Will past personal issues affect Obama's 2012 campaign?

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In summary: LA Times.In summary, White House press Secretary Robert Gibbs is stepping down. This signals the start of campaign 2012. Gibbs has been with the President since 2004 and has been an effective advocate.
  • #596
daveb said:
I see WhoWee more Libertarian than conservative (at least so far), but...yeah.

I didn't say "non-conservative", though. I said liberal. My joke still stands. :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #597
Char. Limit said:
I didn't say "non-conservative", though. I said liberal. My joke still stands. :biggrin:

WhoWee is an unrepresented angry independent small business moderate conservative - a husband and father of 4 kids, 2 pups, and a cat named Whalebone - if you really want to know?
  • #598
ThinkToday said:
Liberal media will never report anything like this. Remember Quail taking a beating for years over spelling potato(e), but not a word about Obama talking about the 57 States. And no, I didn’t see one word about the open mic talk on “main stream media”.

Here, let me google that for you:




Please make sure your statements are accurate before posting them.
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  • #599
WhoWee said:
WhoWee is an unrepresented angry independent small business moderate conservative - a husband and father of 4 kids, 2 pups, and a cat named Whalebone - if you really want to know?

Former Democrat, little bit Libertarian, mostly conservative, very slightly liberal on a couple issues, family man with 2 kids, one corgi, that's been working steady since I got a workers permit at age 15 forty years ago. I believe in personal responsibility, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, depend on yourself and take care of your family, and the best thing government can do is get out of the way.
  • #600
lisab said:
Here, let me google that for you:




Please make sure your statements are accurate before posting them.

Yep, I missed those posts.

Yes, my comment was accurate, because I did comment on the news I saw. I do watch all the major networks and Huffington I don't care about. For example, do you really think bashing Quail repeatedly over months for a spelling error is comparable coverage to mentioning Obama's slip hardly once. I bet more people would put an "e" on potato than say there were 57 states. That's what it seems like to me. For example, the scale of the negative coverage of the Tea Party is far greater than the negative coverage of OWS, even though OWS protests have been far more violent, costly and disruptive (e.g. Port shutdown). Do you really think the "news" media is balanced? In the old days you had "news" and commentary, and now its news commentary. Do you really think Palin’s and Obama’s experience was equally compared? I saw Palin’s time in local government and as governor treated as a joke. Obama’s time as Senator, largely spent in campaign mode with zero significant legislation authored was portrayed positively.
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  • #601
ThinkToday said:
For example, the scale of the negative coverage of the Tea Party is far greater than the negative coverage of OWS, even though OWS protests have been far more violent, costly and disruptive (e.g. Port shutdown).

You say media coverage of the Tea Party is more negative than that of OWS. What proof do you offer?

You can't just make blanket claims here - you will be called out on it. We're a bit different than most places on the web, in that respect. We tend to take a more analytic, less emotional approach.

Please become familiar with our rules.
  • #602
lisab said:
You say media coverage of the Tea Party is more negative than that of OWS. What proof do you offer?

You can't just make blanket claims here - you will be called out on it. We're a bit different than most places on the web, in that respect. We tend to take a more analytic, less emotional approach.

Please become familiar with our rules.

Oh, like your commments on Trump?

I'll get the analysis that was done on the subject when I get some time. It was something like 50:1 positive storys OWS v. TP
  • #603
ThinkToday said:
Oh, like your commments on Trump?

I'll get the analysis that was done on the subject when I get some time. It was something like 50:1 positive storys OWS v. TP
Don't post again until you do.
  • #604
  • #605
Apparently Joe Biden was really excited about Solyndra?


"In a Feb. 27, 2010 email, Ken Levit, executive director of the George Kaiser Family Foundation, described reaction from unnamed officials in Vice President Joe Biden's office during a meeting about stimulus funding to Steve Mitchell, managing director of Argonaut.

"They about had an orgasm in Biden's office when we mentioned Solyndra," Levit wrote."

I wonder of Biden will be excited to discuss Solyndra in a VP debate hopefully with Newt (IMO)?
  • #606
Evo said:
Don't post again until you do.

WTF? Are you acting as an objective moderator, or are you abusing you moderator status in an attempt to subvert reasonable and articulable opinion contrary to your own into the mix?

This smacks, big time. PF is no longer ruled by reason. It's ruled by domination.

  • #607
DoggerDan said:
WTF? Are you acting as an objective moderator, or are you abusing you moderator status in an attempt to subvert reasonable and articulable opinion contrary to your own into the mix?

This smacks, big time. PF is no longer ruled by reason. It's ruled by domination.


*Evo requests that new poster get some analysis and facts behind him before he posts again*

*DoggerDan exclaims that PF is no longer ruled by reason*

lol :rolleyes:
  • #608
I guess there are limits to "transparency"?


"The White House today failed to comply with a noon deadline set by Congress to produce all communications related to Solyndra, part of an escalating battle between Republicans and Democrats over the direction of a Congressional investigation into the failed solar firm, which went bankrupt despite a $535 million federal loan.

