Why Is Thomas Precession Critical in General Relativity Calculations?

In summary, the article discusses how to calculate the precession of a falling object using the Thomas Precession. The technique used is to translate the basis vectors using Fermi-Walker transport. This is done to avoid the complication of rotating the observer's frame of reference.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew of any good references (texts or whatever) to learn about the Thomas Precession. None of the current textbooks I own talk about it (maybe there is a chapter on it in Wald? I can't seem to find anything). In particular, I am dealing with a calculation involving the derivation of the lens thirring effect and while I have done it in the standard coordinates of the metric perturbation centered on the origin for a slowly rotating spherical shell, I would like to try it by considering a frame that is co - moving with the free - falling test particle that is precessing. There seems to be a complication involving the transformation to such a co - moving frame since said frame doesn't have to be non - rotating with respect to the original frame but we want to make sure the co - moving frame is non - rotating so that the observer in this frame can properly measure the precession of the falling object. It would seem the Thomas Precession would give a way of doing this with regards to making the proper corrections in the coordinate transformations so if anyone has a reference in a text or something that elaborated on this specific situation I would be much obliged. Thanks!

EDIT: I should probably say that I know what to do in order to correct it i.e. in terms of subtracting off the changes in angle of the orientation of the co - moving frame as seen from the original frame between one instant of time and the next instant of time but what I really want to see is why the correction needs to be made - why this complication arises in the first place. Sorry for my poor wording beforehand. Thanks again.
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  • #2

Not all GR books will discuss it, since it's a special-relativistic effect.
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  • #3
...the changes in angle of the orientation of the co - moving frame as seen from the original frame between one instant of time and the next instant of time.
Do you recognize this perhaps as a derivative? :smile:

I'm always amazed that so many of the discussions you find on Thomas Precession talk nervously about "an infinite sequence of infinitesimal Lorentz transformations", instead of just writing down the differential equation and solving it. Never let it be said that relativity is too mathematical a subject! :wink:
  • #4
WannabeNewton said:
There seems to be a complication involving the transformation to such a co - moving frame since said frame doesn't have to be non - rotating with respect to the original frame but we want to make sure the co - moving frame is non - rotating so that the observer in this frame can properly measure the precession of the falling object.

The technique I have seen used, (for instance in MTW, pg 171) and would suggest for that problem is to Fermi-Walker transport the basis vectors.

Online, there's http://relativity.livingreviews.org/open?pubNo=lrr-2004-6&page=articlesu18.html

It basically involves satisfying a differential equation as Bill mentions.

Let [itex]u^{\alpha}[/itex] be the worldline along which the basis vectors are to be Fermi-walker translated (the worldline of your infalling particle), and let [itex]a^{\alpha} = du/d\tau[/itex] be the proper acceleration along the worldline.

The vector [itex]v^{\beta}[/itex] is Fermi Walker transported if:

\frac{d v^{\beta}}{d\tau} = \left( a^{\alpha} v_{\alpha} \right) u^{\beta} - \left( u^{\alpha} v_{\alpha}\right) a^{\beta}

If you fermi-walker transport all your basis vectors, your local "frame of reference" won't rotate.

How was this derived? First off the general idea of a 4-d rotation is needed, which must be linear , anti-symmetric, and preserve the length of 4-vectors.

This is [itex] dv^{\beta}/d\tau = -\Omega^{\beta\alpha}v_{\alpha}[/itex]

Eq1 can be written in this form, it specifies the components of some particular rotation [itex]\Omega[/itex].

When you accelerate, you have an unavoidable rotation in the a^u plane, ^ being the wedge product. But you want to insure that there's no rotation in any other plane. The differential equations of the Fermi Walker transport ensures that the derivative with respect to [itex]\tau[/itex] of a fermi-walker transported vector is zero if it's orthogonal to both a and u, so a vector that's orthogonal to a and u doesn't change with time

Furthermore, the fermi walker transport of [itex]u^{\alpha}[/itex] must be [itex]u^{\alpha}[/itex]. So if you let v=u, you need [itex]du/d\tau = a[/itex]. You can check that this happens in eq1.

So Fermi-Walker transport is the unique 4-d rotation which does not rotate vectors perpendicular to the a^u plane, and which transforms the 4-velocity u into itself as an identity along the specified worldline.

I recently did a longish solution involving fermi-walker transport in the Supplee paradox thread. It was a bigger hassle than I thought it would be. The issue (a common one with fermi-walker transport or fermi-normal coordinates) is a lack of closed form solutions to the differential equations, meaning that one winds up with series methods.
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  • #5

Hi there,

The Thomas Precession is a well-known phenomenon in the field of general relativity, and it is often studied in the context of the lens-thirring effect. While it may not be covered in many textbooks, there are certainly some resources available that can provide a deeper understanding of this concept.

One suggestion is to refer to the original paper by Llewellyn H. Thomas, "The Kinematics of an Electron with an Axis," published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London in 1927. This paper outlines the mathematical derivation of the Thomas Precession and its relation to the spin of an electron.

Another useful resource is the book "Gravitation" by Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeler. This book is considered a classic in the field of general relativity and has a chapter dedicated to the Thomas Precession, providing a thorough explanation and derivation of the concept.

Additionally, you may find helpful information in the book "Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity" by Sean Carroll, which also has a chapter on the Thomas Precession and its implications in general relativity.

I hope these references will be useful in your study of the Thomas Precession and its application to the lens-thirring effect. Best of luck with your research!

Related to Why Is Thomas Precession Critical in General Relativity Calculations?

1. What is Thomas Precession?

Thomas Precession is a relativistic correction to the precession of a spinning object, first derived by Llewellyn Thomas in 1925. It describes the change in the orientation of a spinning object due to its motion in a curved space-time.

2. How is Thomas Precession different from normal precession?

Thomas Precession takes into account the effects of relativity, specifically the change in the object's orientation caused by its own motion. Normal precession, on the other hand, only considers the effects of external forces on the rotating object.

3. What are some real-life examples of Thomas Precession?

Examples of Thomas Precession can be seen in the precession of gyroscopes, the motion of spinning tops, and the movement of planets in our solar system. It is also a factor in the behavior of spinning particles in particle accelerators.

4. How is Thomas Precession calculated?

The mathematical formula for Thomas Precession involves the object's spin, velocity, and acceleration, as well as the curvature of space-time. It is a complex calculation that requires a good understanding of relativity and vector calculus.

5. Why is Thomas Precession important in physics?

Thomas Precession is important in physics because it helps us better understand the effects of relativity on rotating objects. It also has practical applications in areas such as astrophysics, where it is used to study the behavior of spinning bodies in curved space-time.

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