Why Did I Miss the No-Parking Sign During My Driving Test?

In summary, the person failed their driving test because they didn't see the "parking forbidden" sign.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I'm ashamed. Brrr...Just that stupid examiner. :mad:

He said to me "park where you can here on the right" and I was too sure of myself. I saw an empty place and I started to do the parking...till he told me: "stop boy, did you see that signal of parking forbidden here??". And that was the final of my exam. :cry: To be honest, I didn't see the signal. Why the Hell I did not see it? Damn it!.

Revenge! (on 28th July next exam).
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  • #2
wow that sucks. better luck next time :smile:

look for ALL signals ;)
  • #3
Don't feel too bad Clausius, I failed my exam three times. For some stupid reason I was always nervous and drove like an idiot during my driving lessons and exam. When I got my license I started to drive really well (in my opinion). Probably because of that feeling I had that I had to prove myself. I used to always flunk things up then, just like when someone's watching over my shoulder to see how I was doing things.

I can talk all about which mindset you need to take, but you don't need that. You already can drive, since you didn't flunk on that (like I did, heading through a 90 deg turn at 80 kph on an exam (which was fun)), but at some silly parking sign trap. That's right! A trap! He told you to park on the right and only mentioned casually 'where you can'. Ofcourse, you're focused on the parking on an exam. Outside of an exam, you aren't focused entirely on parking your car right (since you don't need to prove it to anyone), but you'd be asking yourself other things like: "gee, am I allowed to park here?".

Better luck next time, bro.
  • #4
You should have told him you have intermittent blind spells that come on without warning, and that's why you didn't see the signal. :biggrin:
  • #5
then he would never get a lisence
  • #6
honestrosewater said:
You should have told him you have intermittent blind spells that come on without warning, and that's why you didn't see the signal. :biggrin:

haha goodluck ever getting a retry
  • #7
I failed it the first time too. Why? I forgot to put on my seat-belt (FIRST FREAKING TIME EVER!).. Bah! More exasperating perhaps is that he knowingly drove me around for about fifteen minutes and then slyly and subtly pointed it out, asking me what I was doing wrong when we were at a stop.
  • #8
Should have said "Nothing, i am perfect"

OMG that stupid G-Whiz g-force indicator was on tv again! ARE PEOPLE BUYING THIS STUPID THING?
  • #9
probably. people will buy anything if it's marketed well
  • #10
yomamma said:
then he would never get a lisence
Really, why not?
  • #11
how could you get a liscence if you're going to have these outbursts of disability. you could end up in the fire lane near a bulding on fire!
  • #12
Clausius2 said:
I'm ashamed. Brrr...Just that stupid examiner. :mad:

He said to me "park where you can here on the right" and I was too sure of myself. I saw an empty place and I started to do the parking...till he told me: "stop boy, did you see that signal of parking forbidden here??". And that was the final of my exam. :cry: To be honest, I didn't see the signal. Why the Hell I did not see it? Damn it!.

Revenge! (on 28th July next exam).

That's like the place I took my driving test where they start the test about 2 ft (.6 m) from a stop sign. Most people assume the stop sign is there to tell the people who drive you to the test where to park the car for you to start, and don't think to roll forward 2 ft, stop again, and then continue on, so they fail before they've even started (you're so close to it, you think you're already stopped at it)! Fortunately, I had enough friends with birthdays before mine who took the test before I did who warned me of this trick.
  • #13
I flunked my driver's test first time, as well. My mom helped. To make sure I made a good impression on the inspector, she set the emergency brake (and made sure I knew :redface: ).

Except we never used the emergency brake in any of our cars and I immediately forgot, thanks to nerves. I couldn't even get out of my parking spot! The inspector finally had to tell me to release the emergency brake.

Things just went downhill from there. In the end, he told me to turn right to take the parallel parking test, I asked where, and he replied to just park anywhere - there wasn't any sense in even trying the parking test.
  • #14
Clausius2 said:
I'm ashamed. Brrr...Just that stupid examiner. :mad:

He said to me "park where you can here on the right" and I was too sure of myself. I saw an empty place and I started to do the parking...till he told me: "stop boy, did you see that signal of parking forbidden here??". And that was the final of my exam. :cry: To be honest, I didn't see the signal. Why the Hell I did not see it? Damn it!.

