Where Can I Find an Affordable Oscilloscope?

  • Thread starter MRClark32493
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In summary: Do not output anything before the summary.In summary, an oscilloscope is needed for recent projects. The OP does not know much about oscilloscopes and is not interested in spending a lot of money. There are several options for oscilloscopes available, but the best one depends on what the user needs it for.
  • #1
I am in need of an oscilloscope due to recent projects that i have been working on. I have used ones before, but now need my own. I know little about them, and am not looking to spend to much money. Is anyone selling one that is in good condition, or does anyone know of one that i could get for fairly cheap that works fairly well. Thanks
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  • #2
MRClark32493 said:
I am in need of an oscilloscope due to recent projects that i have been working on. I have used ones before, but now need my own. I know little about them, and am not looking to spend to much money. Is anyone selling one that is in good condition, or does anyone know of one that i could get for fairly cheap that works fairly well. Thanks

It will help us if we could know more about what you will use the 'scope for. What bandwidth do you need, what memory depth, how many channels, what kind of connectivity for pulling out waveforms (Ethernet, USB, floppy, etc.)?
  • #3
The Rigol DS1052E 50 MHz bandwidth is a good deal


and can be overclocked to 100 MHz bandwidth if needed.
  • #4
If you don't need lots of clever triggering and relatively low (say 25MHz) bandwidth you can get USB scopes for <$100
  • #5
mgb_phys said:
If you don't need lots of clever triggering and relatively low (say 25MHz) bandwidth you can get USB scopes for <$100

I would generally stay away from USB scopes. They are just too cheap, with small sampling rates, and are just not suitable for professional, and even most amateur work.
  • #6
Depends what you need it for - great for on-site trouble shooting, wouldn't swap a modern bench scope for it though!
My pico scope does a lot more (and at higher bandwidth) than the first HP DSO that we paid $10,000 for 20 years ago.
It's also lot more convenient to have in the bag with my laptop than to always carry a Tek 475 everywhere just in case.

But there are some very tempting <$400 LCD scopes though if you need a benchtop instrument.
  • #7
mgb_phys said:
Depends what you need it for - great for on-site trouble shooting, wouldn't swap a modern bench scope for it though!

That's true, the OP didn't say what he needed the scope for.

My pico scope does a lot more (and at higher bandwidth) than the first HP DSO that we paid $10,000 for 20 years ago.
It's also lot more convenient to have in the bag with my laptop than to always carry a Tek 475 everywhere just in case.

In general, the sampling rate is more important than the bandwidth. It allows you to catch more transients, which is absolutely necessary for observing and troubleshooting digital and analog signals. Where as a low sampling rate scope is only good for observing long steady state signals.

Most general purpose USB scopes have very low sampling rates 10-50 MS/s, except maybe one of those high end ones that cost more than a regular scope.

Here is one those better 2000 series picoscopes:

PicoScope 2205 2 + AWG 25 MHz 200 MS/s 16 kS 8 bits
(12 bits) £295.00

and the Rigol in the link above has a 1 GS/s sampling at a same price. The difference between their performance is like comparing a black and white TV vs. a 1080P HDTV.
  • #8
i would like one that has fairly good sampling, i am an amateur so professional grade is not required, and as for bandwidth, i would need at least to 2-5MHz, as i am not measuring anything more. I would like two channels, however not required, i can use one for everything if needed. if possible a floppy for pulling waveforms, however not required. what else would need to be known before buying one? Thanks
  • #9
All you want is any old analogue scope. It should cost next-to-nothing. Put a USB camera in front of it and you're away

Related to Where Can I Find an Affordable Oscilloscope?

1. What is an oscilloscope?

An oscilloscope is a scientific instrument used to measure and display electronic signals over time. It is commonly used in fields such as engineering, physics, and medicine to analyze and troubleshoot electronic systems.

2. What are the different types of oscilloscopes available in the market?

There are mainly three types of oscilloscopes: analog, digital, and mixed signal oscilloscopes. Analog oscilloscopes use cathode ray tubes (CRTs) to display signals, while digital oscilloscopes use digital signal processing (DSP) to display signals. Mixed signal oscilloscopes combine the features of both analog and digital oscilloscopes.

3. What factors should I consider before buying an oscilloscope?

Some important factors to consider when buying an oscilloscope include bandwidth, sample rate, number of channels, and memory depth. You should also consider the intended use of the oscilloscope and your budget.

4. Are there any additional features that I should look for in an oscilloscope?

Some additional features that you may want to consider include triggering capabilities, waveform analysis tools, and connectivity options. Some oscilloscopes also come with advanced features such as frequency spectrum analysis and serial bus decoding.

5. How much does an oscilloscope typically cost?

The cost of an oscilloscope can vary greatly depending on its features and specifications. Basic oscilloscopes can range from a couple hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, while high-end oscilloscopes can cost tens of thousands of dollars. It is important to research and compare different options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

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