an undergraduate.
When I started working, I did research related to biology. I developed a new
way to detect and quantify certain microorganisms. I used an optical
method of analytical chemistry. I applied my training mostly to biological materials.
My pastime is natural history. I was docent for a few years at a public aquarium.
I watch "River Monsters" all the time. I have an obsession with biological evolution. I
have read a lot about biological evolution. I collect fossils. I am member of a
paleontology club at a nearby museum. I volunteer weekly at that museum, organizing
a collection of whale skeletons. I have also helped them organize a leaf collection.
I took a six week course on paleontology for museum docents.
I am not a professional biologist. However, my pastime has been aided quite a
bit by my formal education. I have a very good idea of the physical principles behind
biology. I do not claim to be a professional biologists. However, I believe my background
and interest in biology is as stronger than most undergraduate biologists. My
understanding of physics leads me to think of things slightly different from most
biologists. I hope that is enough background in biology for this forum.
  • #168
First year undergraduate in Psychology. No expertise whatsoever.

I have a degree in something silly (Art and Design) and now I'm trying to get a proper one in something less silly. This time I have to work my way through it so it will take a long time.
  • #169
RabbitWho said:
First year undergraduate in Psychology. No expertise whatsoever.

I have a degree in something silly (Art and Design) and now I'm trying to get a proper one in something less silly.

I wouldn't call that silly. I would major in art and design if not for science.
  • #170
mishrashubham said:
I wouldn't call that silly. I would major in art and design if not for science.

You might call it silly if you'd done it! It was what I wanted to do at the time so I shouldn't regret it heh.
  • #171
Working on PhD in BME. I'm interested in the 3rd alphabet of life--carbohydrates.

Glycobiology, metabolic engineering, cell engineering, carbohydrate drug design/delivery, cancer, regenerative medicine.
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  • #172
I'm doing a PhD in Cell Biology/Biochemistry (Diabetes) and I have a general knowledge of molecular biology
  • #173
I have an Associates in science (with a concentration in biology) and now I am studying to get my Bachelors in Autism Studies. I plan to either become an Assistive Technology Specialist or an Autism Researcher.
  • #174
Am a I MBBS student with a love for genetics, evolution and immunology!
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  • #175
I majored in music. I have extensive knowledge and understanding of psychology: learning and memory, behavior, and procrastination. I was a teacher once, and studied these areas to become a better one. I'm also interested in learning and memory (neuroscience) so I understand the basic biology of how the brain works.