Why is the Matter wave analogous to photon and derived from it?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the electromagnetic wave derivation in deriving a wave equation for electron wave motion. It is suggested that using a new wave equation where charge enclosed is not zero may be more beneficial than the traditional photon equation. The basis for rejecting this new equation over the traditional one is also discussed. The conversation then delves into the simulation of electron motion in an external magnetic field and its frequency, as well as the comparison to the frequency of the electron's matter wave. Finally, the relationship between magnetic field strength and electron velocity in cyclotron motion is also explored.
  • #1
The electromagnetic wave derivation uses the fact that charge enclosed is zero and it goes to obey plane wave equations.

Lets say we were deriving a wave equation from maxwell's equations for electron wave motion, but we assume that charge enclosed is not zero, and come up with some differential equation not like the standard wave equation. Using this if we were to find the wavelength, and let's say that wavelength is 95% of the de-broglie wavelength, then would it not be more better to use this new wave equation, rather than photon equation which assumes charge is zero.


One can say that matter wave has nothing to do with charge, but whenever its derivation is done, its assumed as plane wave, which is obeyed by charge less particle like photon. If there is another, let's say Quack-wave, which is derived taking charge enclosed as e and J≠o, what would be the basis for rejecting quack- wave over plane wave.

Note: Assume that the wavelength using quack-wave is independent of the charge itself, therefore will work for neutral atoms also, just assume that quack wave equation gives a different constant C which gives us the matter wave as C * de-broglie wavelength.
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  • #2
SunRay-dvsh said:
Lets say we were deriving a wave equation from maxwell's equations for electron wave motion, but we assume that charge enclosed is not zero, and come up with some differential equation not like the standard wave equation.

Have you tried this? What equation did you come up with?
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
Have you tried this? What equation did you come up with?

What i have tried, is found out the condition for electron to physically undulate in external applied time-varying magnetic field of frequency f. The electron moves with the condition that no matter how much its velocity decreases/increases, its frequency(f) remains the same throughout.

I did its simulation and found out that the electron did move in undulatory pattern with fixed frequency, even when i changed the initial velocity. The simulation has not however taken the induced electric field into account, but electric force in any case acts tangent to the particle trajectory and imparts it kinetic energy, thereby increasing its velocity in half time period, and decreasing it in 2nd half. Since the electron will complete its cycle in fixed time(1/f) no matter what its velocity is, the induced electric field doesn't change the frequency of electron.

Importantly: In order to compare with de-broglie wavelength what i did is try to make electron move with frequency determined by E/h. Then insert the frequency in my equation and find the wavelength, then compare it with h/p. I found that everytime my wavelength was smaller by approx 5.3% which is constant.

Why is the physical undulating wavelength(in external magnetic field) even close to the matter wave wavelength ?
  • #4
SunRay-dvsh said:
What i have tried, is found out the condition for electron to physically undulate in external applied time-varying magnetic field of frequency f.

Using what equations?

SunRay-dvsh said:
The electron moves with the condition that no matter how much its velocity decreases/increases, its frequency(f) remains the same throughout.

This doesn't make sense. Particles with nonzero rest mass still have a dispersion relation (variation of energy/frequency with speed/momentum). It's just not exactly the same as the one for massless particles.

SunRay-dvsh said:
I did its simulation

I'm not sure why you would need to; can't the equations be solved analytically?
  • #5
PeterDonis said:
Using what equations?
This doesn't make sense. Particles with nonzero rest mass still have a dispersion relation (variation of energy/frequency with speed/momentum). It's just not exactly the same as the one for massless particles.
I'm not sure why you would need to; can't the equations be solved analytically?

Consider the electron motion in cyclotron, there the external voltage increases the kinetic energy of the electrons, yet they complete the cycle with fixed frequency. The equation i derived is from the basic cyclotron equation itself !

I performed the simulation to verify if the equations are causing the electrons to go in that fashion using already developed model library of cyclotron.
  • #6
SunRay-dvsh said:
Consider the electron motion in cyclotron, there the external voltage increases the kinetic energy of the electrons, yet they complete the cycle with fixed frequency.

That's because the external magnetic field strength is increased as the electron energy increases. If that were not done, the electrons would not stay inside the cyclotron. Are you taking that into account?

Also, the frequency of the electron's motion around the cyclotron has nothing to do with the frequency of the electron's matter wave.
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
That's because the external magnetic field strength is increased as the electron energy increases. If that were not done, the electrons would not stay inside the cyclotron. Are you taking that into account?

Also, the frequency of the electron's motion around the cyclotron has nothing to do with the frequency of the electron's matter wave.

