When the word light is mentioned what comes into your mind?

  • Thread starter AmazingLight
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    Light Mind
In summary, when the word "light" is mentioned, people think of photons, light, heat, stars, worldlines, and light cones.
  • #1
When the word "light" is mentioned what comes into your mind?

When the word "light" is mentioned what comes into your mind? Not only the basic definition, list everything you can think of. No need to explain.

The purpose behind this is I'm creating a massive mind map and want to make sure I get everything included.

Let's try and keep this post as an excellent reference for people wanting to know what light is and what's associated with light :)

Good luck
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What light is:

not heavy
type of beer or soft drink
kind of food that doesn't make one fat
what to do to your barbeque when it's time to cook (ignite)
kind of person who thinks in shallow ideas (light-weight thinker)
  • #3
^ I guess the above is enough for non-science definitions.

Can we get some real science definitions going? :D
  • #4
AmazingLight said:
a massive mind map

A massive mind map of something that is massless? :confused:

(Cue one of our ever-popular debates about "rest mass / invariant mass" versus "relativistic mass." :rolleyes:)
  • #5
Gentlemen prefer blondes because where there's light there's heat.
  • #6
Light has dual nature, diffraction and interference, i.e. which is wave and particle nature.

Its a electromagnetic wave by Bohr.

PM for more help
  • #7
light is something which gives us the sense of sight, having dual nature, a kind of radiation, a energy, which shows many phenomenas like differaction, interference, reflaction, scattering etc etc
  • #8
AmazingLight said:
When the word "light" is mentioned what comes into your mind? Not only the basic definition, list everything you can think of. No need to explain.

The purpose behind this is I'm creating a massive mind map and want to make sure I get everything included.

Let's try and keep this post as an excellent reference for people wanting to know what light is and what's associated with light :)

Good luck
Photons, aka electromagnetic radiation.
  • #9
If you want a scientific definition, "light" is radiation and is just that part of the electromagnetic (EM) radiation spectrum which is naturally visible to humans. The term also may include the lower infrared frequencies and the higher ultraviolet frequencies that are not visible. The only difference between low frequency waves like radio waves, visible light and high frequency waves such as gamma radiation is the inversely related frequency/wave length. Long waves mean low frequency, short waves mean high frequency. All EM radiation travels at the "speed of light" in a vacuum. The energy of any EM radiation is a direct function of its frequency.
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  • #10
Dark because "all experiments on light must be done in the dark". Was it Goethe who said something like that?
  • #11
Dadface said:
Was it Goethe who said something like that?

Is that the same guy from "pride Goethe before a fall", or someone else?
  • #12
When some bast--d cheats me out of money i am light in the pocket.
  • #13
AmazingLight said:
Can we get some real science definitions going? :D

Doesn't sound like it. So you may as well lighten up and have a lite beer.
  • #14
That light is such a small slice of the entire electromagnetic spectrum
  • #15
sas3 said:
That light is such a small slice of the entire electromagnetic spectrum

Hence the name. A larger slice would be heavy.
  • #16
Black body spectrum vs. Spectral lines

Light absorption of chlorophyl making life possible.
  • #17
I need to get round to replacing the blown bulbs in my kitchen.
  • #18
I think of coca-cola light (but in my brain it's "coca light"), also known as Diet Coke in the USA.
  • #19
The first thing that comes to mind is photons and then time. I am always impressed that when we look at stars we see light that came from the past in the present. This then leads me to think about worldlines and light cones.
  • #20
fluidistic said:
(but in my brain it's "coca light")

This is really cute :biggrin: lol
  • #21
I was taught that the speed of dark is actually faster than the speed of light because dark needs to get out of the way.
  • #22
The first thing that comes to my mind is 'light".
  • #23
Evo said:
The first thing that comes to my mind is 'light".

You don't say?
  • #24
AmazingLight said:
You don't say?
I don't lie. :biggrin:
  • #25
The blonde girl from pretty little liars. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • #26
Marlboro :wink:
  • #27
It cannot be destroyed
It allows us to see what's in dark
Cannot touch
It isn't need in honeymoon

FAQ: When the word light is mentioned what comes into your mind?

1. What is light?

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. It consists of particles called photons that travel in waves at a constant speed of 299,792,458 meters per second.

2. How does light travel?

Light travels in a straight line, unless it is refracted or reflected by a medium. It can travel through a vacuum or through different mediums such as air, water, or glass.

3. What are the properties of light?

Light has many properties, including wavelength, frequency, speed, and polarization. It can also be described as a particle or a wave, depending on the experimental context.

4. What are the different types of light?

The different types of light include visible light, which is the spectrum of colors that can be seen by the human eye, as well as non-visible forms such as infrared, ultraviolet, and X-rays.

5. How is light used in science and technology?

Light is used in many different ways in science and technology, including in optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes, as a means of communication through fiber optics, and as a source of energy in solar panels. It also plays a crucial role in photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

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