Why do poeple say Killing yourself is Bad?

  • Thread starter CRYorDIE9
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the belief that suicide is often a result of genetic reasons, and questions why people always try to offer positive solutions or label it as a sin. The conversation also delves into the idea that depression is a natural function of the brain and can be caused by various factors such as unresolved issues or chemical imbalances. However, seeking help and treatment is encouraged, as it can greatly improve one's mental health. The conversation ends with a hypothetical scenario of someone contemplating suicide due to a difficult past.
  • #1
I believe when a person thinks about suicide , it happens for a genetic reason.So why do poeple alway make up stupid positive thing like "life will get better" or "killing yourself is a sin"

I just think people need to understand how our brains work, if we are experiencing pain and suffering for a long period of time, then there's is no beneficial purpose to live on . Its apart of our evolution , mentally .

Stop saying its a sin because whatever is causing your life to suck so much is basically isn't being dealt with and your brain decides there no point in going on.

Depressions help us comprehend our situations to help us determine a problem while making us more realistic about our environment.

If you are Depressed because your fat and is suffering because of it . you ether get skinny or die because there would be no point in going on if you don't do something about it.

I don't know , I just think wanted to when there is to much pain and suffering is a natrual functionality to our brain.

All Society does is get you hooked up on drugs saying its a disease, but the truth is it's not.
If you want to solve all the Depression problem , you need to look at what caused it , don't take drugs .
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  • #2
That's kind of a rambling post, but yes, if a person's life is nothing but misery with no possible way out, suicide should be considered a viable option. The problem is that most people who feel that way about their lives don't realize that there usually is a way out that doesn't involve suicide.
  • #3
CRYorDIE9 said:
Depressions help us comprehend our situations to help us determine a problem while making us more realistic about our environment.
I highly doubt this.

Usually the person with depression is the one least able to help themselves. Their view of reality is warped negatively by their depression. The people around them don't understand their situation and it strains relationships, which only increases the depression. There is a social stigma associated with mental illnesses such as depression that causes some people to not seek help for their condition.

Just implying "get over it or die" without seeking treatment is bad advice. The drugs exist to save lives. They can remedy chemical imbalances to alleviate depression. Psychiatric counciling can be helpful in determining the cause of depression and altering behaviour to a more positive end. Things can change for the better, but serious cases of depression will need help reaching that point. Seeking help should be encouraged, not dismissed.
  • #4
CRYorDIE9 said:
All Society does is get you hooked up on drugs saying its a disease, but the truth is it's not. If you want to solve all the Depression problem , you need to look at what caused it , don't take drugs .

I hope you realize that often times chemical depression arises from chemical imbalances in the brain which are not necessarily caused by specific events or occurences. Psychiatric drugs exist to help remedy this problem.
  • #5
If you kill yourself, I will be sad. I will cry at your funeral. From time to time your face will come to my mind and I will miss you all over again.

But I will not blame myself for your death. Never think that because it won't happen.
  • #6
CRYorDIE9 said:
I believe when a person thinks about suicide , it happens for a genetic reason.So why do poeple alway make up stupid positive thing like "life will get better" or "killing yourself is a sin"

I just think people need to understand how our brains work, if we are experiencing pain and suffering for a long period of time, then there's is no beneficial purpose to live on . Its apart of our evolution , mentally .

Stop saying its a sin because whatever is causing your life to suck so much is basically isn't being dealt with and your brain decides there no point in going on.

Depressions help us comprehend our situations to help us determine a problem while making us more realistic about our environment.

If you are Depressed because your fat and is suffering because of it . you ether get skinny or die because there would be no point in going on if you don't do something about it.

I don't know , I just think wanted to when there is to much pain and suffering is a natrual functionality to our brain.

All Society does is get you hooked up on drugs saying its a disease, but the truth is it's not.
If you want to solve all the Depression problem , you need to look at what caused it , don't take drugs .

While part of what you say is true, I think, there also seems to be little doubt that depression and more serious psychological conditions can be a result a brain chemistry problems, and are unrelated to life's circumstances. In fact, peopl will sometimes blame everything for their depression except the real problem - the brain. Just as it appears that there are people who are genetically predisposed to be happy, the opposite seems to be true as well. As we continue to gain a better understanding of brain chemistry, hopefully we will also learn more about correcting problems that result from nature's roulete wheel - life.

