What's Your Spring 2010 Class Lineup?

In summary: I'm an expert summarizer, not a question-answerer.In summary, your schedule for Spring 2010 is: -Object-Oriented Programming (Java)-Computer Programming for Engineers (C/C++)-Calc II-Physics I (CM)-Physics I lab-IT for Electrical Engineers-Taking a light semester because you are going to be taking the physics GRE-Calculus 2-Algebra 2-English course (i'm from Poland)-Classical Mechanics.
  • #36
Chemistry II
Human Anatomy
Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
Calculus II
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Quantum Mechanics
Advanced Differential Equations

I've asked the math department to do an independent study (I asked to do projective Geometry for a few credits), but I think I'm going to be struggling to stay above water as is so I'll probably stick to the above 4 classes.
  • #38
Klockan3 said:
Solid State Physics
Analytical Mechanics and Classical Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory
Functional Analysis
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Is that a graduate level Mechanics course?
I'm in nerd lust either way.
  • #39
(1st semester Junior standing)Mine is:

Honors:Intro to Theology
Modern Physics
Applied Statistics
Foundations of Applied Math (a mixture of vector calculus and complex calculus/analysis)
Honors: Intro to Topology and maybe
  • #40
Electricity and Magnetism (Griffiths)
Intro to Quantum (Griffiths)
Physics lab
Intro to Real Analysis (Real Analysis with Real Applications, Davidson & Donsig)
Complex Variables (Not sure which book)
History and Philosophy of Science after 1700 (might drop this)

Should be good, finally getting to the core physics courses.
  • #41
ibnsos said:
ice109 said:
you won't make it. i was taking 21 credits this semester where i was really only doing work for 4 / 7 classes and i couldn't pull it out - i had to drop one.
Ego much?
You know, there is no such thing as talent!
Troponin said:
Is that a graduate level Mechanics course?
I'm in nerd lust either way.
It is hard to say, we don't differentiate between the courses in that way since our system combine your major+master in a single degree. I think it is on the edge between graduate/undergraduate. And I did take my courses in a bit strange order, really you shouldn't take classical field theory just before you take quantum field theory...

But I am sure that the other courses are grad level.
  • #42
* Measure and Integration [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521850150/?tag=pfamazon01-20]
* Topology [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0131816292/?tag=pfamazon01-20 + lecture notes]
* Rings/Fields/Galois Theory [lecture notes]
* Complex Analysis [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0387985921/?tag=pfamazon01-20]
* Bachelor thesis (hopefully about the mathematical foundations of Quantum Mechanics)
* Hopefully teaching assistent (introductory analysis)

(Although I am afraid this will be too much, so maybe I can't be taking one of the above, which would be a shame.)
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  • #43
Logic, Langauge and Proof
Calc IV - Differential Equations
Intro Modern Physics + Lab
Computation in Physics
  • #44
Abstract Algebra
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Mechanics
Computer Science
Intro. to Music
  • #45
Electric Circuits 2 + lab
Logical Circuits + lab
Calculus 2
Electronics 1 + lab
  • #46
Calculus 2
Physics 1
Computer Programming C+
Engineering Economics
  • #47
I can't wait for my Spring 2010!

Chemistry I & Lab
Electricity & Magnetism
Engineering Calc II
Contemporary Ideas in AstroPhysics
Modern Physics

This is my second year at University, going for something spacey.

  • #48
Preliminary schedule

Engineering Dynamics
Mechanics of Materials
Chemistry II with Lab
Engineering Design II
Engineering Management
Fundamentals of Electronics
  • #49
Quantum Mechanics
Research w/ prof for class credit
and a 2 credit course about dinosaurs

At least that's the plan so far. Is it unusual to be taking only 12 credits? I was going to add another physics course (statistical and thermal physics) but my adviser advised against it saying that it would be a lot of work.
  • #50

I am going to take Analog electronics and Circuits 2! Both with their labs :)
I might also take Instruments and Measurements with its lab :(, and Engineering Economics.
Fluid Mechanics plus AutoCad or Digital systems. And of course Partial Differential Equations! This is going to be a great semeter :)
  • #51
Aerodynamics II
Project Engineering
Aerospace Structures II
Aerospace Materials
Airplane Stability and Control
  • #52
General Chemistry II
Calculus I
Intro to C++
  • #53
Calc 1
C++ Programming
Chem 1
Chem 1 lab
Financial accounting concepts/analysis
Intermediate managerial accounting
  • #54
I'm taking it easy this semester... (Although I also work 45 hours/week and commute).

