Work and Kinetic Energy Problem involving friction hw problem, DUE SOON

In summary, the calculation with friction is correct, but it is hard to follow because of the way you write numbers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Part 1.

A(n) 2300 g block is pushed by an external
force against a spring (with a 22 N/cm spring
constant) until the spring is compressed by
15 cm from its uncompressed length. The
compressed spring and block rests at the bottom of an incline of 32

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s
Note: The spring lies along the surface of
the ramp (see figure).
Assume: The ramp is frictionless.
Now, the external force is rapidly removed
so that the compressed spring can push up
the mass.

How far up the ramp (i.e., ℓ the length
along the ramp) will the block move (measured from the end of the spring when the
spring is uncompressed) before reversing direction and sliding back?
Remember, the block is not attached to the
Answer in units of cm.

Part 2.

Repeat the first part of this question, but
now assume that the ramp has a coefficient of
friction of  = 0.423 .
Keep all other assumptions the same.
Answer in units of cm

Homework Equations

Without friction = Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf, where in this problem Ui = 1/2kx^2, Ki = 0, Uf = mgh and Kf = 0. So 1/2 kx^2 = mgh

With friction = Ui + Ki + (-Fk*l) = Uf + Kf

So 1/2kx^2 - mu*(mgcosθ)*l = mgh

The Attempt at a Solution

I figured out Part 1.

From the equation above

h = kx^2/2mg

l = h/sin32

Then I subtracted .15 m and converted to cm. I got the correct answer. When I tried to solve for the length with the added friction in, I first forgot to account for the length in (mu*(mgcosθ*l).

I remembered to add in l, but I think I'm using the wrong l. The first l I used was .45 because that is the length of the ramp. I then tried .30 ( because .45-.15)

Here is my current equation and answer but I am not sure if I chose the correct l and therefore I don't know if it is correct. Please advise.

2200 N/m *.15^2m - .423(2.3 kg * 9.8m/s^2*cos32°*.30/2*2.3kg*9.8 m/2^2

h = 1.044239263 m

l = h/sinθ

so: 1.044239263 m/sin32 = 1.97056294 m

1.97056294 m - .15 m = 1.821 m

1.821 m * 100 = 182.1 cm

Sorry for not having a picture.
Physics news on
  • #2
emh182 said:

Homework Statement

Part 1.

A(n) 2300 g block is pushed by an external
force against a spring (with a 22 N/cm spring
constant) until the spring is compressed by
15 cm from its uncompressed length. The
compressed spring and block rests at the bottom of an incline of 32

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s
Note: The spring lies along the surface of
the ramp (see figure).
Assume: The ramp is frictionless.
Now, the external force is rapidly removed
so that the compressed spring can push up
the mass.

How far up the ramp (i.e., ℓ the length
along the ramp) will the block move (measured from the end of the spring when the
spring is uncompressed) before reversing direction and sliding back?
Remember, the block is not attached to the
Answer in units of cm.

Part 2.

Repeat the first part of this question, but
now assume that the ramp has a coefficient of
friction of  = 0.423 .
Keep all other assumptions the same.
Answer in units of cm

Homework Equations

Without friction = Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf, where in this problem Ui = 1/2kx^2, Ki = 0, Uf = mgh and Kf = 0. So 1/2 kx^2 = mgh

With friction = Ui + Ki + (-Fk*l) = Uf + Kf

So 1/2kx^2 - mu*(mgcosθ)*l = mgh

The Attempt at a Solution

I figured out Part 1.

From the equation above

h = kx^2/2mg

l = h/sin32

Then I subtracted .15 m and converted to cm. I got the correct answer. When I tried to solve for the length with the added friction in, I first forgot to account for the length in (mu*(mgcosθ*l).

I remembered to add in l, but I think I'm using the wrong l. The first l I used was .45 because that is the length of the ramp. I then tried .30 ( because .45-.15)

Here is my current equation and answer but I am not sure if I chose the correct l and therefore I don't know if it is correct. Please advise.

2200 N/m *.15^2m - .423(2.3 kg * 9.8m/s^2*cos32°*.30/2*2.3kg*9.8 m/2^2

h = 1.044239263 m

l = h/sinθ

so: 1.044239263 m/sin32 = 1.97056294 m

1.97056294 m - .15 m = 1.821 m

1.821 m * 100 = 182.1 cm

Sorry for not having a picture.

The two bits I highlighted in red look like you have left out the half in your calculation. Perhaps you had multiplied through the calculation by two before substituting?

I must say I find this "technique" of including the units with every number while you substitute most distracting [though I have seen other people doing the same], making it all but impossible to follow the calculation to see if you are doing the right thing. It is also a habit that is foreign to anything I have seen in a school or university here where I live.

FAQ: Work and Kinetic Energy Problem involving friction hw problem, DUE SOON

1. What is the definition of work and how does it relate to kinetic energy?

Work is defined as the product of force and displacement. In the context of kinetic energy, work is the energy transferred to an object by a force acting on it, resulting in the object's motion. This work done on the object is equal to the change in the object's kinetic energy.

2. How does friction affect the work and kinetic energy of a moving object?

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object and acts in the opposite direction to its velocity. Therefore, when an object is moving, friction will do negative work, reducing the object's kinetic energy. This means that the work done by the applied force must be greater than the work done by friction in order for the object to maintain a constant kinetic energy.

3. How can the coefficient of friction be determined in a work and kinetic energy problem?

The coefficient of friction can be determined by dividing the magnitude of the frictional force by the normal force acting on the object. In a work and kinetic energy problem, this can be calculated using the given values for the force and displacement, and solving for the coefficient of friction using the equation for work.

4. How does the angle of incline affect the work and kinetic energy of an object with friction?

The angle of incline affects the work and kinetic energy of an object with friction by changing the components of the force and displacement vectors. The gravitational force acting on the object will have a component parallel to the incline, affecting the work done by the force. The displacement of the object will also be affected by the incline, changing the work done by the applied force and friction. In order to accurately calculate the work and kinetic energy, the angle of incline must be taken into account.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a work and kinetic energy problem involving friction?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving a work and kinetic energy problem involving friction include not accounting for the negative work done by friction, not considering the angle of incline, and not using the correct formula for calculating work. It is also important to pay attention to the units and make sure they are consistent throughout the calculations. Additionally, it is important to draw a clear and accurate free-body diagram to properly visualize the forces acting on the object.

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