Where is Selfadjoint? Answers to Your Questions

  • Thread starter Ratzinger
  • Start date
In summary, SA selfadjoint, a mentor on PF, passed away last week. He was originally from Wisconsin, but was living in Florida at the time of his death. He was married and had a daughter. Members are encouraged to share thoughts and memories about selfadjoint on the memorial page he has created for him.
  • #36
Rest in Peace.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Goodbye, old friend. The value of your contribution here cannot be overstated. I'm sure your family feels the same way about your time with them.
  • #39
It's nice to see the letters S and A adorning the forum banner, but it should be a bit more noticable, IMHO. :smile:
  • #40
neutrino said:
It's nice to see the letters S and A adorning the forum banner, but it should be a bit more noticable, IMHO. :smile:

That is a nice touch!

RIP, selfAdjoint.
  • #41
He will be remebered here for a long time.I'll remember him.
That man was a true spirit of a research and passionate thinker.
We exchanged only few messages on PF,but I enjoyed all
of them lot.

RIP, friend.
  • #42
neutrino said:
It's nice to see the letters S and A adorning the forum banner, but it should be a bit more noticable, IMHO. :smile:

It's a quick something... we are working on more things. Stay tuned.
  • #43
An intelligent person can fairly easily put in the effort necessary to develop depth in a few narrow areas.

An intelligent person can fairly easily put in the effort necessary to develop breadth in somewhat shallow way.

I have rarely seen the depth over such a wide breadth of topics (and not just in physics and math) that selfAdjoint routinely exhibited.

And he seemed to be a really nice guy; on a personal level, selfAdjoint was the first to respond to my announcement of the birth of my daughter.

Much saddened,
  • #44
Rest in Peace SelfAdjoint. -- PF is morning you.
  • #45
I don't him, but what I can read from all these replies in this thread, I can say without hesitation that he was a great man...Rest In Peace
  • #46
A true loss indeed. The impact of his interaction will resonate in our lives and thoughts.
  • #47
That is awful news. I never knew him that well but from what I've seen from his friends it was truly a great loss. My sympathies to his loved ones.
  • #48
I didn't know him at all, but the links show me he was definitely a smart and incredible mind. I hope his family could be informed of this thread, it may comfort them.
  • #49
This is very sad news.

SelfAdjoint was truly wise and will be missed.
  • #50
OMG, i never checked out this thread before, but i was shocked to found out this sad news. This is a very big loss and i wish his grieving family all the support they can get. sA helped me out a lot with some of the entries in my journal, in my early PF days.

He will be missed

  • #51
This is awful news.
It's been quite some time since I checked the forums, and I came across this thread by accident. Too sad we didn't come to know earlier. I never knew SA was that old. His wisdom and gentleness will truly be missed. May his soul rest in peace.
  • #52
Oh wow. I feel kind of sad now. selfAdjoint and chroot are my favorite mentors.
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  • #53
I never looked at this thread before, until being directed here from another one. Although we never really interacted much, SA was one of my favourites. It surprised me to find out his age status; I always got the impression that he was in his 20's or 30's. Thinking and acting young might have been one of his better skills. Being an atheist, I'm not going to offer any platitudes. I'll say what I say about anyone else who mattered to me: I don't mourn his loss; I celebrate having had him in my life. We're all better off for having experienced his thoughts.
  • #54
I've been away for a while myself, 'other' commitments, so it's come as a real shock to find this thread. Although I've only been here a relatively short time and didn't really know SA, it is a sad day whenever a colleague; close or otherwise departs. May I wish SA and his wife everlasting peace and happiness. A sad loss, not only to PF but I'm sure to those who had the pleasure of calling him their friend.

Rest in peace SA.
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  • #55
I'm new in this forum and did not know SA but I found this poem and wanted to share this with others.May SA rest in peace.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there, I did not die!

By: Mary Frye (1932)
  • #56
I hope the forum administrators are planning an "In memoriam"-page to selfAdjoint. He was one of those who deserves such a recognition.
  • #57
arildno said:
I hope the forum administrators are planning an "In memoriam"-page to selfAdjoint. He was one of those who deserves such a recognition.
Yes they are - see chroot's post (#15) and Greg's subsequent comment.

SA and I exchanged a few PMs last year. He was quite a remarkable person.

He was looking forward to time with the granddaughters, one of whom turned 1 just after he passed away. :frown:
  • #58
SA was an asset to this forum. He would be certainly be greatly missed. May his soul rest in peace.
  • #59
Ye will be missed.
  • #60
:cry: :cry: This is a great loss to all of us. :cry: :cry:
Sad news, indeed. :frown:
Rest in Peace, selfAdjoint. You'll be missed.
  • #61
Danger said:
I'll say what I say about anyone else who mattered to me: I don't mourn his loss; I celebrate having had him in my life. We're all better off for having experienced his thoughts.
Yes! That's what I say! But I am surprised that I felt a hint of sadness. I didn't even know him. Maybe he just seemed like such a great guy or something.
  • #62
There'll always be sadness when someone that you are used to having around isn't there any more, no matter how little you might have known him. Don't be surprised by it; it's human nature.
  • #63
This thread ought to be sent to his family. The fact there are so many people who respected him greatly would be a great comfort to them.
  • #64
This [from last June] came to mind the other day.

Ivan Seeking said:
I for one don't want to be lying in my death bed thinking of what might have been. Follow your dreams and make them happen. That's what mom was saying as well.

selfAdjoint said:
AMEN BROTHER! WHen you're at the "asymptotic" end of your life, only a few things matter. Up in Beyond the Standard Model Marcus posted Leigh Hunt's "Jenny Kissed Me" (prompted by me). That poem ends

Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me,
Say I'm growing old, but add
Jenny kissed me.
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  • #65
Sorry to hear about Boulderhead and selfAdjoint - my sincere thoughts of compassion to their families and friends.
  • #66
Some members simply dissapear.
For instance,this member:

What happened with Zero?

Making over 1500 posts and then simply to disappear doesn't make sense to me.Unless...
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  • #67
tehno said:
Some members simply dissapear.
For instance,this member:

What happened with Zero?

Making over 1500 posts and then simply to disappear doesn't make sense to me.Unless...
Actually, Zero had somewhere around 8,000 posts, but most were dropped off after we decided not to count P&WA posts (He was the mentor I replaced).
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  • #68
Is he well?
  • #69
We don't know what happened to Zero. IIRC, he found a girlfriend, moved to Florida, and disappeared without a word shortly thereafter.
  • #70
tehno said:
Is he well?
We don't know. He had just moved to Florida with a new job he loved, was working met a new girlfriend and then we never heard from him again.

We hope he's happy and too busy to let us know what happened, but he was so involved here that it doesn't seem right that we would not have gotten at least one goodbye.