Why don't electrons leave a negatively charged metal in air?

In summary: Now, imagine you have a metal rod with a sharp point at one end and you hold the rod so that the point is pointing straight up. If you shine a bright light on the end of the rod, you'll see a corona discharge form, and the light will be brightest near the point where the discharge starts. This is because the electric field near the charged point is so strong that the electrons are repelled away from the point and toward the end of the rod, where they are more easily drawn into the electric field and drawn toward the point charge.The electric field near the sharp point on the rod is much stronger than the electric field near the end of the
  • #71
Ulysees said:
In fact what you have imagined even ignores the title of the topic! It says "negatively charged"! Mercy! :redface:

People have used misleading topics all the time! I tend to read the content, not "sound bites" that people put in the topic. And yes, I have read your first post very carefully, which is why I found it VERY confusing and didn't respond to it till much later, which I am now regretting.

Not that if all I read were the topic (which had nothing to do with "corona discharge"), then simply telling you "work function" would have been sufficient to answer the topic. I would not have to list the breakdown mechanism at all!

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #73
Okay here are the questions what I can discern from the original post. Most of them have already been answered, maybe even all, but the thread is a little difficult to follow:

1. The OP's supposition that corona discharge depends on mutual Coulumbic repulsion of electrons in the negatively charged metal in air.

The reply was that corona discharge has nothing to due with mutual charge repulsion.

2. The OP's suggestion that corona discharge doesn't occur in all metals, or why it happens to a differing extent based on the type of metal.

The first one was answered, that it does occur in all metals. I'm not sure if the OP meant to ask the 2nd part of the question.

3. What makes air such a good insulator that corona discharge does not occur readily and all the time.

This one has probably been answered in the first few pages, but there were some inter-discussions which distracted me from the answer.

That's all I can figure at the moment here. It's a half hour past 1 am where I live, so I might have been confused enough about what I wrote, but still...
  • #74
jostpour said:
I'm slightly confused about the claim that vacuum would be insulator. After all, a free electron is pretty free if it is in vacuum, so vacuum is not really insulator in the sense that electrons could not move in it. Perhaps this sentence simply means that vacuum behaves as an insulator, because it is difficult for electrons to leave the metal into the vacuum due to the mirror charge effect?

But then they say that the vacuum is better insulator than air! Is this claim based on experimental fact? If the claim is true, and on the other hand vacuum is not really insulator, doesn't it mean that the air is not insulator at all, but instead the air actually only helps current conduction outside solids?
You don't seem to know what conduction and insulation mean. Here's a hint:


What do you think the value of R is for a vacuum vs. air vs. rubber vs. copper? Hint, think high to low.

ZapperZ said:
I give up.

Same here. Every time a question is answered it's rephrased in a way that has nothing to do with the previous question.

jostpour, your personal attacks are unnecessary and unfounded. Just because I'm giving a classical explanation to a question that _has_ a classical explanation (i.e. conduction v. insulation) does not make it wrong, and inserting QM concepts into a problem just to make yourself sound more informed does not make it so.
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  • #75
Defennnder said:
Okay here are the questions what I can discern from the original post. Most of them have already been answered, maybe even all, but the thread is a little difficult to follow:

1. The OP's supposition that corona discharge depends on mutual Coulumbic repulsion of electrons in the negatively charged metal in air.

The reply was that corona discharge has nothing to due with mutual charge repulsion.

2. The OP's suggestion that corona discharge doesn't occur in all metals, or why it happens to a differing extent based on the type of metal.

The first one was answered, that it does occur in all metals. I'm not sure if the OP meant to ask the 2nd part of the question.

3. What makes air such a good insulator that corona discharge does not occur readily and all the time.

This one has probably been answered in the first few pages, but there were some inter-discussions which distracted me from the answer.

That's all I can figure at the moment here. It's a half hour past 1 am where I live, so I might have been confused enough about what I wrote, but still...

I'm surprised you didn't go blind after figuring all of that out! :)

The issue on "air such a good insulator" really has nothing to do with the discharge process. This is because air (or any neutrals) is really the "innocent bystander". The electrons emitted from the field-emitter are the ones that's causing the damage by ionizing these neutrals. The neutrals can't help but be ionized when the conditions are right. This is the plasma discharge that we observe, and what was observed in the link that I just gave.

