Why Do We Follow Society's Expectations Instead of Our Own Inner Truths?

  • Thread starter Iyafrady
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In summary, the author is discussing the fact that society has gotten it wrong and that we should be following the ancient practices of shamanism. They argue that this is the only way to true happiness and freedom. However, the author argues that atheists are wrong because they think that we evolved from monkeys, which is false.
  • #1
Have you ever asked yourself that question?..you want to know why?, its because were following fake man made dreams which are cultured into us as we grow up. What are we searching for? Money? Happiness? Approval?

Why should I be told how to grow up, get educated, land a decent job, have kids and then die ''with a fully lived life''? It's all wrong. Society has gotten it all wrong.

Screw this being slaves to society. Believe in shamanism. We should be united, be one. A mass togetherness of faith. We must send ourselves into a trance where we converse with God and allow ourselves to make our own choices and not be influenced by what society wants us to do.

The whole concept is screwed up. We misinterpreted the ancient societies. It's all about love man, you know, go to a cave or the desert and find love. Find the love within yourself and screw yourself, screw yourself long and hard till you die.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm doing homework right now and asking myself the same question! :-p
  • #3
Iyafrady said:
Have you ever asked yourself that question?..you want to know why?, its because were following fake man made dreams which are cultured into us as we grow up. What are we searching for? Money? Happiness? Approval?

Why should I be told how to grow up, get educated, land a decent job, have kids and then die ''with a fully lived life''? It's all wrong. Society has gotten it all wrong.

Screw this being slaves to society. Believe in shamanism. We should be united, be one. A mass togetherness of faith. We must send ourselves into a trance where we converse with God and allow ourselves to make our own choices and not be influenced by what society wants us to do.

The whole concept is screwed up. We misinterpreted the ancient societies. It's all about love man, you know, go to a cave or the desert and find love. Find the love within yourself and screw yourself, screw yourself long and hard till you die.
Tough homework assignment? If I understand this 'be one" thing, you go off to a cave in the desert and screw yourself and then I don't have to, right? Let's do it.
  • #4
Iyafrady said:
We must send ourselves into a trance where we converse with God and allow ourselves to make our own choices and not be influenced by what society wants us to do.

That might not be a bad idea if there actually was a god, but since there isn't... :rolleyes:
  • #5
Iyafrady said:
Why are you talking to us using a computer and internet ? You think it would have come out of people living in caves ? You can keep loosing everybody's time, including yours, cheating at exams, but let me tell you : the reality of life and society will catch up on you one day. Go back in a tree eating fruits if you like, but don't give us your cheap lessons on what we should do, we don't need them.
  • #6
Iyafrady said:
Have you ever asked yourself that question?..you want to know why?, its because were following fake man made dreams which are cultured into us as we grow up. What are we searching for? Money? Happiness? Approval?

Why should I be told how to grow up, get educated, land a decent job, have kids and then die ''with a fully lived life''? It's all wrong. Society has gotten it all wrong.

Screw this being slaves to society. Believe in shamanism. We should be united, be one. A mass togetherness of faith. We must send ourselves into a trance where we converse with God and allow ourselves to make our own choices and not be influenced by what society wants us to do.

The whole concept is screwed up. We misinterpreted the ancient societies. It's all about love man, you know, go to a cave or the desert and find love. Find the love within yourself and screw yourself, screw yourself long and hard till you die.

I prefer doing something just a tad more productive with my life =] . You can be like the people who live on the street or under a bridge and do the same thing - deserts are too far =\
  • #7
Danger said:
That might not be a bad idea if there actually was a god, but since there isn't... :rolleyes:

what I don't get about atheists is that they think that we evolved from monkeys over millions of years, but they don't get that monkeys don't live for millions of years!
  • #8
No one's stopping you ...

