Why Was The Interview Christmas Release Cancelled?

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary, Sony cancelled the Christmas Day release of their comedy film The Interview after threats of physical violence from North Korea. The theaters that were showing the film decided not to screen it after the majority of their exhibitors pulled out, and the hack of Sony Pictures is being blamed.
  • #36
(N.B. "Occam's razor" is the principle that the simplest explanation for something is often the best.)

Who would hack Sony because of a bad movie about killing a NK leader? North Korea has no reason to hide its tracks and would likely leave traces to them intentionally. Sony wasn't a hard target and its political appeal to most hackctivist seems pretty weak.
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  • #37
First of all, let's just state the obvious here. You can't buy this kind of publicity even if you try. For what appears to be a rather mediocre/obscure movie, this whole incident has given it world-wide publicity that the PR people could never dream of! So if North Korea was really responsible for this, all I can say is that they may think they've won the battle, but they will lose the war. I can easily see that the first weekend this movie is released, it will not only recoup the cost of the movie, but also make a tidy profit from it, just because millions of people are now curious to see what it is all about.

These people obviously never learned anything from the Salman-Rushdie effect, and obviously never understood such effects especially in our interconnected world today. What would have been a small-budget movie that would have probably disappeared into oblivion have become front-page news and an internet hot-topic discussion. If I were Sony, I would continue to play on this free publicity, and then release it and watch it take off.

So, to the North Korean officials reading this (they visit PF often, don't they?) if the idea was to make this movie disappear, it has seriously backfired.

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  • #38
Analyst: We underestimated North Korea
It's only because the hack at Sony was so successful and damaging, that this is news.

Such attacks have been going on daily for years. My previous company was constantly under cyberattack - maybe up to thousands of attempts per day. We implemented more robust security as it became available. Hackers from around the world (internet), primarily from Asia and E. Europe, try to hack into various government and commercial systems. In some cases, it's to steal money or information with which to get money, or in some cases, to vandalize systems.

Some of public should be better informed. One or more persons were careless, and basically let the hackers into Sony's system. That is one reason why companies do not want employees surfing the internet or doing personal email at work.

N. Korea pitches collaboration with U.S. on Sony cyberattack (this made me chuckle; like the US would reveal cyber analysis to NK)
http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/20/world/asia/north-korea-sony-response/index.htmlSome interesting opinions:

Where's the outrage over the Sony hack? by Arun Vishwanath

According to a video, Sony may have been infiltrated as early as the summer, and only notified authorities of the security breach in November.
CNN - "In June 2014, a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said "The Interview" was "the most undisguised terrorism."
"If the U.S. administration connives at and patronizes the screening of the film, it will invite a strong and merciless countermeasure," he said."

And Sony Pictures wasn't prepared?!

America lost the cyberwar over Sony: Now what? by Newt Gingrich, CNN Political Commentator

How to win cyberwar against North Korea by Christian Whiton

Hackers can't be stopped, but some of their crimes can by Penn Jillette

Thank you, Sony hackers By Glenn Schwartz
Update: US discussing the matter with China.
The official said that during discussions on internet security both the US and China had "expressed the view that conducting destructive attacks in cyberspace is outside the norms of appropriate cyber behaviour".
Common interest in stability.

And NK winds up! - N. Korea threatens strikes on US amid hacking claims
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  • #39
China condemns cyberattacks, but says no proof North Korea hacked Sony - I guess we'll agree to disagree?

John McCain Calls Sony Hack Attack ‘A New Form of Warfare’
Well we knew this was coming. Actually, it's been going on for nearly a decade now.Sony Lawyer Says 'The Interview' Will Be Released at Some Point
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  • #40
Astronuc said:
China condemns cyberattacks, but says no proof North Korea hacked Sony - I guess we'll agree to disagree?John McCain Calls Sony Hack Attack ‘A New Form of Warfare’
Sony Lawyer Says 'The Interview' Will Be Released at Some Point
I have not heard of the existence of proof identifying who-dunit. I have read that there was "data" within code or something that the FBI deemed to be enough to isolate N.Korea as being the ones who performed the attack. I also read there was 3 party review that does not agree with the FBI findings.

"Warfare" is powerful language, and even more so when it comes from a powerful (military) country, such talk is a non-threat from N.Korea...it's scary when from US officials.

I like Obama's terminology: cyber-vandalism. Hopefully this fizzles out before the next president.
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  • #41
Q_Goest said:
I hardly ever watch movies, but I'm going to watch this one now just because.
lisab said:
I think a lot of people are saying that!

