- #106
AhmedEzz said:Zionism has more to it than "supporting Israel to exist"...it might be on the list but this is not what make one a Zionist.
Well, it's usually taken to mean "supporting Israel's right to exist in its current location," but that's about it. What certain Arabs or Persians might mean to imply when they say "Zionist" is a different matter, but the fact that somebody else abuses a term is neither here nor there. The "Zionist Regime" is nothing other than Israel.
AhmedEzz said:Same as if I supported the Soviet Union does not make me a communist.
Sorry, you lost me there...
AhmedEzz said:It was clearly stated afterwards that his words are not a new policy by Iran.
Okay, so Iran has wanted Israel to cease to exist for some time. And... ?
AhmedEzz said:Moreover, I think it is more than clear that both Nejad AND Israelis are sworn enemies, ofcourse they both want each other to disappear.
Why is this clear? Why should there be any conflict between two states that don't share any borders, but do share common enemies? Is it because one is a Jewish state, and the other is a revolutionary Islamic state? The two had very good, close relations until the Islamic Revolution, and have cooperated militarily since then (albeit much more covertly). They have never fought a war against one another.
AhmedEzz said:This is false, for all Arab states ask Israel to stop its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza strip and Eastern Jerusalem, which are the borders of Palestine(because if you were talking about historical Palestine then Israel is not in the mix).
Non-sequitur. That they dislike Israel and Israeli actions is the *reason* they refuse to recognize it, and go around using codewords like "Zionist entity" instead. This of course does not apply to the handful of Arab states that do recognize Israel.
AhmedEzz said:Its not that Iran cares about Palestinians but its that Iran is threatened greatly by Israel...my enemy's enemy is my friend
Why? What threat does Israel pose to Iran? They don't share any borders, Iran has never gotten along with the Arab states either, they both are despised by Saudi Arabia... what possible reason would Israel have to even think about Iran, if Iran wasn't busy arming violent radical groups along Israel's borders and hosting Holocaust denial conferences? Where does this assumption that Israel must necessarily be Iran's enemy come from?
AhmedEzz said:I would just like to add that I am not in favor of Iran, same as my country, I think Iran is radical and aggressive, they helped and are in-support-of the assassination of Egypt's previous president Al-Sadat.
Let's not forget their attempt at overthrowing the government of Bahrain either.