Why Software/IT/Coding Jobs are payed higher?

  • Thread starter koolraj09
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In summary, the reason software/IT/coding jobs are paid higher than other jobs is because the workers add more value to the firm. This is a subjective decision, and there is a lot of supply and demand involved in pay scales.
  • #1
Hey all,
I think that if you work for a firm, the amount of value you add to your firm decides the pay you get.
But there's always this discussion that "Why Software/IT/Coding Jobs are payed higher?" compared to some core jobs like electrical or mechanical design engineers?
Technology news on Phys.org
  • #2
First, the amount of value you add to your firm is often a subjective decision. Second, the law of Supply and Demand has a LOT to say about pay scales. Third, please cite references on why you think programmers make more than other engineers (I'm not arguing one way or the other but I also do not know this to be true for sure and you need to support your statements).
  • #3
koolraj09 said:
Why Software/IT/Coding Jobs are payed higher?
They're not paid higher according to the data released by recruitment companies over here.
  • #4
While reading some financial/economic analysis, I came across a similar question and an answer:"Why do professional athletes, movie actors, and even some 23-year-old computer programmers earn so much more than teachers, nurses, and factory-line workers? The answer is simple. They’ve found a way to spread the impact of their efforts over a very large number of individuals, while the teachers, nurses, and factory-line workers can apply their efforts to a dramatically smaller number of “units,” be they students, patients, or boxes of Corn Flakes. For massive too-big-to-fail banks, the units are dollars. The downside is that as certain winners are able to spread their efforts over an enormous number of people, the required number of winners declines – ask anyone who has ever tried to become a movie actor or a pro-basketball player. International trade and internet communications, among other developments, have significantly increased that tendency toward winner-take-all outcomes. When that effect is expanded through international trade, the result is that yes, each country benefits in aggregate, but you also observe a “hollowing out” of the middle class, particularly for families that don’t have labor or capital that shares in the distribution."
  • #5
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FAQ: Why Software/IT/Coding Jobs are payed higher?

1. Why do software/IT/coding jobs pay more than other jobs?

Software/IT/coding jobs pay more because they require specialized skills and knowledge that are in high demand. The rapid growth of technology has increased the need for professionals who can design, develop, and maintain software and IT systems. With a limited supply of qualified individuals, companies are willing to pay higher salaries to attract and retain top talent.

2. Are software/IT/coding jobs more difficult than other jobs?

It is subjective to determine whether software/IT/coding jobs are more difficult than other jobs. These jobs require a specific set of technical skills that may be challenging to learn and master. However, other jobs may have different demands and difficulties. Ultimately, the difficulty of a job depends on an individual's strengths, interests, and experience.

3. How is the salary for a software/IT/coding job determined?

The salary for a software/IT/coding job is determined by various factors such as the level of experience, job responsibilities, and location. Companies also consider the demand for certain skills and the cost of living in the area when setting salaries. Additionally, the salary may be negotiated based on an individual's qualifications and the company's budget.

4. Do software/IT/coding jobs require a higher level of education?

Software/IT/coding jobs typically require a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a related field such as computer science, information technology, or software engineering. However, there are also many successful professionals in these fields who have gained skills through self-study and practical experience. Continuing education and certifications may also be necessary to stay current in the rapidly evolving field of technology.

5. Are software/IT/coding jobs in high demand?

Yes, software/IT/coding jobs are in high demand. As technology continues to advance, more companies are incorporating software and IT systems into their operations. This creates a constant need for professionals who can design, develop, and maintain these systems. Additionally, with the rise of digital transformation, companies across all industries are seeking to hire technology experts to help them stay competitive in the market.

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