When will you die? Enter your information and find out! (Quiz)

  • Thread starter Lisa!
  • Start date
In summary: If you can see yourself or read something you are alive, if not...you're dead.In summary, the conversation is about a quiz that predicts the person's date of death based on their information. Many people are skeptical of the accuracy of the quiz and make jokes about their predicted death dates. Some people also mention their lifestyle choices, such as smoking, and how it may affect their lifespan. Towards the end, there is a discussion about how to know if you're dead or not.
  • #36
Date of birth: January first, 2005
BMI >= 45
:biggrin: :

Saturday, August 10, 2058
healthier than I expected
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Evo said:
Wednesday, July 12, 2034
Nooooooo :cry: My love, Je ne peux pas endurer l'a pensé d'habiter sans vous.
  • #38
Evo said:
So sad to hear of your untimely demise. If we had known, we surely would have had a thread about it. :frown:
That's very thoughtful of you, Evo. I would have announced it myself, but, of course, I didn't know either.
  • #39
This weeks episode of Six Feet Under:

Mr. Z. Shoe
  • #40
Smurf said:
Nooooooo :cry: My love, Je ne peux pas endurer l'a pensé d'habiter sans vous.
Aww, so sweet. :smile: Ok, I'll change my disposition to "optimistic" and live another 60 years. :-p
  • #41
Townsend said:
Friday, September 30, 2050
Hehe, LOSER! I'd hate to die on a Friday
  • #42
zoobyshoe said:
That's very thoughtful of you, Evo. I would have announced it myself, but, of course, I didn't know either.
I am sure it came as quite a shock. So, what will you do, now that you're dead?
  • #43
zoobyshoe said:
That's very thoughtful of you, Evo. I would have announced it myself, but, of course, I didn't know either.

Yeah, ever since I watched the "Sixth Sense" I have checked to make sure I wasn't dead and didn't know it every day...
  • #44
Townsend said:
Yeah, ever since I watched the "Sixth Sense" I have checked to make sure I wasn't dead and didn't know it every day...
How would you know though? You could have died from something internal, like a heart attack or blood poisoning. Then could be dead for ages and not even know it.
  • #45
Smurf said:
How would you know though? You could have died from something internal, like a heart attack or blood poisoning. Then could be dead for ages and not even know it.

I have thought about that...the easiest way to tell if you're dead is to see if the government is still collecting taxes...once I see that I am no longer being taxed then I will know that I am dead... :smile:
  • #46
Townsend said:
I have thought about that...the easiest way to tell if you're dead is to see if the government is still collecting taxes...once I see that I am no longer being taxed then I will know that I am dead... :smile:
:rolleyes: ummm... are you sure?
  • #47
Smurf said:
:rolleyes: ummm... are you sure?

On income tax...pretty sure, unless you're privy to some kind of dead person income tax I wasn't made aware of. Crap...you mean to tell me I really could be dead... :cry:
  • #48
Townsend said:
On income tax...pretty sure, unless you're privy to some kind of dead person income tax I wasn't made aware of. Crap...you mean to tell me I really could be dead... :cry:
I just don't see it. Why would they stop merely because you're dead?
  • #49
Evo said:
I am sure it came as quite a shock.
Not so much, no. Just mildly surprising.
So, what will you do, now that you're dead?
I'll just continue with my usual posts in S&D, debunking ghosts and the afterlife.
  • #50
Smurf said:
I just don't see it. Why would they stop merely because you're dead?

Legally there is no way to collect taxes from a dead guy. There is especially no reason to collect social security from a dead guy... :smile:
  • #51
Townsend said:
Yeah, ever since I watched the "Sixth Sense" I have checked to make sure I wasn't dead and didn't know it every day...
Apparently, being dead doesn't make a lot of difference. I haven't run into anyone who doesn't see dead people.
  • #52
Townsend said:
Legally there is no way to collect taxes from a dead guy. There is especially no reason to collect social security from a dead guy... :smile:
Do I really have to post a list of things the government does there's no reason for?
  • #53
zoobyshoe said:
Not so much, no. Just mildly surprising.

I'll just continue with my usual posts in S&D, debunking ghosts and the afterlife.