Thanks for highlighting what have been answered already.

  • #76
> 1. the "corona discharge" has nothing to do with "mutual repulsion of charges". Again, this has been answered already when I presented to you the scenario of breakdown mechanism. Look at the list I gave. Where does it say "mutual repulsion"?

nothing? So the tunneling is not caused by other electrons being present in the negatively charged metal and pushing it out? If you say so...

2. Where is the mechanism that involves putting in extra charges onto the metal?

Should I provide a big battery or something otherwise the title confuses you?

Your mechanism was an explanation of work function, which is only a tiny part of this topic: corona discharge.

> asking why it doesn't happen in all "charged metals" is confusing. You're asking for an answer to a scenario that doesn't occur. What kind of an answer were you expecting?

This scenario does occur in ALL charged metals. It just takes a large enough voltage. It also happens for all shapes.

So the question was why not at all voltages. I'm not asking it any more.

> 4. The implication of "charge metals" as the requirement for a "corona discharge" is what I've been asking for you to produce. Show me a model in which a "charged metal" is required for such a discharge.

In other words, you want proof that a metal without charge, will never produce a corona. Actually I think if it's hot enough, vibrations will cause some electrons to exceed the work function, ie go far enough to escape. So we can talk about uncharged metals too if you want.

> Show me a model in which a corona discharge is caused by the addition of addtional charges to the metal.

A Tesla coil connected to a sphere. Here it is:


As the ac current goes up in the increasing part of the sinewave, the concentrations of electrons in the spheroid go up too. When they're high enough, electrons jump off more, and the process of corona discharge begins.

> Until you can show me such a model for me to study, this "charge metal" scenario doesn't exist.

Alright now?
  • #77
>> In fact what you have imagined even ignores the title of the topic! It says "negatively charged"! Mercy!

> People have used misleading topics all the time!

Can't you just say sorry?
  • #78
Ulysees this is getting tiresome. I'm surprised that Zapper still bothered to reply to your posts after your repeated dismissive and ill-informed 1-line posts scattered throughout the entire thread. You're here to learn by asking questions, not confound a PF mentor by going around in circles parading the same questions in different forms which have already been answered. The dripping sarcasm inherent in your reply above doesn't help either.
  • #79
> The reply was that corona discharge has nothing to due with mutual charge repulsion.

That's actually wrong, corona discharge has everything to do with mutual charge repulsion! That's why it occurs at pins more easily.
  • #80
Defennnder said:
Ulysees this is getting tiresome. I'm surprised that Zapper still bothered to reply to your posts after your repeated dismissive and ill-informed 1-line posts scattered throughout the entire thread. You're here to learn by asking questions, not confound a PF mentor by going around in circles parading the same questions in different forms which have already been answered. The dripping sarcasm inherent in your reply above doesn't help either.

Defender, don't assume I have read everything when a post appears, I'm replying to your posts one by one. Will get to yours in a bit.
  • #81
The reason why it occurs for pins, for eg. more easily is because pins have a small radius of curvature and the potential induced in air is inversely proportional to the radius. What has this got to do with mutual charge repulsion?
  • #82
In post #22 peter0302 explains that in an insulator electrons are bound to individual molecules.
peter0302 said:
In a metal the electrons roam freely throughout the metal. Current begins to flow because electrons are being "stolen" from one end of the conductor and so electrons from the other end move toward the newly created charge imbalance. This doesn't happen easily in insulators because in those substances the electrons are much more tightly bound to the individual moleucles and therefore it requires a much higher potential to liberate them. You don't need quantum mechanics to understand this.

In post #39 he explains that because valence bands are not full, electrons are allowed to move from atom to atom.
peter0302 said:
The reaosn metals are good conductors is because the valence electrons generally roam freely from atom to atom, because the valence shells are usually NOT full, and so when there is a charge imbalance, to which the electrons are attracted, the resistance is low. Insulators have some freedom of electron movement as well, of course - but much less. Hence - resistence.