Hardware Organization & Design
Circuit Analysis II w/Lab
Technical Writing In Engineering
Design Project [1cr]

Have my four semesters of Calculus & Linear done, so I can relax a bit.
  • #55
Differential Equations
Electricity and Magnetism
  • #56
Chemistry II and Lab
Electricity and Magnetism
Human Anatomy
Calculus II
  • #57
I am taking a nice light load this semester as I tend to get lazier as the year progresses.

Calculus II
University Physics I
University Physics I Laboratory
German II
  • #58
I will take this coming semester the following:

Differential Equations
Modern Physics, intro to SR,QM ETC
A few various labs
Optics and Waves

Any folks have tips on above classes?
  • #59
My second semester will probably/hopefully consist of:

* Complex Analysis [Lang]
* Measure & Integral [Schilling]
* Topology [lecture notes, Munkres]
* Ring & Galois Theory [lecture notes, Dummit & Foote]
* Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians [Strocchi, Isham]
* Bachelor thesis in the line of the latter course

* Teaching Assistent for "Introductory Analysis"
  • #60
Modern Physics I
Vector Analysis
Working 18 hours per week
  • #61
Can someone please tell me what a mechanical engineering schedual would be ?
  • #62
Thermal Physics 2
Classical Mech. 2
Graduate Solid State
  • #63
Landau said:
* Measure and Integration [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521850150/?tag=pfamazon01-20]
* Topology [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0131816292/?tag=pfamazon01-20 + lecture notes]
* Rings/Fields/Galois Theory [lecture notes]
* Complex Analysis [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0387985921/?tag=pfamazon01-20]
* Bachelor thesis (hopefully about the mathematical foundations of Quantum Mechanics)
* Hopefully teaching assistent (introductory analysis)

(Although I am afraid this will be too much, so maybe I can't be taking one of the above, which would be a shame.)

where do you go to school?
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  • #64
Ah, I thought I had already posted in this thread, but couldn't find it!

I study at University of Utrecht (Netherlands). Why?
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  • #65
-Aladdin- said:
Can someone please tell me what a mechanical engineering schedual would be ?

My schedule for Mech Eng.

Numerical Methods and PDE's
Manufacturing Processes
Fluid Mechanics 1
Thermodynamics 2
Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Also going for a Applied Mathematics minor and am taking

Continuum Mechanics
Linear Algebra 2
  • #66
Algebraic Geometry (up to the Riemann Roch Thm. and probably looking at some ideas with computational algorithms for Groebner Basis)

Mathematical Logic 1

Complex Analysis

Independent Study with Ocaml looking at some topics in A.I. and directed research related to reasonig with uncertainty

Real Analysis 2

Object oriented w/ Java (odd time to take it, but it is required for my CS minor)
  • #67
First Semester of 2010:
Introduction to Computational Mathematics
Theoretical Physics I
Foundations of Contemporary Physics
Partial Differential Equations

Second Semester of 2010:
Theoretical Physics II
Complex Analysis
Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
Differential Geometry

A Bachelor of Science in Australia constitutes of 96 credits (most units yielding 6 points individually) which is generally completed over the course of 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time. Does the American system force you guys into a more general education, where you effectively have an additional freshman-level year for the arts and whatnot?
  • #68
Winter 2010 (quarter system):

Modern Physics I
Abstract Algebra I (Group Theory)
Linear Algebra II
Electromagnetism I
Experimental Physics Lab II

Spring 2010 (tentatively):

Modern Physics II
Abstract Algebra II (Rings and Fields)
Intro to Analysis I
Exp Physics Lab III
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  • #69
I'm not sure, but I think it looks like this:

Differential geometry.
Multi-variable Real Analysis.
Graduate Algebra.
And maybe graduate level Classical Mechanics, or is this last one too much?
  • #70
semester 1 2010

Analysis&Topology [tao]
Real Analysis, [abbott]
Algebra&Number Theory [?]
Quantum Concepts and Technology [?]

Semester 2 2010

Differential Geometry, [?]
Algebra & Number Theory II,[?]
Complex Analysis & Integral Transforms, [?]
Electromagnetism & Entropy & Light [?]excited :)

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