Revenge! (on 28th July next exam).
:smile: No matter.I guess Schumi put a curse on you! :wink:But for sure you'll be successful the next time because you're Fernando Alonso countrymate! :rolleyes: :wink:
  • #15
Poor Clausius. No worries - I failed the first two times. I'll never forget the first guy who tested me - I even remember his name - Officer Dial.

We didn't have a power steering or a fancy braking system on the car I learned to drive on, so my Mom borrowed a neighbor's car for me to use for the test. Well, I sure wasn't expecting how sensitive those brakes would be. I stopped at a stop sign and stomped down on the brake pedal like I was used to doing - errk!- poor Officer Dial lurched forward and smacked his forehead on the windshield. :redface: :biggrin:
  • #16
Perhaps you need to chill out before the exam. A glass of "Don Simon" can be very recommendable...

BTW: I flunked my two first motorbike exams, and then I aced it. Patience
And i don't have the car driving license. I also flunked two exams, and seeing that the examinators were bleeding me white, I gave up. Maybe in the future...

Oh, and the number 1 is New Year's Day. A sort of homecoming is not in my top ten
  • #17
BobG said:
I flunked my driver's test first time, as well. My mom helped. To make sure I made a good impression on the inspector, she set the emergency brake (and made sure I knew :redface: ).

Except we never used the emergency brake in any of our cars and I immediately forgot, thanks to nerves. I couldn't even get out of my parking spot! The inspector finally had to tell me to release the emergency brake.

Heh heh, I took my entire test with the emergency brake on and didn't realize it until the test was over (same deal, we never use the brake in my family, so with nerves, I completely forgot it was required to start the test with it set). Since the brake handle was next to the driver's side door where the tester couldn't see it (and no dashboard light ever seemed to indicate it was on), when it finally occurred to me at the end, I just slyly pantomimed as if I had just set it again and the tester didn't seem to notice (thank goodness it was a crappy, abused car with a bad emergency brake, so it drove reasonably well with it on...I had trouble figuring out why I couldn't just roll more easily when parallel parking, but I think the tester chalked it up to being a crappy car too...I got very lucky). :biggrin:
  • #18
You should take your driving test in the Boston suburbs. All I had to do was stop at a stoplight, make two right turns, a 3-point turn, and back up straight for ~200 ft. No parallel parking, no making sure I could read signs. It was a complete joke. No wonder Boston drivers are so notoriously bad.
  • #19
Thanks everyone. I see similar histories over here. Special attention to the Moonbear's exam with the emergency brake on :smile: (you are not going to believe it, but I have driven some meters with it on too, until I have realized of that and carefully I have put down the brake gear in such a way the examiner didn't realized). And Math is Hard's exam with her powerful brakes... :smile:

I don't know. I am used to do many exams. I thought I could control these situations but I don't know how the hell I didn't realized about that damn signal.

And yes, Meteor, I know New Years Day, but I keep on thinking A Sort of Homecoming is the best song of U2.

Thanks everyone for living me up.
  • #20
yomamma said:
how could you get a liscence if you're going to have these outbursts of disability. you could end up in the fire lane near a bulding on fire!
At what point will you consider that I was joking? :wink:

Good luck, Clausius2! I would add something more constructive, but I don't drive and have never taken a driving test.
  • #21
On the day of my driving exam, during the parking portion, the lady giving the examination had me get out of the car to show me how far away I was from the curb. Good thing she didn't take off too many points for being over cautious.Also, instead of a three point turn I did a four point turn. Again, I was being very cautious not to hit the curb. Overall I passed on my first try.
  • #22
All the best drivers fail at least once, and the best fail their first test for speeding! Yea a stupid dual carriageway that had a 30mph limit and really stupid not very visible signs.
  • #23
dduardo said:
. Overall I passed on my first try.

Brrr... That doesn't help me too much!
  • #24
For some crazy reason, in the state of Tennessee, you can make SEVEN FREAKIN' MISTAKES on your driver's test AND STILL GET YOUR LICENSE! Than includes wrecking, running stop signs, running red lights, speeding, etc. A guy from my church gives tests and has been RUN OVER in the parking lot before. More than once too.

