Who Feels the Pain of Badger Overload?

  • Thread starter Zantra
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In Summary,The conversation discusses a strange site that is causing people to have flashbacks to the 1960s. The group tries to figure out what the site is, and some speculate that it might be a mushroom. They also discuss the history of religion and the relationship between the mushroom and the serpent.
  • #71
oops- loren I'm sorry- I thought you were a girl loren is just one of those names.. hehehe

And of course monique- my bad:wink:
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  • #72
Originally posted by Zantra
oops- loren I'm sorry- I thought you were a girl loren is just one of those names.. hehehe

And of course monique- my bad:wink:

Ok Zanta, what are the ages of the women here at PF?
  • #73
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Ok Zanta, what are the ages of the women here at PF?

I wouldn't touch that one with a 10 foot pole while surrounded by a barbed wire, electrified fence. Nice try :wink:

Gale's 18- and as far as I'm concerned, so are they all:wink:
  • #74
Originally posted by Tsunami
That was Zantra who listed the females. Do you remember Loren Greene - the dad on Bonanza? Yeah - 'he' was a chick, too! Great make-up job, don't you think?

Actually it was lorne gren- Lorne is a GUYS name.

Loren is one of those ambiguous names- like PAT
  • #75
LOL! At least I got you guys to stop saying badger...
  • #76
argh my ears

GOD-DAMN that www.badgerbadgerbadger.com was annoying. The worst part about it is that it is catchy and i love it! doesn't the badger look cute? and then with all his mates! all bouncin to the beat! I now have to send that website to all my friends so i can annoy the ...poo...out of them, thanks for bringing this annoying site into my life cos now i can annoy the wee out of ppl

oh yeah, just for johnathon badgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadgerbadger
  • #77
Originally posted by Loren Booda

Really, I like chicks, but not enough to become one!
Hi lbooda, actually I was very surprised seeing your name in the list :P I am glad I have not lost my sanity
  • #78
  • #79
Originally posted by Zantra
Actually it was lorne gren- Lorne is a GUYS name.

Loren is one of those ambiguous names- like PAT
Wow, man. Yer right! My boo boo! But not the gren part. I think it IS Greene.
Gale's 18- and as far as I'm concerned, so are they all
Bless your face.
  • #80
Originally posted by Zantra Gale's 18- and as far as I'm concerned, so are they all:wink:
I don't see why Gale has to put her own picture up there. Why can't she post her mother's picture?
  • #81
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
I don't see why Gale has to put her own picture up there. Why can't she post her mother's picture?

dude, she can do whatever she wants. I don't see you complaining about my photo.

So, i look a little like a badger. Big deal.
  • #82
Originally posted by dduardo
dude, she can do whatever she wants. I don't see you complaining about my photo.
Running joke between Zantra and myself that has evolved through many threads.

I can complain about your photo if you like.
  • #83
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Running joke between Zantra and myself that has evolved through many threads.

I can complain about your photo if you like.

Ya I hear her mom kind of looks like that patricia girl, but that's just a rumor:wink:
  • #84
Ambiguous by name, but not hermaphroditic, at last pit stop.

Oh, yes, and the Japanese sometimes give the badger human male attributes. With a name like Booda, one learns these things.

The badger site appeal reaches from the young set to the strung-out.
  • #85
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Ambiguous by name, but not hermaphroditic, at last pit stop.

Oh, yes, and the Japanese sometimes give the badger human male attributes. With a name like Booda, one learns these things.

The badger site appeal reaches from the young set to the strung-out.

I'm not strung out, I'm just hyper:wink:
  • #86
haha, well if someone'd rather see my 40 some year old mum's face i'll put that there, but i much prefer my own...

And everyone i know is like being hypnotized by them badgers. i can't wait till the day when i hear everyone in school chanting badger badger badger...
  • #87
Originally posted by Gale17
haha, well if someone'd rather see my 40 some year old mum's face i'll put that there, but i much prefer my own...
Old running joke between Zantra and myself. I once confessed I thought Patricia Richardson who plays the mom on Home improvement was very attractive. Zantra made a snide response about The Freudian Oedipus Complex. I have played along taking every opportunity I could find to show interest in mother figures. The joke has been on him: I am older than Patricia Richardson. For some reason he just assumed I was, like 20 or something.
  • #88
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Old running joke between Zantra and myself. I once confessed I thought Patricia Richardson who plays the mom on home improvement was very attractive. Zantra made a snide response about The Freudian Oedipus Complex. I have played along taking every opportunity I could find to show interest in mother figures. The joke has been on him: I am older than Patricia Richardson. For some reason he just assumed I was, like 20 or something.

Ya well there are more young people than mature people on here. Eventually I figured you were older, but I figured why kill the
joke? hehe. Anyhow, that's what that comment was about Gale:wink:
  • #89
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
...I once confessed I thought Patricia Richardson who plays the mom on Home improvement was very attractive.

She's a babe! On the show, she had a down-to-earth "realness" that I also found attractive. :smile:
  • #90
Hmm, instead of 'rock, paper and scissors' how about 'badger, mushroom and snake'?
  • #91
Originally posted by Artman
She's a babe! On the show, she had a down-to-earth "realness" that I also found attractive. :smile:
She's adorable. I like the way she laughs.
  • #92
I've always had a thing for Betty White myself. It really comes down to her and Angela Lansbury.

  • #93
Originally posted by hypnagogue
I've always had a thing for Betty White myself. It really comes down to her and Angela Lansbury.

What, no Kathrine Hepburn?
  • #94


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