Why are women and children saved first?

In summary: But don't be so biased about this scenario...the elderly (whether they are men or women) are also bunched into being "saved first". It boils down to men are considered stronger and those who can save the more vulnerable. Would you rather have a...weak man who can't protect you, or a strong man who can?
  • #36
DaveC426913 said:
Ah fer Pete's sake...

the OP's been safe on shore for two years now, mourning the loss of his wife and children...

Really, we need a thing that says "resurrected thread"!

Either that or sitting on a deserted island talking to a volleyball.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
moose said:
There's a difference between passive aggressive door mats and confident nice guys.

What's your point? Do you disagree with the maxim that nice guys finish last?
  • #38
stickythighs said:
What's your point? Do you disagree with the maxim that nice guys finish last?
I certainly do. Nice guys can get burned and be taken advantage of, but in the end, they are generally well-respected and highly valued by those who value ethics, loyalty, and a sense of fairness. If you think that the person who dies with the most toys wins, I am sorry for you. If you have ever attended a funeral/memorial service for someone that is packed with people alternately crying and smiling over remembrances of the departed, you know that a more reliable evaluation of a person's worth is the sense of loss that the community feels at his/her passing.
  • #39
turbo-1 said:
I certainly do. Nice guys can get burned and be taken advantage of, but in the end, they are generally well-respected and highly valued by those who value ethics, loyalty, and a sense of fairness. If you think that the person who dies with the most toys wins, I am sorry for you. If you have ever attended a funeral/memorial service for someone that is packed with people alternately crying and smiling over remembrances of the departed, you know that a more reliable evaluation of a person's worth is the sense of loss that the community feels at his/her passing.

I agree with turbo. In the workplace, your career will suffer if you're a jerk.

Note that "nice guy" doesn't mean you'll let people walk all over you, btw. You have to have a spine in life.

Here's a book about jerks in the workplace, and what they cost the company:

  • #40
turbo-1 said:
I certainly do. Nice guys can get burned and be taken advantage of, but in the end, they are generally well-respected and highly valued by those who value ethics, loyalty, and a sense of fairness. If you think that the person who dies with the most toys wins, I am sorry for you. If you have ever attended a funeral/memorial service for someone that is packed with people alternately crying and smiling over remembrances of the departed, you know that a more reliable evaluation of a person's worth is the sense of loss that the community feels at his/her passing.

lisab said:
I agree with turbo. In the workplace, your career will suffer if you're a jerk.

Note that "nice guy" doesn't mean you'll let people walk all over you, btw. You have to have a spine in life.

Here's a book about jerks in the workplace, and what they cost the company:


Agreed and agreed. Why is it so hard for people to understand the difference between nice and doormat? Actually, someone can be a pretty obnoxious doormat too. Nobody likes to work in a hostile workplace.
  • #41
Something no one's brought up (actually, I haven't bothered to look) is that the children are the future, you want your children to survive, the mother through history is the one that raises the child, so she goes along as part of the package. So that's one reason.

Others are that men are seen as the protectors of their families and have asumed this role (with exceptions), so it's always been expected of them.

The elderly, well it just wouldn't look right to throw Grandma overboard.
  • #42
I heard in japan they save grandma and grandpa first and then go back for the kids because they are older. In a way, it makes more sense.
  • #43
You can always have more kids.
It's fun, too!
  • #44
In my mind, it should be (well...is) kids, moms, women, elders, men. Protecting the kids is in our DNA. They are the future. Moms to take care of those kids. Women to have kids in the future. Elderly because we owe them for what they've done for us. Men last because there needs to be someone last. Also men are usually stronger and can outlast the people from other categories, and somebody needed to be placed last. Also having men in numbers isn't as important biologically.

I think I may have just repeated Evo...
  • #45
A babies life isn't worth more than that of an elderly person. An old person has been around for a long time, has wisdom and advice.

You can always have another baby.
  • #46
Cyrus said:
A babies life isn't worth more than that of an elderly person. An old person has been around for a long time, has wisdom and advice.

You can always have another baby.

There's some uncertainty maybe P = 0.01.
What if the losing baby would be future Einstein .. ?

Elderly person is useless with probability of 0.9.
  • #47
rootX said:
There's some uncertainty maybe P = 0.01.
What if the losing baby would be future Einstein .. ?

Elderly person is useless with probability of 0.9.

What do I care what it could be? It could be a drug addict.

