Why are generalized momenta cotangent vectors in symplectic manifolds?

In summary, the author is asking why pi is a cotangent vector, and they believe that it is because pi is a function that assigns numbers to vectors in the "tangent space of the tangent space of a point in the manifold". Setting pi equal to p_i dq^i gives that pi_j = g_{ij} \dot{q}^i.
  • #1
Homework Helper
I've been reading about the abstract formulation of dynamics in terms of symplectic manifolds, and it's amazing how naturally everything falls out of it. But one thing I can't see is why the generalized momenta should be cotangent vectors. I can see why generalized velocities are tangent vectors, making the Lagrangian a function on the tangent bundle of configuration space. But then the book I'm reading claims that since:

[tex] p_i = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q_i} [/tex]

it follows that pi is clearly a cotangent vector.

To me it seems like what pi is is a function assigning numbers to vectors in the "tangent space of the tangent space of a point in the manifold". Note that by what's in the quotes, I don't mean "the tangent space of the tangent bundle" (which would put the momentum in [itex]T^*(TM)[/itex] ), because it doesn't depend on the change in configuration.

But it also shouldn't be in [itex]T^*M[/itex] unless the Lagrangian is a linear function of velocity, so that its partial derivative with respect to velocity doesn't depend on your location in the tangent space, and so can be taken as a uniform linear functional on the tangent space. What am I missing here?
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  • #2
The [itex]\dot{q}^i[/itex] are, at the point [itex]q[/itex] of [itex]M[/itex] labeled by the generalized coordinates [itex]q^i[/itex], components of the tangent vector

[tex]v = \dot{q}^i \partial_{q^i}[/tex]

of a curve in configuration space [itex]M[/itex].

The [itex]p_i[/itex] are, at [itex]q[/itex], components of a particular covector [itex]\omega[/itex] with respect to a particular basis of covectors. This covector [itex]\omega[/itex] is the covector naturally associated with the tangent vector [itex]v[/itex] by the metric [itex]g[/itex] that comes from the kinetic energy

[tex]T = \frac{1}{2} g_{ij} \dot{q}^i \dot{q}^j.[/tex]

In other words,

[tex]\omega \left( u \right) = g \left(v,u\right) = g_{ij} \dot{q}^i u^j[/itex]

for all tangent vectors [itex]u[/itex] at [itex]q[/itex].

Setting [itex]\omega = p_i dq^i[/itex] gives that [itex]\omega_j = g_{ij} \dot{q}^i.[/itex] But, if

[tex]L = \frac{1}{2} g_{jk} \dot{q}^j \dot{q}^k - U \left( q \right),[/tex]


[tex]\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}^j} = g_{jk} \dot{q}^k.[/tex]
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  • #3
Ok, my problem was that, unless the dependence of L on velocity is linear, the covector depends on [itex]\dot q[/itex]. An ordinary covector field is normally defined at each point on the manifold, not on the tangent bundle. But in fact with the momentum you do want a covector field on the entire tangent bundle, or more specifically, a map from the tangent bundle to the cotangent bundle, allowing you to replace the tangent manifold from Lagrangian mechanics with the cotangent manifold from Hamiltonian mechanics. I think I have it now, but please correct me if that sounds wrong. Thanks.

FAQ: Why are generalized momenta cotangent vectors in symplectic manifolds?

1. What is a symplectic manifold?

A symplectic manifold is a mathematical structure that combines the concepts of a manifold (a space that locally resembles Euclidean space) and a symplectic form (a mathematical object that encodes symmetries and conservation laws). It is used to model the phase space of a classical mechanical system.

2. How is a symplectic manifold different from a Riemannian manifold?

A Riemannian manifold is equipped with a metric tensor that measures distances and angles, while a symplectic manifold is equipped with a symplectic form that measures areas. In other words, a Riemannian manifold is used to model space, while a symplectic manifold is used to model the space of states of a dynamical system.

3. What is the significance of symplectic manifolds in physics?

Symplectic manifolds play a crucial role in classical mechanics, as they provide a mathematical framework for Hamiltonian mechanics. They are also used in the study of geometric quantization, a mathematical approach for quantizing classical systems.

4. Can a symplectic manifold be non-orientable?

Yes, a symplectic manifold can be non-orientable. In fact, the famous mathematical example of a non-orientable symplectic manifold is the projective plane, which is widely used in physics and mathematics.

5. What are some applications of symplectic manifolds outside of physics?

Symplectic manifolds have applications in various areas of mathematics, such as differential geometry, topology, and algebraic geometry. They are also used in engineering, for example in the study of control theory and robotics.

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