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  • #9
Iyafrady said:
what I don't get about atheists is that they think that we evolved from monkeys over millions of years, but they don't get that monkeys don't live for millions of years!
:smile:If you do stay in school, you'll be running the joint in a few years.
  • #10
Iyafrady said:
what I don't get about atheists is that they think that we evolved from monkeys over millions of years, but they don't get that monkeys don't live for millions of years!
What I don't get about you is what you are trying to achieve here. This is a scientific forum full of people who think they can contribute positively to society by helping knowledge to advance. It does not fit in your mental world, so just go talk to other people.
  • #11
Iyafrady said:
what I don't get about atheists is that they think that we evolved from monkeys over millions of years, but they don't get that monkeys don't live for millions of years!

Read what you just wrote, think about it for a minute, then smack yourself on the head.
  • #12
Iyafrady said:
what I don't get about atheists is that they think that we evolved from monkeys over millions of years, but they don't get that monkeys don't live for millions of years!

This will be my #10 'smartest' thing said on the internet today. Next to

"Just got off phone w/someone says they need a new monitor. When they go to the Internet it says "Page Cannot be Displayed"
  • #14
I never had such naive/immature thoughts. School was hard for me, but I always knew what the prize was and I always knew that what we have to look forward to is a heckuvalot better than what the ancients had.

Then again, I never smoked pot, man.
  • #15
rootX said:
I can recommend this site..


Holy ****! Loser central! I've bookmarked that one for continued amusement. Thanks, RootX.
  • #16
Danger said:
Read what you just wrote, think about it for a minute, then smack yourself on the head.
Clearly, thinking is not this person's strong suit right now. I'm guessing pot, but then I don't have a lot of experience with drugs, so it could be another kind. The thing that I most remember from being around my friends who smoked pot is they said things they thought were profound that were actually just dumb.
  • #17
russ_watters said:
I never had such naive/immature thoughts. School was hard for me, but I always knew what the prize was and I always knew that what we have to look forward to is a heckuvalot better than what the ancients had.

Then again, I never smoked pot, man.

Im not a pot head, but i do indulge a now and then.I will say it does open your mind and you take your thoughts to the next level, but it also makes you lazy and unmotivated.Thats why i smoke sparingly.
  • #19
Iyafrady said:
Im not a pot head, but i do indulge a now and then.I will say it does open your mind and you take your thoughts to the next level, but it also makes you lazy and unmotivated.Thats why i smoke sparingly.
You're having these thoughts sober?! Yikes!
[edit] Oh wait, you didn't say that...
  • #20
Danger said:
Read what you just wrote, think about it for a minute, then smack yourself on the head.

whatever dude, if its so stupid and we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys running around??
  • #21
Iyafrady said:
Im not a pot head, but i do indulge a now and then.I will say it does open your mind and you take your thoughts to the next level, but it also makes you lazy and unmotivated.Thats why i smoke sparingly.
That's even worse than telling us what song was #1 on your birthday. I think it's taboo on PF is it not?
  • #22
Iyafrady said:
whatever dude, if its so stupid and we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys running around??

Have you ever even read anything about Darwin's theory? Aside from Creationist propaganda, that is.
  • #23
I have asked myself those questions many times in the past. Only to come up with the same answer. Knowing more = more options in life. To have knowledge is a gift and it can open many doors to things that you may want to do...

School does not teach us to search for money or happiness, but to help us understand the world. Each person interprets the world differently which influences how they live; they may or may not want a decent job or kids. Fulfilling life can mean something else instead of education, 6 figure job, kids and wife. Some people rather party and live free to 'fulfill' life. Everyone has at least gone through some sort of 'school'. For example, nomads learned how to make primitive weapons, which others would learn from them; a school to make weapons. If it were not for schools you would not have the computer to post this thread up, you would not have a nice home to live in and etc.

Your on opinion does not bother me (about shamanism), but not everyone will believe in it. Is there really a God? There is a whole debate on that...
In the end you do really make your own choices, but you still have to go through school at least from K-12. Do you really want to NOT know how to do simple math, read and write, know your nations history, how man tends to repeat history so that we can learn not do it again?
The reality, WE, the people in this world made this society. It may be somewhat based on ancient cultures, but it has evolve to something, that I believe, is better.