What I DO know is that the elderly person has more wisdom and experience to share.
  • #48
Cyrus said:
What I DO know is that the elderly person has more wisdom and experience to share.

Which old person? The one crapping his pants because he doesn't know where he is?

Most people are stupid. Most old people aren't any different. Age =/= Wisdom. Just look at the largest voting demographic and look at who they picked for president.

  • #49
WarPhalange said:
Which old person? The one crapping his pants because he doesn't know where he is?

Most people are stupid. Most old people aren't any different. Age =/= Wisdom. Just look at the largest voting demographic and look at who they picked for president.


....are you 12?
  • #50
WarPhalange said:
Most people are stupid.

You don't happen to know a guy named Pengwuino, do you?
  • #51
Cyrus said:
What I DO know is that the elderly person has more wisdom and experience to share.

With whom? If nobody else survives, they have no one to pass their knowledge down to. Better to hope they've passed some of it along to the adults of reproductive age and get them saved first...they can have more kids. Kids can't fend for themselves without parents, so no point saving them ahead of parents. I say, save the reproductive adults first, then have the granparents help save as many children as possible, since they're the future, and if the grandparents still have time, they get out, if they run out of time, they were already closest to death anyway.
  • #52
Moonbear said:
With whom? If nobody else survives, they have no one to pass their knowledge down to. Better to hope they've passed some of it along to the adults of reproductive age and get them saved first...they can have more kids. Kids can't fend for themselves without parents, so no point saving them ahead of parents. I say, save the reproductive adults first, then have the granparents help save as many children as possible, since they're the future, and if the grandparents still have time, they get out, if they run out of time, they were already closest to death anyway.

What is this 'if nobody else survives' statement? Are we assuming the rest of the world is gone? If there were a burning building with old people and babies, I'm saying save the old people first.

The old people have knowledge that young babies don't have, which they can pass on to young adults. Babies are the ones that can be created, or replaced quite easily.
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  • #53
So the answer is different depending on whether or not there are other people in the world besides the rescuer and the "to be rescued"?
  • #54
Math Is Hard said:
So the answer is different depending on whether or not there are other people in the world besides the rescuer and the "to be rescued"?

It's only a small tragedy

And also when there is a massacre or some large scale killing, arson ,etc. The newpapers carry that line "blah!blah!more than 200 people were killed...including women".
  • #55
I only ask because I think these kinds of manipulations of scenarios are interesting when people are working out decisions in hypothetical moral dilemmas.
  • #56
rootX said:
It's only a small tragedy

You're making me think of that saying, "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."
  • #57
Math Is Hard said:
You're making me think of that saying, "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."

Seems true. I think in war tragedies/ others it is better for whole nation/family to die than only parents dying :rolleyes:

But, I was thinking of having constraints. Some people are assuming that whole world would die while others are considering this as a small tragedy ~ thousands of people (?) ..
  • #58
I was grousing to my wife just the other day, how come it's women and children first. Why can't I be first just once. What a disaster that was.
  • #59
Math Is Hard said:
I only ask because I think these kinds of manipulations of scenarios are interesting when people are working out decisions in hypothetical moral dilemmas.

I think it's interesting to see how different people weight things too.

Okay, if the rest of the world is perfectly happy and fine, and if everyone on the ship died, not much would be affected, then it should simply be a free-for-all. If those old people have more wisdom, they'll know how to trick the youngsters out of their places on the life rafts, if the youngsters are strong enough to survive on their own, they'll push the old people overboard, the women will have the sense to hand the babies off to the men so the women aren't the ones weighed down while running for the life rafts, and I'll sit on my lounge chair on the beach watching the melee through binoculars while sipping drinks from coconuts. :biggrin:
  • #60
Moonbear said:
I think it's interesting to see how different people weight things too.

Okay, if the rest of the world is perfectly happy and fine, and if everyone on the ship died, not much would be affected, then it should simply be a free-for-all. If those old people have more wisdom, they'll know how to trick the youngsters out of their places on the life rafts, if the youngsters are strong enough to survive on their own, they'll push the old people overboard, the women will have the sense to hand the babies off to the men so the women aren't the ones weighed down while running for the life rafts, and I'll sit on my lounge chair on the beach watching the melee through binoculars while sipping drinks from coconuts. :biggrin:

I'd just watch them all die while laughing from my new OFFICE WINDOW BABY! :devil:
  • #61
jimmysnyder said:
I was grousing to my wife just the other day, how come it's women and children first. Why can't I be first just once. What a disaster that was.

