Where can I find a proof of the Swiss cheese theorem?

In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of the Euclidean space ##\mathbb{R}^2## being the union of nondegenerate disjoint circles. It was suggested to seek a proof on a specialized website or on Mathstack exchange. The conversation then shifted to the Baire category theorem and the idea of using a sequence of circles with decreasing radii to prove the impossibility of such a union. Ultimately, the theorem was referenced as the impossibility of writing the plane as a union of closed disks with disjoint interiors.
  • #1
Does anyone know where I can find a proof of this theorem?
Theorem: The Euclidean space ##\mathbb{R}^2## is not the union of nondegenerate disjoints circles.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Consider a sequence of circles [itex]S_i[/itex] such that the disk bounded by [itex]S_i[/itex] contains [itex]S_{i+1}[/itex] and the radii [itex]r_i[/itex] of these circles tend to zero (this is possible because given a circle of radius [itex]r[/itex], the circle passing through its center has radius [itex]\leq r/2[/itex]) and let [itex]x_i[/itex] be a point in the disk bounded by [itex]S_i[/itex]. The sequence [itex]x_i[/itex] converges since [itex]r_i\to 0[/itex] and we find that the circle passing through the limit of this sequence must intersect all but finitely many of the [itex]S_i[/itex]. Contradiction.

Edit: This seems too easy to be a proof of a substantial theorem, so I might be missing something.

WWGD said:
Still, doesn't Baire category apply, if the union is countable?
If the union was countable, you could just use that the countable union of measure zero sets has measure zero.
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  • #4
Infrared said:
If the union was countable, you could just use that the countable union of measure zero sets has measure zero.

Seemed, by the type of problem, the OP wanted to address it from a purely topological perspective/approach.
  • #5
I know a proof for a theorem that states that it is not possible to write the plane as a union of closed disks in such way that the interiors of the disks would be disjoint. In other words
\mathbb{R}^2 = \bigcup_{i\in\mathcal{I}} \bar{B}(x_i,r_i)
i,i'\in\mathcal{I},\; i\neq i'\quad\implies\quad B(x_i,r_i)\cap B(x_{i'},r_{i'})=\emptyset
lead to a contradiction, where [itex]r_i>0[/itex] for all [itex]i\in\mathcal{I}[/itex], the index set [itex]\mathcal{I}[/itex] can be arbitrary to start with,
B(x,r) = \big\{x'\in\mathbb{R}^2\;\big|\; \|x'-x\|<r\big\}
\bar{B}(x,r) = \big\{x'\in\mathbb{R}^2\;\big|\; \|x'-x\|\leq r\big\}.
  • #6
jostpuur said:
I know a proof for a theorem that states that it is not possible to write the plane as a union of closed disks in such way that the interiors of the disks would be disjoint.
Often named a "Swiss cheese" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_cheese_(mathematics)).


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FAQ: Where can I find a proof of the Swiss cheese theorem?

What is Sierpinski's theorem?

Sierpinski's theorem, also known as the Sierpinski triangle theorem, is a mathematical theorem that states that if a triangle is repeatedly divided into smaller triangles, and each smaller triangle is colored alternately black and white, then the resulting pattern will eventually form the Sierpinski triangle.

What is the proof of Sierpinski's theorem?

The proof of Sierpinski's theorem involves using mathematical induction to show that the pattern created by repeatedly dividing the triangle into smaller triangles is the Sierpinski triangle. This proof was first published by Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński in 1915.

How is Sierpinski's theorem related to fractals?

Sierpinski's theorem is related to fractals because the resulting pattern of the repeated division of the triangle into smaller triangles is a fractal. Fractals are self-similar geometric patterns that can be infinitely magnified and are found in many natural and mathematical systems.

What are the applications of Sierpinski's theorem?

Sierpinski's theorem has applications in fields such as computer graphics, image compression, and cryptography. It is also used in the study of dynamical systems and chaos theory, as the Sierpinski triangle is an example of a chaotic system.

Are there generalizations of Sierpinski's theorem?

Yes, there are several generalizations of Sierpinski's theorem, such as the Sierpinski carpet and the Sierpinski tetrahedron. These generalizations involve dividing other shapes into smaller shapes and following similar coloring rules to produce fractal patterns.