In many cases there is help available now. My experience has been that when people are depressed, they tend to withdraw rather than reaching out for help.
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  • #7
jimmysnyder said:
If you kill yourself, I will be sad. I will cry at your funeral. From time to time your face will come to my mind and I will miss you all over again.

Sadly, for many people, that isn't true; they're right in thinking the whole world is against them. Imagine this scenario: in his childhood, a boy was abused by his parents and not allowed to have friends. Suffering from stress, pain, and loneliness, he becomes an adult who has no idea how to socialize and alienates everybody he meets. If he enters a depression, nobody will come to help him; likely, nobody will know or care. Some people may even consider it a relief if he ever suicides.

I'm not just practicing my fiction writing skills; a lot of people have no friends and no supportive relatives. To think that every death is a tragedy is sadly an over-optimistic view of the world.
  • #8
I agree with the OP. Luckally, Futurama tells us that in the year 3,000 there will be suicide booths.
"Regular or extra painfull?"
  • #9
Killing yourself is essentially murder of a human being. Our society doesn't condone murder. You can get by this in some states with authorization from your doctor.
  • #10
I once went to W. Virgina with a friend to see his family farm, and bring back a horse. While on a tour of the farm, they pointed out the "hangin barn". I really thought that would be where they hung beef or pork, but I was wrong. It had a long history of family members who hung them selfs there, dating back to the Civil War era.
Genetic? I don't believe so. I believe the history of suicide in the family made them feel like it was a acceptable practice.
My friend hung himself when he was 32. He had acquired a very large debt with the IRS, in his note to his wife and kids, he hoped the insurance from his death would cover the debt. The insurance companies don't pay for suicide. All he got was a free one way trip back to W Virgina, and left a family face the world alone.
  • #11
CRYorDIE9 said:
I believe when a person thinks about suicide , it happens for a genetic reason.So why do poeple alway make up stupid positive thing like "life will get better" or "killing yourself is a sin"

Because people report the same level of happiness regardless of what happens to them. People who win the lottery, or get one of their limbs blown off, are equally happy. Sadness is only a temporary thing and it makes the world a nicer place if others are comforting you and showing careness by not wanting you to die. The primary cause for suicide is thinking that nobody cares whether you live or die, therefore, you are essentially murdering people by not showing them care for their life. As for "killing yourself is a sin," I am fortunate not to know anyone so daft and have never heard the utterance.

I just think people need to understand how our brains work, if we are experiencing pain and suffering for a long period of time, then there's is no beneficial purpose to live on . Its apart of our evolution , mentally .

I don't think you have good evidence to show that your statement is true. Experimental evidence shows the contrary. See, "Dan Gilbert: Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy?"

Stop saying its a sin because whatever is causing your life to suck so much is basically isn't being dealt with and your brain decides there no point in going on.

Only religious fanatics say that, and you should know that it is pointless to try to argue reason with a religious fanatic...luckily there don't seem to be any on this website..so drop it?

Depressions help us comprehend our situations to help us determine a problem while making us more realistic about our environment.

This sentence has no meaning. Please try to be more rational.

If you are Depressed because your fat and is suffering because of it . you ether get skinny or die because there would be no point in going on if you don't do something about it.

I cannot even respond to this statement because I am so distracted by the horrendous misuse of grammar.

I don't know , I just think wanted to when there is to much pain and suffering is a natrual functionality to our brain.

Again, this makes no sense.

All Society does is get you hooked up on drugs saying its a disease, but the truth is it's not.


If you want to solve all the Depression problem , you need to look at what caused it , don't take drugs .

I agree that depression is caused by life experiences, and taking drugs in an attempt to artificially produce happiness is not the right way to solve the problem. Some people argue that certain people have a disease which makes them incapable of experiencing happiness, and that the drugs therefore fill an important role. Because emotions are governed by hormones, I find it highly likely that some such people do or have lived...however, since we have no way to actually diagnose such a problem, people are frequently diagnosed with a condition that is really just sadness due to their own self defeating behaviors and attitudes. I personally believe that our physiology is mostly dynamic, so that a person whose body does not produce the proper hormones needed to feel happiness, could probably stimulate their body to do so by changing their life outlook or habits.
  • #12
hypatia said:
The insurance companies don't pay for suicide.
Most insurance policies will pay if the suicide occurs two years or more after the policy is written.
  • #13
Wow what a depressing yet silly thread.

