Why Ships Float: Displacing Water vs Weight in Air

  • Thread starter PrakashPrasad
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    Float Ships
In summary, for an object to float in water, it must displace an amount of water whose weight is equal to its own weight. If it displaces less, it will sink, and if it displaces more, it will rise out of the water. This is known as Archimedes' principle, and it explains why ships sit lower in the water when loaded with cargo. However, this principle only applies to floating objects, not submerged objects. A submerged object may displace less or more water than its own weight, depending on its density.
  • #1
Does the amount of water displaced by an object needs to be greater than its weight (in air) for it to float in water?

Say a bowl of 5 kg displaces 4 kg of water - will it float or sink? If it sinks the if it had displaced 5 kg of water would it float?

That is the volume of water displaced by an object has to be greater or more than the weight of the object in air?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
PrakashPrasad said:
Does the amount of water displaced by an object needs to be greater than its weight (in air) for it to float in water?

It needs to displace an amount of water whose weight equals its own weight. If it displaces less, it will sink. If it displaces more, it will rise out of the water until it displaces just the right amount.

PrakashPrasad said:
Say a bowl of 5 kg displaces 4 kg of water - will it float or sink? If it sinks the if it had displaced 5 kg of water would it float?

It will sink. A floating object displaces exactly as much water as it itself weighs. That's why a ship fully loaded sits lower in the water than when it is empty. It has to displace more water to counteract the weight of its cargo.

See the following links:

  • #3
Those boats are very clever. They do those displacement / buoyancy / weight sums in their heads, without writing anything down and they always get it right.:biggrin:
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Likes TheDemx27 and Nemika
  • #4
Well - there was the Titanic . . . .
  • #5
PrakashPrasad said:
Does the amount of water displaced by an object needs to be greater than its weight (in air) for it to float in water?
The amount of water displaced by a floating object is always equal to the objects weight. It never displaces more or less water as Sophie says the boat gets it just right.
It really does not need to do anything except float.
  • #6
Note the distinction between a 'floating object' and an 'submerged object'. A submerged object usually doesn't displace an amount of water equal to its own weight. For example, rocks weigh much more than the water they displace, which is why they sink. On the other hand, the water displaced by a submerged beach ball weighs much more than the beach ball, which is why the ball will come shooting to the surface once you let it go.

FAQ: Why Ships Float: Displacing Water vs Weight in Air

1. How do ships float?

Ships float due to the principle of buoyancy, which states that an object will float if it displaces an amount of water equal to its own weight. This is because the weight of the water that is being displaced exerts an upward force on the ship, counteracting the downward force of its weight.

2. Why do ships displace water?

Ships are designed to displace water in order to stay afloat. When a ship is placed in water, it pushes down on the water, causing it to spread out and rise. This displaced water then exerts an upward force on the ship, keeping it afloat.

3. How does the weight of a ship affect its ability to float?

The weight of a ship is a crucial factor in its ability to float. If a ship is too heavy, it will sink because its weight will be greater than the weight of the water it displaces. On the other hand, if a ship is designed to be lightweight, it will be able to displace more water and therefore float more easily.

4. Can a ship float in air?

No, a ship cannot float in air. This is because air is much less dense than water, so the amount of air that would need to be displaced in order for a ship to float would be too large and impractical.

5. How does the shape of a ship affect its ability to float?

The shape of a ship plays a significant role in its ability to float. A ship with a wider hull and more surface area will displace more water and be more buoyant. Additionally, the shape of the hull can also impact the stability and maneuverability of the ship in the water.

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