Again, you really don't need QM to understand this!

and also that the reason why electrons cannot get onto air molecules is the same reason why electrons don't move in solid insulators. (although they actually move in solid insulator pretty much)
peter0302 said:
The question was why don't electrons jump from a positively charged metal to an air molecule. The reason is the same as why electrons don't jump from a positively charged metal to a rubber insulator. The valence shells of the insulators are generally full, and so a higher potential would be required to put an electron in the next higher shell than is available.

In posts #43 and #74 he interprets the critique of his posts as personal attacks against him
jostpuur said:
Looks like cargo cult science.
peter0302 said:
What does that mean? I'm a liar?
jostpuur said:
I'll try to keep this attack as an attack against your explanation, and not against you.
peter0302 said:
jostpour, your personal attacks are unnecessary and unfounded.

and attempts to keep the authoritative position
peter0302 said:
ZapperZ said:
I give up.

Same here.

peter0302, I am not an aggressive person normally, but the incorrectness of your explanations and your style of appearing as a scientifical authority draws my attention too much.
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  • #83
Defennnder said:
The reason why it occurs for pins, for eg. more easily is because pins have a small radius of curvature and the potential induced in air is inversely proportional to the radius. What has this got to do with mutual charge repulsion?

Extra charge goes to the surface because of mutual repulsion. Of all the parts of an arbitrary surface, which ones are further from the "middle"? The bulges and the pins, and that's where extra charge goes more. But when there's too much in a bulge, it stops more electrons from coming. It's just equilibrium.
  • #84
> 3. What makes air such a good insulator that corona discharge does not occur readily and all the time.
> This one has probably been answered in the first few pages

Actually this one has not been answered fully. Nobody said how far apart air molecules have to be in order for electrons to stick to them at a large enough scale for corona discharge, a factor that seems to me to be a quantum issue, that's why it was posted here. I was looking for detailed explanations in terms of forces and probability density functions (or wavefunctions of the electron).

If anyone can provide such a description in simple terms, it will be greatly appreciated.
  • #85
peter0302, I am not an aggressive person normally, but the incorrectness of your explanations and your style of appearing as a scientifical authority draws my attention too much.
Except you still haven't told anyone what was incorrect. You just don't like my "hueristic" approach. And yes your posts are personal despite your purported attempts not to be.

peter0302, I am not an aggressive person normally, but the incorrectness of your explanations and your style of appearing as a scientifical authority draws my attention too much.
  • #86
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  • #87
Defennnder said:
You're here to learn by asking questions, not confound a PF mentor by going around in circles parading the same questions in different forms which have already been answered.

When a mentor distorts your words in such an obvious way (maybe because he forgot about Tesla coils), what are you supposed to do?

If you hear something that you know to be untrue (eg that mutual repulsion has nothing to do with pins), are you supposed to pretend it's true because you're the OP who's asking?
  • #88
ZapperZ, I want your opinion on this reasoning:

The resistance of vacuum is zero, because if a particle has some momentum and is traveling in vacuum, it keeps the same momentum. Right?

If you have two separate metal objects, and vacuum in between, and try to get current carried out from one object to another, you will measure very high resistance. However, this does not mean that the resistance of the vacuum would be great, but that the resistance of the

metal + boundary of metal and vacuum + vacuum + boundary of metal and vacuum + metal

is great, and the resistance arises in the boundaries due to the mirror charge effect. Right?

It is an experimental fact, that vacuum is better insulator than air. That means, that the current will break through more easily, if there is air in between? Right?

All this together implies, that the air alone is not an insulator at all. Right?

If the question is "What makes air such a good insulator, when it's just gases, relatively few molecules moving all over the place bouncing on each other, how can this be a good insulator?", the answer is, that actually the air is not an insulator?
  • #89
Or hmhmhm... argh. Was this in contradiction with the vacuum tubes now? I'm not sure...
  • #90
Ulysees said:
> 3. What makes air such a good insulator that corona discharge does not occur readily and all the time.
> This one has probably been answered in the first few pages

Actually this one has not been answered fully. Nobody said how far apart air molecules have to be in order for electrons to stick to them at a large enough scale for corona discharge, a factor that seems to me to be a quantum issue, that's why it was posted here. I was looking for detailed explanations in terms of forces and probability density functions (or wavefunctions of the electron).