I've never known, met, or heard of anyone who had come to the logical conclusion that suicide was the best option. It's silly. That's like someone in high school going "Oh I failed math, life is over, /wrist". I see a lot of people pinpoint why they're sad and then just blow it out of proportion until it's their entire life.

Has anyone ever heard of someone committing suicide that came out to be a 'plus' for those around them or even themselves?
  • #14
hypatia said:
My friend hung himself when he was 32. He had acquired a very large debt with the IRS, in his note to his wife and kids, he hoped the insurance from his death would cover the debt. The insurance companies don't pay for suicide. All he got was a free one way trip back to W Virgina, and left a family face the world alone.

uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh, what the....urgghhhhhhh
I'm wordless
  • #15
Pengwuino said:
Has anyone ever heard of someone committing suicide that came out to be a 'plus' for those around them or even themselves?

Yes, but I don't think those suicides are related to the OP (depression).
  • #16
junglebeast said:
I agree that depression is caused by life experiences, and taking drugs in an attempt to artificially produce happiness is not the right way to solve the problem. Some people argue that certain people have a disease which makes them incapable of experiencing happiness, and that the drugs therefore fill an important role. Because emotions are governed by hormones, I find it highly likely that some such people do or have lived...however, since we have no way to actually diagnose such a problem, people are frequently diagnosed with a condition that is really just sadness due to their own self defeating behaviors and attitudes. I personally believe that our physiology is mostly dynamic, so that a person whose body does not produce the proper hormones needed to feel happiness, could probably stimulate their body to do so by changing their life outlook or habits.

This is complete nonsense. You should educate yourself with the current medical view of depression. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/depression/complete-index.shtml" .

The part of you post that I bolded is a 1950's view of depression..."Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!" It would be just as silly to tell that to a person with lung cancer.
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  • #17
This is quite alarming. Did it come on with the digital age or is that just coincidence??

Dramatic Increase in Teen Suicide

CDC Reports Largest Spike in Teen Suicide Rate in 15 Years

By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDSept. 6, 2007 -- There is a sharp rise in suicides across the board in teens, says the CDC.

  • #18
junglebeast said:
I agree that depression is caused by life experiences, and taking drugs in an attempt to artificially produce happiness is not the right way to solve the problem. Some people argue that certain people have a disease which makes them incapable of experiencing happiness, and that the drugs therefore fill an important role. Because emotions are governed by hormones, I find it highly likely that some such people do or have lived...however, since we have no way to actually diagnose such a problem, people are frequently diagnosed with a condition that is really just sadness due to their own self defeating behaviors and attitudes. I personally believe that our physiology is mostly dynamic, so that a person whose body does not produce the proper hormones needed to feel happiness, could probably stimulate their body to do so by changing their life outlook or habits.

See this is the point I was making about why we think about suicide. I find its stupid that somebody could simply come up and say that depressions are caused by disease and should take drugs to balance out the problem.

Being depress is no different then feeling pain, its apart of your brains system . Our physiology just say those stupid things to make money off drugs. They aren't targeting the problem at all. maybe some people were born with some chemical imbalance but i know damn well everybody who experience depression knows its not some disease.
  • #19
CRYorDIE9 said:
See this is the point I was making about why we think about suicide. I find its stupid that somebody could simply come up and say that depressions are caused by disease and should take drugs to balance out the problem.

Being depress is no different then feeling pain, its apart of your brains system . Our physiology just say those stupid things to make money off drugs. They aren't targeting the problem at all. maybe some people were born with some chemical imbalance but i know damn well everybody who experience depression knows its not some disease.
Its not considered a disease in the conventional sense. It is considered a disorder, your brain is not functioning properly. Perhaps you have never personally suffered from clinical depression or known anyone who has but the general idea is that a person with clinical depression is unable to properly function in society. They have trouble normally and logically evaluating their life situation and finding solutions for their problems. This is generally due to nuero-chemical imbalances that they have very little control over.

Note that clinical depression is not the same as your average every day depression.

junglebeast said:
Only religious fanatics say that, and you should know that it is pointless to try to argue reason with a religious fanatic...luckily there don't seem to be any on this website..so drop it?
Its actually quite common among the religious to believe that suicide is a sin. More accurately perhaps, that you damage your soul or that you will not complete the tests and trials that one is supposed to go through in life before leaving it.