Let me guess -- she let you be first all week. First to mow the lawn, first to take out the garbage, first to wash the car...?
  • #62
Math Is Hard said:
Let me guess -- she let you be first all week. First to mow the lawn, first to take out the garbage, first to wash the car...?

:smile: I'll have to remember that one. :devil: I think you should give a presentation on these tips at the next sisterhood meeting.
  • #63
Cyrus said:
What I DO know is that the elderly person has more wisdom and experience to share.

Says who? My grandparents are racists, think an unusual hair color means you're a freak and one of them is afraid of doctors. You call that "more wisdom"?
  • #64
LightbulbSun said:
Says who? My grandparents are racists, think an unusual hair color means you're a freak and one of them is afraid of doctors. You call that "more wisdom"?

What a terrible example.....anyways.
  • #65
arildno said:
Quite simple:
You need only one male to fertilize many women, so you can make do with fewer men than women in building up the population
The more children who are saved, the less do men need to fertilize women, and hence, they have more time to play among themselves instead..

Wow, dead on.
  • #66
Cyrus said:
What I DO know is that the elderly person has more wisdom and experience to share.

A lot of old people do nothing.
  • #67
moose said:
A lot of old people do nothing.

And babies do what?

Maybe this depends on where you live, but the old people that I know, know people. These 'people' they know used to run programs and government labs, worked on the NASA shuttle program and dealt with congress, etc. They all know people and are great resources.

Because of the older people I know, I could get a job at many many places if I just opened my mouth and asked. And I get tons and TONS of advice and information from them, just from their experience that has been invaluable.

Now, if someone thinks old people just crap their pants and are racists, they need to find better people to be around.

Hell, even talking to an old timmer at a machine shop is great. They will point out any mistakes you have in your design that you wouldn't have thought and give you a simple solution to fix it on the spot. You just can't beat experience.
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  • #68
Cyrus said:
And babies do what?

Maybe this depends on where you live, but the old people that I know, know people. These 'people' they know used to run programs and government labs, worked on the NASA shuttle program and dealt with congress, etc. They all know people and are great resources.

Because of the older people I know, I could get a job at many many places if I just opened my mouth and asked. And I get tons and TONS of advice and information from them, just from their experience that has been invaluable.

Now, if someone thinks old people just crap their pants and are racists, they need to find better people to be around.

Hell, even talking to an old timmer at a machine shop is great. They will point out any mistakes you have in your design that you wouldn't have thought and give you a simple solution to fix it on the spot. You just can't beat experience.

You're right that a lot of older people do have a lot of wisdom they can pass on. I love going to the office hours of my old professors because they have an infinite number of amazing stories. However, I have met a countless number of seniors who are just hateful towards the world and don't do a thing anymore. I still hold to my original list. How do you think the list should go?

EDIT: And babies have the ability to become something, and don't take up much room at all. I am willing to bet a baby and a mom takes up about as much room as just a woman.
  • #69
moose said:
You're right that a lot of older people do have a lot of wisdom they can pass on. I love going to the office hours of my old professors because they have an infinite number of amazing stories. However, I have met a countless number of seniors who are just hateful towards the world and don't do a thing anymore. I still hold to my original list. How do you think the list should go?

EDIT: And babies have the ability to become something, and don't take up much room at all. I am willing to bet a baby and a mom takes up about as much room as just a woman.

To be clear, I am not talking about an end of the world senario. If there were a burning building full of people, I would save the old people first. The children can be helped by their parents. After I get the old people out, I'd get the children out (probably starting from age 5 and working my way down).

I expect the adults to get themselves out on their own, and help take their own children or small kids they find along the way out.

I would save the smart people. Those are going to be the ones that actually know the most. Babies don't know anything, and don't really hold much value to anyone other than their parents in the larger picture.

For all the babies that died, their parents could make another one or adopt another one in 6 months. How are you going to replace 60+ years of experience with a baby?
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  • #70
Women are saved first because men do most of the saving. It's their nature. And if they don't there will be hell to pay. It becomes a cultural imperative, and what we'd call sexual descrimination if it were the other way around.

And as we all know, because we've been told all our lives, discrimination is bad. Bad, bad, bad. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Just watch any television program. Can you say "I can't discriminate between ____ and shoe shin?"

To discriminate between individuals is 'bad' except when the decriminatin is adopted as a cultural norm--then it is invisible.
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