Which scooter model is the best option for transportation and cost savings?

  • Thread starter JasonRox
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In summary, the person wants to get a scooter because they think it will be fun and easier to get around. They looked into different models and found that the Honda was the best option for the price and the insurance. They hope to be able to get the scooter by the end of May.

Which do you like? (Please see pictures first.)

  • Pertutti Motors - Solo Model

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Honda Motors - Jazz Model

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Yamaha Motors - 2006 Vino Classic

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Yamaha Motors - 2005 Vino Classic

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #71
Nuts man, you're nuts!

I would never take a bike out in the rain. Those tires are not designed for wet roads! Their treads are just incase you get caught in a sprinkle, not for riding around in the wet.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
cyrusabdollahi said:
Nuts man, you're nuts!

I would never take a bike out in the rain. Those tires are not designed for wet roads! Their treads are just incase you get caught in a sprinkle, not for riding around in the wet.

Trust me i agree totally with this guy...I was once riding on a cold rainy day and there was this oil spill on a steep road at a signals...I was slowing down and i think i released the clutch of my bike too soon when slowing down when i realized i started wobbling badly..It was too late i jammed my brakes in frustration making things worse...I fell to my right side hurting my ankle and scraping my shoulder...Thank God there was no one following me close behind...It was not serious...

I got off my bike and there was this old lady wheeling her grandchild in a pram...She didnt look all that fit enough to help me lift the bike back up...To my surprise she offered to help me and on the count of three we lifted the bike together...

I will never forget that day...Honestly...:rolleyes:

  • #73
Personally, I respect anyone who has the sense and foresight to remove even a single automobile from the road. I don't care if the person chooses to walk, ride a bus, ride a bicycle (my preferred means), or ride a scooter. I think such choices have a larger impact on politics, health, and the environment than any other choices you're likely to make in your daily life.

Jason, I applaud you.


- Warren
  • #74
You DO NOT ride a bike in the rain
You DO NOT ride a bike in bad weather
You DO NOT carry lots of items.

Why not? I use to ride the rain all the time, even in winter. I love the rain. Better than being out in the hot sun. And bikes are fine if you're just carrying you're back pack or something. Great for going to school and it's just a mile or two away.

Trust me i agree totally with this guy...I was once riding on a cold rainy day and there was this oil spill on a steep road at a signals...I was slowing down and i think i released the clutch of my bike too soon when slowing down when i realized i started wobbling badly..It was too late i jammed my brakes in frustration making things worse...I fell to my right side hurting my ankle and scraping my shoulder...Thank God there was no one following me close behind...It was not serious...

Pfftt... In short you fell down and cut yourself. Try riding off a 5ft ramp going 30 mph sailing into the air and falling down and having the seat crush your nads then flipping out of control and almost breaking your neck. Then getting back up and doing it again, except for the nut squashing part.

Or simply riding along and then losing control and falling into an 8ft ditch full of rocks. The run-off ditches near my old house were huge.

Wow, kids today aren't tough enough. In my day, we didn't play catch, we played throw the rock at each other and see who would wuss out first.
  • #75
Entropy said:
Why not? I use to ride the rain all the time, even in winter. I love the rain. Better than being out in the hot sun. And bikes are fine if you're just carrying you're back pack or something. Great for going to school and it's just a mile or two away.

Pfftt... In short you fell down and cut yourself. Try riding off a 5ft ramp going 30 mph sailing into the air and falling down and having the seat crush your nads then flipping out of control and almost breaking your neck. Then getting back up and doing it again, except for the nut squashing part.

Or simply riding along and then losing control and falling into an 8ft ditch full of rocks. The run-off ditches near my old house were huge.

Wow, kids today aren't tough enough. In my day, we didn't play catch, we played throw the rock at each other and see who would wuss out first.

One day your luck will run out, and you will be in a wheel chair if you keep that up.
  • #76
cyrusabdollahi said:
One day your luck will run out, and you will be in a wheel chair if you keep that up.

That wouldn't happen because he knows when to draw the line.

Today, most people draw the line before anything even happens.
  • #77
cyrusabdollahi said:
One day your luck will run out, and you will be in a wheel chair if you keep that up.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #78
What's so funny? Being a dare devil on a motorcycle is idiotic. :confused:

These machines are not toys, they will kill you without warning.
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  • #79
Well, as it turns out I might not get one of those scooters now.

If insurance doesn't get even cheaper than I want it, then I'm not getting one. I'm trying more quotes on insurance tomorrow and if doesn't get any better, then there is no way I'm doing it.

I think anything more than $800CDN a year is just RIDICULOUS!
  • #80
cyrusabdollahi said:
What's so funny? Being a dare devil on a motorcycle is idiotic. :confused:

These machines are not toys, they will kill you without warning.

well that's why i laugh, i fell down riding the bike under normal conditions and not trying to perform a stunt...Trying such things is just sheer stupidity...(well in that case i should not have laughed)..
  • #81
peejake said:
well that's why i laugh, i fell down riding the bike under normal conditions and not trying to perform a stunt...Trying such things is just sheer stupidity...(well in that case i should not have laughed)..

The funny part for me is that a friend of mine and I are organizing a bike event.

The bike event involves riding down a crazy hill that I would not attempt because walking down is tough itself. The riders must ALSO pull tricks on the way down.

The event may not be held on this particular trail because we might not get park permission. The winner will get approximately $1000 in cash and prizes.

