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Demystifier said:Are you sure about that? Can you explain it or give a reference?
Sure, it's really a nice little idea. From the little I know of quantum gravity, it seems the interest originates from there, in an attempt to derive the time-dependent Schrödinger equation from a time-independent universal wavefunction, this by treating spacetime as a macroscopic quantity.
Let's keep it simple, keeping the idea clear: the set-up is a two-particle system, the first with coordinates q, the latter with coordinates Q. The "universal" wavefunction is the time-independent [itex]\Psi(Q,q)[/itex] satisfying [itex]E \Psi = \hat H \Psi[/itex]. We now suppose that the Q-particle is macroscopic, such that we know its (Bohmian) position Q(t) at all times. We now want to treat the subsystem q quantum-mechanically. To do this, it is logical to define the conditional wavefunction [itex]\psi(q,t) := \Psi(Q(t),q)[/itex]. Note that the conditional wavefunction is now time-dependent since we've evaluated the universal wavefunction in the Bohmian trajectory for the macroscopic particle. It's not hard to prove/see that this conditional wavefunction and the universal wavefunction predict the same physics for the small particle.
Now due to the postulates of pilot-wave theory we know [itex]\dot Q(t)[/itex] in terms of [itex]\Psi[/itex]. Consequently, using the chain rule, we can calculate [itex]i\partial_t \psi(q,t)[/itex]. One gets that in highest order of M, being the mass of the macroscopic particle Q, we get that [itex]i\partial_t \psi = \hat H' \psi [/itex] where [itex]\hat H'[/itex] denotes the appropriate Hamiltonian for the subsystem. The math is a bit cumbersome, however I worked it out in a bachelor (i.e. undergraduate) project I made; I will PM it to you.
Summarizing, in the case of a time-independent Schrödinger equation, we can derive the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a subsystem in case the environment is macroscopic.
Another, in my view less compelling, approach is taken by Goldstein in e.g. http://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0308039v1.pdf (page 21). The above approach, the one I outlined, I haven't seen as such in print. I think perhaps Kittel talks about it in his quantum gravity book, but I'm really not sure, this is more of a guess. Anyway I don't claim priority on this one, the suggestion mainly came from my advisor for the project (Ward Struyve), and I don't know where he got his juice, although there is a link with Tejinder Pal Singh as I outline in my project. I'll send the PM in a moment. (Anyone else interested is free to PM me, of course.)
NB: you are of course aware, Demystifier, but for other readers of this post I might note that the concept of conditional wavefunction is not new at all and can be read about in many papers/books about pilot-wave theory, e.g. Bohmian Mechanics by Dürr and Teufel. It's a nice new concept that pilot-wave theory brings in and seems to be fertile.