Why is the Earth made up of so much silicon?

In summary, the Earth's high proportion of silicon is due to the chemical composition of the debris cloud from which the solar system formed. This debris, which includes "cinders" of stellar furnaces, has a higher amount of lighter elements like silicon, which tend to float on top and harden into a crust. This is why Earth's crust is about 16% silicon by weight, while iron is only about 1.5%. However, when looking at the overall composition of the Earth, including the core, iron makes up about 46% of the mass while silicon is only 15.1%. This is in line with the most common elements in the universe, where hydrogen and helium are the most abundant, followed by oxygen
  • #1
Why is the Earth made up of so much silicon?
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2

The chemical composition of the Earth is determined by the composition of the debris cloud from which the solar system formed. These debris are "cinders" of stellar furnaces and perhaps a super nova or 2. Iron is the true cinders of stellar fires as there is no release of energy on either fusion or fission of an iron nuclei.
  • #3

But why is the Earth made of such a high proportion of silicon? Would all other rock planets have a similar composition of silicon?
  • #4

Are you talking about the abundance of silicon in Earth's crust? I believe it is roughly 16% by weight in the crust and about 9-10% in the whole earth. Iron is about 1.5% in the crust and about 46% in the whole earth. Earth is mostly iron. Lighter elements like the various oxides of silicon tend to float on top and have hardened into crust.
  • #5

I am talking about the composition of the Earth, not taking into account atmospheric composition. From wikipedia...The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.98×1024 kg. It is composed mostly of iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulphur (2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%); with the remaining 1.2% consisting of trace amounts of other elements...

looking at the table below which I found, I am curious as to why there is so much silicon on Earth?

most common elements in the universe

Element (Parts per million – mg per kg)
1 Hydrogen 750,000
2 Helium 230,000
3 Oxygen 10,000
4 Carbon 5,000
5 Neon 1,300
6 Iron 1,100
7 Nitrogen 1,000
8 Silicon 700
9 Magnesium 600
10 Sulphur 500

SOURCE: The Top 10 of Everything 2006 by Russell Ash, page 10

FAQ: Why is the Earth made up of so much silicon?

1. Why is silicon so abundant on Earth?

Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, making up about 28% of its mass. This is because silicon is formed through the fusion of helium and hydrogen atoms in stars, and during the formation of our solar system, a large amount of silicon was present. As the Earth cooled and solidified, silicon became a major component of the crust.

2. What makes silicon such an important element for the Earth?

Silicon is a key building block of the Earth's crust, as it combines with oxygen to form the minerals that make up rocks. It also plays a crucial role in the formation of sand, clay, and other important materials. Additionally, silicon is an essential element for many living organisms, including plants and animals.

3. How does the abundance of silicon on Earth affect life?

The abundance of silicon on Earth has had a significant impact on the evolution of life. Silicon is essential for the development of many organisms, including diatoms and sponges, which use it to create their protective shells. It also plays a role in the growth and strength of plants, helping them to resist disease and environmental pressures.

4. How does silicon contribute to the Earth's geological processes?

Silicon is a major component of the Earth's lithosphere, the solid outer part of the planet. It is involved in many geological processes, such as the formation of mountains and the creation of new land through volcanic activity. Silicon also plays a crucial role in the weathering and erosion of rocks, contributing to the Earth's constantly changing landscape.

5. Is the abundance of silicon on Earth unique in the universe?

The abundance of silicon on Earth is not unique in the universe. Silicon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe, and it is found in many other planets and stars. However, Earth's particular composition and conditions have resulted in a higher concentration of silicon in its crust compared to other planets in our solar system.
