Where Can I Find the Value of the Sum of 1/n² for Odd n Only?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with finding the value of a sum in a quantum homework assignment. The solution is to break the sum into even and odd terms, and then use a Fourier series for the function x^2 to find the value of the full sum. This gives the value of the odd sum as pi^2/8. The conversation also mentions trying to use a telescoping series approach, but finding it to be time-consuming.
  • #1
In the course of doing my quantum homework I ran into a bit of a snag.

In one of my calculations I need to replace the sum from n = 1 to infinity of 1/n^2 (for odd n only) with its number value.

My book instructs me to get the information from a table and actualy gives the value (for odd n) of the infinite series for 1/n^4 = (pi^4)/96.

In calculus the only series I evaluated to get numbers were geometric and telescoping.

I tried to rewrite my own series as a telescoping and run from there, but I feel like I'm wasting time and trying to reinvent the wheel.

A google search gave me little, and I think I'm using the wrong key words in my wikapedia search.

Does anyone know where I can find my missing piece of info?

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  • #2
The sum of 1/(2n-1)^2 for 1,2,3,4... is Pi^2/8 :)
  • #3
:blushing: hey, thanks a bunch!

Do you happen to know how it was derived, and if so, was my telescoping series idea correct?
  • #4
You can break the sum [tex] \sum^\infty_{n=1} \frac{1}{n^2} [/tex] into its even and odd terms. The odd series is the one you wanted. Now focus on the even series for second. Since each term is even, it can be written as [tex] n = 2 m [/tex] where [tex] m [/tex] runs over all the integers. This means that the even sum is actually just
\sum^\infty_{n=2m} \frac{1}{n^2} = \sum^\infty_{m=1} \frac{1}{2^2}\frac{1}{m^2} = \frac{1}{4} \sum^\infty_{m=1} \frac{1}{m^2},
but the last term is just the full sum over evens and odds. Thus we can say the even sum is one fourth of the full sum. This means that the odd sum is three fourths of the full sum. All you need to know now is the value of the full sum.

You can obtain the value of the full sum by considering the Fourier series for the function [tex] x^2 [/tex] on the interval [tex] [-\pi,\pi] [/tex]. It turns out that the Fourier coeffecients are related to [tex] \frac{1}{n^2} [/tex] which enables you to sum the series. The result, which you can also find in any table, is [tex] \pi^2/6 [/tex]. There are other ways to do it, but this way is one of the easiest in my opinion. That gives the value of the odd sum, the one you wanted, as
[tex] \frac{3}{4} \frac{\pi^2}{6} = \frac{\pi^2}{8}. [/tex]
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FAQ: Where Can I Find the Value of the Sum of 1/n² for Odd n Only?

What is the QM value of an infinite sum?

The QM value of an infinite sum refers to the expected value or average of an infinite series of numbers, calculated using the principles of quantum mechanics.

How is the QM value of an infinite sum calculated?

The calculation of the QM value involves using the quantum mechanical operators to represent the numbers in the series and applying the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the uncertainty principle and Schrödinger's equation, to obtain the expected value.

Why is the QM value of an infinite sum important?

The QM value of an infinite sum is important in quantum mechanics as it provides a way to calculate the expected outcome of a quantum system, which can then be compared to experimental results. It also allows for the prediction of future outcomes and the understanding of the behavior of quantum systems.

Can the QM value of an infinite sum ever be negative?

Yes, the QM value of an infinite sum can be negative. This can occur when the series contains a mix of positive and negative numbers, and the quantum mechanical operators used in the calculation result in a negative value.

How does the QM value of an infinite sum differ from a classical average?

The QM value of an infinite sum differs from a classical average in that it takes into account the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and uncertainty, which can result in a different value than a classical average. It also allows for the calculation of the expected value of quantum systems that cannot be described using classical mechanics.

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