A cynic might think Sony planned it this way all along, but that cynic would be ignorant to the reality of how business operates these days. I think the way Sony has handled this has been an absolute train wreck.
I think you're right. :oldtongue:
  • #42
Let the games begin.
The http://www.engadget.com/tag/north+korea/ (that's "North Korea" to the common man) has just four networks that connect to the world wide web -- and none of them are working today. "The situation now is they are totally offline," Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at Dyn Research told Bloomberg. After a weekend of spotty connections, the country's pipeline to the outside world reportedly went down this morning. "This isn't normal for them," Madory said. "Usually they are up solid. It is kind of out of the ordinary. This is not like anything I've seen before."

Update: According to a tweet by Dyn Research, North Korea's internet service has been restored after a 9 hour, 31 minute outage.
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  • #44
Caught this gem of a CNN Headline Fail this afternoon:

It's since been changed to "Coming Soon". Seriously, CNN? I've caught some nice ones late at night or early in the morning, but middle of the afternoon? Do you edit your stuff after posting it (yeah, so do I, but I'm not getting paid for it...)? Anyway, obviously, this isn't a win for Sony, it is just a bit of saving face. No need to kick them when they're down. But:
ZZ said:
First of all, let's just state the obvious here. You can't buy this kind of publicity even if you try. For what appears to be a rather mediocre/obscure movie, this whole incident has given it world-wide publicity that the PR people could never dream of! So if North Korea was really responsible for this, all I can say is that they may think they've won the battle, but they will lose the war. I can easily see that the first weekend this movie is released, it will not only recoup the cost of the movie, but also make a tidy profit from it, just because millions of people are now curious to see what it is all about.
I can't envision a scenario where that happens. Yes, I will make every effort to see this movie now, whereas I would have avoided it before, but I don't think patriotism or curiosity can carry a bad movie. Unlike for a book (which arcs for months or even years), movie hype peaks and fades fast and this will fade shortly after Christmas -- and there won't be enough theaters showing it for it to make any real money. My bet is that it under-performs in the end.
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  • #45
Wanta bet the scalpers do or don't make a killing on "special, limited premier" tickets?
  • #46
russ_watters said:
Yes, I will make every effort to see this movie now, whereas I would have avoided it before, but I don't think patriotism or curiosity can carry a bad movie. Unlike for a book (which arcs for months or even years), movie hype peaks and fades fast and this will fade shortly after Christmas -- and there won't be enough theaters showing it for it to make any real money. My bet is that it under-performs in the end.

I'm tending to agree and feel a "staggered" release is detrimental to "box office opening weekend" revenues. This will play out poorly financially if the movie actually isn't funny i.e. has a poor reception. That said, I am certainly a target demographic and will likely laugh my "butt off"...what's more there surely is a "core group" of regular movie patrons who choose which movie to see based on current competition. If there isn't any other "acceptable" "Date" movie...well you get the idea. Though I do believe Christmas day/weekend is busier than normal for theaters.

not sure if it's happenstance timing, but if this is a result of Obama's comments...cutting off your nose despite your face...hardly a matter of free speech being controlled by a dictator but all about capitalism. The "politics" came from some "club house" of goons on the other side of the world, Obama addressed it which gave it credibility which may have forced Sony's hand to "save face" forcing a staggered release.If that's how it played out..smooth move Obama.

I see Obama applauded the announcement...Sony should be seeking an endorsement. Perhaps that Obama saw the film and found it quite funny...hmmm perhaps that is the proper "diplomatic" response to N.Korea. "President Obama saw the film and laughed laughed laughed." Toned down for approval concerns at home, maybe just a quick mention in the press briefing room the pres. saw the movie and thought it was silly/childish/immature humor but giggled a few times.

Oh would that ever have Kim stirring...grrrrrr.

That said if the movie is above par, cha-ching!

Excerpt below likely was the fear distributors & producers had in this case

Dark Knight Rises no doubt left some money on the table because of the Aurora theater shooting during a midnight screening of Christopher Nolan's final Batman pic. It wasn't the only film impacted by the tragedy, however. Family films in particular took a hit, as did late-night showings overall. Source

I couldn't find a source for seasonal attendance to see if theaters suffer the same decrease in "after Christmas" traffic as retail typically does. That said I found a recent report that estimated disposable income to be about 1/3 the "weight" in deciding if you won't go to a movie theater. Source is a PDF file

I'd guess after Christmas even perceived disposable income is lower, never mind for those that actually have less.
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  • #47
Bystander said:
Wanta bet the scalpers do or don't make a killing on "special, limited premier" tickets?