Not to support such ideas or anything. Just pointing out that it is not only a religious fanatics idea. It is quite common from what I understand.
  • #20
CRYorDIE9 said:
See this is the point I was making about why we think about suicide. I find its stupid that somebody could simply come up and say that depressions are caused by disease and should take drugs to balance out the problem.

Well, while depression isn't a disease in the "typical" sense, depression does seem to fit the definition of disease from merriam-webster and wikipedia (granted, these aren't authoritative medical sources).


CRYorDIE9 said:
Being depress is no different then feeling pain, its apart of your brains system.

Depends, pain usually arises from a specific event (for example, you fall and "skin" your knees) whereas clinical depression often doesn't arise from external stimuli. Some people, like my sister, just have/had chemical imbalances in their brain.

CRYorDIE9 said:
Our physiology just say those stupid things to make money off drugs. They aren't targeting the problem at all.

The drugs designed to combat depression certainly do target the problem in many cases! In fact, since clinical depression arises simply from chemical imbalances in the brain these drugs can fix or alleviate the problem.

CRYorDIE9 said:
maybe some people were born with some chemical imbalance but i know damn well everybody who experience depression knows its not some disease.

That's interesting because my experience seems to show just the opposite. I had a sister that suffered from severe clinical depression for 10 years before she committed suicide. My sister certainly regarded her depression as a disease. One of the greatest problems with the POV that you present is that strictly speaking, it's uneducated. In general, people have very little control of their brain chemistry and this is why the "pick yourselves up by your boot-straps" campaign doesn't work for people suffering from severe mental illness. People with psychiatric disorders can however be treated with either medication or counseling.
  • #21
Clinical depression is a real physical problem caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. You are depressed sometimes to the point of being incapacitated, even though everything in your life is going perfect. A friend's wife had it to the point where she wouldn't even come out of her bedroom, this went on for months. He finally got her to a doctor and on medication which snapped her out of it and she was able to function again.

I suggest cryordie, that you do some reading abouit clinical depression, you seem to not have any knowledge about it, and therefore some real misconceptions about what it is.
  • #22
Pengwuino said:
Wow what a depressing yet silly thread.

I've never known, met, or heard of anyone who had come to the logical conclusion that suicide was the best option. It's silly. That's like someone in high school going "Oh I failed math, life is over, /wrist". I see a lot of people pinpoint why they're sad and then just blow it out of proportion until it's their entire life.

Has anyone ever heard of someone committing suicide that came out to be a 'plus' for those around them or even themselves?

There may be a reason why you never heard of anyone that concluded suicide was the only option. Either they are dead or they are hiding it. Depression isn't just sadness over a failed test or any other single event. It isn't that they just need to know someone cares, though that could be beneficial to getting them the help they need. It doesn't always mean they isolate themselves from the world and are unable to function in society, or that they can't experience moments of genuine happiness.

My aunt committed suicide earlier this year with pills and alcohol. She's attempted suicide a few times in the past. The first time was an overdose of morphine pills. She had to be flown to the hospital via helicopter and was revived after her heart stopped. She tried to bash her head in with a rock. Once when I was visiting she tried to do this again after an argument with my uncle. He went after her in his truck and ended up running over himself when he jumped out of the cab without putting the truck in park. She came back to help him. Then this last time she took off in the truck and drove out into the desert and was found dead at least 3 days later.

In my aunt's case there has always been some event that triggers the urge for suicide, whether it be a marital argument, or the death of her dogs, or caring for my uncle's chronic illnesses, but the depressed state applies all the time. She could be chatting with some friends and having a great time and minutes later something could set her off. The suicide attempts can be triggered by events, but the conditions that caused it were chronic. She was prescribed medication, but I don't know if she was taking it.

This is something I wish more people understood. It's not likely a person will just get over being clinically depressed. The triggers of suicide attempts are not always, if ever, the cause of the depression. Saying someone killed themselves because they failed a math test ignores the chronic underlying condition.
  • #23
Huckleberry said:
Saying someone killed themselves because they failed a math test ignores the chronic underlying condition.