If anyone can provide such a description in simple terms, it will be greatly appreciated.

You never asked that. In fact, I've given a references to that Schwirzke paper that describes this in detail!

"This neutral density produced by just one monolayer is almost
atmospheric density. The electron mean-free-path length for
ionizing neutrals lambda = l/(n*sigma) depends on the ionization
cross section sigma, which in turn is a function of the electron
energy. For many gases the ionization cross section has a
broad maximum value of about sigma ~ 10^-16 cm^2 for electrons,
with an energy between 50 eV to 150 eV. In an electric field of
10^6 V/cm, a field-emitted electron has gained 100 eV at the
distance of 10^-4 cm (Fig. 1). Thus lambda ~ 5 x 10^-5 cm and about
20% of the emitted electrons have a chance for an ionizing
collision within d~ 10^-4 cm."

There's no "quantum issue" with such a thing at all other than the ionization potential of each of the atoms. Everything above is treated classicallly.

  • #91
jostpuur said:
ZapperZ, I want your opinion on this reasoning:

The resistance of vacuum is zero, because if a particle has some momentum and is traveling in vacuum, it keeps the same momentum. Right?

The resistance to THAT particle is zero. But the resistance of a vacuum isn't zero. If it is, then air capacitors would not work over all range of potential difference. You would short out all vacuum, and not only that, particle accelerators would not work.

If you have two separate metal objects, and vacuum in between, and try to get current carried out from one object to another, you will measure very high resistance. However, this does not mean that the resistance of the vacuum would be great, but that the resistance of the

metal + boundary of metal and vacuum + vacuum + boundary of metal and vacuum + metal

is great, and the resistance arises in the boundaries due to the mirror charge effect. Right?

Depends on what you mean by great, because you could also say that an "open circuit" or an "open switch" isn't fully "open". By definition, an open circuit conducts no current. If not, then most of our electrical circuits are wrong, because what's to prevent someone from "pretending" that there's a small current going in all directions through air?

It is an experimental fact, that vacuum is better insulator than air. That means, that the current will break through more easily, if there is air in between? Right?

Of course, I'm hoping that we're dealing with the classical vacuum and not impose any exotic "vacuum fluctuation". So yes, this is correct. Even in the so-called "vacuum breakdown", it requires the presence of neutral gas atoms/molecules.

All this together implies, that the air alone is not an insulator at all. Right?

It is a good insulator, not perfect. But then again, what is perfect? Again, simply by showing that an air capacitor can be maintained is sufficient to show that air is an electrical insulator over a range of potential. The same can be said about ANY insulator.

If the question is "What makes air such a good insulator, when it's just gases, relatively few molecules moving all over the place bouncing on each other, how can this be a good insulator?", the answer is, that actually the air is not an insulator?

Because the molecules that make up air is neutral, and requires a certain amount of energy (ionization potential) to ionize it first before it can conductor electrical charges.

  • #92
Ulysees said:
When a mentor distorts your words in such an obvious way (maybe because he forgot about Tesla coils), what are you supposed to do?

If you hear something that you know to be untrue (eg that mutual repulsion has nothing to do with pins), are you supposed to pretend it's true because you're the OP who's asking?

You still have failed to prove a single reference source to support your model. Show me the source that gives you the evidence that this is "true".

I can claim that mine is "true" because I can show you several different published papers on the model that I had described. Furthermore, I also do EXPERIMENT on this! I have a 1/2 cell RF cavity that in can put in up to 120 MV/m and with a bunch of diagnostics to capture the breakdown dynamics.

The fact remains that without any published support, what you had done here simply your own personal theory, which is in violation of our Guidelines. It is even more baffling that you are expecting someone to explain something that you just made up.

  • #93
> You still have failed to prove a single reference source to support your model. Show me the source that gives you the evidence that this is "true".

And what model are you referring to now? Many things have been mentioned. Are you referring to the following statement?

> something that you know to be untrue (eg that mutual repulsion has nothing to do with pins)

If you are referring to this, then I'm copy-pasting the meaning of it, mentioned above:

> Extra charge goes to the surface [of any conducting object] because of mutual repulsion. Of all the parts of an arbitrary [closed] surface, which ones are further from the "middle"? The bulges and the pins are, and that's where extra charge goes more. But when there's too much in a bulge, it stops more electrons from coming. It's just equilibrium.