A bunch of people, just recently, voluntarily, paid $180,000 for bull****.
I'm not wagering anything.
There are too many stoopid people, running the circus.
  • #48
Bystander said:
Wanta bet the scalpers do or don't make a killing on "special, limited premier" tickets?
The list of theaters includes only one in PA -- in Pittsburgh. I live near Philly. I'm considering ordering one online.
  • #49
russ_watters said:
The list of theaters includes only one in PA -- in Pittsburgh. I live near Philly. I'm considering ordering one online.

Go to the matinee!
  • #50
russ_watters said:
The list of theaters includes only one in PA -- in Pittsburgh. I live near Philly. ...

Road trip

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  • #52
nsaspook said:

But as was mentioned "And there’s still no clear evidence linking North Korea USA... Sony? to the [retaliatory] cyberattackers".

I sometimes got a feeling in case of political discussion, that there are some subjects that are a kind of public secret and people, when don't remember stop treating them as secret.
  • #54
Czcibor said:
I sometimes got a feeling in case of political discussion, that there are some subjects that are a kind of public secret and people, when don't remember stop treating them as secret.

That would be telling. People were skeptical about the scope of US spying before Snowden. North Korea is a valid target for the most evasive methods possible so I would put my faith in the President knowing what he's talking about when he points to NK as the originator of the hack. This doesn't mean a NK agent actually did the dirty work.
  • #55
Today, Christmas day, 2014, Sony servers for Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 were hacked and taken down. I know because mine was one affected, and so were almost everybody on Gran Turismo Planet, the worldwide website for my game.
  • #56
Pardon my ignorance, but doesn't freedom of expression has the caveat that you shouldn't be mocking some particular person or a group or race of people? Or, it only applies to people/person within the country?
The movie, at some level, insults the people of North Korea and insults Kim Jong-un.
But I see political leaders all over the world get insulted all the time through cartoons, accusations etc., so, are popular people not protected?
I really don't get this. Can I say insulting thing about just about any person and claim its my freedom of expression?
I hope to learn.
  • #57
That depends upon your party affiliation. You ask an excellent question, and there are no honest answers for it. Your freedom of expression depends upon who you know and whether you have sense enough to not freely express your opinions/views/feelings around those who "guarantee/protect" your freedom of expression. Unless, of course, you are the big dog in the kennel.
  • #58
I_am_learning said:
Pardon my ignorance, but doesn't freedom of expression has the caveat that you shouldn't be mocking some particular person or a group or race of people? Or, it only applies to people/person within the country?
The movie, at some level, insults the people of North Korea and insults Kim Jong-un.
But I see political leaders all over the world get insulted all the time through cartoons, accusations etc., so, are popular people not protected?
I really don't get this. Can I say insulting thing about just about any person and claim its my freedom of expression?
I hope to learn.
People that have chosen to be in the public's eye are open to people making jokes, critiquing them, but not death threats or threats of bodily harm.

I won't be watching the movie, the fact that Sony got hacked is no reason for me to watch this movie that I have no interest in.
  • #59
Looks like it is a very funny movie, and apparently can be seen as a satire on US "politicking" (Cuba). Hurray! After watching Oliver Stones "Nixon" that latter point is clear. With both "old" CIA tactics mixed with current view of the N.Korean regime I am now looking forward to seeing this movie more than before viewers reviews.
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  • #60
I_am_learning said:
Pardon my ignorance, but doesn't freedom of expression has the caveat that you shouldn't be mocking some particular person or a group or race of people? Or, it only applies to people/person within the country?
No - why would it? Free is free. It means you can say whatever you want as long as there isn't a direct connection with an illegal action (like a real threat).
Can I say insulting thing about just about any person and claim its my freedom of expression?
Yes, that's what freedom of expression is. And while we're at it, I let this one go but really shouldn't have:
Omcheeto said:
Maybe it's because we were both in the military, and have badges of "Defender of the Right to Free Speech", on our chests, that somewhere, in the back of our minds, a voice is saying; "Sick LOLZ movies are not the kind of free speech I was willing to die for, nor would ever want to see a single soldier die for, now, or forever".

I got a thumbs up, from her daughter. Yay!
Major major didn't respond. I think she just likes arguing with me, and was shocked.
That's really disturbing, coming not just from people who should know better but people who were willing to risk their lives for an issue and not even understand why!