NO! NOT AT ALL...the cyclotron frequency is independent of the velocity itself :
  • #8
SunRay-dvsh said:
the cyclotron frequency is independent of the velocity itself

What does this have to do with anything? I think you are confused. Your OP was talking about the frequency of the electron's matter wave; now you are talking about the frequency of the electron's orbits in a cyclotron. Those are not the same thing. The fact that the latter frequency is independent of the electron's velocity is irrelevant to that point.
  • #9
PeterDonis said:
What does this have to do with anything? I think you are confused. Your OP was talking about the frequency of the electron's matter wave; now you are talking about the frequency of the electron's orbits in a cyclotron. Those are not the same thing. The fact that the latter frequency is independent of the electron's velocity is irrelevant to that point.

What i meant to say was that the magnetic field strength need not change in cyclotron motion. So in my OP i can choose the frequency, and then determine the peak magnetic field strength accordingly to allow me to undulate the electron in that frequency. So determining the frequency from E/h and then finding the wavelength gave an almost close wavelength to matter wave and the electron undulating wavelength.
  • #10
SunRay-dvsh said:
What i meant to say was that the magnetic field strength need not change in cyclotron motion.

If the cyclotron is set up as a spiral instead of a circle, yes, this is true; the electron just spirals outward.

SunRay-dvsh said:
in my OP i can choose the frequency, and then determine the peak magnetic field strength accordingly to allow me to undulate the electron in that frequency.

You can choose the frequency at which the electron goes around the cyclotron, yes. But, once more, that has nothing to do with the frequency of the electron's matter wave. You continue to ignore this point even though I have made it repeatedly.

SunRay-dvsh said:
determining the frequency from E/h

Is wrong. See above.
  • #11
PeterDonis said:
If the cyclotron is set up as a spiral instead of a circle, yes, this is true; the electron just spirals outward.
You can choose the frequency at which the electron goes around the cyclotron, yes. But, once more, that has nothing to do with the frequency of the electron's matter wave. You continue to ignore this point even though I have made it repeatedly.
Is wrong. See above.

Well i see this has led to some confusion from my side, pls let me clarify:

Consider the electron moving as shown, but in the fig. you can see that the wavelength of electron trajectory remains constant. My case has very similar trajectory, but the frequency is constant , and if radiation doesn't occur then the wavelength will not change either. The matter wave has complex components and is not the same as physical undulation of particle...yet when i physically do undulate the particle, it gives very close wavelength to matter wave, where the VALUE of the frequency i take for that undulation is calculated by E/h, where E is K.E. of the electron.
  • #12
SunRay-dvsh said:
the wavelength of electron trajectory

What wavelength are you talking about? Please show some math.

SunRay-dvsh said:
the VALUE of the frequency i take for that undulation is calculated by E/h, where E is K.E. of the electron

Again, please show some math. This is looking more and more like your own personal theory, and personal theories are off limits at PF. If you cannot show some standard math describing what you are doing this thread will be closed.
  • #13
PeterDonis said:
What wavelength are you talking about? Please show some math.
Again, please show some math. This is looking more and more like your own personal theory, and personal theories are off limits at PF. If you cannot show some standard math describing what you are doing this thread will be closed.

I haven't done any publication work on this yet but here are the theory and math:


  • abstract_word.pdf
    565.1 KB · Views: 373
  • #14
SunRay-dvsh said:
I haven't done any publication work on this yet

In other words, at this point it's your personal theory. If you ever get it published in a peer-reviewed journal, then it might be suitable for discussion here. Until then, it's off limits. Thread closed.

Related to Why is the Matter wave analogous to photon and derived from it?

1. What is a Matter Wave?

A Matter Wave, also known as a de Broglie wave, is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the wave-like behavior of matter particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. It is derived from the work of physicist Louis de Broglie, who proposed that particles could exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties.

2. How is the Matter Wave analogous to a photon?

The Matter Wave is analogous to a photon in that both are waves that exhibit particle-like behavior. Just as a photon can exhibit properties of both a particle and a wave, matter particles can also behave as both a particle and a wave. This duality is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics.

3. What does it mean for the Matter Wave to be derived from a photon?

The concept of the Matter Wave being derived from a photon is based on the idea that all particles, including matter particles, have wave-like properties. This theory was first proposed by de Broglie, who suggested that the wavelength of a matter particle is related to its momentum, just as the wavelength of a photon is related to its energy.

4. How is the Matter Wave experimentally proven?

The existence of the Matter Wave has been experimentally proven through a variety of experiments, including the famous double-slit experiment. In this experiment, electrons were fired at a barrier with two small slits, and an interference pattern was observed on a screen behind the barrier. This pattern is only possible if the electrons behaved as waves, supporting the concept of the Matter Wave.

5. What is the significance of the Matter Wave in modern physics?

The concept of the Matter Wave has been crucial in understanding the behavior of matter particles at the quantum level. It has also led to the development of important theories, such as the Schrödinger equation, which is used to describe the behavior of quantum systems. The Matter Wave has also played a significant role in the development of technologies, such as electron microscopy, which has greatly advanced scientific research and discovery.

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