Wow, completely not what I'm talking about. I'm saying I've never heard of someone who says such and such and such are why I want to die and me being able to say "yes, that is a logical reason, go kill yourself". Infact, I don't even think a logical reason exists (and not just to them). It seems like the OP is saying that there are infact perfectly logical reasons to kill yourself, even to people who are not depressed. I disagree.
  • #24
strange thread with some screwed-up advice. lisab's link is probably the best place to start. thing is, the medical profession itself hasn't done us good service here. rather than simply writing a script for clonazepam based on how they think the patient looks, or handing out paxil trial packs after asking a few questions, they would do us all a great favor by trying to find the actual cause. depression should be looked at as a symptom first, and a disease second. it's not simply a matter of feeling bad about your life situation, or some "chemical imbalance" in the brain. the actual cause could be a diseased liver or gut, a metabolic disorder, or perhaps deficient nutrition. find the physical problem and you may suddenly find that you no longer "feel" the same way about your situation.
  • #25
Ok, sorry I misunderstood. It's a bit of a sensitive issue for me, but I wasn't personally offended. I didn't mean all of that directly at you either.

edit - I did have a great uncle who was dying of cancer back in the 50's sometime. He also committed suicide. His case seems pretty logical to me.
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  • #26
drankin said:
Killing yourself is essentially murder of a human being. Our society doesn't condone murder.

It doesn't much matter what you or anyone else feels the right to condone once the deed is done, now does it?

Incarceration or commitment are the only means by which society can interfere in the wish of an individual to take their own life.

Commitment is normally for the families sake, if their were no loved ones to interfere then there would be no obstacles to the ambition; incarceration and thus removal of means is for the sake of the victim of whatever crime was committed, for justice.

To suggest that suicide is murder is not only patently erroneous, but legally false i.e. there can be no defendant.
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  • #27
Pengwuino said:
Infact, I don't even think a logical reason exists (and not just to them). It seems like the OP is saying that there are infact perfectly logical reasons to kill yourself, even to people who are not depressed. I disagree.

Well, a 'taking the bullet' situation is certainly suicide, yet this is still probably only sometimes strictly rational.

We see suicidal behaviour quite often among our animal cousins that is perfectly suited for the preservation of an individuals genetic heritage.

Perhaps, taking ones own life (in the face of certain death) to remove the satisfaction of one's enemy for your blood/pain would be another example.

Or even, in 'Dawn of the Dead' where near the end of the film the big white guy uses his last bullet to kill himself just before the zombies are upon him!
  • #28
robertm said:
It doesn't much matter what you or anyone else feels the right to condone once the deed is done, now does it?

Incarceration or commitment are the only means by which society can interfere in the wish of an individual to take their own life.

Commitment is normally for the families sake, if their were no loved ones to interfere then there would be no obstacles to the ambition; incarceration and thus removal of means is for the sake of the victim of whatever crime was committed, for justice.

To suggest that suicide is murder is not only patently erroneous, but legally false i.e. there can be no defendant.

Of course suicide is murder. It is the premeditated killing of a human being. Simple logic. And legally, it is against the law in many states (look it up). Though they are reluctant to enforce it, LOL. But as a society it is not condoned, of course. Nothing to do with commitments or family obligations or "sin" or religious stigma. More to do with the respect for human life.

Depression is a state of mind, and in my own experience as well as according to professionals that treated me when I experienced an enormous oppressive depression for years, in time it passes. No medication required (it was offered but I refused). Seriously, I just realized one day that it was gone. Just takes a bit of a commitment to live when there seems no reason to continue. It was a profound experience for me. But I can say that I KNOW WHY people kill themselves. And I can also say, LIFE IS WORTH LIVING. I don't care how bad you feel. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Of course there are exceptions in the case of terminal illness, but that's not really what we are talking about.

My little brother chose to take his life almost twenty years ago. I miss him and he missed being a part of my childrens lives as well as possibley a family of his own had he committed to living.

Killing yourself is BAD.
  • #29
drankin said:
Of course suicide is murder. It is the premeditated killing of a human being. Simple logic. And legally, it is against the law in many states (look it up). Though they are reluctant to enforce it, LOL. But as a society it is not condoned, of course. Nothing to do with commitments or family obligations or "sin" or religious stigma. More to do with the respect for human life.
With murder there is a victim. You can not victimize yourself.
And laws against suicide are a joke. Very very few places have even had or enforced them in the last century.
  • #30
drankin said:
Of course suicide is murder. It is the premeditated killing of a human being. Simple logic. And legally, it is against the law in many states (look it up). Though they are reluctant to enforce it, LOL. But as a society it is not condoned, of course. Nothing to do with commitments or family obligations or "sin" or religious stigma. More to do with the respect for human life.