This is from a diagram at High School. I'm sure you can imagine it, maybe you've even seen it and read the High School explanation that goes with it, which is as shown above.
  • #94
Ulysees said:
> You still have failed to prove a single reference source to support your model. Show me the source that gives you the evidence that this is "true".

And what model are you referring to now? Many things have been mentioned. Are you referring to the following statement?

This model:

Ulysees said:
I'm familiar with lightning rods taking advantage of the mutual repulsion of charges to shoot off a corona discharge off the sharp end and start a thunder, but why doesn't corona discharge happen to all charged metals?

Where is there such a model for "lightning rods taking advantage of mutual repulsion of charges to shoot off a corona discharge off the sharp tip end"?

The model that I described has no such thing. The 2 papers that I cited has no such thing. So can you please cite the paper that would support such "mutual repulsion of charges" that causes such a discharge?

  • #95
"lightning rods taking advantage of mutual repulsion of charges to shoot off a corona discharge off the sharp tip end"?

OK here it is. It is also from High School physics:

Here's what the book says more or less. The sharp end of the lightning rod results in a high concentration of charge when charge appears in the ground. This is because, as in any conductor, charges repel each other to the sharper ends.

If the charge accumulation is strong, it ionises the air, which therefore enables more charge to exit the rod from the sharp end as it is atracted to the ionised air. Eventually this results in a thunder. Therefore a thunder develops in an upward direction.
  • #96
Ok now? No repulsion, no accumulation. No accumulation, no lighting rod, thunders can start from the roof.
  • #97
Ulysees said:
"lightning rods taking advantage of mutual repulsion of charges to shoot off a corona discharge off the sharp tip end"?

OK here it is. It is also from High School physics:

Here's what the book says more or less. The sharp end of the lightning rod results in a high concentration of charge when charge appears in the ground. This is because, as in any conductor, charges repel each other to the sharper ends.

If the charge accumulation is strong, it ionises the air, which therefore enables more charge to exit the rod from the sharp end as it is atracted to the ionised air. Eventually this results in a thunder. Therefore a thunder develops in an upward direction.

Holy Cow! You're arguing with me using high school text that appears to have something that is internally inconsistent?

I should have given up a long time ago when I said it first time.

  • #98
Just admit it, mutual repulsion to the sharp ends is critical.
  • #99
Ulysees said:
Just admit it, mutual repulsion to the sharp ends is critical.

You should quote the author, title, and publisher of this "book", because someone (maybe me) needs to write to the publisher for teaching high school kids such garbage.

  • #100
Will you apologise for ignoring the "negatively charged" in the title, because you forgot about the following?

View attachment 12613
  • #101
It's not a copy I have here, it's what it says more or less.
  • #102
You should justify your statements, like we all do.

Proof is more important than authority. Otherwise we'd still be in Newton's era. Or should I say the middle ages.
  • #103
Ulysees said:
Will you apologise for ignoring the "negatively charged" in the title, because you forgot about the following?

View attachment 12613

.. and how is this relevant to the standard lightning rod? Do you see a belt attached to a lightning rod that supplies charges to the the rod the SAME way as the van de graaf dome? Again, you are mistaking two different phenomena as being the same!

And don't tell me that you actually pay this close attention to such pictures! Really now! If you are ever at Argonne during its open house, try and come visit our Van de Graaf facility. It's WAY bigger than that, and it can accelerate electrons up to 3 MeV!

Ulysees said:
You should justify your statements, like we all do.

Proof is more important than authority. Otherwise we'd still be in Newton's era. Or should I say the middle ages.

I did! I cited to papers in peer-review publications! I don't think you know what that means, though. You cited something off some "high school text". Which do you think has more of a validity in terms of completeness and accuracy? You also seem to forget that I do experiments in this area of study. I don't just read it.

I see this thread as going nowhere, considering your inability to comprehend what I have mentioned, and your refusal to even learn what has been said. So it is done.

Edit: If someone has the author and publisher of this "textbook" that has that silly quote, please PM me with the info. The least I can do is to stop this faulty info from being perpetuated.

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