Asked about the deadline by Jake Tapper of ABC News this afternoon, White House press secretary Jay Carney referenced White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler's earlier response to the Congressional subpoena demanding the documents. "As the White House counsel made clear," said Carney, "this is something we view as overbroad, unnecessary, and, I think in my words, when something seems partisan, it probably is."

Carney said that the White House had already been "enormously cooperative with legitimate oversight in this area and others," turning over more than 85,000 pages of documents, and would continue to cooperate with investigators."

My question is this - couldn't ANYONE figure out this was a bad deal given 85,000 pages of due diligence and communication?
  • #609
Here's one of those speed bumps - looks like it might be a political decision to wait until after the 2012 election? Unfortunately, the will delay job creation and not help to lower energy cost - bad things for a struggling economy - but good for environmentalists.


"The move is the latest in a series of administration decisions pushing back thorny environmental matters beyond next November’s presidential election to try to avoid the heat from opposing interests — business lobbies or environmental and health advocates — and to find a political middle ground. President Obama delayed a review of the nation’s smog standard until 2013, pushed back offshore oil lease sales in the Arctic until at least 2015 and blocked new regulations for coal ash from power plants."
  • #610
Now this- from the labor union.


"Job Killers Win, American Workers Lose"

"Environmentalists formed a circle around the White House and within days the Obama Administration chose to inflict a potentially fatal delay to a project that is not just a pipeline, but is a lifeline for thousands of desperate working men and women. The Administration chose to support environmentalists over jobs – job-killers win, American workers lose.
Environmental groups from the Natural Resources Defense Council to the Sierra Club may be dancing in the streets, having delayed and possibly stopped yet another project that would put men and women back to work. While they celebrate, pipeline workers will continue to lose their homes and livelihoods.
We had hoped the decision would have been made on the basis of economics, facts and the best interests of the nation, not on the basis of a political calculation."


Worse yet - the Canadian finance minister is talking to China.my bold


"The U.S. State Department’s decision to delay its review of TransCanada Corp.’s $7-billion Keystone XL pipeline until after next year’s presidential election may doom the project and accelerate Canada’s efforts to ship crude to Asia, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said.

“The decision to delay it that long is actually quite a crucial decision. I’m not sure this project would survive that kind of delay,” Flaherty said yesterday in an interview at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Honolulu. “It may mean that we may have to move quickly to ensure that we can export our oil to Asia through British Columbia.”"
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  • #611
The Obama admin is claiming executive privileged in refusing to comply with a subpoena (where have I heard that before...?). I'm not sure that is going to play well during the campaign for re-election of a President who campaigned heavily on a platform of transparency/openness the first time.
The White House on Friday turned over internal e-mails demanded under subpoena by a House panel investigating the collapse of Solyndra, but stopped short of releasing the full cache sought by the Energy and Commerce Committee, officials said.
The e-mails provided fell within what one administration official described as "what we believe are legitimate areas of oversight for the committee."

White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler explained the decision to send only a portion of the subpoenaed e-mails in a letter that accompanied the release, writing that the committee issued an "overbroad and overreaching subpoena to the White House that encroaches upon important and longstanding Executive Branch prerogatives."
  • #612
Bowing to public pressure, the Obama administration said Thursday it will delay a decision on the controversial Keystone oil sands pipeline expansion until at least 2013.

Citing concern over the proposed route through Nebraska's Sand Hills region and over the Ogallala Aquifer, the State Department said it needs more time to study the issues and look at possible alternative routes.

Convenient for him, I guess, but again, Obama is a President who was supposed to change how business is done in Washington. I don't think this will play well during the election, looking like a politically motivated buck-passing, job-killing, increasing Middle Eastern oil dependency decision. Sorta like his handling of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository.
  • #613
russ_watters said:

Convenient for him, I guess, but again, Obama is a President who was supposed to change how business is done in Washington. I don't think this will play well during the election, looking like a politically motivated buck-passing, job-killing, increasing Middle Eastern oil dependency decision. Sorta like his handling of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository.
Agreed. That pipeline is dead if Obama is reelected.
  • #614
mheslep said:
Agreed. That pipeline is dead if Obama is reelected.

Good news!

My 16 year old removed the notation from her FB page that previously claimed Obama was the greatest along with some photos of his motorcade we snapped in DC last year - because she doesn't want to pay high gasoline prices. When I quizzed her (she just bought a car with money saved from working last summer) - she said "I work hard for my money - it's stupid not to try and lower gas prices - what's wrong with him?".

I told her she made a good point and that I'll be sure to vote for someone (anyone) else.:biggrin: She said she was going to make sure her older brother and sister won't vote for him either.
  • #615
I've come to believe that a major difference between Democrats like Obama and Bill Clinton is that while Clinton went along with the political shakedowns from the various collectivist groups, he still understood American rambunctious private enterprise is the goose that lays the golden egg, is what makes the country prosper, and therefore like a sane Mafioso he reined in threats to the system (e.g. exploding welfare costs) when they were "bad for business." Obama on the other hand really believes that it is the various entitlements that http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/04/13/text-of-obama-speech-on-the-deficit/?mod=WSJBlog" while private enterprise is some kind of overblown t-shirt vendor that would be better off installing government financed solar panels.
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  • #616

During his press conference in Hawaii, President Obama referenced being "here in Asia." As Americans know, Hawaii is the 50th state, admitted to the Union on Aug. 21, 1959. Mr. Obama also lists Hawaii as his birthplace, which makes his reference even more curious. So, is Hawaii part of Asia?

