- #71
Look at other species before we kill them all of course and you will have insight to your answer. Watch how they act and why. The frequencies involved. I can tell you that woman are without question better at multitasking than men because those traits have evolved and lived on. Think about it. The woman who did this the best had their young live longer than those who did not. That simple. When it comes to depth a man on average may be able to do better in certain things. There is no cage to hold one back but one cannot deny genetics. I am sure southern people can radiate heat better from their skin, and innuits can probably maintain heat better... It is survival of the fittest but it is also many other things. A woman who wants to be anything can be anything. The question is what does she want to be. Maybe the question for which we toss aside so liberally because it does not enter the world of science is the greatest question one can ask. "To be or not to be." That really is the only question.