Why do we feel emotions while dreaming?

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In summary: What is the purpose of dreaming? How do our dreams relate to our conscious and unconscious mind? Is there a connection between dreams and our sense of self? These are just a few of the many questions that have caught the attention of individuals throughout history. In summary, there are four types of reading experiences that can occur when we read: conscious, unconscious, conscious with dreaming, and dreaming with analysis. Dreams have been verified as a real experience and are often related to our daily experiences and desires. Our dreams may serve as a way for our unconscious mind to communicate with our conscious mind and help us evolve as individuals. However, it is important to have moral and ethical guidelines in order to prevent chaos and destruction. Ultimately, the purpose of dreams
  • #1
Why do we dream?, has caught my attention. When I read a book, four things can happen. I can read out loud and then stop talking and hear myself keep on reading, remembering all that I read. (Conscious mind) The second is to read for several lines or pages or minutes or hours and not remember what I read. (Unconscious mind) The third is to read with my conscious mind and be dreaming with my unconscious mind. The fourth is to be dreaming with my unconscious mind while reading and analyzing with my conscious mind. This has been verified by others who have the same experience, therefore there is two selves, inside of every one I. When I sleep and when I am awake I perceive both also, in both states of mind. When I have a lucid dream the conscious I, is always directing the show. When I drive a car after many years of experience my unconscious mind drives the car. How is it that anything exists? Which side is reality? Are dreams messages from ourselves to ourselves. Does dreaming make matter conscious or is matter already conscious? Do all things dream from atoms to humans? Do we dream to create self? Do we dream to create consciousness? Why do we remember almost nothing, feelings create emotions and emotions are all that we remember? If space time and energy describe the conscious mind then dreaming describes the unconscious mind. Maybe we are dreams capable of dreaming inside the great dream. If we are dreaming then the future also dictates what happens in the present. Dreaming is sort of like a great thought that is like a movie, if you run it backwards the future dictates the present and the present the past.
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  • #2
I never really thought about it much, I think it's still a very big mystery as to the question, but I thought I would add that usually whatever I do in the day that is new and I do a great deal of repetitously I dream about it later and that's a common experience, and the other weird thing is the longer people stay awake the more their mind seems to play tricks on them and a friend of mine use to stay up all night just so he could go to school and experience the joys and mysteries of sleep deprivation, what a weird one but everyone's got their thing I guess.
  • #3
Originally posted by jammieg
I never really thought about it much, I think it's still a very big mystery as to the question, but I thought I would add that usually whatever I do in the day that is new and I do a great deal of repetitously I dream about it later and that's a common experience, and the other weird thing is the longer people stay awake the more their mind seems to play tricks on them and a friend of mine use to stay up all night just so he could go to school and experience the joys and mysteries of sleep deprivation, what a weird one but everyone's got their thing I guess.

You hit on something important, what we do new everyday. There has to be a logical reason for evertyhing that is a real experience. Dreams are for real and we can all say that at least once we have remembered our dreams. We can also say that we have remembered dreams with emotions, sometimes very strong, sometimes very vivid. We can also say that of the few dreams that each person has remembered they have something do with personal experience whether of not they are able to interprete them that way. We can also say that from birth to death we dream. We can also confirm that we all evolve our personalities from birth to death. Could our ID while dreaming emotions be an interpretation or recording device to wake and make our EGO the next day. We all recognize that imput from our 5 senses effect us dailey in ourconscious interpretation of the world we live in. If this is true it is important that what we do and how we act and react is a contributing factor to mankinds evolution. We are as individuals directly responsible for the movements and cycles that human behavior moves. Morality and ethics should be the guidline or we will end up in caos and destruction.
  • #4
when I sleep well I have no dreams. dreams I think are us remembering our unsatisfied desires in our day but related to our life. Our desires to be what our ego exspects out of us. What our father and mothers had told us and had exspected out of us. For the same reason their mother and fathers had exspected the same out of them. What we strive for in the given day is due to how our enviorment is and was. If your a truthfully satified desire free man I believe you will have no dreams you could remember. possibly visions though.
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  • #5
Originally posted by mikelus
when I sleep well I have no dreams. dreams I think are us remembering our unsatisfied desires in our day but related to our life. Our desires to be what our ego exspects out of us. What our father and mothers had told us and had exspected out of us. For the same reason their mother and fathers had exspected the same out of them. What we strive for in the given day is due to how our enviorment is and was. If your a truthfully satified desire free man I believe you will have no dreams you could remember. possibly visions though.

If you wake during REM you will remember your dreams even if you sleep well.

If your a truthfully satified desire free man I believe you will have no dreams you could remember

I would agree but is there such a man?

FAQ: Why do we feel emotions while dreaming?

1. Why do we feel emotions while dreaming?

The exact reason for why we feel emotions while dreaming is still not fully understood. However, it is believed that the emotional experiences we have while dreaming are a reflection of our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories. Our brain processes and interprets these emotions during the dream state, leading to the feeling of emotions.

2. Can we control our emotions while dreaming?

It is possible to have some level of control over our emotions while dreaming, but it largely depends on the type of dream and the level of lucidity. Lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming, can give the dreamer some control over their emotions. However, in most cases, emotions in dreams are uncontrollable as they are a product of the subconscious mind.

3. Do our emotions in dreams reflect our real-life emotions?

There is no clear answer to this question as it can vary from person to person. Some studies suggest that our emotions in dreams are often a reflection of our real-life emotions, while others argue that they are a result of our brain's random firing of neurons. It is also possible that our emotions in dreams are a combination of both real-life emotions and random brain activity.

4. Do animals experience emotions in their dreams?

Research on animal dreams is limited, so it is difficult to determine if animals experience emotions in their dreams. However, some studies suggest that animals do experience emotions similar to humans, and it is possible that they also experience emotions in their dreams. Further research is needed to fully understand the dream experiences of animals.

5. Can our emotions in dreams affect our real-life emotions?

There is evidence to suggest that our emotions in dreams can have an impact on our real-life emotions. Dreams can bring up repressed emotions or trigger emotional responses that we may not be aware of in our waking life. However, the extent to which our emotions in dreams can affect our real-life emotions is still a subject of debate among scientists.