Iyafrady said:
Find the love within yourself and screw yourself, screw yourself long and hard till you die.
Screw yourself??

That is my rant about it.
  • #24
Iyafrady said:
Have you ever asked yourself that question?..you want to know why?, its because were following fake man made dreams which are cultured into us as we grow up. What are we searching for? Money? Happiness? Approval?

Why should I be told how to grow up, get educated, land a decent job, have kids and then die ''with a fully lived life''? It's all wrong. Society has gotten it all wrong.

Screw this being slaves to society. Believe in shamanism. We should be united, be one. A mass togetherness of faith. We must send ourselves into a trance where we converse with God and allow ourselves to make our own choices and not be influenced by what society wants us to do.

The whole concept is screwed up. We misinterpreted the ancient societies. It's all about love man, you know, go to a cave or the desert and find love. Find the love within yourself and screw yourself, screw yourself long and hard till you die.

I'm not sure we have ever had someone this ignorant on this forum. I thoguht only smart people came to physics forums.

By the way why are you even ON this forum?
  • #25
I like this thread because a whole bunch of intelligent and well-educated people are being duped by a method actor.

This guy isn't a Christian, he's a comedian.
  • #26
Brilliant! said:
I like this thread because a whole bunch of intelligent and well-educated people are being duped by a method actor.

This guy isn't a Christian, he's a comedian.
I think you are most probably correct, and added this individual to my "ignore list". Never did that before.
  • #27
humanino said:
added this individual to my "ignore list". Never did that before.

I'm finding this just way too amusing to ignore. (Okay, I know that I need to get a life...)
  • #28
Danger said:
I'm finding this just way too amusing to ignore. (Okay, I know that I need to get a life...)
Me too.
  • #29
Brilliant! said:
I like this thread because a whole bunch of intelligent and well-educated people are being duped by a method actor.

This guy isn't a Christian, he's a comedian.
I think I would have to agree with you, his answers are almost made to be as incorrect as possible while still keeping it somwhat Believable .
  • #30
I rather suspect that even Russ, who is not usually noted for his sense of humour, is probably just pissing himself laughing. :biggrin:
  • #31
If I had seen this thread earlier, it would have been deleted.

FAQ: Why Do We Follow Society's Expectations Instead of Our Own Inner Truths?

1. Why do we feel pressure to conform to society's expectations?

There are several reasons why we may feel pressure to conform to society's expectations. One reason is that humans are social creatures and have a natural desire to fit in and be accepted by others. Additionally, society often rewards those who conform and punishes those who deviate from the norm. This can create a fear of rejection or failure, leading individuals to conform in order to avoid negative consequences.

2. How do societal expectations influence our behavior?

Societal expectations can influence our behavior in a variety of ways. They can shape our beliefs and values, influence our choices and decisions, and impact how we present ourselves to others. These expectations can also create social norms and standards that dictate what is considered acceptable or desirable in a given society.

3. What are the potential consequences of following society's expectations instead of our own inner truths?

Following society's expectations instead of our own inner truths can have both positive and negative consequences. On one hand, it may lead to a sense of belonging and acceptance from others. However, it can also result in feelings of dissatisfaction, regret, and a lack of fulfillment in life. Additionally, constantly conforming to societal expectations can stifle individuality and limit personal growth and self-discovery.

4. How can we balance societal expectations with our own inner truths?

Finding a balance between societal expectations and our own inner truths can be challenging, but it is possible. It involves self-reflection, understanding our own values and beliefs, and learning to assert ourselves and make choices that align with our inner truths. It may also involve setting boundaries and not being afraid to go against societal norms when necessary.

5. Can societal expectations ever be beneficial?

Yes, societal expectations can have some benefits. They can provide a sense of structure and order in society, promote social cohesion and cooperation, and guide individuals towards behaviors that are beneficial for the greater good. However, it is important to critically examine these expectations and determine if they align with our own values and beliefs before blindly following them.

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