Popular freedom of speech doesn't need protection because it is popular, so no one would try to oppress it! It is the unpopular freedom of speech that needs protection. Your view of freedom of speech is backwards! Hopefully, the Major didn't respond because she knew better.
  • #61
russ_watters said:
Popular freedom of speech doesn't need protection because it is popular, so no one would try to oppress it! It is the unpopular freedom of speech that needs protection.
Had to read this a couple times before the eyebrows came back out of my hairline (that's about 8" above the back of my collar these days).
  • #62
Bystander said:
Had to read this a couple times before the eyebrows came back out of my hairline (that's about 8" above the back of my collar these days).

What do you find so "surprising/shocking" about Russ_Watters comment you quoted?I just finished watching it, pretty funny. It'll do well. And it is a movie with a message (imo), & is not just for "kicks" 'n giggles.
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  • #63
nitsuj said:
What do you find so "surprising/shocking" about Russ_Watters comment you quoted?
The first sentence and the emphasis/stress as placed by Russ provoked a bit of a "brain lock." It's not quite like the Libby's soup commercial from way back when (Libby the Kid is Billy the Kid spelled sideways), but it is somewhat "sideways" from Russ's Weltanschaung without the second sentence to give it a context.
  • #64
Evo said:
People that have chosen to be in the public's eye are open to people making jokes, critiquing them, but not death threats or threats of bodily harm.
Thanks for the reply.
So can we make any kind of jokes, even the gross ones? Is it acceptable if I publish a video joking about sexual matters of the mayor of my city?
Apparently, a 2007 film about assassination of the US president was banned by two theater chains, which of course isn't same as Nation wise banning or national policy, but It does make me feel that the judgement in these things might be impaired by personal sentiments.

russ_watters said:
No - why would it? Free is free. It means you can say whatever you want as long as there isn't a direct connection with an illegal action (like a real threat).

Yes, that's what freedom of expression is.
Yet we can't say personal insulting thing here in PF.

I think the concept of freedom of expression is to not let the one in power turn to a dictator by oppressing speech which are against him, or what he likes.
Why not put an exception that gross jokes, jokes that serves no purpose (other than humor), cannot be made about any person. Why do we need the right to mock someone? If we can put our points across by not resorting to personal insults in PF, why shouldn't be the same PF rule be possible in a national level?
  • #65
wow it looked like it was going to be a good one too.
north korea is such a nerd. Its like they desperately want us to respect them but we never will because they take themselves too seriously.

I looked it up on youtube, it looks like theyre offering the movie for $5.99. I bet it will be pretty successful.
  • #66
Bystander said:
Had to read this a couple times before the eyebrows came back out of my hairline (that's about 8" above the back of my collar these days).
Oops, that was poorly worded. Lemme try again: Popular speech doesn't need protection because it is popular, so no one would try to oppress it! It is the unpopular freedom of speech that needs protection.

Had an extra "freedom" in there that made it not make sense...
  • #67
I_am_learning said:
Yet we can't say personal insulting thing here in PF.
Correct: PF is a private forum, so we can make our own rules.
If we can put our points across by not resorting to personal insults in PF, whyshouldn't be the same PF rule be possible in a national level?

Moderators. Who would you have making those decisions on a national level?
  • #68
North Korea now has a movie review site. :oldtongue:

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  • #69
Pardon my ignorance, but doesn't freedom of expression has the caveat that you shouldn't be mocking some particular person or a group or race of people?
Nope. That's one great thing about the United States. I have the right to offend you, you have the right to be offended, and vice versa.
Your broad caveat basically eliminates freedom of expression altogether. That's why we don't make exceptions for freedom of expression, because it's a slippery slope.
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  • #70
Q_Goest said:
I hardly ever watch movies, but I'm going to watch this one now just because.
You tell me. There has suddenly appeared a rain of links on where to get the movie. (I'm not going to watch it, my friends who went to the theater told me it was terrible) But for a while there, this sudden massive sharing of the movie after its temporary cancellation made me wonder why did this happen when in the beginning only a very few (almost nothing) were interested in the movie? I got the answer after googling for a while: The Streisand Effect.

[PLAIN]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect said:
The[/PLAIN] Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California inadvertently drew further public attention to it.

Something similar, but not exactly like the Cobra Effect:

[PLAIN]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_effect said:
The[/PLAIN] cobra effect occurs when an attempted solution to a problem actually makes the problem worse.
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