:frown: could you tell me if I'm dead? Smurf has got me all worried...
  • #54
Townsend said:
:frown: could you tell me if I'm dead? Smurf has got me all worried...
Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to take away your last safety net.
  • #55
Townsend said:
:frown: could you tell me if I'm dead? Smurf has got me all worried...
Well, if the deathclock doesn't say your time has expired, then you're still alive.
  • #56
wtf, when i messed around with the things, at first i put in my real data, and i got 2065 or 75 or something, then i wondered what would happen if i entered a 30bmi or whatever, and it said Tuesday, September 4, 2085
so wtf, does it want me to gain 100 pounds or something?
  • #57
Smurf said:
Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to take away your last safety net.

Don't you mean to say, "...sorry aboahwt that..."?

And I don't accept your apology...I was fine in my own little universe until you came along and shattered my illusion... :frown:
  • #58
Whoohoo! I'm living till 90!
  • #59
deckart said:
Whoohoo! I'm living till 90!
You know what that means right? Your breathing through a tube and need a penial implant to get it up.
  • #60
I expect that I'll be plenty mobile at 90. I recently took a technical call from a mechanic who was celebrating his 93rd birthday. He is still crawling around on machines and turning wrenches. I know people half that age who can no longer do what that guy can. Pretty amazing.
  • #61
zoobyshoe said:
I just realized that, although my time has run out, it didn't say when it ran out. I wonder when I died?
Did you check the "Display Results in Zoobonian Time" checkbox? That could be your problem.
  • #62
Okay, by playing with the inputs (leaving my date of Birth alone) I go from having died on November 2, 1988 at age 30 (Sadistic, BM1 >45, smoker) to living unitl August 13, 2048, 15 days before turning 90 (optimistic, BMI < 25, non-smoker).


With the other two factors held "bad", and changing the third between "bad" and "good" you get the following:

between BMI <25 and >45, difference of 3 years
Between non-smoking and smoking, difference of 4 years
Between opitimistic and sadistic, difference of 43 years.

Holding two factors "good" and altering the third:

between BMI <25 and >45, diference of 7 years
Between non-smoking and smoking, difference of 13 years
Between opitimistic and sadistic, difference of 53 years.

I quess attitude really is everything!
  • #63
Monday, March 5, 2074

:bugeye: That would make me 102 1/2! I better gain some weight or get more negative about things, I don't need to live quite that long! There won't be any men left to play with at that age. :rolleyes:
  • #64
MIH said:
Did you check the "Display Results in Zoobonian Time" checkbox? That could be your problem.

I never saw that. I saw a pulldown list with the following:

human time
Pengwuinian time
Bacteriophage time ( :confused: )

moonbear said:
That would make me 102 1/2! I better gain some weight or get more negative about things, I don't need to live quite that long! There won't be any men left to play with at that age.

I see moonbear as living to 112. and on her death bed, she pulls out that will that says:

all my belongings and savings go to yomamma. no, not your mamma, tomamma from PF

signed: X
  • #65
yomamma said:
I see moonbear as living to 112. and on her death bed, she pulls out that will that says:

all my belongings and savings go to yomamma. no, not your mamma, tomamma from PF

signed: X
Never! I'll bequeath everything to Franzbear! He'll outlive all of us.
  • #66
Amendment I

section 1.

In the case resulting in franzbear's death before the death of moonbear, moonbear's possesions, land, and savings is directly put in possesion of yomamma

section 2.

In the case of the death of both franzbear and yomamma before moonbear, all of moonbear's possesians, land, and savings are funded to Bernhardt Media, which shall directly support PF. Resulting in a massive premium membership for the family of yomamma.
  • #67
mine said i'd live 10 years longer if i started smoking, and 5 years longer if i gained weight. hmm... the normal one said i'd live till 66, if you're curious. doesn't seem very long...
  • #68
Yeah, overweight & smoking is the way to go. :bugeye: I think there are bugs in that program.
  • #69
Well, I didn't know what the heck to put in for disposition. So I played it safe with "normal" and entered the other data which is all pretty easy. That has me dying in 2045, at age 79.

That seemed way too soon, I figured I'd live way longer than *that.* Which indicates - bingo - that I must be an optimist!

This input has me living to the ripe old age of 104. Wow. I feel all spry now!
  • #70
pattylou said:
That seemed way too soon, I figured I'd live way longer than *that.* Which indicates - bingo - that I must be an optimist!
:smile: :smile:

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