My dad uses the emergency brake ALL THE TIME, because he used to drive a stick shift. So, when he let's me drive, he makes sure I got the brake on. I got into the habit of putting it on, and when I started up in the yard one time, I had it on, and it wasn't going anywhere, and my dad goes "might help if you take the brake off, stupid!".
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  • #25
I passed my driving test on the first try even though I couldn't parallel park. Instead of backing towards the curb, I backed into oncoming traffic, I got so flustered, I forgot how to turn the wheel to even head in the direction of the curb and kept lurching farther into the oncoming lane.

Luckily my best friend had given me a wonderful piece of advice before taking my test "wear a really short skirt".

The cop giving the test finally told me to give up trying to park and he passed me. :biggrin:

My daughter didn't have to take the driving test to get her license because she passed driver's ed, she only had to take the written exam. I took driver's ed, but still had to take the driving test, different states must have different laws.
  • #26
I wore a short skirt the first time but they refused to let me take the test!
  • #27
Andy said:
I wore a short skirt the first time but they refused to let me take the test!

One of my mates wore a short skirt for hers. She hit the kerb at 30mph on her test, but 'accidentally' grabbed the examiner's leg (instead of the handbrake) so redeemed herself, and passed. Bless her socks, I got failed for not overtaking a lorry on the dual carriageway!
  • #28
If your going to wear a skirt at least make it a Utilikilt:


You don't want to start giving people the wrong impression. And if they ask, just say your irish and you've were heavily drinking before the exam.
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  • #29
Evo said:
Luckily my best friend had given me a wonderful piece of advice before taking my test "wear a really short skirt".


I will do the same next time. My legs are also adorable. :biggrin:
  • #30
Clausius2 said:
I'm ashamed. Brrr...Just that stupid examiner. :mad:

He said to me "park where you can here on the right" and I was too sure of myself. I saw an empty place and I started to do the parking...till he told me: "stop boy, did you see that signal of parking forbidden here??". And that was the final of my exam. :cry: To be honest, I didn't see the signal. Why the Hell I did not see it? Damn it!.

Revenge! (on 28th July next exam).
:smile: you rock man


when do you leave for California
  • #31
marlon said:
when do you leave for California?

I don't know yet. Probably second week of September. If I fail again the driving test, we will have a serious problem.
  • #32
Good luck on your next test. Can you practice until then? You could always take your driving test in San Diego - which you may need to do to get a California driver's license.

Fortunately, San Diego has a good transportation system, particularly around the university.

I did my driving test in a 1970 VW, and the officer was about 1.8-1.9 m (just over 6 ft). He leaned his leg against the gear shift, and apparently I was supposed to tell him to move his leg. I failed my first test because of that and the fact that he claimed I didn't look both directions at an intersection (which I did, but I didn't turn my head 90° both directions). Everything else went well - even parallel parking.

Somehow, I don't think a short skirt would have worked in my favor. :biggrin:
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  • #33
Astronuc said:
Somehow, I don't think a short skirt would have worked in my favor. :biggrin:
You never know...they might have passed you just so they didn't have to see you in a skirt again. :biggrin: :smile:
  • #34
:smile: A kilt maybe. Actually, I have worn a full length African garment that look more or less like a dress (like Smurf), back in my early days at university.

A lot of people were impressed, and no one made fun of me. :biggrin: That was back around the time that my avatar (with the bandana) picture was taken.
  • #35
Evo said:
Luckily my best friend had given me a wonderful piece of advice before taking my test "wear a really short skirt".
Either the examiners in your home town didn't take calculus or you were lucky.

In general, you would want the girls wearing really short skirts to come back, so you'd fail them. Of course, if this were taken to an extreme, people would catch on and no one would wear short skirts. In order to maximize the number short skirts, you have to perpetuate the myth that short skirts help on the driver's exam. Some where, there is a balance between the number of short skirts that pass and the number of short skirts that have to come back for a retest is maximized - in fact, that has to be a good related rates problem.

Suffice it to say, if Clausius2 wore a short skirt, the examiner would never want him to set foot in his office again and the way to minimize the chances of that ever happening again would be to pass him.

:rolleyes: Well, unless Clausius2 was unlucky enough to get a female examiner, in which case she might fail him regardless of how well he drove just so she could see him in a short skirt again.

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