Is Hawaii part of Asia?
No. Of course it's part of North America. 26.44% (923 votes)
No. It's a Polynesian island chain and not part of either Asia or North America. 64.97% (2,268 votes)
Not sure. But I know you don't need a passport to get there. 4.7% (164 votes)
Yes. It's the only state that's part of another continent. 3.9% (136 votes)

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  • #617
Oltz said:

Is Hawaii part of Asia?
No. Of course it's part of North America. 26.44% (923 votes)
No. It's a Polynesian island chain and not part of either Asia or North America. 64.97% (2,268 votes)
Not sure. But I know you don't need a passport to get there. 4.7% (164 votes)
Yes. It's the only state that's part of another continent. 3.9% (136 votes)


Maybe the Chinese bought it - I remember when the Japanese tried.:wink:
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  • #618
Oltz said:

Is Hawaii part of Asia?
No. Of course it's part of North America. 26.44% (923 votes)
No. It's a Polynesian island chain and not part of either Asia or North America. 64.97% (2,268 votes)
Not sure. But I know you don't need a passport to get there. 4.7% (164 votes)
Yes. It's the only state that's part of another continent. 3.9% (136 votes)


I like how they say "as Americans know", because Fox News just can't get over the fact that Obama really is American.
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  • #619
How will the White House spin this story? The alleged shooter was also reported to have been spending time with the Occupiers. This Conservative site needs to be labeled IMO - but it provides a background.

"Another day, another “isolated incident” from a “rogue element” within the Occupy Wall Street movement. This one opened fire on the White House with an AK-47:

Police believe the suspect, 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega of Idaho, is mentally ill. Ortega has an extensive record, ranging from domestic violence to drug charges. Sources say a police investigation has uncovered evidence suggesting Ortega has a fixation on the White House.

At 9:30 p.m. Friday, police received reports of shots fired in the bustling area of 16th street and Constitution Ave."

  • #620
Why would they need to spin i? The dude is (apparently) off his rocker. Lots of people are off their rocker.
  • #621
daveb said:
Why would they need to spin i?

The why is immaterial. WhoWee's point is valid - the White House will spin it. The question is how they'll spin it.
  • #622
DoggerDan said:
The why is immaterial. WhoWee's point is valid - the White House will spin it. The question is how they'll spin it.

In that case I would say WhoWee made a prediction, not a point.
  • #623
daveb said:
In that case I would say WhoWee made a prediction, not a point.

Actually, I asked a specific question. "How will the White House spin this story?"
  • #624
WhoWee said:
Actually, I asked a specific question. "How will the White House spin this story?"

Yes, but by asking it that that way, the unspoken assumption (at least as I read it) is that they will spin it. As for how they will, assuming they will, again, why would they need to? I don't see any reason they would need to. They guy is (as far as the reports have said that I read) a tad loopy.
  • #625
Will charges of a lack of leadership stick to President Obama with the failure of the Super Committee?
""What's most disappointing about that is that our president has had no involvement with the process," Romney said. "I find extraordinary that there would be set up a committee with such an important mission as finding a way to provide fiscal sanity in America and with the penalty if that fiscal sanity is not found of a $600 billion cut to our military."
He added, "I would have anticipated that the president of the United States would have spent every day and many nights working with members of the Super Committee trying to find a way to bridge the gap, but instead he's been out doing other things -- campaigning and blaming and traveling. This is, in my view, inexcusable.""

my bold
Does candidate Romney have a point?
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  • #626
Why would Obama have to work with the supercommittee daily? Last I heard, his job was to be in the Executive branch, not the Legislative branch.
  • #627
Char. Limit said:
Why would Obama have to work with the supercommittee daily? Last I heard, his job was to be in the Executive branch, not the Legislative branch.

I think Romney's point was that President Obama has been on the campaign trail (mostly).
  • #628
Are the strategies in the Romney vs Obama battle starting to gel?

"Obama Campaign Blasts Romney's First TV Ad As 'Deceitful'"

""While the President brought us back from the brink of another depression and is fighting everyday to restore economic security for the middle class, Mitt Romney opposes the President's plan to create 2 million jobs and instead proposes a return to the same economic policies that led to the recession," Labolt said in an email to The Huffington Post."

I'm looking forward to the head to head debates.
  • #629
DoggerDan said:
The why is immaterial. WhoWee's point is valid - the White House will spin it. The question is how they'll spin it.

I'm still not seeing any spin on this.
  • #630
lisab said:
I'm still not seeing any spin on this.

I haven't noticed ANY news reports the past few days regarding this story - had forgotten about it to be honest.

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