Murder is illegal because of the principle that people have the right to their lives, but this right should logically include both the freedom to keep one's life, and the freedom to end it. You can't talk about "respect for life" and then decide for somebody else what to do with their life; if you do, that implies you respect your opinion more than other people's lives.

Killing yourself is BAD.

Because of what? The harm that the deceased would do after his death?
  • #31
drankin said:
Of course suicide is murder. It is the premeditated killing of a human being. Simple logic.

Well, I suppose it depends on the definition of the word that you so choose to invoke.

U.S. Legal Definitions gives it as:
A person commits the crime of murder if with intent to cause the death of another person, he causes the death of that person or of another person,or under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life, he recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to a person other than himself, and thereby causes the death of another person.
(emphasis added)


British law has made a distinction between murder and suicide since the mid 1800's.

drankin said:
And legally, it is against the law in many states (look it up). Though they are reluctant to enforce it, LOL.

By the early 1990s only two US states still listed suicide as a crime, and these have since removed that classification.

To be fair, perhaps you were referring to assisted suicide, which is illegal in several states.

drankin said:
But as a society it is not condoned, of course.

Originally, you stated that murder was not condoned, after defining suicide as murder. Not that, as a whole, the public's attitude towards suicide is the same as that towards homicide, which I doubt you would say.

Frankly, it does not matter what the public feels on this matter except in cases of mental illness and incarceration, which was my point.

drankin said:
Nothing to do with commitments or family obligations or "sin" or religious stigma. More to do with the respect for human life.

By commitment, I was referring to forcefully being held in a mental institution in order to prevent suicide, which is one of the two ways that the public can interfere in such a choice.

Again, the only concept which has any bearing on this issue are the individual's respect towards his/her own life (unless, of course, they value some other's opinion).
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  • #32
I know 4 people that killed themself.

Most people are basically good people and want to help. That is why people say you should not kill yourself. They want to help you figure out why your thinking like that and fix the problem.

I knew a guy in his mid 20s that was having trouble getting a girl friend. He just wasn't the type most girls like. There had to be a girl somewhere in the world for him but is had not found her yet. He was so lonely he just could not take it anymore so Friday night he ended it. Interesting note there was a girl in town that killed herself for the same reason a few weeks later. If they had only met.

A lady at work tried to kill herself every Sunday night, her husband had to keep a close eye on her. Finally one sunday night she did it. Her husband woke up the next morning next to a cold dead body.

I knew another person that was 27 years old with some health problems. The person realized there was no life for him with all those health problems. He could not get a job no one wanted to hire someone with his health problems. He had no money, no friends, no wife, no girl friend and was so lonely he shot himself. That was 20 years ago.

With all the dating services on the internet these days there is no reason everyone can not find a partner. There has to be someone just like them out there somewhere.

I went to high school with a guy that was ugly. Girls would have nothing to do with him he was so ugly. He went to college for a few years then dropped out. Then a few years later he went to a college for blind students and met a very nice lady and they were married and now they have children. They all lived happy ever after.

My cousins 16 year old son got into a very hot argument with his father. He went into the bedroom and killed himself a few minutes later. The father took it very hard and was hospitalized for 3 weeks, he later had 4 strokes in a years time and is now paralized in a wheel chair. The whole family suffered because if it. His mother now has to support the family and his older sister missed her chance to go to college.

You just can not solve everyones problem. If you want to kill yourself and can not find any other way then do it. What are you waiting for? But before I would kill myself I would get me an attractive prostutite and hump her all day and all night then tell her I have no money. LOL.
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  • #33
gary350 said:
You just can not solve everyones problem. If you want to kill yourself and can not find any other way then do it. What are you waiting for? But before I would kill myself I would get me an attractive prostutite and hump her all day and all night then tell her I have no money. LOL.

meh ..
  • #34
I've had to live through two suicides within the family. It is bad because of what it makes your family go through. You don't realize how many gray hairs a mother gets after she has to bury her 18 year old son that committed suicide.
  • #35
gary350 said:
I knew another person that was 27 years old with some health problems. The person realized there was no life for him. He could not get a job no one wanted to hire someone with his health problems. He had no money, no friends, no wife, no girl friend and was so lonely he shot himself.

With all the dating services on the internet these days there is no reason everyone can not find a partner. There has to be someone just like them out there somewhere.

Do you know what it's like to have no money, no friends, no wife, and no girl friend? There's an underlying problem somewhere preventing this person from having social relationships, and I don't think a dating service is going to fix that.

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