When we get everything ready, I'll post some pictures this week on how crazy it is.
  • #82
You know, if one of those guys kills themselves, you will be at fault because its your event. You might want to think twice about that.
  • #83
cyrusabdollahi said:
You know, if one of those guys kills themselves, you will be at fault because its your event. You might want to think twice about that.

We will have insurance, waivers and an ambulance on site. We will also have other rules and regulations for the riders like helmet and glove (other equipment might be necessary). We will also clean up the trails of any dangers, like dangerous tree roots, holes, etc...

Also, if they sue, they can have the very little that I have.

Or we can just incorporate the event and they can sue the company, which has no money.
  • #84
cyrusabdollahi said:
You know, if one of those guys kills themselves, you will be at fault because its your event. You might want to think twice about that.

Also, fear of any accidents causes people to never do anything.

I don't recommend cancelling all your plans on life because someone might die.

Remember, don't drive to work because you might KILL someone on the way. Not the best way to go about things.

Note: The event will also be for charity if that matters.
  • #85
Mmmmmmmmm, yeah, your analogy makes no sense what so ever.

Sorry, but how do you compare hot dog-ing down a mountain on a motor bike while doing stunts to driving my car to work?
  • #86
Your analogy makes no sense whatsoever.

How do you compare hot dogging down a mountain on a motor bike while doing stunts to driving my car to work?
  • #87
Pete, meet repeat.

Hello repeat
  • #88
JasonRox said:
Well, as it turns out I might not get one of those scooters now.

If insurance doesn't get even cheaper than I want it, then I'm not getting one. I'm trying more quotes on insurance tomorrow and if doesn't get any better, then there is no way I'm doing it.

I think anything more than $800CDN a year is just RIDICULOUS!

Sorry to hear that Jason $800 does sound ridiculous, over here a learner driver can buy a second hand car for say 1000 pounds but the insurance
in some areas can be more than that
I had not ridden a bike for 30yrs yet my insurance is 108 pounds.
  • #89
cyrusabdollahi said:
Mmmmmmmmm, yeah, your analogy makes no sense what so ever.

Sorry, but how do you compare hot dog-ing down a mountain on a motor bike while doing stunts to driving my car to work?

It's not a motor bike.

How do you not see the analogy?

How likely is it that someone dies in a bike event? Hmm... probably less than people those who die in CAR ACCIDENTS!
  • #90
wolram said:
Sorry to hear that Jason $800 does sound ridiculous, over here a learner driver can buy a second hand car for say 1000 pounds but the insurance
in some areas can be more than that
I had not ridden a bike for 30yrs yet my insurance is 108 pounds.

I live in greedy North America with corrupted politicians who put their money into insurance companies.

A new young driver who wants to drive a 10 year old car with minimal coverage will pay about $3000CDN to start. (Car is under your name and you are primary driver.)
  • #91
Crazy old me is going on a motorbike ride today, there is a 50% chance of rain but the sun is out now, things to remember, it has been raining for 3 days so loose gravel, i will be using country roads so muck left by tractors
exiting fields, there will be cars on the road so loony car drivers, i may have
to ride an isolated area so ufos.
  • #92
No scooter for me. :(

The insurance prices are just INSANE!

A scooter can't even get a speeding ticket because they don't go fast enough and insurance is sky high!

Anyways, I wrote a message to the Provincial Minister and will be writing him a formal letter soon. I'm also going to go talk to our Local Provincial MP and will be writing an editorial to a newspaper about this problem.

How can we reduce smog when they are charging an arm and a leg on scooter insurance? Like, come on!
  • #93
That is absolute stupidity that insurance on a scooter would be so high, I mean come on it is a tiny little 50cc engine not a sportbike. Anyway sorry to hear its not going to work out for you, hopefully something good will come out of the letters you write. Good luck.
  • #94
scorpa said:
That is absolute stupidity that insurance on a scooter would be so high, I mean come on it is a tiny little 50cc engine not a sportbike. Anyway sorry to hear its not going to work out for you, hopefully something good will come out of the letters you write. Good luck.

Let's hope the Prime Minister of Ontario can read.
  • #95
JasonRox said:
Let's hope the Prime Minister of Ontario can read. [/QUOTE
If he/she is any thing like ours he/she will have a plethora of underling to
do the reading, save your ink Jason, however i do know of a guy who had
the right idea.
  • #96
I'll post the letter for the editorial soon. I'd like to have some CONSTRUCTIVE opinions of it when I'm done.
  • #97
Why would insurance be cheap on a little scooter? You can't go fast enough to get out of a cars way, and if you do crash it's not going to be nice.

At least a bike can zip out of danger. The best you can do is pray.

Why do you need full year coverage for a bike you only ride in the summer?
  • #98
I don't know how it works in Ontario, but in Alberta you can save a lot of insurance money by taking a motorcycle training course...I don't know if the savings would also be for scooters as well though, you would have to check it out. The programs are very good though if you can get into one where they teach you the skill and then you test for your license at the end. Something you can look into anyway.
  • #99
A coworker got an electric scooter. In the USA, these are legal on bicycle trails. This was one of the faster scooters, with a top speed near 25mph. The co-worker commuted by train, then use the scooter to commute from the train station to work and back to the train station.

Champions are made from something they have deep inside them:
It's called anabolic steriods.
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  • #100
cyrusabdollahi said:
Why do you need full year coverage for a bike you only ride in the summer?

The possiblility of it being stolen...Insurance is a must unless you are very sure you are not going to carsh or get your bike stolen...
  • #101
Champions are made from something they have deep inside them:
Something I don't have. :frown: :cry:
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